
Cbass wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Torin wrote:

More thinking for pilots, no thinking for AA users. Yeah, that's balance alright.
Yes could lord knows everyone wants to rack up those AA points and waste there whole game sitting in one spot looking at the air. Dude 8.63 k/d ratio, that was real balanced. Now the ground pounders don't have to worry about air as much cause we've all spawned up and got bombed, then bombed again. AA should take even less thought it should be 1 hit 1 kill automatic lock.
i agree, like it takes much thought to drop bombs and re-arm repeat. u don't even have to fucking land and stop....u can reload by flying by the runway. that is total crap. us ground pounders u know have to radio for supply drops and sit there to re-arm/ repair and all the time hope one of u jet whores doesn't bomb the hell out of us because were just sitting there.
How the hell would you even know what it takes to drop bombs? 357 kills in a plane over your entire BF2 history? Shit, I do that in a day. You don't know what it takes to drop bombs, and it certainly isn't as simple as you make it out to be. It takes a lot more planning to avoid all those air-to-ground TKs that you constantly complain about. However, being as narrow minded and self-centered as you are, I guess you wouldn't even bother to think about that, huh?

Cbass wrote:

i had a lucky or unlucky run-in with a noob pilot who was no good at bombing. but the thing is he was good at rearming and coming back. i sware to god he made 10-15 passes on me in 10 second intervals. id no more then say jeez he missed again and oops here he comes for another run. that is complete bullshit, that guy even being a noob was not challanged what so ever. i even tryed to hop in the linebacker sitting right there but by the time i ran there he was bombing me again and i got smoked for being on foot. That right there shows if a jetwhore is on ur ass just let him get the kill and move on because he will just keep trying to get u and all the time haveing no way to defend yourself.
Geez, freaking learn to play. If you can't kill a plane after 10-15 passes, just stop playing, you're terrible.

Cbass wrote:

Im happy the new AA rocks, now pilots can see how it feels.
Yeah, these noob pilots that kill you will see how it feels. The good pilots will keep on killing your whiny ass because you can't be bothered to actually learn to use AA properly, or *gasp* fly a plane on your own. Jesus christ, of all the narrow minded ground pounding whiners on this forum, you're most certainly the worst.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

Thank you for making this game VERY unbalanced
So says the man with more airtime than ground time.  Only 10% groundkill versus vehicle kills.  I'd say that's more of an inbalance...
May be I like to fly (for infantry fights I play other games), but at least I have my pistol and knife badges, whereas u who play on "Statpadkand",  can't even get those.
Infantry gets boring for me, to easy to kill, then run around and for more to kill. I would rather bomb all of u and let my teaM TAKE THE POINTS AND KILL WHOEVER SURVIVED MY BOMBING.

But now I don't even need a bomber, I can bomb u with a fighter jet just as well as I could with bomber before patch, so enjoy
so you openly admit to whoreing, on the gound you kill so easily so in the jet it's harder?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6956|Howell, Mi USA
Like i said Torin.... Jets provide air support for ground troops, im not saying there useless. im saying most pilots use jets for their own personal gain and not to help their team.  Better AA means another way to defend ourselves even when friendly pilots are fuckin around playing follow the leader or just plane useless in a jet. u gotta admit jets dominate a biiiiit too much in this game. it's about time it's evened up.
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6984|Toronto, ON, CAN
Wow... 21 pages, complaining (or rejoicing) about a patch attribute that has been available for less than 28 hours... I am impressed

I am glad that I can shoot down the UAV, which painted my where abouts to the heli spawn whore.
I am glad that my support machine gun can now hit a target 30 meters away that isn't larger than a stadium.
I am glad that AA guns can get you more positive points, than teamkills and team vehicle damage.
I am glad there is now reasons to fear mines, (besides it killing all your teammates before an enemy comes).
I am glad that there is something to scare pilots at all in a game about battlefield combat.
and of course,
I am glad that there will be less hopping / diving / GL'ing, so we can get on with the combat side of the game.

So I will never get my Aerial combat ribbon without some heavy practice. GOOD. It should be hard to get the ribbons / medals... otherwise they would come free with your morning cereal!

As to the comments about flares, I was watching the latest IMAX movie to come around, Fighter Pilot. Interesting thing I noticed, is when they see an enemy jet, or SAM, they are launching flares at random to throw off the targetting... and they fly erratically to avoid being painted for lock on!

