+101|6996|Southern California
Maybe this is too early to tell but I will strike while the iron is hot.  EA turns up the heat with the 1.2 missile lock so it may be that coordinated ground/air attacks will be needed to advance and cap some maps while reducing air losses. Just one more task for forces to deal with on the road to victory lol

It is called JSEAD  Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense and it is one of the hardest teamwork skills a military can exercise. Here is my BF2 translation.

Commander Tasks....Anticipate - Coordinate - Verify
   Scan&Spot  Sat for enemy locs and informs team (right click on red dot etc)
   Task&Talk   Issues orders to ground/air squads, for mutual timing of attacks
   Set&Track   Set UAV, track and report to tasked units about enemy activity
   Plot&Drop   Plots arty on enemy AA and plans supply drops to support the attack

Squad Leaders....Flexibility - Cooperation - Leadership
   Plan, move, execute, report, refit and move out
   Man AA vehicles continuously
   Man AA stations as needed, frequently
   Get out the .50 cals and PKMs to weaken or destroy aircraft

Aircraft...Situational Awareness - Coordinate Strike Plans -  Cooperate with Ground Plan
   Form an air squad to assist commanders communication
   Attack in mutually supporting teams of 2-3 mixed aircraft
     First aircraft drops defensive measures lowest and fastest path over enemy AA to shield following and more exposed aircraft
     Following aircraft destroys AA with TV missile if available
     Next pass executes strike, either planned or targets of opportunity

Kit Priorities (air maps supporting JSEAD strikes)
   Sniper  AA gunners
   AT       AA vehicles/stations
   Spt      AA stations
   SF       AA vehicles/stations

I bet I end up editing this a few times....

Let's have fun out there
Commanders, the attack plan needs to be in greater depth now. Account for all the AA along the routes/avenues of advance. Arty needs to hit the pedmounted AA in the strike area OR along the air avenues of attack.
I'm all for good team work in the game but with every player doing their best damn near impression of reality will get you nowhere. The time to gather before a strike to execute is probably longer for the AA to spawn back again. . . It just doesn't seem like it would work for the average player.
+101|6996|Southern California

I agree with part of your reply right on target m8.  That it may take [some people] too long to gather/coordinate but I think there are other ways to mass for attacks. Rather than massing then attacking try massing at the objective to save time. A cooperative attack of an objective should resemble a quick swinging open hand(s) with fingers extended until the moment of the strike when the hand becomes a fist(s) inflicting a crushing blow(s) on the enemy. lol  i know i know easier said than done   but our squad does it often now and it works very well. Art immitating life

Honestly IDK if the pilots will have a hard time with the new easier 1.2 AA kills it will take many game hours for them to adjust tactics so it may appear worse now and then better in a week or two. If they are in trouble now, working as an air team and sharing their AA countermeasures should extend pilot lifespans beyond WWI expectations.

So far my impression of reality is this is a wargame not a videogame so thats my profound fundemental flaw in my gaming perspective. I played RTS wargames mainly for too many years, thats my second major shortcoming in BF2. I am hopelesly commited to teamwork synergies so thats my personal skills flaw. Too many years in uniform has left me as a useless video gamer because my instincts are to study tactics, plan carefully, rehearse battle plans, when in contact reach for the commo and call in a world of hurt on the poor enemy bastards who stumbled into my path.... 

....but     lol    it has a) kept my scores to a modest level (OK with me); b) allowed for beating opposing teams with more individual talent or come from behind wins (my personal favorites) and; c) help others formulate a strategic and tactical perspective that is historically proven.

The video gamers can have the stats I'm here for the teamwork and together we have alot of fun.

ain't BF2 great?
OpsChief, exactly how many SOP/TACSOP/TOCSOPS have you written for the real world? You have this shit down to a science.

What I want to know now is when can I bring myself and a (2) of my Clan mates by for some schooling?

(one of them is a Marine, so talk slow! lol) Jk Marines.


