Now Now Now children.. let a true (anal)yzer do the real work here for yah..
First things first this is a VIDEO GAME for 8 damn months Nothing in this game to me was broken I found a counter to all things ( except igla it was mostly useless ) and ( blackhawks with the ability to just mad cap flags and own at the same time ) however to me personally the blackwhoring was never an issue but thats in the past!  Now after 8 damn months they remove the signature gameplay that made this game mostly for the hardcore ( the way it should be ) and more accessible to everyone ( the way it shouldnt be ) and I will tell you why.   A chopper is a damn hard thing to fly. In my own personal opinion in this game it requires at least 50 hours of training in battle against human opponents to become profficient enough to destroy and be surgical with your missles. I can deal with an added pack of 8 rockets as opposed to 14 in a single pack. I can deal with slightly powerful IGLA ( and yes no matter what you say IT IS UNGODLY NOW IF YOU MISS A TIMED FLARE ) what I cant deal with is a Single Shot Eryx and a PKM mowing down a heli.. WTF!? This out of all vehicles requires the most attention to detaiil and to me personally really good eye hand coordination. The ability to read and adjust your alttitude, attitude. and power for precision movement and crash saves is what seperates it into a class in itself.  Yes I am a helo whore.. but joe shmoe private first class can get in ANY JET and after my first flare I am toast.  A j-10 banking hard left with afterburners doing a barrel roll or loop after a missed flare has NO CHANCE. However I am suited and have played proficiently as all classes, in all vehicles, in all group categories ( squad, s/l, commander) and found an effective way to counter everything in the game except Operation Clean Sweep Bomber rape.. which could be based on two things.. 1. do we have an experienced pilot to shoot them down.. and 2. is iour plane stolen.. Which usually one or both of those things were not being performed.

ok Airpower imho Way overnerfed. 

New sniper rifle.. NO COMPLAINTS.. personally i think this is the way and the rifle that should have been in this game since the beginning. It is everything I wanted and is one of the best additions to the game.. I have 100 hours as a sniper give or take and I am very very glad about this addition.. I thoroughly, thoroughly play tested it yesterday for 8 hours.  On mashturr, On shanghai, on op clean sweep.. Simply brilliant.. Awesome gun and Makes me very very happy.

p90- Faster ROF please. not too bad otherwise..

AntiTank is a superior class now..

Machine guns are WAY WAY too overpowered ( damn near sniping ) which brings me to my next rant..

Now, I have no problem with dolphin diving being gone.. Dolphin diving is unnatural and despite being a video game is quite ridiculous. I only dolphin dived to avoid fire not engage and for the most part i could dodge tanks which was quite useful. But I am glad its gone no matter how many times it saved my life.
The ability to jump and shoot completely removed is RETARDED.. No matter what you noobs complain and whine about it.. it is period. There are several instances to which i want to throw things farther and harder than what a standing shot can provide and i will provide examples..  Strike at karkand.. I wnat to throw Medic bags over walls, Throw medic bags from distances.. the same for Ammo Resupply and c4 over walls.  I want to be able to shoot a grenade launcher over the walls and a primary example of this is where the usmc spawn closest to the Hotel.... Now as the usmc hill meets the street and the first building that has that aluminum wall wtih the 3 pipes in the middle i can jump up and see the hill.. Now i cant jump up and fire? lame. What they should have done is allowed jumping and shooting but ONLY based on stamina at a minimum of 5 stam bars per jump or more.. Or a maximum allowance of 3 jumps in a row before a timer or a rebuild of stamina was put in effect.  WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? for us to stand there and look at you while you shoot at prone with the support class while we have no ability to dodge? I dont understand it ? you want us to behave like single player i do believe which is retarded.. The exceptional players who have a great eye-hand coord level and who have reflexes of a god damn mongoose have to sit and allow changes that Greatly Greatly inhibit there style of playing.. Now i believe there is a balance that could have been achived without catering entirely to either side of the pros or the Non-Pros which like in life Outnumber the exceptional amount.

