
What do you think of the 1.2 patch?

This patch sux32%32% - 51
This patch is awesome40%40% - 64
Don't care - I will play it either way26%26% - 42
Total: 157
Jack Klompus
+1|6690|Madison, WI
I am just wondering, as I assume a lot of people are, what amount of people like the new patch and what amount of people don't like the new patch.  Thanks for your cooperation.
+1|6746|Canada, Eh.
things i don't like, things i do.

Overall, it's a plus for me. I like it.

(the sound the sniper rifle makes was the deciding factor:))
Jack Klompus
+1|6690|Madison, WI
Yeah..I agree that the sniper sounds sweet. 

Also....There is a poll on this one - be sure to vote please.

Black Panzer Party
+184|6766|Eastern PA
AA is waaay too powerful (and I say this as a non-flyer). On maps that require the use of choppers as transport (Dalian and Oman come to mind) it's virtually impossible to get to shore with the new AA. If you manage to evade that then you get chewed up by .50 cals QUICKLY.
+4|6721|New York, New York
I absolutley HATE bunny hoppers, GL whores and prone spammers. 

This is a patch that right now seems pretty dull, but I think eventually it will be fun again.
this patch is awesome - it cant be said enough
euroforces next week \0/
New Bugs Detected = 6
Old Bugs Fixed = 0

Other Notes:
- All Aircraft made useless.
- Noob Tube not changed as promised.

Patch is a terrible failure.
It's crap, plain and simple.

For ground pounders it's taken the speed out of the game. Before you had to be quick, ducking, diving now it's whoever can spray their machine gun first wins... I honestly forgot I was playing an FPS it was that slow.

Made me want to uninstall BF2 and play solitare instead.
its fucking crap..impossible 2  fly plane..missiles hit every time
I like it, i think. But there is one thing that is pissing me off. The god dam red name tag is NOT fixed! Infact, if anything, it seems worse. I even had a blue name tag bug! Yes a blue one. An enemy, 2 infact, showed up as blue name tags. I shot one and got a friggin teamkill for it! So tought 'shit, that must have been one of my guys' so i left the other dude, and he killed me!!! I checked the teams and yes, they were on the opposite team. WTF! Appart from that dam annoying bug i quite like the patch.
+22|6707|England, UK
Good and bad in both ways.

Now only GOOD pilots can stay in the air.
+51|6768|Twente, The Netherlands
Agree. To stick c4 onto a tank now, you'll have to run towards it in a kamikaze move, put the c4 on it and try to run away and detonate. Then you get killed before you do. It's so stupid. Even medic bags and resupply packages can't be thrown while jumping.
When prone, it takes 2 seconds to stand up again. If you are hiding behind a wall, that means you'll have to crouch instead of prone, because standing up again takes too much time. And if you crouch (I don't really know if this is the good word), you have your head above the wall. Sniper paradise - especially with the new sniper rifle.
The PKM is way overpowered now. I've used it, and it racks up kills real fast, faster than ever. That is just not balanced anymore.
The new P90 unlock for the anti-tank is not my favourite. The new sniper unlock is a good weapon... I think I prefer it above the M24 and the M95.

The only real good thing about this patch are the new ranks. That gives some reward to the players with high points (including me).
BUT even that doesn't work out good. 1410 hours in all vehicles for a rank? WTF? I'm sure EA is kidding us. New hotfix please!

Edit: Agree at Esker I mean

Last edited by Dr_3V|L (2006-02-15 14:13:48)

They messed up both infantry combat and aircraft... I liked doing both. 

Now infantry is slow, clunky, and painful.  This kills me the most.  Armor now is way more powerful because you can't bunnyhop away or put C4 on the tank fast enough.

Jets are helis are "more balanced" I guess but AA is terribly overpowered. Flares just seems to do nothing.

It's like this patch was made for the people that play BF2 for a few hours a week and only complained because they sucked.
honestly what game are you guys playing o.0  ?????
go play solitaire i guess

New Bugs Detected = name the 6 that are so game destroying
Old Bugs Fixed = red name tag is gone, you cant get inside buildings, laser guide bug is gone, others i cant remember

Other Notes:
- All Aircraft made useless to unskilled players - the jet is still the most lethal weapon in the game by miles only now it can actually be shot down
- Noob Tube - minimum arm distance, cant be shot while jumping, smaller blast radius and now BOUNCES FFS, what more did you want

Patch is a hugely popular success - it is always the complainers that are the most vocal only now the praise is in danger of drowning them out
I'm of the opinion the patch SUCKS!!!

It doesn't seem to fix the things they promised.  AA can be avoided, but you have to be good at manuevering and know when to hit the flares. 

Not sure about the red tag/blue tag issue yet. 

Not sure about the sniper rifles, haven't tried them.

The MEC/PLA APCs seem to have fewer hitpoints and die quicker, while the US APC doesn't seem to have changed.

The Video card issues in Special Forces are NOT resolved.  I couldn't even play it in single player mode with out experiencing them. 

Haven't tried some of the other things out to know if they are good bad or indifferent.

My 2 cents worth
+51|6768|Twente, The Netherlands
My thoughts exactly slidero. Instead of rebalancing things, they made the things flip towards the other side. Pre-1.2: 'OMG the jets are too strong we are getting pwnz0rd every time' Now: The word AA-whore has a new meaning.
Pre-1.2: 'Look at this guy bunnyhopping! What a NOOB!' Now: Even my (grand)mother can play BF2 now due to the slowed gameplay.
I'm not going to play solitaire instead of BF2, but this patch has brought more utter crap than good stuff.

slidero wrote:

They messed up both infantry combat and aircraft... I liked doing both. 