Last edited by Dagger37A (2006-03-09 04:43:24)

im a tanker.
my favourite position is this.
find a hill along a supply line.
remove grass in 2 by 2 feet blocks, then proceed to dig a hole into the hill large enough to fit in a T-90.
now here comes the fun part.
stack up the front end of the tank with the cut out grass blocks, deploy camo netting on top third in front of tank.

fire at will.
Mod Incarnate
About the most cooperation ive ever been able to get out of my team is:
"enemy AA vehicle spotted!"

At which point I go kill it myself, or die trying.
ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
WCR official whiner
+6|7048|Madrid, Spain
all this stuff is very nice but ... what do u usually find in a server? noobs, tk'ers, vehicle whores, stat padders... unless you play with your clanmates, this is useless (nice effort though )
Aspiring Objectivist
If you played with your clan doing this stuff all the time it might work & force people to join another server in frustration lol. As it is I dont see teamwork reaching this level with random people in random servers but we can dream.
Mass Media Casualty

Speaking of co-operation, I had the best Commander todayon Ghost Town. He basicly followed me around with UAV and I bloody used it too. I was always ready for enemies coming around corners, always ready to defend myself when capturing points - this guy was good. He also used artilery well, preferring to avoid killing multiple peope including team mates and instead went for the outskirts, where he got one or two kills, but no teamkills. He helped me so much and he wasn't one of those dickheads who kept shouting "Enemy this spotted, enemy that spotted," etc. Best commander I have ever worked with.

I salute this guy, and I cant remeber his name. Oh well. It was short and I'm pretty sure it ha a 'p' in it. If anyone knows who it was, it was an ICONZ arena server, (not the stat-pad olympic one that T.H.A pointed out, a decent one.) I've never been so happy that the commander stole my Gold medal and left me with Silver. This guy earned it. Bravo.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

noobmurderer wrote:

ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
I know where you're coming from with the highest TK/Kill ratio in the history of BF2 (Nice stats.. You're really working your way towards a negative global score). And if the enemy doesn't kill your squadmates, you will? Then you'll go for the tank with C4, as the tank is probably equipped with one of those damn blue tags which you hate so much an eagerly want to get rid of?

As with planes and choppers, you'd probably Eryx the goddamn thing as it respawns, just so no one else could have it..

I sincerely hope your not planning a military career in the future..

P.S. Noticed that you'd gone up a rank. Have you as of now stopped killing friendlies and actually started to play the game?

Last edited by DonFck (2006-03-09 23:43:14)

I need around tree fiddy.
i hate you all

DonFck wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
I know where you're coming from with the highest TK/Kill ratio in the history of BF2 (Nice stats.. You're really working your way towards a negative global score). And if the enemy doesn't kill your squadmates, you will? Then you'll go for the tank with C4, as the tank is probably equipped with one of those damn blue tags which you hate so much an eagerly want to get rid of?

As with planes and choppers, you'd probably Eryx the goddamn thing as it respawns, just so no one else could have it..

I sincerely hope your not planning a military career in the future..

P.S. Noticed that you'd gone up a rank. Have you as of now stopped killing friendlies and actually started to play the game?
Here it is: Kills Total & Streak      1,959 / 21
Kicked & Banned      146 / 24
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage     2,161 / 1,140 / 1,307

Hihihihi, no comment btw
i hate you all
No! I absolutely have to comment that! More tk`s than kills? omg what a fucker! You are mean man!

Edit: also your worst deathstreak is 34, thats a rekord! No wonder you gave up on killing enemies? They shoot back you say? And you cant punish them?

Last edited by Fredrik (2006-03-10 03:18:35)

+101|6996|Southern California
lol Dagger m8 one of my real joys (besides ANY operations away from REMF-land) in the military was instructing (5k) and writing ops orders/poi/sops till my fingers cramped.

I feel the pain of the other posters who talk about lack of teamwork. It is true some of this is not likely to be done by a bunch of stranger walk-ons.....unless they all knew how to do it and one of them said "hey! let's set up JSEAD runs to shut them down!!!". Then they all would remember how and just start hammering it out.
Being in clans who practice battle drills and having a unified strategy will just make it that much smoother.