I find the delay on Prone Recovery to be asinine and unneeded.. I like the ability to go prone AND QUICKLY QUICKLY get up.. not as if i now have arthritis in my entire lumbar system.. This is retarded. The delay on M203 firing is unneeded and needs to go as well. Assault is my most played class and it should be. ITS ASSAULT i am supposed to go in first clean out the people and pave the way for the rest of the team/squad. I die more I kill more and thats the way it supposed to be. Its the heart and soul of infantry and now my 203 has a delay.. Jumping and diving is gay i agree but i never did it.. I jumped and shot for 2 reasons. 1 it allows a better beat on things and to adjust a more accurate shot.. And 2.  less damage at close range.. Now a shotgun and me and at close range have a great chance of both of us winning but a rapid fire weapon will most certainly lose.  But unlike most people who play with it I CAN ACTUALLY HIT HTE LONG BOMB.. I have over 6000 kills with it and an accuracy of 62% which means if i miss you the first time I wont the second.  I considered it a skilled based weapon except for short range but then if anyone could use it at short range why didnt they?  oh wait they couldnt and anyone for the most part that I seen usually died first.   However there is a balance that could have been achived and now they catered it to non pros only.   

NO matter what you say prone and Support class is not skill.. and its these people the most who bitch about every other class who take them out.. well kiss my ass noobs...  Personally i think anyone who gets in armor at strike at karkand is a noob.. if karkand had no armor it would be the perfect map. just a few jeeps and vodniks. I hate armor and never use it.. 

Anyways I have no problem with damage and radius to the m203, the problem lies therein balancing it for both sides of the coin.. COmpletely being not able to jump and shoot w/o some balance is dumb, a delay on firing m203 my reflexes is circumvented now so a g36e and myself almost always die together is dumb,  a delay on prone recovery is dumb for the most part everyone hates that.

Here is the greatest thing.. the developers other than chopper whoring felt 1.03 was perfect and other than bomber domination I agree with them. that is why the game has been for the last 8 months was as it was. This patch is a bitch and moan patch period used to silence the cry babies and yet YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING NEW TO BITCH ABOUT IT.. and if you bitch about my sniper rifle I WILL SLAY YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!  But lastly THIS IS A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE.. I enjoyed the vehicles being as they were.. I Enjoyed the blend of Realistic and Arcadey action... But you noobs want it purely realistic and ONLY TO CATER TO YOUR PLAYING STYLE AND NOONE ELSES.. so its basically down to

P90 needs to have a faster rate of fire. 

l96A1 is beautiful and perfect.. only if it was armor piercing hah.

AA is overpowered period.. I missflared barrel loop roll with afterburners still gets hit.. wtf?  A tunguska destroys and murders ALL AIRCRAFT...

I liked a blend of air/land combat there was a balance for every map except op clean sweep and gulf of oman.  but now its catered mostly to ground with MG'ers and Armor whores.

Red bug exists but still less frequent oh well..

Prone delay needs to go..  I think it should be limited but not delayed.

Limit jumping and firing to consecutive jumps or stam based.

Dolphin diving gone thank goodness..

A HELO SHOULD BY ALL ACCOUNTS DOMINATE EVERYTHING ON THE MAP THAT IS GROUND BASED AND REQUIRES A VERY HIGH LEVEL OF SKILL TO DO SO.. leave my helo alone.. its people without flight sticks or who just suck with them that cant compete..  Heres a goal if a helo is giving you a hard time why dont you communicate to your team on bringing it down? ask someone to help you? is that too much to ask? you can ask anyone and everyone and use voip but yet you still refuse to do so? 

m203 firing delay should be gone.. There isnt one in real life as many of you assholes would point out.

the ability to shoot down Uav is the tits and is well received on all ends.

