
What do you think of the 1.2 patch?

This patch sux32%32% - 51
This patch is awesome40%40% - 64
Don't care - I will play it either way26%26% - 42
Total: 157

Spearhead wrote:

Is there a chance EA might call this patch back?  Seems to me (apart from there being no reason to include aircraft in the game) that the bugs have gotten worse, not better.  Will they recall this patch like they did with the other one?
i'd rather have team name color bugs than n00btubers and dolphin divers
you can just look at the uniform and tell if its a friendly or not but theres nothing to do against someone who jumps around and shoots grenades at his feet to kill you (short of sniping ) and having the prone accuracy in the air is complete bs
Sniper rifle scope glitch is still there.

It's when you try unscope but it doesn't actually unscope and it jerks making you an easy target while you attempt to rectify it.
+3|6751|England, UK
I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".

Wait a second...

So... this game is only open to skilled players now is it? You ignorant fucks.

What are you guys going to do now? You might not have realised it during your ignorant glee, but you probably just killed half the player population on BF2. These people aren't going to adapt, they are going to LEAVE.

That's a good thing though, right? Wrong.

Oh yeah, noone is going to want to start playing fresh now either. Why? EVERYONE starts as a noob. How the HELL do you expect anyone to get good at a game if it only rewards skilled players? A noob can't become skilled if the game is so difficult they have no chance to learn. How can a pilot learn to fly if he gets shot down instantly? I feel dreadfully sorry for anyone starting out on this game now.

I am baffled by how people can be so ignorant and selfish, they want to eliminate new and less skilled players and future players just so they can enjoy the feeling of being "elite". I'm going to miss the times some guy called "Jason289473" or "CoolMan128" joined my squad and follows me around, clearly new to the game, yet all he wanted to do was heal me and have fun. All he wanted to do was to have the chance to copilot or pilot without being called a whore.

Here's a reality check. Every patch since the game release has ruined the game for somebody. Every patch since the release will have caused people to leave. Eventually a patch is going to come along that will ruin the game for you, and somebody else will call you a whiny skilless noob, just because you were trying to defend something you enjoyed. Eventually, the server list is only going to return empty servers. With the current track record of the game, it is statistically inevitable.

I hope you people choke.

Selfish pricks.

Last edited by uk.solidsnake (2006-02-15 15:17:27)

I'm more undecided as to whether I hate this patch or not.  On the up side I don't seem to die as often and support weapons actually can hit something now. I haven't tried out everything that was supposivly changed but I am somewhat botherd by the fact that you can no longer jump and shoot. I would rather have it where you can't jump and shoot only if your using nade laucher or something.

But the one BIG thing I hate about this new patch is the damn AA rockets. They are way to accurate now, I remember right after I installed the patch I went to a 4 player Wake server to practice flying and test out the new changes and I got shot down 5 different times from AA rockets. I did normal maneuvers that would have thrown off old AA rockets and even another plane but the AA's still got me.
Really thats the one thing that needs to be fixed. Air vehicles have become near useless, especially on maps where tanks and air vehicles are a must to win, such as Zatar Wetlands and Oman, and Wake.

Oh and uk.solidsnake...THANK YOU! You took the words right out of my mouth. I wouldn't consider myself a noob, ive been playing the game long enough and know the game well enough that I know what needs to be done to win and get caps. And I do try and help new players when I see them, and if only people didn't have ego's the size of fat albert then maybe we would have more skilled players from everyone helping each other.

Last edited by Giant_Squid500 (2006-02-15 15:25:13)

Then take out those air turrets, WE ARE SITTING DUCKS IN THEM. Hopefully you know where they are so just do a dive and blast with your gun and you will kill him before he launcher those missiles
For me the good about this patch is The new sniper rifle.

And the bad is that I almost cant play it anymore because it lagging like hell all the time! (Playing in 400*300)
And that you can lay claymores anyware, its stupid.
And that I cant make any more screenshots.

