
polarbearz wrote:

POS? What's that pish?

Onto your thing about AT rockets, only a few are high-explosive, most are penatrative, and the LAW just sucks.

Edit: Robbie do you have something against pish you seem to be attacking all his posts.
And i can call the m16 a POS bc i have shot it... and i HATE how it fires... the only positvie thing i can say about it is... i like the aiming sights.  But thats about it.

Yeah... tru, it is never usually the explosing you have to worry about it is the shrappnel.  Also I guess it were more powerful then bf2 would start to look like ut2004.

Yeah i dont think RobbieE likes me.  robbieE thinks spawn camping with vehicles is a good tatic. o_O

Btw i am not the 1st one to complain about this topic, or suggest a fix.... EVERYONE knows their is a balancing issue with this!  Just look how many people have viewed this thread.

Also robbieE, it the the tube n00bs that go running around like rambo!!  They come running around the corner with the tube out... and shot it and start hoping around while trying to reload it, to fire the next gp at you. Really annoying!  That takes some skill??

Also, that character who is reloading the GL'er while jumping, sure is talented!!!  Maybe he should be a risk of dropping it and killing himself. 

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 01:46:29)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Anymore powerful it'll look like Q3 QUAD ROCKETS LOL

Sharpnel is just supposded to sting and distract... Unless it gets you somewhere vital or gets stuck in you bleahx.

don't really matter if he's hopping like an idiot in front of me. Bunny-hoppers, frog-jumpers, i just blast them out of mid air. Its the dolphin-diving i can't fight. Too hard to blast them except with the m203. which i do it with much pleasure indeed.

dude i think spawn camping is fun too :p to a point that is.
Get your body beat.
spawn killing gets you real life enemies.
No nothing against Pish, I just registred a few days ago.
+66|7131|Missoula, MT
Is this thread a cleverly disguised flamefest?  Hmmm...only chuy can tell.
haha... u say the weirdest of things CMDR_Dave!! 

Well i can almost promise that GL'er r under going balancing in the new patch.  Heck the blackhawk from what i have read is now Trash!! you cant even repair it while in flight!!!  I dont really know what everyone was complaing about with the blackhawk... but a littile bit of teamwork and that would come right down!!! i have shot it down WAY to many times to count with the tank, in Mushtur City that is.  The gun needs to be tuned down a little bit and not have area affect damage... it is only a 7.62 round!   But i am guessing that most of this patch is balancing issues, as well as the whole crappy server browser fix.  I guess any balancing would be an improvement!
+0|7090|Dallas, Texas
I have a feeling LordNader would take a nuke to a knife fight if it helped him win....

for those having a hard time explaing the why behind why you shouldn't use the m203 in this game against single opponents, the word you are looking for is honor. You do not use the M203 on single target because you have honor.

If you need a definition of honor, do worry about it, you have none. I have a feeling LordNader would take a nukes and Saran Gas to a knife fight if it helped him win....

For those having a hard time explaining the “why” behind why you shouldn't use the m203 in this game against single opponents, the word you are looking for is honor. You do not use the M203 on single target because you have honor.

If you need a definition of honor, do worry about it, you have none.


    Your justification for using the M203 against people is one I have heard before. When Saddam Hussein was asked to explain why he used Saran Gas on the Kurds. They wanted to kill him, but instead he gassed then and he is the last man standing.
After all the griping about 'noob tubes' I finally got around to using one the other day.   I wasn't that impressed.  I guess I'm just a NOOB noob toober....heh     Actually, if you're operating in squads your budies behind you should be able to take the guy out while he's trying to reload.  It pays to operate in squads with a medic and a squad leader.   Man, so much complaining in this game can be gotten around through communication and teamwork.

I've had rounds where I got to tank whore and dominate, and other rounds where my tank was just a big target for AT rockets and C4.  It depends on players skills, balance, communication, and responding to changes in tactical situations...
The Last Man Standing
I have to say that your not a noob just because you use the launcher, thats rediculous.  If people use one weapon that happens to kill you in one shot, are they noobs?  Would that mean that the users of the 50. cal sniper rifle are noobs, or those anti-tank men who use their rockets against other infantry are noobs?  No, there just using what's at hand at the situation.
Aside from that, when you look at the power of the grenade launcher, yes it does seem a little bit powerful against tanks, but its meant to be a HE grenade, e.g. it causes a hell of a lot of damage.  And as for killing infantry in one, well, its not so much the shrapnel that would kill you but the shock wave.
Damage and name calling aside, yes, it is a little powerful, but like anything else its a weapon.  Each weapon on BF2 if utilised properly can take a person down in under 5 shots, or even below that.  You just have to cope as you can with the situation and adapt to it.  If you fall apart as soon as you get killed once from a M203 or its counterparts, you've already lost.
I think i do fine in most situtations, and most of the time they die when fighting me.  Just really annoying because it is unbalanced.  I started this thread so the GL'er might get balanced. 