TVGS shorter range is welcomed yet lame at the same time.. AT least the helo has to get in igla ranges in order to hit you from sharqi now heh

Hit points should be reduced for tanks as well.

Shock paddles reloading when not in use is greatly welcomed.

sprint exploit and the tank turret spin in graphic bug fix is awesome.

Flash bang reduction is great.

Thats about it for me..   

whats your opinions?

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

The vehicles in BF2 make this game great. If you don't like airpower, tanks or any other vehicle, go play Quake 4 or Counter Strike.

and the vehicles are still great after 1.2
an attack chopper can still pwn all types of armour
a blackhawk can still pwn Mastuur city
a fighter jet can still get 40 nothing kills

But the skill for using them has gone up - the better you are, the more you will be rewarded
None of the vehicles have lost any of their lethality - they have merely evolved
Evolve with the changes or expect to see bad days ahead

Me, I played 4 full rounds today - as infantry assault on Karkand (gold), as a jet fighter on Oman (20 kills no deaths) and the Mastuur and Daqing rounds were less spectacular results wise but just as enjoyable
I enjoyed this game since it came out but damn now i think i'm in love
+164|7084|Normal, IL

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

comet241 wrote:

Then I would look at this patch as a measuring stick to how much the aircraft need to be tweaked in the next patch.  However, I speculate that pilots are going to adjust their lofty expectations on being able to unanswerably rape the battlefield before that happens.   Let's see where we are then.

Everyone's so called "realistic perception" of air power is so misplaced, it is laughable.  I am sure that it is because they saw the US Air Force and Navy's absolute destruction of Iraq...who were using weapons technology that was 20 years out of date.  What we did to Iraq, Bosnia, and to the Taliban in Afghanistan would not be possible against modern nations like the EU, China, or even the former Soviet Union today.  During the Cold War, the Soviet Bloc nations had DEADLY accurate SAM sites eeeeeeverywhere.  Whereas a SAM would miss the first time around, 2 and 3 SAMs would be in the air at the same time from different launchers.  You had better believe that the 2nd or 3rd SAM site would not miss.  Air power does not OWN in real life where the "playing field" is level in regard to technology and defenses.  Real pilots from past wars will tell you that.  The FIM-92 Stinger missile was the sole reason why the Soviets were unable to effectively use air power during the Afghanistan War.  Stingers got their nasty reputation from the Afghanistani Mujahideen who were blasting helos and low flying aircraft out of the sky with deadly regularity.  In a perfect world, I would have liked EA to make a AA-Stinger kit FAR more that lowering the HP on the Helos.  People would have bitched about that too.

- Beatdown
you know, a stinger kit like they had in bfv wouldn't be so bad, as long as hp was increased a little from the post 1.2 position. in a response to an earlier remark about helo's being imperial star destroyers... i say that being imperial star destroyers was their whole purpose in the game. it took teamwork to take one down, just like it takes teamwork to destroy a tank. sure, a skilled or lucky stinger could nail a helo, or a c4 chuck could take out a tank, but that was the way it was supposed to be.... use teamwork to take out the star destroyers, ie the tanks  and helos, then proceed forward with your own star destroyers (tanks and helos).... i think ea destroyed a little of the teamwork needed to earn a win by doing what they did to the helo's. now instead of who can get a helo to hover over a base and rape while taking the flag, it's gonna be who can get a tank sitting on the flag and rape while taking it, because nothing is going to be there to stop it now.

as far as your comments about iraqistan and the wars over there, yes, this game is not perfect as far as realism for urban warfare with choppers goes. but in a perfectly realistic game, my m95 would blow your flippin' arm off, even if i didn't get the headshot i was going for and just winged you. balance is good, yes. but this now unbalances the game towards tanks and apc's to rule from the ground. i would like the next patch to increase armor on helo's or increase the effectiveness of countermeasures, those dont do anything now that 1.2 is out. 14 to 8 missiles is fair, shortened tv is fair, but the rest of it goes a little too far. thats all im saying
+10|7097|Vila Real, Portugal
Ok after some more hours i can say the patch is horrible. OMG this patch is the born of a new class of rambos with pin point accuracy( not bombs... support weapons ) and FAV that can kill chopper in a sec. Now ppl just get a FAV go to a hidden place and take down hellis.