Last edited by JON.ANTONSSON (2006-02-15 16:02:49)


uk.solidsnake wrote:

I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".

Wait a second...

So... this game is only open to skilled players now is it? You ignorant fucks.

What are you guys going to do now? You might not have realised it during your ignorant glee, but you probably just killed half the player population on BF2. These people aren't going to adapt, they are going to LEAVE.

That's a good thing though, right? Wrong.

Oh yeah, noone is going to want to start playing fresh now either. Why? EVERYONE starts as a noob. How the HELL do you expect anyone to get good at a game if it only rewards skilled players? A noob can't become skilled if the game is so difficult they have no chance to learn. How can a pilot learn to fly if he gets shot down instantly? I feel dreadfully sorry for anyone starting out on this game now.

I am baffled by how people can be so ignorant and selfish, they want to eliminate new and less skilled players and future players just so they can enjoy the feeling of being "elite". I'm going to miss the times some guy called "Jason289473" or "CoolMan128" joined my squad and follows me around, clearly new to the game, yet all he wanted to do was heal me and have fun. All he wanted to do was to have the chance to copilot or pilot without being called a whore.

Here's a reality check. Every patch since the game release has ruined the game for somebody. Every patch since the release will have caused people to leave. Eventually a patch is going to come along that will ruin the game for you, and somebody else will call you a whiny skilless noob, just because you were trying to defend something you enjoyed. Eventually, the server list is only going to return empty servers. With the current track record of the game, it is statistically inevitable.

I hope you people choke.

Selfish pricks.
I have never read a post I have agreed with more. Seriously, I could not possibly agree with you more.
I think it sucks when EA/DICE caves in to some little kiddie whiners who apparently dont
know how to hit moving targets...  Its called JUMPING, people..

Bonehead Award for 2006 goes to EA/DICE for changing a entire player movement for a game
that has been out for 6 months...

Gee, I wonder if I complain about how hard it is to sack Peyton Manning in Madden 06' if they
will issue a patch for me and change it all up...

"bunny hopping" and "dolphin diving" .... theres 2 terms made up by some noob who didnt know
how to play very well, thats for sure..  Funny, though, I have NO trouble killing anyone jumping
or proning..

Some of you whiners should take up another game... I hear Disney is releasing a new Finding
Nemo game next month..

It wouldnt surprise me if they changed it back 6 months from now to the original way.. That
would be hilarious.. I put nothing past EA or DICE..   Sadly, though BF2 will soon be collecting
dust on my shelf..  I cant deal with the cry babies any more..
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6852|Marathon, Florida Keys
Look at sig
You are the one who cry, we are really happy about this, seing people go prone in air was just stupid. We will not miss ya.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

slidero wrote:

They messed up both infantry combat and aircraft... I liked doing both. 

Now infantry is slow, clunky, and painful.  This kills me the most.  Armor now is way more powerful because you can't bunnyhop away or put C4 on the tank fast enough.

Jets are helis are "more balanced" I guess but AA is terribly overpowered. Flares just seems to do nothing.

It's like this patch was made for the people that play BF2 for a few hours a week and only complained because they sucked.
Totally agree.  The new patch screwed everything up.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6852|Marathon, Florida Keys

Zukabazuka wrote:

You are the one who cry, we are really happy about this
ya you and the rest of the people who couldent play the game the way it was without crying

Zukabazuka wrote:

You are the one who cry, we are really happy about this, seing people go prone in air was just stupid. We will not miss ya.
Whats the matter? Cant hit a moving target?

What you gonna ask for next??  No moving ?? No running ??? No shooting back ???

hahahaha, you little cry babies are ALMOST as lame as EA/DICE...

I said almost..
lol you can still bunny hop noob tube kinda c4 spam and u can do the bug to get inside buildings still....

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".


I hope you people choke.