This isn't because they can just hit the afterburner, and avoid all inbound missles - the missles are a severe threat to staying airborne... Hell a bird in the turbine is a threat to staying airborne!

Jets are delicate pieces of engineering, and I am glad EA has finally made them so in the game. SAM missles are quite easy to operate (according to the Cuban military, when they shot down a U2 during the cuban missle crisis). Respect the threat and coordinate with your ground forces to eliminate the anti air threats before moving in.

The game does support Teamspeak and VOIP for a reason...
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7006|I'm worldwide, beotch
Annnnd a jet getting 50 kills (many of them vehicles) DOESN'T help the team???

Last edited by Aegis (2006-02-15 11:33:16)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Torin there are only so many jets on a map, so many tanks, so many vechicals on the ground. Take the time to learn to fly doesn't really exist in the game, cause most people understand that the jets are the dominating force that's why there's so many teamkills for the game. I love the whole go play counterstrik thing, if you look in the earlier post got play a flight simulator. I got into the series with BFV and love the aspect of the game even the flying, it's was just unbalenced before in favor of the jets. Know the playing field is a little more so lvl.

4 planes top on a map 4 helo's 64 people, and two pilots racking up 50-100 kills is not fun for anyone. Ea really needs to put back in effect the TKing will cause you a death thing they had in BFV, that was awesome and would stop the pointless bombings. I've been whiped out with an entire squad before when ingageing two enemies cause a pilot wantted to points, or tk'd while trying to capture the flag.

I hope EA puts that in the next patch does everybody remember that you shot an other player your health would go down a little bit, you tked you'd die as well.

Cbass wrote:

Like i said Torin.... Jets provide air support for ground troops, im not saying there useless. im saying most pilots use jets for their own personal gain and not to help their team.  Better AA means another way to defend ourselves even when friendly pilots are fuckin around playing follow the leader or just plane useless in a jet. u gotta admit jets dominate a biiiiit too much in this game. it's about time it's evened up.
I didn't say you did, but you keep insisting BF2 is an infantry game, and it's not.

Hell, most people, pilots included, only play for their own personal gain. You think the dude in the M1A2 camping a spawn point is doing it for the team or his personal gain? You think people whoring C4 are doing it for the team or their personal gain? You think people whoring the medic class for revive points aren't doing it for their personal gain? Hell, 90% of people are playing it for their personal gain like they are Rambo, this phenomenon is not limited to just pilots.

Not all maps have jets, so the amount of domination that goes on is about as much as armor domination goes on, which you don't seem to have any problem with. What's the difference between planes dominanting on Wake and armor dominating on Karkand? Not a damn thing. Each map is tailored differently, and planes dominate the maps they are available on, just like armor dominates the maps they are tailored for. Same with helis.

And why do you still think this change to AA is going to make that any different? Good pilots are still dominating on Wake, and armor is still dominating on Karkand.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6956|Howell, Mi USA
Jeez Torin are u mental? The pilots are the ones bitchin on here, not us ground pounders. your mad because we can fight back now.

And how the hell am i supposed to kill a jet when he's flying over me at 500ft (or whatever) the cannon on the tanks don't raise up that high. either does the 50cal on top. there was not a dam thing i could do, thats y i was going to the linebacker, atleast i would of had a slim chance.

Quit being a douch bag, stop pissin n moaning, and deal with the new AA Torin. it's about time u had to "earn" that high k/d ratio.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6956|Howell, Mi USA
What do u think that tank is doing camping a CP? picking his ass? he's defending it so the team can win.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Torin there are only so many jets on a map, so many tanks, so many vechicals on the ground. Take the time to learn to fly doesn't really exist in the game, cause most people understand that the jets are the dominating force that's why there's so many teamkills for the game. I love the whole go play counterstrik thing, if you look in the earlier post got play a flight simulator. I got into the series with BFV and love the aspect of the game even the flying, it's was just unbalenced before in favor of the jets. Know the playing field is a little more so lvl.
Take the time to learn to fly in single player then? "Go back to single player, this isn't the place to learn how to fly." Ever hear that one before? I use it all the time.

