mostly afk
+480|6591|CH/BR - in UK

nukchebi0 wrote:

krAzi wrote:

this wasnt supposed to be an argument fest in the first place...
Posting such a controversial subject is invariably going to result in argument.
Precisely. This is like me finding a link that says something along the lines of "Israel should be eradicated, and Palestine should be restored", and then saying that this is only for people who think like me: sorry that this is not the way it works.

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6171|North Tonawanda, NY

konfusion wrote:

Precisely. This is like me finding a link that says something along the lines of "Israel should be eradicated, and Palestine should be restored", and then saying that this is only for people who think like me: sorry that this is not the way it works.

Hahaha.  Look at those "Help with girl problems" threads.  The OP always asks for people to only post helpful replies, and they always get something snarky.
+3,611|6662|London, England
I don't really care if it's illegal or not, I'll still do it. I don't know why people care so much. It really isn't hard to not get caught so I don't see the problem.

Coppers here aint got no power anyway.
mostly afk
+480|6591|CH/BR - in UK

SenorToenails wrote:

Hahaha.  Look at those "Help with girl problems" threads.  The OP always asks for people to only post helpful replies, and they always get something snarky.
Heh - all they really want is to hear some arguments to support their decision, usually.

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6365|New Haven, CT

SenorToenails wrote:

konfusion wrote:

Precisely. This is like me finding a link that says something along the lines of "Israel should be eradicated, and Palestine should be restored", and then saying that this is only for people who think like me: sorry that this is not the way it works.

Hahaha.  Look at those "Help with girl problems" threads.  The OP always asks for people to only post helpful replies, and they always get something snarky.
I don't think you can post a help thread here without getting a useless response.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6171|North Tonawanda, NY

nukchebi0 wrote:

I don't think you can post a help thread here without getting a useless response.
no u

Edit:  Sorry, I had to.

Last edited by SenorToenails (2008-02-07 01:14:49)

mostly afk
+480|6591|CH/BR - in UK

nukchebi0 wrote:

I don't think you can post a help thread here without getting a useless response.
So true...
Actually, it's starting to get to the stage where it doesn't matter where you post something: you still won't get any decent answers.

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6365|New Haven, CT

SenorToenails wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

I don't think you can post a help thread here without getting a useless response.
no u

Edit:  Sorry, I had to.
I would have got the joke anyways.

It was funny, though.

konfusion wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

I don't think you can post a help thread here without getting a useless response.
So true...
Actually, it's starting to get to the stage where it doesn't matter where you post something: you still won't get any decent answers.

You get a ratio is of 1:1 until a discussion gets going.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2008-02-07 01:16:34)

+130|6573|Orlando, FL
Was reading about NORML on rollitup.  Seems pretty dope.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6663|Little Bentcock
Wow, what a discussion.
#1 Commander
I get high on life
this is lame
+917|6659|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

krAzi wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Thank you.
and he is the reason most pot smokers get a bad rep, becuase they make bad descions not becuase you say he is addicted to it...there is no medical proof stateing that you can become addicted to marijuana. maybe you should read into the link ive posted
Oh yes, the almighty internet link is God.....you see, that is your problem....internet tells you what is right and wrong. I honestly could care less what link anyone gave me. I know what it does first hand, I see the affect it has not only on my sister but my 16 and 10 year old nieces. When you grow up and have nieces and nephews and they cry to you about the addicted father...then maybe you might sober up. I don't live my life based on link, i live it in reality. I am friends with police, firemen and my wife is a nurse.....I know the stories and I have seen what pot is capable of doing to a human body mentally and physically.
its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6578|Long Island, New York

Des.Kmal wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

krAzi wrote:

and he is the reason most pot smokers get a bad rep, becuase they make bad descions not becuase you say he is addicted to it...there is no medical proof stateing that you can become addicted to marijuana. maybe you should read into the link ive posted
Oh yes, the almighty internet link is God.....you see, that is your problem....internet tells you what is right and wrong. I honestly could care less what link anyone gave me. I know what it does first hand, I see the affect it has not only on my sister but my 16 and 10 year old nieces. When you grow up and have nieces and nephews and they cry to you about the addicted father...then maybe you might sober up. I don't live my life based on link, i live it in reality. I am friends with police, firemen and my wife is a nurse.....I know the stories and I have seen what pot is capable of doing to a human body mentally and physically.
its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
Addicted to weed?

