+69|6965|Nova Scotia
I'm not pissed about the red tag.  I suppose my point was that I never notice if I shot someone because of an incorrect tag.  Generally I recognize uniform differences, too.
Hell, once I shot my buddy with a rocket who was driving in an APC in front of me (I was on foot, AT), got out, got in a jeep and came towards me honking his horn for me to get in.  Hahaha, I think I turned around for a second and I thought he was "one of them" so I hastily blew him up.
Seemed like a good idea at the time....
First man on Mars
+9|7009|England, GBR
I can't even install the fucking thing. So u lot are lucky already to even play it to love or whine about it

But can't you just be an engineer and "spanner" the mines out of the way?????
+69|6965|Nova Scotia

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

I can't even install the fucking thing. So u lot are lucky already to even play it to love or whine about it

But can't you just be an engineer and "spanner" the mines out of the way?????
I just read that you can indeed use your wrench to get rid of mines, instead of the G key, as I earlier said in error.
I said it the whole time two much change. people bitch abou tshit and now look the whole fucking game is changed.
For better quality: no
For better gameplay: NO
SO that any bum can pick up the sticks(sorry console refereance)  and play the game well.
The game was hard thats why i liked it.  Not everyone could excel at it. Now the changes taht they made totally made it so that you don't have to be as aware.   god damn why can't I thow a mine on a tank.  In real life you could. Why can't iI through C$ over a wall.  In real life you could.  And god damn how the hell does every soldier on the field through a gernade like fucking ben rothlisberger.  No jump and shoot I undersand.  Fucck it all I'll still palay and own. =sst=

J_Witmyer wrote:

I said it the whole time two much change...
For better quality: no
For better gameplay: NO
The game was hard thats why i liked it.  Not everyone could excel at it...why can't I thow a mine on a tank.  In real life you could. Why can't iI through C$ over a wall.  In real life you could...No jump and shoot I undersand...I'll still palay and own.
Not a bad sentiment.  I agree with you on most points.  Aside from the typos and the obscenity, I'd say you were right on the money with your comments.

I'm not sure EA/Dice was going for realism with this game.  There are more than a few things that are IN NO WAY realistic, but then again EA & Dice go to great lengths to use only ''real world'' weapons.  Hmph...  I guess I don't know WHAT they were thinking.

Being able to jump and throw really effects my gameplay.  (At least it did last night.)  I'm not sure how you're supposed to C4 a vehicle without blowing yourself up.  (Now you need a long time to be able to sneak up to it and sneak away.)   Being able to throw med packs over fences would be really helpful.  And how are you supposed to get around the maps now that you can't go prone in mid-air?  That was the ONLY way you could get through some places... (i.e. windows, fences)  I know.  I've tried.

Those =sst= guys/gals are something.  I'll have to look out for them more.
+302|7055|Salt Lake City

As long as they fixed the AA stuff, I couldn't give a rats ass about any of the other changes.  The helos still get notified of an AA lock, they still have flairs, and the pilots can take evassive action.  The flyboys are just pissed because they can no longer run the map with very little fear of being shot down by AA that are more likely to hit a friendly target on the other side of the map rather than the target on which it was locked.

To all the flyboys, I say you've had your run of being able to rape the maps with impunity, now it's your turn to have to learn how to adjust to the changes.
Angry Player
+0|6965|A house...
The patch is a useless piece of shit which has made BF2 shit.

EA/Dice suck and could of done far better!

I do hope they release another patch to fix this crap.

Last edited by Angry Player (2006-02-15 17:20:59)

Took me 5 attempts to download it correctly, Over all bloody 16hrs wasted to get a patch! I can see no noticeable difference in the game. Im stilling having keyboard problems.
Thanks EA for knuckling under to the noobs and chronic complainers who have never taken the time and effort to play the game as intended, or with skill.  No one minds the end to the bunny hoppers and toob whores.  But, I spent  500 hours becomeing good at the Attack Helo's just so you could patch them down to about 20 percent of their former effectivness.  Now armor rules cause their is no, check to their advance across the maps.  Its just a plain sell out to those who have ten hours of game time, and cry they didnt win the gold.  Yet you do nothing to the over abundant, totaly skilless jets, which add zero to the enjoyment of the game.  Unless watching people get fifty kills without a death while flying in aimless circles.  While spawn killing players actually in the game some how improves game play?   Thanks for screwing all the skilled and commited players once again.  I've had enough, off to the vidio store to buy a none EA game.  right after I uninstall this crud and toss it in the trash.
As far as I can tell, they have not changed the lower rank reqs at all.
Which is really stupid because you have inconsistant jumps between the ranks.

ie: 8000 -> 20 000 -> 50 000 -> 60 000 -> 75 000 -> 90 000 -> 115 000 -> 125 000 etc... ?????

