
-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

I love the new patch!

The sniper rifles are now how they should have been right from the start,the PKM finally is a machine gun.

The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots.

The jets vs. AA balnce is just right,I got a Aerial Service Ribbon today and I'm surely not an ace(only 6 or 7 hours),it just takes a littlebit more from the pilot to jetwhore successfully.
Idiots who just used to bomb from every angle are now IGLA fodder,the real aces know the right approaches to each spot on each map.

I think the patch is great,adapt or die!
another one who doesnt know what hes saying."The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots". i've killed some of the best pilots in the game with the aa without hesitation and in a jet as well. it requires no skill to kill jets now. it pisses me off how noobs like you flame good pilots, yet you know dick about aviating.
The only thing I can add is that prior to the patch, even a mediocre jet pilot was almost always impervious to even the best AA operators.   A good jet pilot always had the upper hand on the AA unit.  Helicopters were *sometimes* a different story.  A good AA operator  *could* take down a chopper IF the chopper was a mediocre pilot.

It's about time a decent AA operator had a chance to take down a decent chopper pilot and, at least, a mediocre jet pilot.

Last edited by Raevin (2006-02-15 16:37:10)


-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

another one who doesnt know what hes saying."The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots". i've killed some of the best pilots in the game with the aa without hesitation and in a jet as well. it requires no skill to kill jets now. it pisses me off how noobs like you flame good pilots, yet you know dick about aviating.
Maybe the best pilots have just profited from the lack of a working Airdefence and now it's time to see who really can fly.

All you jetwhores with more than 60% of your playing time in a jet are just pissed off because you can't rack up tons of kills anymore and you have to actually build up some real skill instead of just bombing a carrier over and over...

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

I love the new patch!

The sniper rifles are now how they should have been right from the start,the PKM finally is a machine gun.

The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots.

The jets vs. AA balnce is just right,I got a Aerial Service Ribbon today and I'm surely not an ace(only 6 or 7 hours),it just takes a littlebit more from the pilot to jetwhore successfully.
Idiots who just used to bomb from every angle are now IGLA fodder,the real aces know the right approaches to each spot on each map.

I think the patch is great,adapt or die!
another one who doesnt know what hes saying."The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots". i've killed some of the best pilots in the game with the aa without hesitation and in a jet as well. it requires no skill to kill jets now. it pisses me off how noobs like you flame good pilots, yet you know dick about aviating.
lol i think the patch is fair it does not change my way of flying much and i still dont get killed a lot by AA misiles i can stil baserape the boat(if i want to but im not really that kinda flyer)....killing other jets as truly become a joke but i still use mg only in jet to jet fight(its so disrespectfull to get killed by a f35 mg when in a j-10 hehehe) unless he goes over his main then i finish it quick to avoid those new AA lol...i can escape AA 50% of the time the only real new chalenge for me will be avoiding to get a jet on my back and if it appen i have a way shorter delay to get away from it betweeen the flares but other then that everything is the same...i did 65-1 on wake in a f-35 earlyer so...

so yes the pilots now need TRUE consentration of whre they are at and a good knowledge of the AA sites im glad less noobs will be tempted to get in jet on a ranked server....

The only thing i find stupid is that now people cant detonate claymores with explosive i did like 30 kills trying that on karkand LMAO


Last edited by J0hn.F.Kenedy (2006-02-15 16:45:03)

Go Cards !!
+196|6734|The Ville
I haven't played the patch yet. but so far it caused me some issues. I had to reinstal both bf2 and bf2sf from my pc and instal the patch. Anyways I'll give it a shot tonight or tommorow.
Just think everything is super in the new patch. The new ranks: very nice. AA is better. Bunny-killing gone. 

Bringing Sexy Back
Can anyone else not use the search functionality since the new patch? If I try to search server name it draws blanks also the same if I try and search by map which is what I do alot it's just annoying when they say they fix something and for me they've just fucked it.
I just patched up

I immediately jumped in and blew helo out of the air

then I jumped in a helo and went and shot up some stuff

then I ran around with my PKM and shot up some former bunny hoppin, dolfin divers

I noticed my scores have suddenly gone up

My ears don;t ring from the constant jet noise

and there is this quiet crying noise coming from the aircraft whores

Haven't tried sniping yet
+31|6797|Vienna, Austria

niomosy wrote:

C4: Time to learn how to actually use C4, then   The tossing thing really should never have been there in the first place.  It just seemed like lazy coding on the part of Dice that it was even allowed in the first place.

