
tryptamine wrote:

I agree with the original poster. AA needs to be put back the way it was pre-patch. It was fine back then, people just couldn't use it.
The new AA makes it really hard to hover and you cant evade missiles with a mild right turn. This is totally unrealistic.
Chopper armor needs to be reverted to pre-patch levels and doubled so that it takes 3 tank shells to bring one down.
Planes also need laser defense systems mounted on each wing to shoot down incoming AA missiles.
OK nothing against you typt but I thought your post was funny..
first. aa was not fine...missles never hit...but I guess someone could think that was fine when they where in the air.
2nd ...  sounds like you really are upset that you have to use some skill to do the deed.  Flying isn't easy.   It should be hard.

3rd..this is the one I actually laughed out loud at...Realisticly..how may tank shells should a chopper take?  If you put that much armor on a chopper it would never get off the ground.  One shot from a shell and your toast...
4th..ahhhh yeahh

To be honest...I hope you where poking fun at these guys.

Anyway, the reason they patched the AAs and aircraft is because a majority of the gamer population complained about it.  You think they would just go willy nilly and change something without a reason.  The days of complete control and no fear are over.  This patch has leveled the playing field for those on the ground and those in the air.
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

All of you ground pounders need to shut the fuck up. You have no fucking clue how bad EA messed up flying. Missiles now hit people going at a 180 degree angle.  Don't fucking tell me to adapt, because there IS NO WAY TO ADAPT to this shit. EVEN IF you use flares, it doesn't do anything, AA still locks on. So shut your fucking mouths, and have your fun, because when EA fucks up something you noobs love, i bet there will be a thousand threads with the title "OMFG, NEW PATCH SUXXORSZ!!1!!ONE!!, ARMOR IS TOO STRONG!!111!11"

I can't fucking wait.
Fuck off you jet/helo slut.  Your days of laughing while you own maps unrestricted are over and you just can't deal with it...so GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!  HAAAAHAAA!!!!!
The Photographer.
+81|6740|Central Valley,California
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|6766|Rochester, NY
You could of keep the planes as is and only strengthen the AA... And not screw with the G36E!!! That is all...
+1|6738|Canada, Eh.
Yeah, whether you like to think so or not, the game is more balanced than ever. Good pilots will still own and do their job without getting shot down. Not so good pilots now have just as much chance of dying as infantry. Stop complaining because your KDR will drop to sub 25. Pick up a gun and go fight, that's what was meant to be done anyway.

Zukabazuka wrote:

elite wrote:

and also, how are we supposed to get fighter and chopper expert if we get shot down all the time, EA you really fucked up this time
How do you expect us to get expert tank award when you guys just bomb the shit out of us?
there is this magical map called "Karkand".... I don't think anyone knows about it... I mean, it's like totally unpopular!

edit: btw, if you can't kill anyone in your precious jet anymore its because you werent skilled to begin with. BSF Nexar is as good as he was. I noticed his flying before the patch, and it is the same now. He has learned to line up with and AA asset long before you are able to lock on. Basically, you are dead before you see him.

Last edited by F.Rabshaw (2006-02-15 19:04:29)

The Cereal Killer
+201|6694| United States of America
actions speak louder than words so give EA and DICE the finger rather saying "fuck u EA" lolz
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

tvmissleman wrote:

actions speak louder than words so give EA and DICE the finger rather saying "fuck u EA" lolz
No fucking way.  I'll be playing this game more than ever now!

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

All of you ground pounders need to shut the fuck up. You have no fucking clue how bad EA messed up flying. Missiles now hit people going at a 180 degree angle.  Don't fucking tell me to adapt, because there IS NO WAY TO ADAPT to this shit. EVEN IF you use flares, it doesn't do anything, AA still locks on. So shut your fucking mouths, and have your fun, because when EA fucks up something you noobs love, i bet there will be a thousand threads with the title "OMFG, NEW PATCH SUXXORSZ!!1!!ONE!!, ARMOR IS TOO STRONG!!111!11"

I can't fucking wait.
Gotta love hypocrites...


Besides, the patch has fucked up ground pounding too...
Kinda Nice Guy!
+10|6698|In The Zone
The game is called BattleFIELD Not BattleAIR

but saying that, I had a proper dogfight today with myself and the other pilot both trying to gain the advantage and shoot each other down, using skill, not just popping the afterburners and turning left.  This game will be owned by the real people who can fly, not you whiney bitchy fuckers above me.

Go and learn to play the game properly and come back when you can!!!