Why the hell did they keep a huge gap (30 000) between the First Sergeant & Sergeant Major, but only have a small jump (10 000) to 2nd Lieutenant and so on ????

When are they going to "fix" this ?

Yet another fine screw up from EA...
NJG HukaMaster

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

I think it's going to ruin the way I play.
Thats Okay your selling your sig on Ebay. Hows that going anyway?
It makes me laugh all the people that seem to like the patch are low ranked (under 40 grand) noobs.... probably because they lacked the skill in the first place ...
LOL I find it funny that everyone calls people who are new to the game "noobs".  I bet you that the majority of the players are under 30k as of yet.  And I bet its the majority of players who complained about the aircraft.  And I bet EA saw that the majority of its market was unhappy and decided to change things.  You guys think they just saw a few posts and emails and changed things this drasticly.  Hell no, the game was having some serious problems and they started to fix the balancing issues to keep the majority happy.
Before the patch everyone had to deal with it and still play, why don't you complainers tear a page from thier books and do the same.
I personnally am not happy with everything in the patch but overall it was needed.  If you can't see that somethings needed changed ( and still do) then you were probably abusing the issue.
+14|6992|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
definatly too much at one time somebody at ea probably got sand in theyre crack about the choppers. thus the utter and compleatly useless "evolution" of choppers. got my first chance at the attack choppers today and all i have to say is that they are ruined. i normally fly close ground supprt and now I cant provide the ground troops with the support they need since now all anyone needs is to sneeze in its general direction to take it out. one guy in the gunner seat of a tank and one on the gun of a buggy took me down in about 3 seconds flat.  and heaven forbid you ever try to gun down a chopper going back for repairs on the essex. I managed to dodge all the damn missles but some guy on the boat as support got the last but that the phalanx minigun couldnt. the minigun on the blackhawk sucks now too. took seven swings around a boat and damn near overheating the gun twice just to blow the thing up. so if a tank is coming in on your position dont count on a cobra or havoc coming by to help. It seams like they bumped the health down to about 30 percent of the original. Im not bitching about getting killed in a chopper cuz it happend a good bit before the patch since im not the worlds greatest pilot (i like to think im a decent pilot at least). but now getting the damn thing in a position to help out you fellow ground pounders is almost impossible. I just dont think that a single guy in a buggy should be able to stand down an attack chopper and cause him to turn and run. a cobra used to be something to strike fear into the heart of the enemy now all i do is find the nearest vehicle and hop on the gun and think its kinda weird to see the fact that i (alone) just defended a flag against a cobra in a buggy.

On the plus side:
The A/A is a good improvement in my opinion although the planes really seem unaffected by it. i just wish that there wasnt so much of it around but i guess its time to change tactics.
the bunny hopping while shooting is a great improvment wanst really a problem more of an annoyance really but you can really tell the people who did it before. they are getting to be easier targets.

there are 2 morals to this "story":
1) Tanks and APC's are going to be damn near unstoppable on the battlefield ( especially if there is more than one in a group)
2) if you see a cobra or havoc coming your way conserve ammo and just start chucking rocks at it it will either a) turn and run or b) turn into a smoking hole in the ground.

JonskyGBR wrote:

And ALL you people who actually like the patch, just keep posting in here, then when EA look to see if it's well recepted they will see

4500 posts of complaints

235 of praise
hahaha... for the most part, I'm too busy laughin at the whinging ex-jet and ex-chopper whores to be able to post too much.

It's priceless!!!

fkn brilliant!!!!

They said they found a way to get a gain in FPS but since the patch mine has been a lot lower, the same on all of my friend's computers and we haven't changed our graphical settings.
Haha this is so funny im like almost the last one left that can fly and stay alive without getting shot
I say only the smart pilot will stay im glad
BunnyHop fix is a JOKE.