AA: I watched quite a number of jets head for cover when they had an AA lock on them.  It worked plenty well for many a fighter I saw last night.  Also watched several just get the hell out of there. 

Mines: Unless I'm mistaken, I took mines out last night with a tank shot.  It seems idiotic that a grenade won't detonate the stuff.  There'll have to be some complaints to EA/Dice about that for the next patch release.
C4... hmm I think I know how to actually use the C4 pretty well. I wonder how you are going to throw it down on tanks that are not exactly standing next to the wall of a building you are on the roof of without jumping... ah... of course... you'll just jump down and leave your hidden position, plant the c4 and get pinned down by the next best other guy... cool. How about thhinking before you tell someone how unexperienced or whatever he is?

And I was referring more to the air-to-air missiles rather than the ground ones... pretty hard to find cover up there against flying enemys...
+62|6718|Adelaide, Australia
This whole thread is hillhairyarse!
I guess a patch will never be able to fix the whiney little bitches and retards who can't tell the difference between a Battlefield game and generic first person shooter.

I think the patch, while not perfect, is a great step forward for the Battlefield experience.

On the ground, my own gameplay style has been affected, but that's something I'll soon get used to. I've got myself killed multiple times now trying to jump over a wall and DAO down on a hiding enemy...

No C4 chucking, fantastic. Spec Ops having a hard time taking down armour? The spec ops were never really good for taking down smart tank drivers anyway.
There is another kit that can take down tanks I think... let me see... Oh that's right, its called Anti-Tank!

I'll admit I was always pretty hopeless flying jets, but I play with several decent pilots. While they got shot down many times more often than pre-patch, we're talking about four or five deaths instead of one or two. I don't think it will be too long before the good jet pilots adapt and continue their crazy killing sprees.
I think the problem is that jet pilots were so used to being next to invincible, now that there is some risk to them they consider it "unfair".

I do however fly the occasional helicopter, both transport and attack varieties. I have no problems with the improved AA in this situation.
Before the patch, AA was always a number one priority target while in a chopper. Knowing where each emplacement or vehicle spawn was essential. Knowing where you could hide from the lock-ons was essential. Having a decent gunner(s) to take down the AA was essential. Jeeps and Vodniks with their mounted machine guns had to be treated with respect.
Nothing has changed. A good chopper pilot will still be tough to take down. As a pilot you just have to be a little more cautious.

Mines, and increased clip size on the MP7 - great. The engineer class was so disadvantaged before the patch, they deserved to have mines that earn positive scores!
I love seeing the complaints about the mines and claymores too. People place them in high traffic areas, so why not try going a different way? The game has been out for eight months now - I wonder how much longer it will be before people realise that the Hotel on Karkand is NOT the most important flag on the map?

On the down side, I still haven't figured out what's going on with the Medic's defibrillators, and the grenade launcher still detonates on the ground if you shoot it at your feet. The blackhawk's miniguns were nerfed a bit too much, and the support guns are now too deadly. The voting bug still exists...

I'm sure this won't be the last patch though, so it's no reason to start killing people (in real life at least). I'm happy to wait patiently for the next batch of improvements.

Last edited by Gulf_War_Syndrome (2006-02-15 17:56:34)

3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
well, I have actually not had red/blue bug since the patch
Well, I am primarily a pilot and I've gotta say that the new missiles/aa canons are ridiculous.  Please tell me to go fuck myself I don't care.  There are 2 extremes to planes.  Before they were too hard to shoot down.  Now they are WAY too easy to shoot down.

Any complete MORON who can jump in an IGLA can now shoot down very good pilots with ease.  You call that fair?  So this is what, payback from all of our plane whoring?  Good game EA.  What they need to do is find an equal midpoint or else no one is going to fly.

Regardless, even with the new shitty planes I was still able to (by being INSANELY careful) get scores of 25/0, 35/3, (etc in that range) on Wake as China.  I barely touched the aircraft carrier but once--I got hit 3 times down to 33% J10 health--and said fuck it, no point even going near that again. 