The AA is a JOKE, i've seen rockets pass me and turn back, others just stay hovering in air and explode my helli, or just move in 20 diferent directions creating a web in front of me before taking me of lol, i can still make good scores but for crist sake this PATCH SUCKS and EA SUCKS and DICE SUCKS.
Contract good testers for you SHIT.

Ok now the POSITIVE STUFF, some bugs adressed, game runs better, bunny hoppers and grenade launcher fixed, didnt bodered me much so... not really a improvement for me.

It looks like ppl playing SF are having some serious crashing problemas which is even worst but whatever, is my moaning gonna make a diference? i don't think so. I just hope someone makes a better game PLEASE, i'm tired of the 1000000bugs in bf2, isn't there any good programers around to make a better game?

Untill then i gess i just have to take this crap because beside the problems it's still the best around, it's more or less like your only bad job, it sucks but you needed cause it pays the bills so till anything else better comes along you just will still get fucked over and over by your boss.
+-2|7019|England, UK
Agree with the air power H8. Still early days as I've only had 2 hrs play on the new patch but it seems that the improved AA, hit point reduction, missile reduction and missile range reduction is too much of a f over for the airforce. Bet you air power whiners shut up when an attack heli or jet comes and saves your ass from that hostile amour gunning for ya! Then again, would you noobs spot it out for us to take out. Yeah and also, I see it too many times when people are being killed by a jet or heli and nobody spots it accept me. Spot, spot, spot. Then the airforce can save your ass. If they haven't been AA'd to hell!

Takedazor wrote:

Ok after some more hours i can say the patch is horrible. OMG this patch is the born of a new class of rambos with pin point accuracy( not bombs... support weapons ) and FAV that can kill chopper in a sec. Now ppl just get a FAV go to a hidden place and take down hellis.

The AA is a JOKE, i've seen rockets pass me and turn back, others just stay hovering in air and explode my helli, or just move in 20 diferent directions creating a web in front of me before taking me of lol, i can still make good scores but for crist sake this PATCH SUCKS and EA SUCKS and DICE SUCKS.
Contract good testers for you SHIT.

Ok now the POSITIVE STUFF, some bugs adressed, game runs better, bunny hoppers and grenade launcher fixed, didnt bodered me much so... not really a improvement for me.

It looks like ppl playing SF are having some serious crashing problemas which is even worst but whatever, is my moaning gonna make a diference? i don't think so. I just hope someone makes a better game PLEASE, i'm tired of the 1000000bugs in bf2, isn't there any good programers around to make a better game?

Untill then i gess i just have to take this crap because beside the problems it's still the best around, it's more or less like your only bad job, it sucks but you needed cause it pays the bills so till anything else better comes along you just will still get fucked over and over by your boss.
well sir obviously moaning and bitching get something done..
Dropped on request

kontrolcrimson wrote:

akk that needed fixing was the friendly lock with the AA. thats it.
Totally agree with that statement. I've had a stinger shoot up a hill, miss it's target and fly down the hill and hit me on the other side, wtf is that!?
+10|7097|Vila Real, Portugal
Couldn't agree more with you General_CoLin_Tassi it's so hard to find ppl that actually think as a team and know wtf they are doing, many times i'm in helli and no one spots armor, but the contrary also appens, a plane is after me and i spot it but gess what no plane comes to my rescue or the asshole in the carrier doesn't go to the AA.

Yesterday i played in mashtur city, ppl complained a lot about the blackhawk rapes there when it was so easy to take him out, 2 guns in jeeps for some secs and it would be out. Now... lol its just so easy that 1gun is all i need, but yesterday i used the tank, so i ended with scores like 41-5 and 43-1 and gess who was in the other team? some BSF players like inc|loki and Acecombater4.

