Dark Infiltrator
i love the patch, its made infantrys game so much more enjoyable
PKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What a Weapon that is now Fuck the new sniper wep the PKM should be in the sniper kit!!
I agree with Kilroy's detailed report.

AA was always a joke. I was good at it, but I could sometimes shoot up to 6 AA missiles at a BH and none would seem to actually damage it.  Even in pseudo reality, two AT rockets or 2 AA missiles should ALWAYS destroy a plane or helo.  (Thin aluminum...vs a shaped charge or high explosive...LOL.) A couple of people have said this before and it is true: AA dominates the combat field, you have to supppress it first or you will die. I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned that some sites now have 2 and even 3 AA positions!!! Now that will help the ground game a bit.

But don't worry, the good pilots are still killing.

PKM rocks. An infantry support gun is NOT spray and pray. You cannot stand 2 meters away from a saw or PKM and not be killed, as in the old model-try more like 30 meters.  As any soldier can tell you, aimed fire is what counts.  Cover fire when approach or retreat, if we ever had team play in this game.  I've now tried the PKM in single-3shot fire and it works like it always should have. The G36 was always an accurate gun.

The AT kit is much improved. The power seems a bit up, since I now have consistant 1 shot kills. I don't like the hit model, as the top and the rear should always have been 1 hit and the front should be 2 min.

Grenades are now a force for me. I was only moderately good with them before.

C4 is not a tossing weapon. Shouldn't have been in the first place. C4 tossed on a tank would just result in a suicide. Chobham being reactive away from the tank.

I don't get the kill box for the UAV yet. I've hit it easily with a pistol and had a hard time with the AA tank.

I can't understand why people dislike the patch? The red bug was the only real problem I ever had. Check your video settings if you are having lag, mine were all reset.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6987|NT, like Mick Dundee

zimmer92 wrote:

hmmm, AA is TOO good in my opinion, but anyways, if ppl like it tht way i cant complain. omfg, lol, got gold medal the first game i have ever palyed on this patch, every1 is now too scared to go in planes. its quite funny. now theyre all for me, luckily AA is still very avoidable, if you know how to do it. i knew there were gonna be guys testing out the AA so i just took them out every time lol. amazing patch, havent tried the new guns......wont be able to until i rank up.........          im a sniper, i WANNA try the l96a1..........(crying)
Just want to point out that you sir, are a pilot... I've found that most of the good bombers on my servers have stopped playing in jets but the real pilots are still there and the asshats still bomb the shit out of me...

BTW jets used to take two AA rockets before crashing, now the take three... There was no need to nerf the helo's TV missle...

My brother plays sniper almost exclusively now, he used the M24 all the time before but now he has the l96 the prick can get headshots from Arty Island on Wake... all the way to the AA on the North side of island and he can hit people on the bridge on the south end... I hate my brother...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
Hehe, nice, I'm gonna take my L96 for a spin tonight.
Can pull a robin hood with the MG36 now, wasn't  far off before.

C4 has always been a tossing weapon  *fap,fap,fap*
I have downloaded and played maybe three or four hours and things seem fine. I am noticing that the C4 tossing and Plane/Helo Whores are doing the most complaining. Currently there are like 17 PAGES of complaints compared to 4 pages of praise. I have read most of the complaints are from Plane/helo Whores and C4 tossing noob tube idiots
><><><><><><><><><>                SO                         ><><><><><>
I consider my self a ground pounder at the moment have not even rreally ried to fly anything. But I remeber when I first stareted playing and I noticed how UNFAIR the air setting were. In the 1.12 patch air was king and now it is NOTHING.

?>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>    SO ><><><><><><>

either get used to getting pwned in the air, like I had to get used to being pwned on the ground  or
I love this patch! Last night I had a blinder of a round because all these dorks kept tring to shoot while jumping! I loved it! All I had to do was line him up and shoot the "unarmed" frog!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The new weapons rocks, managed to get gold with just killing people with the new sniper on karkand
The New Johnnie Cochran
Anyone else notice its way easier to get knife kills now with the abundance of snipers? If you need that knife badge, now is the time.
buttered noodle
at first using the grenade launcher post patch i was wtf because the grenades dont detonate right away but after a few rounds i realized that being able to bounch them around walls is better than blowing it up in their face,also the p90 is pretty sweet although a faster rate of fire would be apreciated, but what the hell at least antitank has a scope:) - you dont need to buy euroforces to get the new unlocks, i didn't buy it or special forces but i still was able to get both the new weapons.