Is there a way to still attack the carrier?  Yes.  If you come in at a totally odd direction at 600 feet and then dive bomb down you can still attack it but most pilots are going to get destroyed doing this.

There is ONE good thing about how easy it is to shoot down planes.  Hopefully it will deter morons who can't fly from flying.  It's not very fun when they jump in and are shot down in < 30 seconds.  That will teach em

On a side note, wtf @ GL spamming.  This was "fixed"?  Are they joking?  I can't even begin to tell you how many times today on Karkand I was GL spammed right in front of me point blank in my face.   Fixed? hahaha  yeah no.

I do love the PKM though, just like everyone else seems to.  One actual nice improvement.

Btw, the whole "you have to know what angle to attack it at" is nonsense.  Do you destroy Essex guns at 90 degrees directly centered over the gun?  Because that is the only angle you're not gonna get fucked is.

Last edited by [chu^2]sysfailur (2006-02-15 18:21:51)

As far as I can tell, they have not changed the lower rank reqs at all.
Which is really stupid because you have inconsistant jumps between the ranks.

ie: 8000 -> 20 000 -> 50 000 -> 60 000 -> 75 000 -> 90 000 -> 115 000 -> 125 000 etc... ?????

Why the hell did they keep a huge gap (30 000) between the First Sergeant & Sergeant Major, but only have a small jump (10 000) to 2nd Lieutenant and so on ????

When are they going to "fix" this ?

Yet another fine screw up from EA...
a couple of things about claymores...

they are acting funny, dunno if it's because of the patch or if it's always been like this but now they tend to end up in wierd places when you try to jump-throw them, one even bounced on a wall and turned around so the "front toward enemy" was pointing at me but there no way to blow it up on either side of it o_O

another thing, I've been playing as a sniper quite a lot now for obvious reasons (finally the sniper rifles work!!! ) but not a single one of my teammates has been TK'd by my claymores O_O WTF?!?! I knew you weren't gonna be able to blow them up now with for example a grenade but can't teammates set them off anymore?

Last edited by Sunday8PM (2006-02-15 18:24:08)

I wouldn't worry too much about the changes to the plane their realistic and pilot will get better now at timing their flares attack angles.  But also what this does is now add the infantry support to your pilot more important which will increase team work  it would make sense for pilot to ask a squad to take out an AA prior to his attack which before the patch wouldnt have been nessisary.  Pilots just needs us ground forces support now... welcome to the team!
[Chill.zone] Link
I haven'd decided if I like or dislike the patch.

Sniping is more worth it.

Spec-Ops is a lot better now. You actually have to lay down traps with C4 instead of jumping around like you are on all kinds of drugs at the same time and throw it around you, like you would be in a rambo movie. Plus carbines now own, with a lot less infs running around with nadelauncher.

Shockpaddels are bugged now, thanks.

Support class got stronger. Unlimited, new owning nades and better MG's.

On Citymaps, 90% of the team is assault and using the nadelauncher, the rest is playing medic but never reviving anyone and you always cry for a supporter if you need one, NOT! (on pubs)

The movement system seems a lot different sometimes, but seems to be more natural and logical.

Client-Lag (fps stability) seems to be better. On the other side, server-lag seems to be a lot worse sometimes. It's common that you don't see and hear someone shooting, who is actually shooting at you. There's simply no animation. I had that with a jeep shooting at me. I was looking at the jeep, there was no sound at all, no animation that the gunner was shooting and my healthbar was dropping. No hitsound on my body, nothing. I just died quietly. This happened on several servers on several different occasions. One time, there was a heli-gunner shooting at me and he killed me, but there was no sound and no animation that the heli was shooting. This also seems to have the effect that more then pre-patch you don't take any damage in the vehicle you're driving if you get hit. I had that in some tank to tank fights. The other one hit me directly, I also got the hitsound but the healthbar of my tank was unchanged.

Sometimes, Pistol > APC, you ask why?
Thats easy, you can no longer damage something through any kind of fence with the APC (well the chinese one was always buggy), even if the other guy's feet is showing through the fence (which is still not fixed). Just get out and finish him of with Pistol. Has something funny about it. Thanks for applying a bug to all teams and writing it into the patchnotes.