Srsly. I'll continue to do weed and none of you on the morality train with your "OMG IT'S ADDICTIVE" statements will stop myself or anyone here from doing it. You're probably the kids in High School who were too afraid to try it.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-02-09 09:08:50)

This topic seems to have no actual posts
i thought we were done with these stupid, pointless arguments.
+917|6659|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
no ig, wat
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6606|Area 51

krAzi wrote:

no it doesnt...give me medical proof that it is addictive, but the thing is you wont be able to.
Very true indeed, pot itself does not have any addictive side affects! But..and here is comes, there used to be a girl in my class smoking pot very much, and ended up deeply depressed and going all emo. With that said, pot does have a pschycological side affect.

Last edited by RDMC (2008-02-09 09:13:45)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6622|SE London

I feel I should just clarify a few points about all this....

Smoking weed is bad for you and is addictive. It's not very bad for you though and only psychologically addictive. With regards to lung disease, it has been demonstrated that weed does cause a lot of lung diseases, with 2 notable exceptions being lung cancer and emphysema (probably the 2 worst lung diseases). The real danger of smoking weed is the anti-motivational effects, which make you very lazy and unproductive if you smoke too much. Another danger, which seems only to apply to some people, are the potential mental health issues associated with its use. Smoking weed means you are far worse equipped to deal with the onset of mental illness and can, in a few people, even trigger psychosis. I've seen many people exacerbate mental illness by smoking weed and the effects are frightening. There is no doubt that both nicotine and alcohol are far more toxic substances than cannabis though.

Driving while stoned is obviously a bad idea. However, numerous tests have been done which demonstrate that it actually makes little difference to the chances of having an accident compared to driving sober due to the extra cautious approach taken by most stoned drivers, which almost makes up for the reduced level of control and concentration. Despite this driving stoned is scary and should not be done.

I like to smoke weed fairly responsibly and really enjoy my after work spliff and my bedtime spliff most days. I think weed should be legalised, but then I think all drugs should be legalised. Eliminating black markets is a good thing.
+1,010|6327|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Last edited by FloppY_ (2008-02-09 09:51:00)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+2,382|6719|The North, beyond the wall.
Had some last night after a break of about 3 months. I could go as long as I want without any after having some just last night.

Addictive to extremely weak willed people maybe...
+3,611|6662|London, England
Gimme some of that shit jord

nukchebi0 wrote:

I got it. We would make it 18, with smoking. Then, all the idiot kids could still do it illegally anyways. I love the idea.
ya sort of like now except that peace-loving and productive adults aren't thrown in prison like animals.

this is a pretty simple issue. if u are trying make rules about what victimless activities a person can enjoy in their own private life, then you are a Nazi and should just fucking hang yourself before the next Geneva convention.
mostly afk
+480|6591|CH/BR - in UK

Des.Kmal wrote:

its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
This is the same old weak argument I guess I'm used to hearing from pot smokers: but...alcohol and tobacco are legal!!!! Look over my posts before you spew the same old stuff.
You CAN get addicted to weed, I know a couple of addicts - not physically, but who just want that high. If you want something, and can stop if you wanted to - but choose not to because you don't want to, how is that not an addiction?


Des.Kmal wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

krAzi wrote:

and he is the reason most pot smokers get a bad rep, becuase they make bad descions not becuase you say he is addicted to it...there is no medical proof stateing that you can become addicted to marijuana. maybe you should read into the link ive posted
Oh yes, the almighty internet link is God.....you see, that is your problem....internet tells you what is right and wrong. I honestly could care less what link anyone gave me. I know what it does first hand, I see the affect it has not only on my sister but my 16 and 10 year old nieces. When you grow up and have nieces and nephews and they cry to you about the addicted father...then maybe you might sober up. I don't live my life based on link, i live it in reality. I am friends with police, firemen and my wife is a nurse.....I know the stories and I have seen what pot is capable of doing to a human body mentally and physically.
its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
I'm 38 years old and probably have more life experience in my big toe than you. It shows how intelligent you are to attack me when I was stating what has happened inside my family from the use of weed. How is the pain from someone being an alcoholic any more real or more dangerous than someone addicted to any other substance?

The bottom line is that my sister almost died from the smoking of weed. Her lungs collapsed at the age of 28 and for no other reason than her abuse of weed. Even though that happened, she still would not stop smoking it until she realized what else it was doing to her and her family. When she realized that marijuana was becoming more important than her work, her family and her health and it took her to hit rock bottom before she finally make a choice to stop and concentrate on making her life and more importantly her 2 daughters lives better.