I only bought BF2 because my bro and his friends wanted more people to play as regulars and when they told me there was a command mode I was sold. I am not much of an FPS player my preference is RTS and yes I know my stats show it. One of most memorable game days was in August when I was without my squadm8s and went in to a game solo and intending not to command. Armor maps - love 'em. The first game I just grabbed the mobile ADA and followed people around and practiced squad leadership with an empty squad, but eventually seeing people who I wanted to invite into my squad and asked with VoIP if they wanted to work as a squad. On the second game we had a core of four players who liked team work. By the third game we were winning and won some 7 more games most as top squad. The one expectation about teamwork is nothing is instant but if you want it, you'll get it.

That TK noob can't be a serious account can it? He just made that to express the darkside of his arse. He must have another account that is better - i  hope....
+-2|7020|England, UK

noobmurderer wrote:

ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
O M F G. After looking at your stats, you have more TK's than kills. I am speechless. Obviously you are one of those "TKing for vehicle" twats. TK me for the heli, for example, and I'll make sure you don't get it for the rest of the round, OK!
Players like you should be shot on sight, by your own team, every time you spawn so you know what it feels like. Could you please explain how you got more TK's than kills? Fucking LOL.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-10 05:46:17)

+153|6960|Manchester UK
sounds hard lol

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida
You have a close to zero percent chance of getting to do something like this in a pub server.... it's extremely complicated even for clans, most wouldn't be up to it due to the amount of effort and organization.....

it's only a video game, remember that
Usual Suspect
Is this a joke, Bf2 players have changed? I mean i cant even make people spawn at my location..... How am i going to make commander/teammates spot the aa's for me constantly. Those are nothing more than a wishful thinking man, Although lately im experiencing a lot more enemy Anti-Aircraft radio messages than usual.
+101|6996|Southern California
One thing I didn't mention, you don't need to do this if the enemy AA isn't a thorn in your side and if you do you may only need to do it a few times per game to get the initiative back.

Spearhead wrote:

You have a close to zero percent chance of getting to do something like this in a pub server.... it's extremely complicated even for clans, most wouldn't be up to it due to the amount of effort and organization.....

it's only a video game, remember that
Spearhead,    Noooo, it's a wargame played on networked computers, not at all just a "video game"!   
I agree "most" wouldn't want to do this because it takes teamwork and that means personal kill stats go down some for the period you spend gaining air dominance.

answeller wrote:

Is this a joke, Bf2 players have changed? I mean i cant even make people spawn at my location..... How am i going to make commander/teammates spot the aa's for me constantly. Those are nothing more than a wishful thinking man, Although lately im experiencing a lot more enemy Anti-Aircraft radio messages than usual.
answeller,   No joke man. You and I know not everyone can do this granted but it is no waste of time if you and your m8s have the skills, take it up a notch.  Remember there are alot of raw troops on the other team for you to use as target practice. You can't make a commander spot AA continuously - remember I am talking teamwork so you need to slow down your rate of kills (or deaths) as needed for a strike. If you dominate early you may coerce the enemy AA gunners to remain infantry and avoid AA death traps. Its simple as:

2 aircraft orbit airfield
Commander spots and targets using arty and calls for the air strike
The first aircraft exposed counts 1-2 the fires countermeasures and peels off
The Second closely following aircraft bombs/TVs target(s) fires CM and peels off
The first aircraft is either back on station ready to bomb or is now in dogfights....
Atk Helo and Transport may also be emplyed to supress AA positions

Agreed, not for lone wolves, not for pub walk-ons, nor for the faint of heart, but if 10 people read this and found themselves talking JSEAD on a server and they had the other skills to fly and command this isn't so hard at all.  I bet some people already do or did this anyway in BF2 it is logical in tactical terms, the one downside is lack of coordination among strangers.  Some people would rather spam "noob spotted" reports than plan strikes during a game.