So basically the guy is in a way that you alone can take down a helli. Hellis now get owned by everyone like, FAV's, APCS, TANKS, MOBILE AA, STATIC AA, PLANES, OTHER HELLIS and even PKM RAMBOS. if your team is good you can survive but if its bad are you really gonna be able to kill the 10ppl firing at you at same time? i dont think so...
Best thing to ever happen to BF2
+1|6967|People's Rep. of Massachusetts
BoooHooo ...

I... I... I ... sniff ... downloaded this patch today ...

and then sniff... I played ...

...sniff ... and you know what ...

I snifff... got SHOT DOWN!!! ...  wahhhhh... snifffff ...

This game is so f'ng unfair ....  snifff... I used to play the whole ...snifffff..  match and not die ...

Now.... wah... it's like ....snifff... I can die like EVERYONE ELSE!!!!

boohoooo... snifff... wahhhh ...

I'm taking my joystick and going home ...... blubbbber. .. snifff


Ground pounders 4ever!!!
+-2|7019|England, UK

comet241 wrote:

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

comet241 wrote:

Then I would look at this patch as a measuring stick to how much the aircraft need to be tweaked in the next patch.  However, I speculate that pilots are going to adjust their lofty expectations on being able to unanswerably rape the battlefield before that happens.   Let's see where we are then.

Everyone's so called "realistic perception" of air power is so misplaced, it is laughable.  I am sure that it is because they saw the US Air Force and Navy's absolute destruction of Iraq...who were using weapons technology that was 20 years out of date.  What we did to Iraq, Bosnia, and to the Taliban in Afghanistan would not be possible against modern nations like the EU, China, or even the former Soviet Union today.  During the Cold War, the Soviet Bloc nations had DEADLY accurate SAM sites eeeeeeverywhere.  Whereas a SAM would miss the first time around, 2 and 3 SAMs would be in the air at the same time from different launchers.  You had better believe that the 2nd or 3rd SAM site would not miss.  Air power does not OWN in real life where the "playing field" is level in regard to technology and defenses.  Real pilots from past wars will tell you that.  The FIM-92 Stinger missile was the sole reason why the Soviets were unable to effectively use air power during the Afghanistan War.  Stingers got their nasty reputation from the Afghanistani Mujahideen who were blasting helos and low flying aircraft out of the sky with deadly regularity.  In a perfect world, I would have liked EA to make a AA-Stinger kit FAR more that lowering the HP on the Helos.  People would have bitched about that too.

- Beatdown
you know, a stinger kit like they had in bfv wouldn't be so bad, as long as hp was increased a little from the post 1.2 position. in a response to an earlier remark about helo's being imperial star destroyers... i say that being imperial star destroyers was their whole purpose in the game. it took teamwork to take one down, just like it takes teamwork to destroy a tank. sure, a skilled or lucky stinger could nail a helo, or a c4 chuck could take out a tank, but that was the way it was supposed to be.... use teamwork to take out the star destroyers, ie the tanks  and helos, then proceed forward with your own star destroyers (tanks and helos).... i think ea destroyed a little of the teamwork needed to earn a win by doing what they did to the helo's. now instead of who can get a helo to hover over a base and rape while taking the flag, it's gonna be who can get a tank sitting on the flag and rape while taking it, because nothing is going to be there to stop it now.

as far as your comments about iraqistan and the wars over there, yes, this game is not perfect as far as realism for urban warfare with choppers goes. but in a perfectly realistic game, my m95 would blow your flippin' arm off, even if i didn't get the headshot i was going for and just winged you. balance is good, yes. but this now unbalances the game towards tanks and apc's to rule from the ground. i would like the next patch to increase armor on helo's or increase the effectiveness of countermeasures, those dont do anything now that 1.2 is out. 14 to 8 missiles is fair, shortened tv is fair, but the rest of it goes a little too far. thats all im saying
Well said mate. Anyone who expects to take out a jet, heli, tank, apc with one shot from whatever is a noob, has no skills, proberly has the attention span of a nat and is not willing to learn tactics to counter, and has now idea of teamwork. Two AT's can own an attack heli. 3 or 4 is better. Add a .50 MG. Yeah!
+69|6965|Nova Scotia

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

BoooHooo ...

