+89|6750|Sheffield, England
EA/DICE if you are reading this, im speaking for most players here, either cancel this patch or make a new one putting the AA  and helicopters as they where, this game has gotten really crappy.
Im beggin ya to change it!!!!!!!
anyone else like to add to this?
yeah.....you should've kept the two new unlocks for a worthwhile add on like euro forces.... or armored fury but not SF
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6845|Marathon, Florida Keys

elite wrote:

EA/DICE if you are reading this, im speaking for most players here, either cancel this patch or make a new one putting the AA  and helicopters as they where, this game has gotten really crappy.
Im beggin ya to change it!!!!!!!
anyone else like to add to this?
EA doesnt gove a hoot... isnt that apparent to you yet ?? I mean, hell dude, it only took them
6 months to fix some of these bugs, and there are still bugs in the game even after all these

My grandmother can write better code than DICE and shes been dead for 12 years..

and EA has the worst support for a game on the market... well unless its Madden, then you
MIGHT get some support..

EA + DICE = worst possible combination of author / publisher in the gaming market these days..
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
and also, how are we supposed to get fighter and chopper expert if we get shot down all the time, EA you really fucked up this time

elite wrote:

and also, how are we supposed to get fighter and chopper expert if we get shot down all the time, EA you really fucked up this time
How do you expect us to get expert tank award when you guys just bomb the shit out of us?
they make little things and fix a few bugs, but they havent fixed the main bugs, i.e the red name tag bug. That ones the most annoying out of all ov them, Dice/EA need to sort themselves out
just been commander on zatar wetlands..........the command map is still screwed, i was all over the place with arty, uavs and supply drops........this shouldnt be too hard to fix..
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
EA if you care about your customers, keep the new ranks, but remove the crappy aa and shit!!!!!
they must have been high while making this patch, they really expected us to like this..pfft.
+252|6740|Sextupling in Empire

Those who used to laugh at the whiners have now become the whiners - LOL!!
I think maybe you should learn to fly better, than bitch about the AA. I've already seen pilots learning to evade and or take out AA before they could get a lock on Quit Fucking crying and learn to adjust your game play. NO MORE BASE RAPING FOR YOU PUSSY!!!
Oh I love how the tables have turned. This is a nice change. So would it be wrong to call all the complainers....dare I say it......NOOBS? Cause before 1.2, when someone comlained about the air support constantly denting their skulls, it was "Adapt Noob or go play (insert other FPS here)". So is it wrong to say Adapt Noobs, or go find (insert flight game here)? 

Let the flames begin. heh heh

I know I just opened a can of worms.
+4|6723|Irving Tx
but ur right
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6710|Canada Eh?
EA won't give a shit about a couple of fucks bitching cause they don't like a couple of game factors, shut up and play the fucking game
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

I see we have a plethora of flyboys here.  Like I said in another thread, your days of flying without fear because the AA was more likely to lock on to friendly targets across the map are over.  Your days of never having to worry about AA or taking a direct hit from a tank are done.  Fucking chopper/jet pilots and the damn near inability to bring them down have ruined this fucking game. 

So what, fucking flyboys can't hover CP's and base rape to rack up 200+ point gaims...wah, fucking, wah.  Stop the the bullshit, use your flares, and evasive menuevers...that's what should have been happening all along.  Now I might be able to play maps besides Karkand without worrying about air support blowing the shit out of everything with no realistic ability to bring them down.
+1|6739|Canada, Eh.
Yeah, the original poster is not speaking for most people, only a select few. I've always enjoyed flying but played a lot of infantry to. Now that air vehicles aren't as dominant I just play infantry, simple as that. It must be unfortunate for all those that have spent most their time on BF2 in the air... they have nothing left to do now. The only reason it seems a lot of people are complaining about the AA and air vehicles is because all the people that like it are out there playing. As yes, it is very possible to not be taken out by the AA. When I was testing how powerful the AA really was there were a few evasive pilots who clearly knew what they were doing and rarely got shot down. Just because you can't fly 3 feet off the ground and get road kills now doesn't mean planes are worthless.
ok first of all when I read what elite writes all I see is "I am an air whore, I am an air whore", second I don't know why some people bitch about the grenade laucher it's a weapon like grenades and mines, why shouldn't I use it. Third there a still bugs in the game I would like too see what would be if DICE gives the developer rights to VALVE.
I agree with the original poster. AA needs to be put back the way it was pre-patch. It was fine back then, people just couldn't use it.
The new AA makes it really hard to hover and you cant evade missiles with a mild right turn. This is totally unrealistic.
Chopper armor needs to be reverted to pre-patch levels and doubled so that it takes 3 tank shells to bring one down.
Planes also need laser defense systems mounted on each wing to shoot down incoming AA missiles.

Last edited by tryptamine (2006-02-15 17:56:19)


tryptamine wrote:

I agree with the original poster. AA needs to be put back the way it was pre-patch. It was fine back then, people just couldn't use it.
The new AA makes it really hard to hover and you cant evade missiles with a mild right turn. This is totally unrealistic.
Chopper armor needs to be reverted to pre-patch levels and doubled so that it takes 3 tank shells to bring one down.
Planes also need laser defense systems mounted on each wing to shoot down incoming AA missiles.
Yeah right maybe you want even a Stelth bomber which is undetectable by the UAV.
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

I admit, I can't fly anything airborne for my life, so the 1.2 patch seems good to me.  As for the AA, it is a bit dramatic, but could level out the playing field a little bit more.  Overall, the patch is good.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
maybe we should add an emo class, it'd suit you guys perfectly, you could just run around complaining and provoking TKs all day, go play CS
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6806|New York
All of you ground pounders need to shut the fuck up. You have no fucking clue how bad EA messed up flying. Missiles now hit people going at a 180 degree angle.  Don't fucking tell me to adapt, because there IS NO WAY TO ADAPT to this shit. EVEN IF you use flares, it doesn't do anything, AA still locks on. So shut your fucking mouths, and have your fun, because when EA fucks up something you noobs love, i bet there will be a thousand threads with the title "OMFG, NEW PATCH SUXXORSZ!!1!!ONE!!, ARMOR IS TOO STRONG!!111!11"

I can't fucking wait.
Well, they did take it a bit too far on the AA, but it wasn't much better before. The jest need to tweak it a bit more.
here's a point i forgot to make on other "this is an infantry based game" vs "this is an all vehicle based game so if i dont want to be on the ground i shouldnt have to be" argument:

can anyone cap a flag in a jet?

infantry 1 - noob pilots 0
you turd pilots only loved flying b/c
1. it was easy
2. it got your score up real high
3. you couldnt get shot down       

i can't stand how all you guys are whining about the game being ruined and how 'unskilled' people are able to use AA now.  you're using a mouse and keyboard to fly a jet!  that doesn't involve skill either!  and FYI, stinger missiles fly at Mach 2.2  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_missile).  J-10s (the fastest  jets in BF2) fly at Mach 2 (optimum) and Mach 1.2 at sea level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-10).  here's an article on infra-red tracking:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infra-red_search_and_track

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