Telling a person that thinks BF2 is an infantry game, or at least wants it to be... to go back to CS is applicable. Counter Strike IS an infantry-only game. If that's what you want, go play that instead. BF2 is not an infantry-only game, or jet-only game, or heli-only game. I don't want a flight sim, I want to be able to play as infantry, in a jet, in a heli, in a tank, jihad jeeping, C4 camping, etc. I want it all, that's why I'm playing BF2. I'm not imposing any limitations on the game like the ground pounders want to. The ground pounders would prefer if there were no jets, so they could have their fire fight in peace. However, BF2 is a lot deeper than that, and these people can't cope. As a result, we get people complaining about airpower, and saying nerf jets. I want more than a flight sim, but these ground pounding whiners only want an infantry combat game. If that's the case, like I said, go play CS:S. If you came from BF:V, how can you even think the Battlefield series isn't balanced towards airpower? BF1942 and BF:V were the same way BF2 was and is. Airpower is superior to ground power, no matter what game you look at. Helis and jets have always owned the crap out of the ground pounders, and it'll always be that way.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

4 planes top on a map 4 helo's 64 people, and two pilots racking up 50-100 kills is not fun for anyone. Ea really needs to put back in effect the TKing will cause you a death thing they had in BFV, that was awesome and would stop the pointless bombings. I've been whiped out with an entire squad before when ingageing two enemies cause a pilot wantted to points, or tk'd while trying to capture the flag.
It's fun for the people on their team. It's fun for those pilots getting 50-100 kills. You know, it's not always gonna be the most fun for you, deal with that. Yeah, I'm sorry you've had run-ins with noob pilots, hopefully the AA change will help that, but don't try to take away the fun that good, dedicated pilots have playing BF2. We payed the same $50 you did.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I hope EA puts that in the next patch does everybody remember that you shot an other player your health would go down a little bit, you tked you'd die as well.
I wouldn't mind at all. That's the way it was in DC, and I still owned it up in the planes.

Cbass wrote:

Jeez Torin are u mental? The pilots are the ones bitchin on here, not us ground pounders. your mad because we can fight back now.

And how the hell am i supposed to kill a jet when he's flying over me at 500ft (or whatever) the cannon on the tanks don't raise up that high. either does the 50cal on top. there was not a dam thing i could do, thats y i was going to the linebacker, atleast i would of had a slim chance.

Quit being a douch bag, stop pissin n moaning, and deal with the new AA Torin. it's about time u had to "earn" that high k/d ratio.
Yeah, I'm mental when it comes to narrow minded people like you. No pilot has bitched in the last 5 pages of this thread, you know why? Because we all realized after having played 1.2 that this new AA is no big deal and we still own. We're not in here bitching, we're in here setting the record straight for all you stupid ground pounders who think this AA change is for some reason the death of all pilots. You ground pounders have been whining for MONTHS. I'm not mad because you can fight back, I'm mad because you're so god damn narrow minded it's infuriating.

Gee, trying to kill a jet in an M1A2, why can you do it? BECAUSE IT'S NOT AA, DERRRRRRRR. Get in a linebacker. Even in 1.12 I owned this shit out of planes in the Linebacker. Why don't you try it? Or is your ass just glued inside that M1A2? If you can't kill any aircraft in a Linebacker, seriously, go play another game, because you're terrible at this one. Either that, or stop complaining on the forums about how much the game is biased towards jets when the only thing that is biased is your willingless to learn the other aspects of the game. (AA in this case)

I do deal with the new AA, as I've stated IN EVERY SINGLE DAMN POST I've made. Learn to freaking read.

Cbass wrote:

What do u think that tank is doing camping a CP? picking his ass? he's defending it so the team can win.
What do you think that jet bombing the CP is doing? picking his ass? He's clearing out the infantry so his team can take the flag and win. Jesus, do you only EVER think about things from your perspective only? Everything someone in an Abrams does is honorable and good, but everything someone in a plane does is cheap and lame? What is your deal?
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
It's really not fun for the people on your team. It's the most annoying thing when your on the ground and you have a base raping(any base) pilot on your team, then you spend your whole time looking for a fight at least I think so, in BF:V airpower was no way the most powerful part of the game there where countermesures to it, the SAS worked quit well as well as the zsu. If they had a point system on that pilots would have probably had a 5/1 3/1 k/d ratio. Not only that but there was even less of a reason to be a pilot in that game.
I know how to fly the problem is getting into a plane to do it on any server, I just never bother cause I hate getting stranded on the AC carrier and how easy it is to kill in them.  They should take the bombs out of the fighters and have them be fighters. Also the stationary AA still kinda sucks cause it's stationary and ever pilot knows eactly where to aim that's my biggest problem with 1.12 AA. they need to have a sholder fire missle that will actually track jets.
So go play 24/7 Karkand? Hah, about BF:V... I can't recall the amount of Huey ownage that went on in that game.