I... I... I ... sniff ... downloaded this patch today ...

and then sniff... I played ...

...sniff ... and you know what ...

I snifff... got SHOT DOWN!!! ...  wahhhhh... snifffff ...

This game is so f'ng unfair ....  snifff... I used to play the whole ...snifffff..  match and not die ...

Now.... wah... it's like ....snifff... I can die like EVERYONE ELSE!!!!

boohoooo... snifff... wahhhh ...

I'm taking my joystick and going home ...... blubbbber. .. snifff


Ground pounders 4ever!!!
Kudos to you, for bein friggin hilarious.
Where's the guy who posted the ode to 1.12? He gets kudos as well!
+-2|7019|England, UK

Takedazor wrote:

Couldn't agree more with you General_CoLin_Tassi it's so hard to find ppl that actually think as a team and know wtf they are doing, many times i'm in helli and no one spots armor, but the contrary also appens, a plane is after me and i spot it but gess what no plane comes to my rescue or the asshole in the carrier doesn't go to the AA.

Yesterday i played in mashtur city, ppl complained a lot about the blackhawk rapes there when it was so easy to take him out, 2 guns in jeeps for some secs and it would be out. Now... lol its just so easy that 1gun is all i need, but yesterday i used the tank, so i ended with scores like 41-5 and 43-1 and gess who was in the other team? some BSF players like inc|loki and Acecombater4.

So basically the guy is in a way that you alone can take down a helli. Hellis now get owned by everyone like, FAV's, APCS, TANKS, MOBILE AA, STATIC AA, PLANES, OTHER HELLIS and even PKM RAMBOS. if your team is good you can survive but if its bad are you really gonna be able to kill the 10ppl firing at you at same time? i dont think so...
Well said mate.
I Agree The Patch Is Pile Of Fucking Wank Fuck Shit Dung
+10|7097|Vila Real, Portugal
N3v3rF0rg3tUSA i gess you didnt got the point man, rockets dont come at you and hit you, they just do crazy turns when they miss and hit you sometimes, because programers at EA were so worried about rockets hiting the target that even if they dont they sometimes come back for you like some grave ripper shit.

And if you think i'm dying like hell now, yes sometimes it appens when my team really sucks but when things are ballanced i still get 40-3 or better scores after the patch.

And 1more thing i dont use the joystick to fly the helli i use the mouse so i dont need to sell my joystick now.

I just want them to fix the bugs and don't make some kits overated like support seems to be now, even ppl that use support say that, and a friend of mine that almost never used support got like 8kills in 10sec firing like a crazy rambo. But whatever that doesn't boder me i just want them to fix the bugs and don't screw the game anymore please, if every kit went on moaning about its weapon we would get to a point were everyone killed 1hit with 100% accuracy, i liked the way the guys missed it maked me fire only when i had perfectly aimed now i will just spray bullets but whatever i can live with that.
I Agree The Patch Is Pile Of Fucking Wank Fuck Shit Dung
Fantasma Parastasie

-Helo's: Can be taken down by a well placed shot from either AT, Assault, or a sniper. MGs made mincemeat out of them, but you need two to be properly effective and not have your ass blown off by an angry pilot and his friend.
-Jets: The main way to stop these from raping you is to simply have your team keep them occupied. If there are enemy jets around, i will never go 'hunting', but instead stay on permanent alert for the enemy jets. AA is far from effective, but can be used as a deterrent if youve got some skill (and common sense)


-Helo's: Stand no chance against AA as their flares drop too quickly for them to retreat, and the missles almost always seem to hit. One shot kill AT missles. AARGH
-Jets: No more dogfights, just who can get behind the other jet first. Mainly down to luck. AA campers everywhere, so flying carefully is necessary (fly high, then straight down and gun their ass to death.)