You can now throw grenades from one side to the other on karkand square. Damn we are all so freaking strong. Plus grenades now have a brilliant splashdmg.

You can still pronespam. Not exactly as before and not with jumping but you can prone, stand up and prone again with a lot less delay then intended (I won't tell how, it's easy enough to find out)

Finally they did something to scare of all those planecampers, so that skilled pilots have a chance to use the airvehicles as intended and get owned by overpowered AA-Vehicles, which personally I find challanging and interesting, so I still like flying.

AA-Vehicles are the weapon of you're choice against Infantry (Just slaughter them), UAV, Jets, Helis (you don't even need the rockets anymore) and APC's (with some skill). If you have an AT driving around with you and the commander drops you a supply drop from time to time, you can even get down tanks easily, thanks to the new, nearly straight flying rockets.

On Shungua I had a strange bug, just a red text showing x meter to a point under the map somewhere. It was there for the whole round. It wasn't really annoying but I must wonder what the hell that may have been.

The repair sound if you're repairing a vehicle from inside another vehicle seems to fail a lot more now.

I had 2 CTD's since I patched it, a clanmate also had 1, normally I get 1 every few weeks.

I still have to try out all the kits, I only played for about 10 rounds, but there's still a lot of work to do for EA/DICE. Overall it seems more buggy and ground-vehicles seem to be the best choice now if you don't want to play inf.

Last edited by [Chill.zone] Link (2006-02-15 18:39:15)

What's all this about "finally the sniper rifles work". They always worked. It just took a little time and effort to work out bullet drop etc. Flame me all you want- I know I'm not a leet skilled godlike pwner and I don't care. All these whiners saying they have been ripped off have lost the plot. Half the fun is adapting to new tactics- why go buy a new game, EA has just handed you a new game. Adapt, _create new tactics_, keep your head down and you WILL make it home alive.

As far as bugs go, I used to get dumped to desktop at times (usually when just starting a new round) this hasn't happened. Don't know WTF is with the zoom/unzoom/zoom you get sometimes with sniper. Anyone else get that? Maybe my right-mouse is dodgy!!!

After playing the patch for 2-3 hrs last night I can now comment. So far it's good. Good pilots still do well. AA works (come on guys it WAS poor- you should make it your primary target then go base-raping). Never used Noob tube (except against vehicles) so can't comment. C4 I think is a little rough sunce someone mentioned it only waeighs a pound. You should be able to throw it a fair distance- 1/3rd to 1/2 the distance of a grenade since the package is NOT designed to be thrown. However if you throw it you should NOT expect it to stick to something. Think about it.

So far as the other weapons changes go I haven't had enough time to really get a feel for the changes. The other kit I'm good at is anti-tank. It's practically as good as sniper on maps with no visibility issues. I didn't really care that the other AT kit weapons were not so hot- ferchristsakes you can take out a fricken tank!!!! Close quarters the DAO rocked. Once killed a medic and two assaults (you can guess what the medic had just finished doing ) and still had three rounds in the mag.
so far I like most of the patch just a few probs
1 P-90 sucks balls I'd rather use the MP5
2. AA is a bit over done as well as the AIR to AIR
3.choppers are a fukin joke now! if the AA is so good now why in the hell did they drop the HP it really is the new n00b tube yeasterday on wake I got 10 kills by clicking my mouse 4 times (2 loaded blackhawks)
4. my buddy cant play AT ALL now due to missing buildings and stutter/lag I mean TRULY un-playable which sucks

the rest I like..... no more d-diving bunnyhopping c-4 chucking spazes to put up with on karkan.
still a little b hopping tho but meh not as bad as it was
I can still fly jets just gotta strafe the AA sites before a bomb runb which makes sence
all in all not too bad just hope they make a hotfix for all the ATI users having problems
funny how my ATI 9550 isnt givine me problems yet (crosses fingers)

BigWhompaOne wrote:

