GunSlinger OIF II
view from the open drivers hatch
my old gunner on my track

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-02-11 20:30:07)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6477|New Haven, CT
Good pictures.
Make Love and War
+303|6631|Communist Republic of CA, USA

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Now that im PSYOP, im stuck on a humvee.
You're PSYOP? What special mind powers do you have?
You dont need to see his identification...

Seriously though, this thread has gone on long enough.

the previous post is made of win, truth, and ability to crush armored vehicles and cars which try to fuck with it.
+53|6662|Los Angeles, California … y+accident

I like the Bradley... it fits it's purpose as an IFV supporting troops... Same as the Warrior. They aren't true APCs... they have bigger guns. But the M2's auto cannon beats the shit out of the AA thing the Warrior has. lol
+18|6855|Swing and a miss
Strykers are also good

But i do love the bushmaster chaingun

rdx-fx wrote:

Ashlite wrote:

the previous post is made of win, truth, and ability to crush armored vehicles and cars which try to fuck with it.
Someone order a squished car?

And, in the interest of being Fair & Balanced
that first picture was just slack though, they said he was stealing wood so they crushed it. but that taxi was the guys only source of money.
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
HBO produced a sort of humorous movie about the Bradley's development, it's called The Pentagon Wars

it's probably very hard to find.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2008-02-12 00:25:06)

I am all that is MOD!

Reciprocity wrote:

HBO produced a sort of humorous movie about the Bradley's development, it's called The Pentagon Wars

it's probably very hard to find.
Its based on a book and real events.  Very good read.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2008-02-12 00:30:05)

Fantasma Parastasie
This thread is awesome.

How did this just suddenly appear overnight?

Lucien wrote:

This thread is awesome.

How did this just suddenly appear overnight?
i know, lots of cool things happen on bf2s when your away for like 10 mins
be nice
+2,646|6607|The Twilight Zone
I loved to drive Bradleys in BF2.
'Light 'em up!'

Both win tbh
+3,611|6774|London, England
About Abrams tanks,

Why does the loader need a machine gun at the top? Is it just for the sake of increasing firepower? I know sometimes they can have the bullet-resistant-window-things, and that sometimes it's radio-controlled, but it seems kinda risky letting the loader expose himself

sorry you feel that way

Mek-Izzle wrote:

About Abrams tanks,

Why does the loader need a machine gun at the top? Is it just for the sake of increasing firepower? I know sometimes they can have the bullet-resistant-window-things, and that sometimes it's radio-controlled, but it seems kinda risky letting the loader expose himself

.50 cal fired from these guns make quick work out of infantry in front and behind the tank. usefull for when the main gun is pointed at something else, sure there is a machinegun next to the main gun aswell, but this one points at exactly the same target as the main gun. The tank's turret can't rotate and aim at targets too quickly, so when you need some quick, good powerfull fire support; you get the machineguns on top. Also for protecting the tanks hiny, most vulnerable usually because the radars cant' sense shit behind them.
inane little opines

dayarath wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

About Abrams tanks,

Why does the loader need a machine gun at the top? Is it just for the sake of increasing firepower? I know sometimes they can have the bullet-resistant-window-things, and that sometimes it's radio-controlled, but it seems kinda risky letting the loader expose himself

.50 cal fired from these guns make quick work out of infantry in front and behind the tank. usefull for when the main gun is pointed at something else, sure there is a machinegun next to the main gun aswell, but this one points at exactly the same target as the main gun. The tank's turret can't rotate and aim at targets too quickly, so when you need some quick, good powerfull fire support; you get the machineguns on top. Also for protecting the tanks hiny, most vulnerable usually because the radars cant' sense shit behind them.
How about a camera on the gun? So it will be like a humvee.
sorry you feel that way

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

dayarath wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

About Abrams tanks,

Why does the loader need a machine gun at the top? Is it just for the sake of increasing firepower? I know sometimes they can have the bullet-resistant-window-things, and that sometimes it's radio-controlled, but it seems kinda risky letting the loader expose himself

.50 cal fired from these guns make quick work out of infantry in front and behind the tank. usefull for when the main gun is pointed at something else, sure there is a machinegun next to the main gun aswell, but this one points at exactly the same target as the main gun. The tank's turret can't rotate and aim at targets too quickly, so when you need some quick, good powerfull fire support; you get the machineguns on top. Also for protecting the tanks hiny, most vulnerable usually because the radars cant' sense shit behind them.
How about a camera on the gun? So it will be like a humvee.
less view, more expensive, not as quick in reacting as humans can be.
inane little opines
+1,106|6443|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

k30dxedle wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

dayarath wrote:

you're gonna be late.

Every time, EVERY single time when you drive over the speed limit there's a cop in the bushes awaiting you to give you speed tickets.
Army uniforms get you out of tickets.  Yes, they do.
Should I wear a cheap imitation ACU everywhere after I start driving?
Yes, especially considering Asians can't drive.

On a side note: What's the top speed of a Bradley if it goes slower than an Abrams?
GunSlinger OIF II

cowami wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Army uniforms get you out of tickets.  Yes, they do.
Should I wear a cheap imitation ACU everywhere after I start driving?
Yes, especially considering Asians can't drive.

On a side note: What's the top speed of a Bradley if it goes slower than an Abrams?
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6477|New Haven, CT
41 for the Bradley, 45 (I think), for the Abrams.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6735|SE London

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

GR34 wrote:

smartdude992 wrote:

the brit's one is for tea man, i saw that one on the history channel
Of course it has a tea and crumpet maker in it. But yea Warrior has no Tow on it thats were the Bradly wins But the BMP-3 wins also, Town missle,100mm main gun, 20mm Cannon and 7.62 PKT MG. Plus an MG on the back and one on each side its a battle ship on Treads
a brad could win an engagement.  there is a reason why it has such a high silhouette.  a curse considered by many but I, along with most, see it as a blessing.
Doesn't matter to me....

People buying either one means more money coming into the UK. That's all I care about.
i like the look of it
and that it is so effective
+3,611|6774|London, England
So I was reading about the BMP-3, and that's one highly armed mother fucker. 100mm Main Gun that also fires ATGM'z, and a 30mm coaxial, and a 7.62mm coaxial ontop of that. And 2x7.62mm machine guns aswell.

Can even hold a fair amount of passengers

Not a bad piece of kit. Give it a tea-maker and all that digital shit that the U.S always put in, and you'll have a winner.
GunSlinger OIF II
did I miss something today?
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6793|Your moms bedroom
why was this closed earlier today?

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