Before: 3-4 hours a day BF2, 1 hour a day CS:S
Now: 3-4 hours a day CS:S, 1 hour a day BF2

Thanks, EA and Dice. You've ruined aerial combat, the only damn reason i bought this game in the first place.

Piss off.
Turrets on the ESSEX still suck, just played wake, the jets still own the ship, but NOOOOOWWWWWW cant get any fucking where near the island cos the heli's and jets are made out of fucking paper and AA is too fucking good

Last edited by JonskyGBR (2006-02-15 16:51:55)

And ALL you people who actually like the patch, just keep posting in here, then when EA look to see if it's well recepted they will see

4500 posts of complaints

235 of praise
+-2|7019|England, UK

SargeV1.4 wrote:


-Helo's: Can be taken down by a well placed shot from either AT, Assault, or a sniper. MGs made mincemeat out of them, but you need two to be properly effective and not have your ass blown off by an angry pilot and his friend.
-Jets: The main way to stop these from raping you is to simply have your team keep them occupied. If there are enemy jets around, i will never go 'hunting', but instead stay on permanent alert for the enemy jets. AA is far from effective, but can be used as a deterrent if youve got some skill (and common sense)


-Helo's: Stand no chance against AA as their flares drop too quickly for them to retreat, and the missles almost always seem to hit. One shot kill AT missles. AARGH
-Jets: No more dogfights, just who can get behind the other jet first. Mainly down to luck. AA campers everywhere, so flying carefully is necessary (fly high, then straight down and gun their ass to death.)

Before: 3-4 hours a day BF2, 1 hour a day CS:S
Now: 3-4 hours a day CS:S, 1 hour a day BF2

Thanks, EA and Dice. You've ruined aerial combat, the only damn reason i bought this game in the first place.

Piss off.
Nice. Nice. I see your somebody who understands team work and game play.
OMG I installed the patch now teh game is uber laggiung and choppy WTF??
Armoured fury is going to be a Good buy isn't it..... NOT
+10|7097|Vila Real, Portugal
Before the patch it was that way too JonskyGBR because people work that way, don't praise the good only complain about the bad, so EA will always don't know wtf to do so that we are all happy and buy their expansions.

I already said it patch got some good stuff, bugs isued and performance is much better praise the programers for that, but please solve the bugs i can't get tired of saying this, you can take 2months to get a patch done i don't care, even 5months but please take care of the bugs don't rush with patches that solve some and make others, it's like the story of the multi-head snake ehehe hydra i think :_), cut 1head and 2are born. I know programing this isn't easy but if you work hard you can do it DICE :_).
I continue to await the opportunity to actually GET the patch, since EA's site is continually overloaded.  You think that they would have seen this coming. Therefore, my comments are based only on what I've read in this forum.

I contend that the popularity of such maps as Karkand, Mashtuur, Sharqi (how many dedicated servers are there for Zatar Wetlands??) stemmed from their partial or complete lack of air elements.  This is the best indicator of the imbalance of power found in the original BF2, vis-a-vis air vs. ground.

It seems that every vehicle is now equally vulnerable, depending on operator skill.  As we all know, from Vodnik to M1A1, all it takes is one enemy to destroy you if they know what they're doing and you don't.  It appears that the same now applies to air power.

Fair's fair.

Not really about the patch, but about installation.

I have 1.12 installed already. When I try to install 1.2, it says: You need to have Battlefield 2 1.12 installed.


So now I'm ending up downloading this piece of shit HUGE full patch, and Firefox says it's going to take...


...There has to be a better way to do this...

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