Also - not to happy bout not being able to jump and shoot but at least there arn't anymore fucking C4 hoppers - so happy and to all the whiney plane whores, um lets see what the phrase, o yea its called go fuck yourself, just because its not easy anymore/you suck at life anyways doesn't give you the right to bitch and moan - after a while things will be back to normal - getting the shit bombed out of me - just gonna take the whiney bitches some time to learn how to fly

Last edited by buttered noodle (2006-02-15 21:32:59)

+9|7024|North Kackalaka
I will only right about what I know: man do this new scopes on the sniper rifles rock.  I don't think the M95 is any more accurate, but the sight dosn't blow, it is quite nice, as they all are now.  I was pretty good with the M24 before but I my first round of play with this patch I was accused of hacking by three diferent people.  I felt very honored since I don't.  An added bonus, ther are tons of wanna be snipers who think they have game now that the sights are no longer cumbersome, easy targets for someone who knows where they will hid and take the time to line up a headshot.  Now all sniper rifles are one shot kill for me, no not increased damage but ease of hit the dome.
I've been getting around 90% 1 shot=kill headshots (M24, Svd Type 88, doesn't matter to me. I seem to do better with the svd. I dont know why but I just do. people really start to hate me when they come climb up my latter just to get a knife in the face. I go pick up their kit. 80% of the time its a m95. I call them a noob and they try to get me kicked from the server) for about 1.5 months before this patch. I have yet to play the new patch but im hoping to get on in the next couple days to try my luck.
All in all, loving it. Especially because in 2 hours of playing, not once did I get hit with a grenade launcher.

As for helicopters, I do think it's a balance issue and the reduction in armor and the increased lock is a good thing, BUT I will admit I am a helicopter whore and hovercapping will most likely no longer be an option. That's the way I always take Wake if nobody will jump in the damn helo...hover at Beach. However, if you have a good clan you can probably drop some infantry and have them clear AA installations and vehicles before trying to do things with helos and jets. I guess the attack helo was meant to keep moving, anyway. If only they'd add true ejection to jets. I think a couple of attack helos have ejection, too, although I'm not sure about the Cobra/Z-10/Mi-28.

Watch them add an Anti-Air class later with shoulder-launched Stingers and Iglas. :p

MASHTUUR IS NO LONGER WON BY THE BLACKHAWK! HOORAY! That had to be the main reason I didn't like the map. I do find myself running a lot more when I'm flying it, and Humvees own me. The Blackhawk is mostly used for insertion/extraction and not attack IRL, anyway. Although watch [url=http://www.the-kings.name/downloads/m134d.wmv]this[/url] and maybe think about how "overpowered" the minigun is IRL.

I've personally found no reason to jump for joy about the new unlocks. I've mostly been using the G3 and G36 variants, although the PKM (rather than the MG36) is probably a better idea now. The one thing I love about the MG36 (I just recently unlocked it) is the fact that it takes 78-79 rounds to overheat. While it may be mighty inaccurate at that point, it can keep people down.

Dolphin divers and bunny hoppers, run in fear. Otherwise you shall eat lead while trying to figure out why you can't knife or drop the M203/GP-30/F2000GL at your feet. As for C4 tossers, I've been guilty a couple of times, but it's more fun to sneak up on a tank/APC than toss the crap on it. It's especially amusing to see them shit their pants (read: use smoke) and suddenly be blown up by C4 you placed while they couldn't see.

Last edited by Lunarbunny (2006-02-16 01:31:27)

My best bf2 moment ever.

The guy is coming around the corner, I see him on the UAV. Put my knife out.
The guy rounds the corner and jumps with his m203 ready, but no shot is fired. I wait for him to come down and simply put my cold steel deep in his forehead.

The days of the noobtubers are over.
Certainly like the patch up to now !!