As far as the TK thing is concerned, for good pilots its really a non-issue. It's not uncommon at all for me to have a round where I kill 60 people, die 0-2 times, and TK nobody. Good pilots don't TK people, nooby ones do.

I agree about the AA. Did you play Desert Combat? Well, if not, you won't know what I'm talking about, but we need the Stingers from that game.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Torin you didn't own anything in an AA look at your stats why does every pilot lie about how amazing they were with the 1.12 AA, that's what's infurating good you learned that your stat padding ways are getting away virtually untouched and you can still walk away from every game with 50+ kills.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Nope never play DC. just this and BF2 I really do like the jet aspect of the game but I'm more into the gound aspect I like guns. and if I"m getting owned by a tank I switch to AT if I'm getting owned by a helo or a jet I'm just screwed. if they had the sholder AA I could switch to that and have a running, fighting chance.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6956|Howell, Mi USA
haha now iv got u mad it would be nice if pilots did that but usually they don't. y do u think i WAS going for the linebacker i know what the fuck im doing on the battlefield. sorry i can't devote my life to this game i haven't played in the last 2 days because my girlfriend needs more attention then this game.

and when was this supposid pwnage of planes with the linebacker in 1.12? ive never seen ANYONE do that. yea i can kill the shit out of helo's with the linebacker but jets are too fast by the time u get a lock there gone. so make up some more shit u lier. even if u did get a lock the missle would fly the other way because the old lock system was basically nonexistant to jets.
When pilots talk about being in AA, we know how to use it well because we know what works against us. So we turn those same tactics around on enemy aircraft and tada. Yes, I only have 679 kills in AA, but so what? You don't honestly expect someone to keep up in kills with AA like they do in a jet do you? The opportunity for targets is far less. Stats do not indicate a good understanding of AA. I could have 2 kills or 20,000 kills in AA and still have a good understanding of it.

Cbass: No sense in debating this with you anymore, you opinion has no real value. Seriously, if you can't kill stuff, helis and jets alike in a Linebacker, 1.12 or 1.2, that's your bad. I'm sorry you haven't witnessed it, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Last edited by Torin (2006-02-15 12:21:07)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
man cbass Like the fish? you need a new girlfriend
Kick His Ass!
+371|6956|Howell, Mi USA
so does anyone who's ever shot down an aircraft. i have my ways too, but they don't work on jets. nothing does. or did i should say.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Well all have a good understanding of AA you follow target untill you get a lock and then you shoot. There's really no skill involved ever in it unless it's shoulder held.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I think all us ground pounders should just go play CS and let the pilots have there games.

Waiting for 4 players to join.
AA was NEVER effective just admit it.. there is no way you could deny without just trying to make it seem like planes were all powerful..
AA was NEVER effective just admit it.. there is no way you could deny without just trying to make it seem like planes were all powerful..
+-2|6962|England, UK
I agree with the AA inprovement. Its the attack heli's TV range reduction, 14 to 8 missiles, hit point reduction aswell as the AA improvement. That the problem. A good patch would be 8 missiles, a hit point reduction of between this new patch setting and the original setting. Keep TV's as they were as this will counter the new uber AA. Also jets hit points should be increased slighty as the AA is deadly.
Great patch! I love it.

Now the AAs are a real competition and those bombing runs are even more thrilling.
I was a good jet-player before patch 1.2 and after i will be an even better one. Made already lots of rounds and yes, now i get in trouble or shot down, too. But that's just fair.
Prior patch 1.2 there was simply no real competition towards TV-guided-missiles and my 5 bombs. Now the ground-poopers have at least a chance - well done EA.
So stop whining you retarded wanna-be-pilots about the new strength of AA and compete with it or get OUT!

Last edited by mecspecialist (2006-02-15 12:32:34)

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