Last edited by DazBurt (2006-02-15 19:18:39)

Usual Suspect
AA was suck before but now its ultimate killin machine (I saw missiles can turn 270 degree wtf???). Please dont give me that good pilots can evade crap no one can (Even if you do hard turn with after burner 3 out of 6 missiles hit, and im not even mentioning about rogue missiles). Ground to air fights are now favor the ground, air to air who sees first get the kill. There is only one good thing come out of this patch that fighter planes indeed hunting other jets now instead of raping carrier and airfield. Thats how ea\dice works they dont balance they screw it.
For the idiot that ask how he is going to get expert armor badge: Did Karkand ring a bell dumby, or mashtuur, what ta hell you can take it at sharqi too since the helis are camping each other.
Yes Im a\an heli&plane&armor whore and plus Mobile AA whore (Thx to V.1.2)
I fogot to mention that misseles can deny chaffs time to time.

Last edited by Answeller (2006-02-15 19:28:26)

i just got done playing Dalian Plant and there were plenty of pilots there who evaded my missiles from the Linebacker.  all they did was bank hard right or left and release flares at the apex of the turn.  their momentum almost caoused the flares to be thrown the opposite direction from the way they were headed.  it def can be done.  its a so much better game.  now there is RESPECT all around.
Usual Suspect

batman_psu wrote:

i just got done playing Dalian Plant and there were plenty of pilots there who evaded my missiles from the Linebacker.  all they did was bank hard right or left and release flares at the apex of the turn.  their momentum almost caoused the flares to be thrown the opposite direction from the way they were headed.  it def can be done.  its a so much better game.  now there is RESPECT all around.
No wonder that you cant hit shit. There is NO LINEBACKER at dalian Plant.
He probably meant Daqing Oilfields.
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6806|New York

DazBurt wrote:

The game is called BattleFIELD Not BattleAIR

but saying that, I had a proper dogfight today with myself and the other pilot both trying to gain the advantage and shoot each other down, using skill, not just popping the afterburners and turning left.  This game will be owned by the real people who can fly, not you whiney bitchy fuckers above me.

Go and learn to play the game properly and come back when you can!!!
First of all, this is coming from a guy with 3,000 more deaths than kills. I think YOU should learn how to play properly.

Second, battleFIELD, means, the FIELD OF BATTLE DIPSHIT! The air is also considered the field of battle.

And to the dude who said jet pilots can't cap flags, infantry do. -- I know this, but who covers your ass when an M1A2 is rolling up behind you? I know i have hit tanks before they even get to your unsheltered asses. People say that jets are pointless. Jets can help win a match, just as much as an infantry player can. Who takes out that vehicle trying to cap a flag, when there is no one around? JETS DO, and so do helos. I can't believe you guys are dissing the people that fucking saved your asses countless numbers of times.

ALSO, you had a proper dogfight, playing on a patched 1.2 server? MY ASS.. Have you seen the video in one of these threads when a guy shot all of his missiles at a J-10 turning 180 degrees? EVERY SINGLE MISSILE HIT IT! Now tell me thats fair... Go ahead, tell me.
Mass Media Casualty

I was very weary in clicking on this, remembering the last time someone posted a direct comment to EA on this site.

In responce to the initial comment though, deal with it. It is different and you will need to adapt your gameplay. You'll get used to it eventually. Maybe you wernt the awesome pilot you thought you were.

Also, as soon as iPlay installs the new patch I'm going to have fun with the new unlocks. I heard somewhere that you don't have to get the booster pack to get the unlocks. I hope that's right.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Kinda Nice Guy!
+10|6698|In The Zone

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

DazBurt wrote:

The game is called BattleFIELD Not BattleAIR

but saying that, I had a proper dogfight today with myself and the other pilot both trying to gain the advantage and shoot each other down, using skill, not just popping the afterburners and turning left.  This game will be owned by the real people who can fly, not you whiney bitchy fuckers above me.

Go and learn to play the game properly and come back when you can!!!
First of all, this is coming from a guy with 3,000 more deaths than kills. I think YOU should learn how to play properly.

Second, battleFIELD, means, the FIELD OF BATTLE DIPSHIT! The air is also considered the field of battle.

And to the dude who said jet pilots can't cap flags, infantry do. -- I know this, but who covers your ass when an M1A2 is rolling up behind you? I know i have hit tanks before they even get to your unsheltered asses. People say that jets are pointless. Jets can help win a match, just as much as an infantry player can. Who takes out that vehicle trying to cap a flag, when there is no one around? JETS DO, and so do helos. I can't believe you guys are dissing the people that fucking saved your asses countless numbers of times.