I didn't mind it all that much, didn't even see it that often.

Should have delayed between jumps rather than not being able to shoot while jumping. Can't throw med/ammo/c4 it's just shit.

And why is anybody who jumped in a chopper or plane once in a while a "whore" please ????????????
Please explain it, I really want to know.
+0|6965|Minnesota, US
Now that I've been thinking about it they should have just drasticly reduced accuracy for whenever you are in the air, no matter if you are prone in the air or just jumping normally. I still can't get over how clunky it feels going prone or getting up from it, or just jumping from a stand. People keep talking about how balanced the game has become, if you put aside the changes made to air, how have they made things any better, all the games I've played in so far have been sniper/support fests. I didn't mention this in my last post but I've never really had problems with jets or helos, if one kills me once or twice, then I change my kit and go after them, never saw a real problem there. *shrug* I just can't stand the landwar anymore, people say adapt to the changes but if I saw any real positive side to them I would, but most of these are just asinine.

Just another personal thought but it always seems to me that people love to play sniper, whether it is in games or in airsoft something just draws people to it, before the patch sniper was a kit that was difficult to adjust to and wasn't able to overwhelm the gameplay.With it's recent increases in power it seems that people are overplaying it and it is ruining the gameplay for everyone else, or maybe it's just my experiance so far.

Last edited by Khadgar323 (2006-02-15 20:32:05)

ya the bunny hoping removal is WAY overkill only a delay would of been fine now if you get in a house forget about getting out the window...if you see a apc forget about diving behind the wall so he dont shoot your feets...forget blackhawking in mashtuur the way it was...but i guess we got to move on i just hope they put diving back but not remove the delay when your prone and touch the ground...
+1|6967|People's Rep. of Massachusetts

Angry Player wrote:

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

Takedazor wrote:

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA i gess you didnt got the point man, rockets dont come at you and hit you, they just do crazy turns when they miss and hit you sometimes, because programers at EA were so worried about rockets hiting the target that even if they dont they sometimes come back for you like some grave ripper shit.

And if you think i'm dying like hell now, yes sometimes it appens when my team really sucks but when things are ballanced i still get 40-3 or better scores after the patch.

And 1more thing i dont use the joystick to fly the helli i use the mouse so i dont need to sell my joystick now.

I just want them to fix the bugs and don't make some kits overated like support seems to be now, even ppl that use support say that, and a friend of mine that almost never used support got like 8kills in 10sec firing like a crazy rambo. But whatever that doesn't boder me i just want them to fix the bugs and don't screw the game anymore please, if every kit went on moaning about its weapon we would get to a point were everyone killed 1hit with 100% accuracy, i liked the way the guys missed it maked me fire only when i had perfectly aimed now i will just spray bullets but whatever i can live with that.

I have to admit dude, that I planned on razzing you pretty good about spelling and grammar (not that mine is perfect by any stretch).  But, honestly I had to re-read this a couple of times to figure your point, BUT since you did NOT just flame like the typical tards I have been reading, I will say this.

I do not believe that I missed any points.  For starters, my post was meant as a humerous exageration.  The fact is that no matter what EA does, a bunch of piss-moaning "veterans" of FPS games are gonna spend all their free (I don't work anyway) time filling the boards up full of horsesh1t about "Noobs" ruining the game they automagically reign supreme in. 

I looked at a few of you fly boy's stats and have one thing to say (and this is directed to the complaining d1ckheads on the board flaming and blaming everyone else as there are MANY very good pilots out there who will adjust without complaint and we WILL need you all big time later).

1.  Give me a freakin' break you whining bitches.  You all have 20-1 (or better) K/D ratios. And allow me let you in on a little secret, it's not because you are SOOOO much more skilled than the typical AK-101 toting shlep in the thick of contested capture points (btw, fighting off dolphining, hopping, c4 hucking nitwits).  It's because you are buzzing around the map in a flying tank loaded with auto-cannons and rockets and NOTHING on the friggin' ground can touch you whining dimwits.  Congratulations on your 25000 "well-earned" points in 60 hours of playing time.  It couldn't of happened to a nicer set of point-whores.