As far as everyone using it is a n00b.... absolutly not.  but when you come runing in the room like rambo, and pop one off at your feet, and kill yourself... Then absolutly you are a n00b!  All it takes is 1 person to mess up the repupitation of the weapon to get a new name, thus its called a n00b tube.

Laby you seem to take the words right out of my head.

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 12:05:08)

I registered just for this thread....
I served in the Army Infantry for 8 years. I carried the M60 (which kicked my ass due to it's wieght) and the M203. I've put hundreds of rounds through the M203 and thrown many live grenades At Fort Benning. The REAL truth I've seen, is that the hand grenades are not as powerful in this game as true life. The M203 is close however. Real grenades are so powerful that if you are anywhere near them that you would not just walk away from the blast site.
As for the M203... I could hit trash cans on an LFX ( Live Fire Exercise ) at 400 meters with the quadrant site on the left side of the weapon. They are that accurate. I could not do that with the leafe sight which is used in this game.  The M203 was used to take out several men in the open at once, launched through windows, and to cover "dead space" AKA low spots where men could take cover from bullets which have straight paths of flight. An M203 is a lobbing weapon which can drop into dead space.
Someone stated that the power M203 was used up in the firing of the weapon... Not true. The M203 is a projectile that has a casing like a bullet. The casing has gun powder in it that launches the vehicle from the weapon.
SIGH... I played DC and BF2 only, looking for the most realistic combat game I could that involved all the aspects of the military. BF2 is the best so far. I hope this gives some insight from real world experience.
Above all, have fun. Your ass isn't REALY going to get shot...

Last edited by madteabagger (2005-09-28 13:47:41)

M203 and GP should be removed and will solve all this bullshit!

Sgt.Rock_Star wrote:

M203 and GP should be removed and will solve all this bullshit!
lol... So tru!!!

Yeah thx for the info madteabagger!!!  it is good to have some real world expericen to help out!!   I guess that is partly my grip with the Grenade launcher.... it is just as powerful as a frag, or close to (in bf2 of course).  So if they tone down the frag then why didnt they tone down the GL'er???  hmm.. something needs to be fixed. I think i mentioned that in another post...  

Someone stated that the power M203 was used up in the firing of the weapon...
i might have said something close to that.  I was referring to the size of the round, that almost 1/2 of it was propelent (gun power).

Yeah, bf2 is not all that bad... it has its problems. And i still continue to play, they did something right.

Also Madteabagger, a little bit off topic.. j/w'ing did you like the m16?

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 15:03:22)

Sure I liked the M16. One of the reasons I liked the M203 was due to the M16. I could shoot straight with the M16, yet if the enemy jumped into a hole I could still drop an M203 round in their position.
Something I've tried in game but not verified with the M16 is that it rises up and to the right when fired. So your three shot burst pattern would be a diagnal line in that direction. Try aiming low and to the left near center mass of the target. That should put all three rounds in it. That's 'real world" once again.
Plus I read how you have "no honor" if you use the M203. I think honor is using every tool you have to keep your men and yourself alive (In that order). Making that happen includes killing the enemy with extreme prejudice.
   That's war.

Last edited by madteabagger (2005-09-28 15:42:43)

The GL'er is taken advantage of way to much in this game, when you get these tube noobs running around with it just blasting everything with it, or trying to, running around like rambo.  then once they run out of ammo they usually will go bug for a supply crate or a support person.  VERY VERY ANNOYING!!  For every purspoe you mentioned i would 100% agree with you, but that is not how it is used in bf2.  Sad but true.

It just needs to be balanced out... then it will be fine.  It will probaly discourage a lot of people from "rambo'ing" it as well as using it, when they actually have to hit the round somewhere close to their target.  

Also in bf2 it is more useful (at least to me) to be medic or support.   I can res someone who died, and still be able to kill people very efficiently!

Also correct me if i am wrong madteabagger.... the 203 is more of a mind fuk then it would be to acutally kill someone??  Granted you can kill someone with it if the round went off close enough.  But generally speaking it would just scare them or wound them?