If its too hard don't do it! this is supposed to be fun damnit - so get out there and have fun.... 

DonFck wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
I know where you're coming from with the highest TK/Kill ratio in the history of BF2 (Nice stats.. You're really working your way towards a negative global score). And if the enemy doesn't kill your squadmates, you will? Then you'll go for the tank with C4, as the tank is probably equipped with one of those damn blue tags which you hate so much an eagerly want to get rid of?

As with planes and choppers, you'd probably Eryx the goddamn thing as it respawns, just so no one else could have it..

I sincerely hope your not planning a military career in the future..

P.S. Noticed that you'd gone up a rank. Have you as of now stopped killing friendlies and actually started to play the game?
i felt liek trying to get some badges and more guns
i can play good when i want to btw i just choose not to 99% of the time

i only eryx planes when the noob who is going to fly it is going to die
it speeds the whole process up
Rifle Expert
+56|6949|Mexifornia, USA
NoobMurderer, Why do I have a feeling that "choosing not to [play good] 99% of the time" isn't a choice of yours, but just a fact of your gaming ability. I've got a feeling you're on of those people who take out their aggresion on their keyboard/desk when someone "steals your vehicle". Obviously by your... better judgement, that is an offense punishable by death. Do you really need to over-exagerate that situation? And if you "only eryx planes when the noob who is going to fly it is going to die", why not just wait for them to die anyway? Saves you some points, stats, and maybe you won't get banned from that server for Excessive Teamkilling. But, I'm sure after you've been banned, you take your storm of online hate to another server on other (mostly) innocent players.

Really, it's nothing personal, but I really do hate when someone does the same things you do.
Therefore, I don't think I would like you... at all.

Last edited by Jibbles (2006-03-11 00:13:45)

flexibility is the key to airpower.

noobmurderer wrote:

DonFck wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

ur team hates u so y bother helping them do anything
let them go get killed with the hax aa missiles and then u can get the plane when it respawns
I know where you're coming from with the highest TK/Kill ratio in the history of BF2 (Nice stats.. You're really working your way towards a negative global score). And if the enemy doesn't kill your squadmates, you will? Then you'll go for the tank with C4, as the tank is probably equipped with one of those damn blue tags which you hate so much an eagerly want to get rid of?

As with planes and choppers, you'd probably Eryx the goddamn thing as it respawns, just so no one else could have it..

I sincerely hope your not planning a military career in the future..

P.S. Noticed that you'd gone up a rank. Have you as of now stopped killing friendlies and actually started to play the game?
i felt liek trying to get some badges and more guns
i can play good when i want to btw i just choose not to 99% of the time

i only eryx planes when the noob who is going to fly it is going to die
it speeds the whole process up
Wow.. Your momma's either really proud, or she wishes she could speed up her own process of getting you out of the house. Or maybe she's even wishing for it to be possible to reverse the whole process with having you.
I need around tree fiddy.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7065|I'm worldwide, beotch
This is for sure - everyone and their mom is spotting helos and shooting at 'em now that you can take em down easier. Good stuff.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida

You've got really good ideas man, but the fact is, it's a video game, and it's far from being anywhere near realistic. (it's a game based off real life military)

Have you ever considered joining a branch of the military?  Because it sounds like thats what you would like to do. (and gratz if you already have done it)

My CoD2 clan and I have tried MUCH MUCH less complicated plans, and CoD2 is a much less complicated game. (we are not dumb either, like others)  It is EXTREMELY difficult, if not impossible, to do these sort of things in a video game. Trust me, even if you somehow got a miracle by having tons of players who will follow your orders, right when you're all about to set out, a J-10/F-35b will come swooping down and screw everything up.  That's part of video games.

The plan would be much more manageable if you could simplify it.  Maybe say "Commander spots, squad nearest to AA blows the hell out of it and mans it for the rest of the game" , you know, or something like that.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-11 08:37:29)

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