I am happy about the patch, cuz planes and Helo's border dangerously on being exploits IMHO.  I don't fly because a) I didn't buy this game to fly around abd B) i would probably SUCK at it anyway so I leave it to the SKILLED dudes.  Hey I need a ride to the fight, you guys are always there for me AND some of you can really kick a$$ on the way.  I just don't think you should be able to do it with absolute impunity.

I also, don't agree ENTIRELY with your point about unbalanced kits.  The whole point is that there is an underlying "Rock, paper, scissors" effect in play here.  So no matter which kit you favor, there is an answer to it.  Some people just cannot accept the fact that the kit they like the most is NOT superior to the rest of them.  People like to think they have discovered some nuance to the game that gives them an advantage over everyone else (much like choppers and planes).  But in general, I find the ground kits to be pretty well balanced and believe me, it is NOT because I am having any great success with one kit.  Rather it is because I keep finding myself changing kits mid-game to adjust to the situation.  Probably my favorite aspect to the game.  I feel as though I have to make a sacrifice to deal with what ails me most.  Some lunatic is tearing me up with a tank, I switch to AT.  Some Sniper is tearing me up and I switch to Sniper and try to hunt him down.  Some Commander is tearing my team up (becasue he is THAT good) I switch to SF and mess with his strategic assets, etc.  I  friggin' LOVE all the possibilities.  Unfortunately for you fly boys, there just did not seem to be a good in-game answer to your helos and planes, so EA made fixed it!

Thx for keeping it clean Takedazor (you appear to be a class act (for a fly boy;) so please understand that this is NOT directed at you, rather at the sh1tst1cks who keep spouting typical tard absurdities like "Noobs ruined my game with their bitching".  You my friends are the idiots.  You my friends ruined your own game by exploiting the near impervious flying assets for your own point-whoring gain and I for one am glad that EA/Dice recognized it and did something about it.

BTW, you can look it up (if possible I suppose or take my word for it), but I never ONCE complained about any of these things until I started reading gobs of imbecilic rhetoric on this board.  Whiners blaming EVERYONE but themselves.
Your supposed to moan about the patch on this board not complement it fool :-)
I'm defending the patch against nitwits jackass
K, i have 4 things to complain about.

1- Noobtoobing is alive and well. There is a 15m delay on the M203 40mm in real life; in BF2, its about 2 feet. great, because i love noobtoobers. pff.

2- They did not nerf helis, they freaking hobbled them. I admit, helis used to be pretty dangerous, and i *totally*  agree that the SAM sites were pretty useless. but they havent nerfed 'em, helis are now pretty close to useless, unless they have a *damn* good pilot and WSO. Jets, actually, could probably use the nerfing. Makes for better pilots, hopefully.

3- MG is too powerful. This isnt even imo, this is fact. You can tell; play any urban map. what do you see? MG, MG, MG, MG, oh look a single medic, an anti-tank, MG, MG, MG. *EVERYBODY* is playing Support class, because MG's are insane now. Ive been sniped with them. Not shot at, *SNIPED* like as in 1-2 rounds. No shots hitting around me, just on my face. I was sniping, and having to work to hit them with the sniper rifle. This is recoculous.

4- armor is too powerful. This may be partially due to #2, but armor now is king. if your not AT, your getting killed by armor; if your AT, your getting sniped with the PKM. great.

as for other peoples comments:

if you think helis are balanced now, then you never flew in them and thought they were way overpowerd earlier. as somebody else said: why did you buy a game with aircraft and helis in it if you were just gonna want them to be useless and powerless.

if you think the bunnyhopping nerf is bad, you probably bunnyhopped.
Dead Meat
Haha, I'm glad some of these posts are being locked about the aa.
My only complaint about the patch is the air whores complaining about it!!!
They got 3 choices.

1.  adapt
2.  go infrantry
3.  Quit Bf2 and leave the Bf2s forums and make the rest of us happy!!!
I don't think I have ever seen a longer or more angry thread. EVER.
look everyone who hates the patch i dont think theres anything we can do. the noobs who sucked and got owned by us in the air and ground are just gonna win because there are too many talentless pussies against us. for the last time, this game was always balanced, its just that the skill wasnt. check the stats of the people who like the patch, they're stats are garbage because they got owned by us and had no choice but to bitch about it instead of trying to get better and own us back.

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