No Dolphin Diving, Bunnys, NoobTubers! I Completely OWN now! I dindnt realize until this patch how much I was getting killed from the exploitive BS. With the new patch changes I just run around crushing peoples faces.
PKM is stronger but is Balanced by stronger snipers to shoot the little proned mgs in the face. choppers get ripped down by AKs all the time in real life. A Missile is a MISSILE, its a GIANT BOMB THAT BLOWS SHIT UP! ITS A MISSILE! it should be nasty ITS A MISSILE!
And God Help You tank whores, all I do is stomp around with the Anti Tank kit and its even nastier now.
Overall I'd say the patch is a good improvement, it makes it harder for all the kids that played the game like total Fags.
Gives the Legit a chance to Shine!
I be stompin peeholes after 5:00 GMT watch your back..........................
exactly what i said, you are the people that bitched enough about everything in the game, yeah you think you pwn now, but in reality you were just getting owned by experienced players now the game is catered to noobs like this.
was his name-o
+0|6743|SE Pennsylvania
Okay... I have TWO positive things to say about this patch.  Well maybe THREE.  Number one - the ranks.  Much improved.

Second - the MP7 has 40 rounds!  Thank goodness!

And third (I suppose, though it's not really a big deal) - no more jumping and shooting/fish diving.  I used to do it on occasion (not while fighting but when capping a flag) and now it just seems more real.

I guess if I don't fly, I'm at peace with the patch.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6758|Las Vegas

the_skajaquada wrote:

.........just hope they make a hotfix for all the ATI users having problems
funny how my ATI 9550 isnt givine me problems yet (crosses fingers)
I'm curious what probs ATI cards are having.  Haven't seen anything unusual on my 1900 yet though I swear my FPS is up considerably, got any links to the issues you've seen (just curious what's up with ati and bf2 1.2)

ShotYourSix wrote:

the_skajaquada wrote:

.........just hope they make a hotfix for all the ATI users having problems
funny how my ATI 9550 isnt givine me problems yet (crosses fingers)
I'm curious what probs ATI cards are having.  Haven't seen anything unusual on my 1900 yet though I swear my FPS is up considerably, got any links to the issues you've seen (just curious what's up with ati and bf2 1.2)
from what I've seen on the other fourms its only certan ATI cards

http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=17801    <--- thats onee of the threads

[Chill.zone] Link wrote:

On Shungua I had a strange bug, just a red text showing x meter to a point under the map somewhere. It was there for the whole round. It wasn't really annoying but I must wonder what the hell that may have been.
same here but on several other maps, since when does the enemy have a flag 325 meters below ground? seems hard to cap..
+12|6792|Perth, Western Australia
Why the hell are you people bitching about the game? If you hate the patch, then don't fucking play it, simple as that.

Oh yes, then people will call me a "n00b" or "ghey"''...oh holy shit, I'm gonna be insulted by some guy in another country, oh no I think I'll break down and cry in my room.

The patch has given an advantage to people who aren't as good as your freakishly good players that spend 12 hours a day playing it until the wee hours of the morn'. So just stop being fucking morons and either play the game or just leave it for good and go play somethin' else.

Edit: EA doesn't release the patch dumbarses, they didn't make the game, DICE did, friggin smacktards, do you turn the other way when the big DICE logo comes up or something?

Last edited by I2elik (2006-02-16 01:30:28)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6883|Bryan/College Station, TX

irok100 wrote:

OKAY... here it goes
Blackhawks: suck, the chain gun has been rendered useless thus making the blackhawk about as useful as a commercial jet. except for the fact that C4 can still be thrown out of them and that may be the only way to achieve expert explosives now
So what you are saying is that the Blackhawk is now on par with the other transport choppers in the game?

Where is the issue?
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Death StatPadder
+228|6808|Human Meat Shield
Don't know about ya'll, but I like it!! I understand what DICE is trying to do (not make everyone happy, because theres always complainers) they are trying to make everything balance out, if you look at it closely you'll understand.  Before: Planes were super. Now: The AA baby!! Before: Blackhawks on Mashtuur owns. Now: Gimme the MEC craptor, unlimited flares bitch! Before: C4 Chuckers of the World UNITE! Now: Damn Sniper got me again! Before: Tanks vs. Infantry=no match. Now: Gimme some AT love you tankwhores!! See the change is on a level playing field, adapt to it. Of course I know some of you power/point hungry flyboys will find a way to get your points some way.

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