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 16:33:32)

No it wasn't a mind fuck weapon. It had other uses then just HE (high eplosives). It shot flares for signal use and to light up the battle field. It had a shot gun type of a round that had 10 huge ball berings in it. Once again real world. I can't expect most game players to understand. In real combat, the M203 is very efective.
As far as this game goes, all I can say is deal with it. People will keep using them.
yeah, and i dont expect them not to use them!!  But if they balanced it, then they would probably get discouraged by it, and mabye go and learn to frag with hand nads or a gun.
Well the M203/Gp-30 is unbalanced in teh game indefiantely. For one, you wouldn't be carrying around your grenade launcher on a real battlefield because it needs a certain range to explode, and it isn't an effetive killing weapon. I see these guys using the grenade launchers all teh time, but I have never seen them get better than a 1:1 kill/death ratio except for a few occasions. If I was runing around in a war with the grenade launcher from the game, you would be dead if you used it in close quarters. Another thing that is also off balance is the bunny hopping and going prone. Tell me now, does it make since that you can bunny hop and go prone and fire your weapons, but you can't while you are sprinting? And you can also hop more than you can sprint. I wish they would up the sprint, a real effective but limited escape weapon and make it so you can't fire for 1 second while proning or jumping. I have no problem taking out the hoppers, but it is a little rediculas that you can do this.

All the M203/Gp-30 needs is a longer detenation time similar to Americas Army. It is really for use at somewhat long ranges and against multiple targets and vehicles. It's damage is fine, but up teh range because it isn't a close quarters weapon and it takes much more skill to kill someone from afar with it then to bunny hop out and nade him. Karkand is basically just a noobtube fest now, and it really ruins the level along with the tank/apc whores and alley campers. I am not trying to make the game out to be a realistice game, but it isn't balanced right and makes the game look rediculas.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

Well the M203/Gp-30 is unbalanced in teh game indefiantely. For one, you wouldn't be carrying around your grenade launcher on a real battlefield because it needs a certain range to explode, and it isn't an effetive killing weapon. I see these guys using the grenade launchers all teh time, but I have never seen them get better than a 1:1 kill/death ratio except for a few occasions. If I was runing around in a war with the grenade launcher from the game, you would be dead if you used it in close quarters. Another thing that is also off balance is the bunny hopping and going prone. Tell me now, does it make since that you can bunny hop and go prone and fire your weapons, but you can't while you are sprinting? And you can also hop more than you can sprint. I wish they would up the sprint, a real effective but limited escape weapon and make it so you can't fire for 1 second while proning or jumping. I have no problem taking out the hoppers, but it is a little rediculas that you can do this.

All the M203/Gp-30 needs is a longer detenation time similar to Americas Army. It is really for use at somewhat long ranges and against multiple targets and vehicles. It's damage is fine, but up teh range because it isn't a close quarters weapon and it takes much more skill to kill someone from afar with it then to bunny hop out and nade him. Karkand is basically just a noobtube fest now, and it really ruins the level along with the tank/apc whores and alley campers. I am not trying to make the game out to be a realistice game, but it isn't balanced right and makes the game look rediculas.
Yes, very poorly balanced.

And that prone jump crap has got to go!!! that is soo stupid!!  you can evade a tank with that, altho it makes me laugh pretty hard when i see a teammate doing it.

Personnly i dont see how you can reload a dam thing when you r jumping??? let alone prone jumping?!?!?!? When you are sprinting... i understand that... but you best be able to push the dam c4 button when sprinting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is that crap... it is a thumb button... how could you not be able to press it?????? I'll bet  if u got killed you would probably fall on the button!
I most definately agree, I tell them right when I log on a server, you better kill me with the first shot you noobtubers, because your ass is grass if you miss.  I also played Call of Duty, they didn have nade launchers but the only way you got more grenades was if you made rank, Privates had 1, each rank you gained a grenade.  So why not make it so Lance Corporals, get 2 grenades for the launchers, Cpl gets 3, Sgt gets 4 and so on.... GO PKM!!!! I love killing with
yeah, i had thought about that as well... would be VERy nice thing to impliment!!! Rank has no privlages!!!!!!!!!! and it is really annoying!! Also commander sux!
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7133|Bryan/College Station, TX
First.. pish180 you seem to have a very interested and personal stake in this topic since I've seen you most almost every other post in this thread. I guess you must really hate the GL.

Second, a few questions for Madteabagger or any other service member with experience with the M203.

Does the M203 grenade have a timing fuse in it? Hence does it arm only after a certain time frame?

If so do you know what the grenade would do to a person if it hit them at close range and the fuse had not activated yet? Would it be like a rock hitting you at extreme force?

Also does the grenade explode after a certain amount of time or does it have to impact something to explode?

I ask these questions out of curiousity more than anything else.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
personally, i dont really care.  I usually own the tube n00bs anyway.   It is just annoying bc they run around like rambo and bunny hop!  Taking advantage of the games flaws, at least in my eyes.
You have body armor, so even if it hit you, it wouldn't do that much damage anyway. And it doesn't have a fuse in the game, it just blows up.
It seems to me that the issue would be solved, at least partially, if they cut down the ammo supply on these GLs.  How many does one get anyways?  It seems that you should not have more than 1 or 2.  Can someone with real life experience speak as to how many would typically be carried?

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