That is addiction, when it consumes every part of your life and it DOESN'T matter if you are a week person or not. My sister chose to be strong and move on, her husband chose to stay in the crap he created. He still does. If weed was not addictive then he could have easily put it down and get back to what was important. Addiction can come in many forms, drug or not, can hit people with strong or week personalities. Of course it has to come down to the individual at some point and admit you have a problem and of course weaker people will struggle with that. To me and my experience, there is no difference in someone who is addicted to alcohol, to weed, to pain killers, to whatever....if it consumes your life, if it makes your choices for you, if it controls everything you do....its an addiction, plain and simple.
+917|6659|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

konfusion wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
This is the same old weak argument I guess I'm used to hearing from pot smokers: but...alcohol and tobacco are legal!!!! Look over my posts before you spew the same old stuff.
You CAN get addicted to weed, I know a couple of addicts - not physically, but who just want that high. If you want something, and can stop if you wanted to - but choose not to because you don't want to, how is that not an addiction?

what are u talking about? i didnt say anything about alcohol or tobacco being legal? lmao, i didnt even say legal in that entire part there. lol

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Oh yes, the almighty internet link is God.....you see, that is your problem....internet tells you what is right and wrong. I honestly could care less what link anyone gave me. I know what it does first hand, I see the affect it has not only on my sister but my 16 and 10 year old nieces. When you grow up and have nieces and nephews and they cry to you about the addicted father...then maybe you might sober up. I don't live my life based on link, i live it in reality. I am friends with police, firemen and my wife is a nurse.....I know the stories and I have seen what pot is capable of doing to a human body mentally and physically.
its the person not the drug. ALCOHOLISM is way worse, and I have seen that shit fuck up my uncle's family and it affect MY family. ive seen my dad try to quit alcohol and go into DT's. fucking shit was scary, i cant explain it, ever.....
he COULDNT quit alcohol.... because he would have a seizure if he kept on, so now he's just drinking beers not whiskey anymore... 

THAT is addicting.

the fact that your sisters husband kept smoking weed is because he has no self control, he has a weak personality. to blame something like that on fucking up your family is fucking unreal. maybe he should learn to take responsibility for his fucking self.

(sry, that really pissed me off, when i know people who have went over FAR tougher obstables, then this kid says his sisters husband is addicted to weed..... its sad really....)
I'm 38 years old and probably have more life experience in my big toe than you. It shows how intelligent you are to attack me when I was stating what has happened inside my family from the use of weed. How is the pain from someone being an alcoholic any more real or more dangerous than someone addicted to any other substance?

The bottom line is that my sister almost died from the smoking of weed. Her lungs collapsed at the age of 28 and for no other reason than her abuse of weed. Even though that happened, she still would not stop smoking it until she realized what else it was doing to her and her family. When she realized that marijuana was becoming more important than her work, her family and her health and it took her to hit rock bottom before she finally make a choice to stop and concentrate on making her life and more importantly her 2 daughters lives better.

That is addiction, when it consumes every part of your life and it DOESN'T matter if you are a week person or not. My sister chose to be strong and move on, her husband chose to stay in the crap he created. He still does. If weed was not addictive then he could have easily put it down and get back to what was important. Addiction can come in many forms, drug or not, can hit people with strong or week personalities. Of course it has to come down to the individual at some point and admit you have a problem and of course weaker people will struggle with that. To me and my experience, there is no difference in someone who is addicted to alcohol, to weed, to pain killers, to whatever....if it consumes your life, if it makes your choices for you, if it controls everything you do....its an addiction, plain and simple.
with age does no come wisdom, only with experience. and i didnt attack u lol, it was just a heated answer
and its because he went into withdrawls over alcohol, u experience no withdrawl effects from weed... so its not addicting. only mentally... and i guess if u have a weak personality or mind... u can get addicted?

thats the most ridiculous statement. the whole blaming ur problems on weed. get a clue, take responsibility. and dont give me this addicted bullshit. shes the ONLY one that is claimed to be "addicted" to weed, no one else seems to have that problem..............

thats ridiculous!! RIDICULOUS! i smoke weed quite alot and it hasnt consumed ANY part of my life, much less the whole thing, i quit for weeks at a time to get my tolerance low. its not addicting if i can do that huh? and all my friends take the same tolerance break, theyre not addicted. strage...

to the second part of that last paragraph: tell that bitch to man the fuck up and stop being a retard. its not addicting, he just chose NOT to get off it. stop blaming all that shit on weed and man up. shit.

ask anyone else who's ever smoked weed alot, none of them say its addicting. -.-  he just chose it over his family.... not addicting. apparently its the person, not the drug.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

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