Now infantry is slow, clunky, and painful.  This kills me the most.  Armor now is way more powerful because you can't bunnyhop away or put C4 on the tank fast enough.

Jets are helis are "more balanced" I guess but AA is terribly overpowered. Flares just seems to do nothing.

It's like this patch was made for the people that play BF2 for a few hours a week and only complained because they sucked.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks infantry is slow and crap.
+-2|6744|England, UK
Generally OK. Alot of bugs and issues addressed. AA upgrade is definitly welcomed. F ing with the airforce wasn't.
Attack heli's and all heli's are now overly challanged by the uber AA. Plus the hit point decrease, 14 to 8 missiles, TV range reduction. Too much! Attack heli's had there foe's anyway; AT, .50's, own airforce if anybodies spotting for them, you know teamwork.

A deal can be struck with the airpower fearing noobs before this great game is ruined:-

1. Keep the new patch AA. It is good!
2. Hit points for jets at new patch settings. This will make them land for repairs more often. A new challange for the jet pilots and will ease constant raping of flags.
3. All Heli's hit points to between new patch settings and original settings.
3. Attack heli TV range set to original settings to counter uber AA.
4. Keep the 8 missiles instead of 14.

IMO this is balance.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-15 14:26:30)


$kelet0r wrote:

honestly what game are you guys playing o.0  ?????
go play solitaire i guess

New Bugs Detected = name the 6 that are so game destroying
Old Bugs Fixed = red name tag is gone, you cant get inside buildings, laser guide bug is gone, others i cant remember

Other Notes:
- All Aircraft made useless to unskilled players - the jet is still the most lethal weapon in the game by miles only now it can actually be shot down
- Noob Tube - minimum arm distance, cant be shot while jumping, smaller blast radius and now BOUNCES FFS, what more did you want

Patch is a hugely popular success - it is always the complainers that are the most vocal only now the praise is in danger of drowning them out
Nade launcher does not bounce for me, I can shoot my feet and kill myself, does that make it 7 new bugs then?
And LoL at name tag bug fixed, its now WORSE!.

Oh you wanted me to list the other 6? ok then...

1) Putting shock pads away un-charged results in them not working whatsoever when you need them, just keep clicking and wondering why they aren’t doing anything.
2) Often I spawn now and cant move, im stuck there till I die.
3) Bug when standing up after prone, does a double stand/prone (hard to explain, will make video soon).
4) All machine guns don’t make a noise for me anymore when other people are using them, earlier I tried to knife an AFK guy only to find he wasn’t AFK but shooting at me the whole time.
5) Nade launcher nades often disappear without exploding.
6) In BFHQ my rank is "rankname" and my next rank is "private".

As for AA, taking down a jet that is banking hard while dropping flares from half way across the map is not what I would consider balanced.

To kill a single enemy infantry using the black hawk you should be careful not to over heat.
My impressions so far:
- Support kit WAY too strong.....had no problem getting a 5/1 k/D in the last few games. Before the patch it was crap but they improved it too much.
- n00b t00bing is more balanced now i guess....seems harder to hit with it now but didnt really test it enough to be sure
- AA is pretty strong and might even be imbalanced.....didnt see how good it is against jets so far so i cant really judge it.
- new bug: if you go prone, stand up and fire a SMAW or ERYX it will look like it fired but it didnt
  So if I was able to find a new bug within 3h in the new patch chances are there are some more
The idea behind the changes are correct, just the way in which they were implemented was not.

Could they not just have made it impossible to prone while jumping like they did with shooting? no, they had to put a stupid 2 second delay before you can stand again. Even 1 second would have been better and still would have solved the dolphin diving issues.
IF you guys wanna take down a tank without being killed go ANTI-TANK, its there for a reason and C4 are for destroying artelleri and other stuff. And was tired of never be able to shoot down air no matter how many missiles I launched before. They where ment to bring fown air but oh no, just there to make us feel a bit more safer.

The snipers have gotten a big improvement, was able to do a lot of headshots on people just by having the crosshair pointed at their head.

P90 is a great weapon, compared to the other guns, DAO seems to miss a lot even in thights corner and mp5 was worthless.

PKM has gotten a big improvement, but havn't tried G3.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6733|Tampa Bay Florida
Is there a chance EA might call this patch back?  Seems to me (apart from there being no reason to include aircraft in the game) that the bugs have gotten worse, not better.  Will they recall this patch like they did with the other one?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-02-15 14:54:50)

Plane missiles are too good now. I was raping the enemy jets and helis with my J10 on wake. I think I missed twice, and both times were due to flares. It's the complete opposite of 1.12, where missiles were worthless.

Someone mentioned landing to repair. Lol! It takes ages to slow down a jet, and in that time, you'll get hit by 50 IGLAs. Landing is not practical, like it was in DC.

Sniper rifles are better, but EA is still off. They were too inaccurate in 1.12, but now they are too accurate. Less accuracy and more damage (100 to chest) would make them a weapon that was worth learning to use.

Helicopters aren't very good anymore. They take massive damage from everything and only have 8 missiles (need more than that to kill helis). I was on Sharqi and both helis were just sitting there.

IGLA/Stinger is far too good. It seems to do reduced damage (or maybe nobody has ever noticed how much it did before, since nobody ever got hit with it), but is too accurate. Taking out 2 jets within 20 seconds seems cheap.

I've found a few problems, though. 1) I don't see a hit indicator for some weapons (pistol, sniper rifle). 2) Enemy weapons often don't produce any sound.

Next time I play, I'm going to try Support and see if it really is as strong as everyone says.
So that’s now 9 new bugs. Has anyone noticed any bugs that have been fixed? I haven’t yet.

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