One thing for sure, and how refreshing this is ' the improuvement they made in the Meshing ', this certainly is immediately noticeable with an ATI based video card. Night and day frankly sort of speak, finally clear and crisp graphics. Was frankly about to sell my X850 XT PE, but alas there is now hope for it - dunno if it is graphic related but certainly seems to have improved my aim a lot, was starting to think I was totally useless at this game.

Ya ya I know the guns have been tweaked, but still major improvement in the visual arena for me.

Game play, well holding back comments on that for now - not played long enough - but preliminary impression very good and frankly was about time to have those AIR boats brough back to a fair and balance weaponery/hit damage.

Did try the IGLA and did kill planes/choppers (and opps some team damage to our own plane also - sorry my mistake - but realistic - will teach me to poke my noze (IGLA) in a dogfight - smart pilots also killed me so seems right to me.

PKM - well that one is a total new gun, dunno about most but in previous for the sake of me I could barely hit let alone trying to figure whee the ironsight was suppose to be in order to hit - new adjustment now makes for a viable gun to use - to easy to use however that I am still undecided about ??

Overall frankly, my personal opinion is that in all the patches I have seen to date, this one is frankly the only one that has had a major and noticeable positive improvement.

Just me 2 pennies anywho.
+0|7085|Givataim, Israel
Only praises! Especially because I got extra 512mb RAM which makes my graphics almost maximized!!! (If i maximize i get crashes). Just awesome!!!
This patch is excelllent!  Played some great matches with friends last night.  The intensity on the ground has been upped significantly---we battled tooth and nail for the Marketplace of all caps, on Karkand, and we loved every minute of it.  It was terrifying in the alleys, knowing that you could die at any minute, from any angle, even faster than before.

I was just complaining about the lack of gun accuracy, jumping divers, the C4 crap a week ago, and this patch as addressed *every single thing I hated about BF2* so far.  We still need to figure out AT mines. 

All in all, I'm LOVING it.  Intense foot soldier battles, helis no longer dominate, support class is worth a damn...ahhhhh
If the suits at ....EA.....  were near me their would be a homicid.  You smack tard coorperate greed short sighted pin heads, sold out all those who spent hundreds of hours on empty maps and in combat to become good at the AH,  just so you fucking ass holes can throw it away for your greed and spinlessness  Slap in the face to those who loved this game so some skilless cry babies can jump in any AA vehicle and clear the sky while eating a sandwitch kiss my business good by  EA assholes, if I knew were you lived I'd burn your fucking house down you mother fucking pricks

onebadengineer wrote:

If the suits at ....EA.....  were near me their would be a homicid.  You smack tard coorperate greed short sighted pin heads, sold out all those who spent hundreds of hours on empty maps and in combat to become good at the AH,  just so you fucking ass holes can throw it away for your greed and spinlessness  Slap in the face to those who loved this game so some skilless cry babies can jump in any AA vehicle and clear the sky while eating a sandwitch kiss my business good by  EA assholes, if I knew were you lived I'd burn your fucking house down you mother fucking pricks
Ever heard of anger management?

Welcome the new challenges, for they make the game more fun again [to intelligent people].

You have to think geometrically [/Bourne]

Lunarbunny wrote:

onebadengineer wrote:

If the suits at ....EA.....  were near me their would be a homicid.  You smack tard coorperate greed short sighted pin heads, sold out all those who spent hundreds of hours on empty maps and in combat to become good at the AH,  just so you fucking ass holes can throw it away for your greed and spinlessness  Slap in the face to those who loved this game so some skilless cry babies can jump in any AA vehicle and clear the sky while eating a sandwitch kiss my business good by  EA assholes, if I knew were you lived I'd burn your fucking house down you mother fucking pricks
Ever heard of anger management?

Welcome the new challenges, for they make the game more fun again [to intelligent people].