ALSO, you had a proper dogfight, playing on a patched 1.2 server? MY ASS.. Have you seen the video in one of these threads when a guy shot all of his missiles at a J-10 turning 180 degrees? EVERY SINGLE MISSILE HIT IT! Now tell me thats fair... Go ahead, tell me.
I play the game to have fun, not to fulfill my sad pathetic fantasy about being a real soldier

And I never said I was the be all and end all in the game.  I know I suck ass at it.  At least I admit that.  Go Fuck yourself and then come back and write something useful

tryptamine wrote:

I agree with the original poster. AA needs to be put back the way it was pre-patch. It was fine back then, people just couldn't use it.
The new AA makes it really hard to hover and you cant evade missiles with a mild right turn. This is totally unrealistic.
Chopper armor needs to be reverted to pre-patch levels and doubled so that it takes 3 tank shells to bring one down.
Planes also need laser defense systems mounted on each wing to shoot down incoming AA missiles.
lol, thanks i needed that
+14|6708|Just outside of baltimore, Md.

batman_psu wrote:

you turd pilots only loved flying b/c
1. it was easy
2. it got your score up real high
3. you couldnt get shot down       

i can't stand how all you guys are whining about the game being ruined and how 'unskilled' people are able to use AA now.  you're using a mouse and keyboard to fly a jet!  that doesn't involve skill either!  and FYI, stinger missiles fly at Mach 2.2  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_missile).  J-10s (the fastest  jets in BF2) fly at Mach 2 (optimum) and Mach 1.2 at sea level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-10).  here's an article on infra-red tracking:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infra-red_search_and_track
sorry to rain on your parade but stingers dont turn very well due to the lack of speed control (They always fly at full throttle), shape of the body and small control surfaces. Air Force tactics to evade stinger missiles is pull back on the throttle, pop off flares since chaff wont do shit against it and turn into (towards) the missile since a plane can turn a tighter radius than any missle out in the world today and let the missle run out of fuel and fall to the ground. thus far the most shot at aircraft in the real world over in the middle east is the C-130 which tops out at an amazing 350 knots about .5 mach and i have personally seen a c-130 dodge 2 of them right after take-off useing the tactics mentioned above. infra red tracking only works for the manpad itself. the stinger missle is an infrared homing missle (heat-seeker) there has never been a case of one taking out a plane head on since it only goes toward the source of the most intense heat (the exhaust).  If you need more examples take a look at an f-4 during veitnam they were used as sam seekers they would fly directly at the site and bomb the crap out of it.

But personally i think they should have only done one or the other. they either should have upgraded the A/A and left the choppers and planes alone or vice versa.

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

First of all, this is coming from a guy with 3,000 more deaths than kills. I think YOU should learn how to play properly.

Second, battleFIELD, means, the FIELD OF BATTLE DIPSHIT! The air is also considered the field of battle.

And to the dude who said jet pilots can't cap flags, infantry do. -- I know this, but who covers your ass when an M1A2 is rolling up behind you? I know i have hit tanks before they even get to your unsheltered asses. People say that jets are pointless. Jets can help win a match, just as much as an infantry player can. Who takes out that vehicle trying to cap a flag, when there is no one around? JETS DO, and so do helos. I can't believe you guys are dissing the people that fucking saved your asses countless numbers of times.

ALSO, you had a proper dogfight, playing on a patched 1.2 server? MY ASS.. Have you seen the video in one of these threads when a guy shot all of his missiles at a J-10 turning 180 degrees? EVERY SINGLE MISSILE HIT IT! Now tell me thats fair... Go ahead, tell me.
I would agree with you 100% if everybody played this way but you know that those whores don't. 90% of people in jets don't give a shit about your ass or flag or anything else unless there are 20 infantry guys other there to kill. I saw a guy dropping a bomb from a jet to kill ONE GUY. So if they were actually helping the team but not whoring and trying to get as many points as possible or even teamkilling if by some mistake somebody would try to get the jet from THE ALMIGHTY whore that would have been good.
Say Hello to My 11-87

Zukabazuka wrote:

elite wrote:

and also, how are we supposed to get fighter and chopper expert if we get shot down all the time, EA you really fucked up this time
How do you expect us to get expert tank award when you guys just bomb the shit out of us?
so the aa locks on 3 times faster. so the aas tracking is 3 times greater. so ea's taken a 3rd off of heli armor if not more. but why in the hell did they make the jets air to air missiles as accurate as the aa's. this is too fucking much. i dont have one second of a break without someone locking onto me, and thats bull. the only missiles i can evade are when i shoot my flares immediately after the lock tone. but theres always someone else locking onto me right after. fucking gay. and now vodnik and hummers can take me down in 3 seconds. what type of shit is that? i play every kit, in the air and the ground, check my stats, so dont give me none of that air whore bull. ea ruined the helicopter by going to gungho with all these changes affecting the heli. the smart thing for ea to have done was make little and few changes. i call it tweaking, not completely overhauling it.
want to go heads up?
+11|6770|cairns australia
well done ea.forget the whingers and whiners and keep at it.good pilots still rule.its the not so good that are complaining.prepatch mounted aa was a good place to die now at least it hits back.it may be 2 good now but it is closer to getting the right balance than before
Pew Pew!
+216|6883|San Francisco

God, I leave the forums for two days and things go all to hell... Read the fucking announcement!


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