Selfish pricks.
I have yet to d/l the patch....I will this weekend - yet - I really enjoyed your post.  Thanks.

slidero wrote:

It's like this patch was made for the people that play BF2 for a few hours a week and only complained because they sucked.
I said this like 4 months ago, and everyone called me a bunnyhopping noob, just because I said not being able to jump and shoot is a dumbass idea.   (bad for pistols, bad for long grenade throws, bad for shotguns)
Digital Aura
Git R Dun
+18|6704|Ontario, Canada
I haven't installed the patch yet either. Seems to me I was also thinking Solidsnake is dead on.
ALthough, I did think the AA was pointless for the most part and there was WAY too much Airforce whoring going on for a mere infantry unit such as myself. Perhaps its true though that only the good flyers will be able to endure... more to ya, I say. But really, how many soldiers do you see jumpin' like bunnies and swan-diving like ballerinas on the field. Cmon. In reality, they should make reloading take at least 8 to 10 seconds. I'm not in favour of slowing the gameplay down...don't get me wrong, but I would welcome a little more realism!
I don't mind the patch! If you guys want a super fast hyper jumpy-jumpy game go play Halo 2 and sell your copies of BF2!

I don't mind it being SLIGHTLY slower makes me feel like I'm playing a multiplayer version of Ghost Recon 2! (Which I love)

AA is a bit over powered I must admit. They needed to keep the HP on aircraft, just make AA slightly better.

They seem to have turned most of the weapons hyper powered now! The PKM is a machine-gun sniper. The SA80 (My favourite gun) is even better! I shot THREE minigunners out of the blackhawk on Mashtuur yesterday. Shot in the window instant headshot, then it turned around shot three times, another kill and the another spawned in it and five more shots finished him off!

Overall I like adapting to play games, if you can't adapt go burn your bras or something!
I loved the first Splinter Cell and hated Splinter Cell: Pandora Tommorow, but that didn't stop me from playing it!

So guys, it's adapt or die. And for the record:

i like it.

$kelet0r wrote:

honestly what game are you guys playing o.0  ?????
go play solitaire i guess

New Bugs Detected = name the 6 that are so game destroying
Old Bugs Fixed = red name tag is gone, you cant get inside buildings, laser guide bug is gone, others i cant remember

Other Notes:
- All Aircraft made useless to unskilled players - the jet is still the most lethal weapon in the game by miles only now it can actually be shot down
- Noob Tube - minimum arm distance, cant be shot while jumping, smaller blast radius and now BOUNCES FFS, what more did you want

Patch is a hugely popular success - it is always the complainers that are the most vocal only now the praise is in danger of drowning them out
How is it a raging success? I've talked to five of my friends, and all hate it.

What's making me mad is the people saying "now only skilled players survive!"

So wait, not being able to take down bunnyhoppers, use a less accurate sniper, kill a large tank with the neccesary 5 anti-tank shots, or survive any idiot with a GL launcher makes you SKILLED? More like someone who can't stand being beat, so they label everything they can't handle as "cheap" or "stupid."

And thanks to those guys, we have this patch, which from what I've heard sucks do to major overpowering and underpowing, and slowing gameplay so that any infantry who takes 5 seconds to react to something can survive!  Not to mention that of course, you know this'll add glitches and lag, and EA will do bullcrap about it and instead promote their new expansion (which also looks like total crap only worth $5). Hooray for being a sore loser! 
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
well, personally I love the new patch, so far I have not been n00b-t00bed, everyone is adjusting quickly, everyone loves support, I loved it already, haven't taken my new sniper rifle for a spin yet
I'm support class and I'M mad about them making support overpowered...

I liked them and owned with them before it was cool.... ;_;
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

adapt or die
Evolution my dear friend, natural selection if you will.
The last person still playing BF2 is the superior breed of gamer
+85|6795|good old CA
well from playing it for 2 hours, man my entire team was almost snipers, SA 80 rocks liike it always has, AA kind of too powerful.  Uhh c4 is bad like i keep dropping another while trying to denote 1, cant hear enemy guns sometimes, and yea. so its good and bad
+34|6791|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
except for the part were my shock padles go crazy

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