You have to think geometrically [/Bourne]
He is prob like 12 and his mom and dad bought the game for him!
EA missed the oppurtunity to show their not lackies too corperated greed, miss manamgment and short term thinking.  But instead they dum down the game, too placate those who haven't spent hundreds of hour perfecting a skill.  So they don't get their ass kicked cause they haven't put in the time and effort.  Its bate and switch, heres what it takes to win the gold unless of course you get to good and the noobs dont like it.  Dic made a cool well balanced game and EA will proceed to fuck it up  with their piss poor. kiss ass bean counting managment style.  You think I'll ever buy into that EA on line experiance bull shit again your crazy.  Europe is coming blow me, not another nickle too EA ever,  its like they broke into my house and stole a thousand hours of my life.  Who the fuck do they think they are. dont come near Philly for a corperate meeting you mother fuckers.  If you were here right now I'd smash your heads in with a baseball bat like the common theives they proven yourselves  to be.
If you are already a good player, there's no way this patch will make you WORSE.  The guns are more accurate? Cool, you're a good player, that means more kills for you.

AA is better now?  That's OK, you're a good player, you'll adapt faster than any of these "noobs."

BF2 was riddled with defects that made it pale in comparison (in a lot of ways) to games that have been out long before them.  DOD figured out that you need good, accurcate guns for fast and furious action that all can enjoy.

I suspect that the biggest, loudest complainers are those that are afraid they can't sit back and harvest kills on those "noobs" quite as easy as before.  Because lets face it--that's a DM mentality, and DM is about killing the weakest players over and over and over again.
its f***ing great makes all things even
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You need to adapt. If they suddenly put in an fast RPG (think RPG-7 or AT4), it would be a stupid decision but people would learn to counter it.

Challenges, including changes, are what keep a game fun. If I use the same strategy on a map every damn time, it turns into a job, not entertainment. Suddenly things change. I have to change my planning and maybe my tactics. Sure, I may suck again for a while, but with practice I'll be good at it again.

So the PKM has suddenly turned into a highly accurate LMG? Grab a sniper or two, hide in some BUSHES, where the ghillie will actually be useful (I've sat in a bush, with a good view, for 5 minutes with 2 tanks, 3 humvees, and a few infantry drive/walk past me. I only died when I moved out of the bush.) and headshot the bastards with the now improved accuracy of the SRs.

The AA now locks on better? Maybe sabotage them (i.e. get a clan member or at least squadmate to go specops, infil, C4 the emplacement(s)), blow them away with a sniper (you're a great target in those things) or if that's out of the question, hide from the emplacements, shoot them, or time the flares nicely. Unless they're hacking, the reload time on a mounted AA is not exactly short, enough time to dive behind a ridge and out of sight. If you're damaged, run back to the pad as fast as you can. Even with the higher (pre 1.2) armor, I almost always ran to the pad if I had <50% armor remaining.

M2 knocking out your Blackhawk? Use it as it's really meant to, which is a transport, not a weapon--the M134 is defense. Drop the troops off and leave. Your attack helo? Be observant and catch him with a TV missile before he can get a good shot on you (the range isn't really that short on the TV missiles) Sure, I miss the hovercapping, but that was kinda BS anyway.

Bunny hoppers, firing some of those guns while in the air would probably have knocked you over. Dolphin divers, if I could move around like that, it'd be insane. But I can't, and I doubt most of you can. People whine about their knife kills--I got my knife badge by sneaking up on unsuspecting enemies laying prone, especially snipers. C4 chucking, I found some use in...but normally against vehicles that I otherwise would not have been able to blow up. It had its place but I have no trouble with its removal, especially in light of "professional" anti-infantry C4 chuckers.

Noob tubers, would you blow yourself up if it was real? Doubtfully. Can you turn in midair magically? Not really. I believe most GL systems use things to prevent you from accidentally (or intentionally, if you're psychotic) blowing yourself up. A system I would have liked just as much to prevent suicides (it would work for C4 too, although I don't find hand grenade suicides to be too common or intentional) is no revivability and a 1 minute timer for you to get back in the fight.

Mines, sure, I'm not so keen on the removal of using an explosive to detonate them, but I'll live. If you care about running over AT mines, get an engineer on the job.

I need to sleep, so I'm gonna stop this post short. But cut the whining for the good of everybody intelligent.
+-2|7022|England, UK
New support class is excellent. Nice. Nice. Especially with the PKM imo. Definite improvement and fully welcomed.

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