http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingne … audi-woman

Ok, time for another round of " stop generalizing" or this is an "isolated incident".

Boy, ya gotta love all the peace and love emanating from Islam dontcha??

Ok all you defenders of this religion lets hear it.
+877|6274|Washington DC
I don't get why people like her, who seem to disagree with the system, continue living there.
lol. Saudi Arabia IS the worst country in the middle east and is one of only two to have blanket Sharia law. Nice example of 'typical Islam' again lowing, you've outdone yourself. You really have been desperately grasping these past few weeks.


I find it odd why their customs grate on you so much. I don't think the US custom of 'the right to bear arms' or the wider custom of the death penalty is that great but it doesn't actually bother me in the slightest given that it doesn't impact on me in any way, shape or form. Sharia law is a joke but does it impact me or you? Not in the slightest. Were you abused by a Muslim as a child by any chance...? Why do you seem to feel so strongly about what your staunch allies do on their home turf?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-06 15:32:08)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6443|North Tonawanda, NY
Fuckin' ridiculous.

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Saudi Arabia IS the worst country in the middle east and is one of only two to have blanket Sharia law. Nice example of 'typical Islam' again lowing, you've outdone yourself. You really have been desperately grasping these past few weeks.

http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ahdla8j.XB … _cover.jpg

I find it odd why their customs grate on you so much. I don't think the US custom of 'the right to bear arms' or the wider custom of the death penalty is that great but it doesn't actually bother me in the slightest given that it doesn't impact on me in any way, shape or form. Sharia law is a joke but does it impact me or you? Not in the slightest. Were you abused by a Muslim as a child by any chance...? Why do you seem to feel so strongly about what your staunch allies do on their home turf?
actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.

Let me ask you again, How many "isolated incidences" are required for you to see a pattern of violence and intolerance regarding this religion?

Last edited by lowing (2008-02-06 15:39:13)


lowing wrote:

actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.
*yadda yadda yadda*

Look - there's 1.3 billion of them on the planet. Almost all of them are good decent people who are not going to disappear or give up their faith, much like good Christians won't give up theirs. They're here to stay, get over it. The impact their customs have on your life is imperceptibly negligible.

Go read some Cold War novels if you want your paranoia sated.

As to your late edit: this sort of thing is not an isolated incident in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan or the Northwest Territories of Pakistan. It's part of their code of law. Most of the rest of the Muslim world gets on with things in an enlightened manner. Things like this certainly do not occur under western legal systems nor will they ever: now take your valium and relax.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-06 15:42:46)

I'll let lowing take care of this by himself.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.
*yadda yadda yadda*

Look - there's 1.3 billion of them on the planet. Almost all of them are good decent people who are not going to disappear or give up their faith, much like good Christians won't give up theirs. They're here to stay, get over it. The impact their customs have on your life is imperceptibly negligible.
Much like your for sight?
I am all that is MOD!

You must read a lot of news lowing.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.
*yadda yadda yadda*

Look - there's 1.3 billion of them on the planet. Almost all of them are good decent people who are not going to disappear or give up their faith, much like good Christians won't give up theirs. They're here to stay, get over it. The impact their customs have on your life is imperceptibly negligible.

Go read some Cold War novels if you want your paranoia sated.

As to your late edit: this sort of thing is not an isolated incident in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan or the Northwest Territories of Pakistan. It's part of their code of law. Most of the rest of the Muslim world gets on with things in an enlightened manner. Things like this certainly do not occur under western legal systems nor will there ever be any threat to our systems: now take your valium and relax.
Where is the outrage from these 1.3 billion muslims over this and the stoning? We sure as fuck saw it over some dumb fuck cartoons that ACCURATELY portrayed Muhammad as violent did we.


You must read a lot of news lowing.
Don't you, or do you get your information from Cam?

lowing wrote:

Where is the outrage from these 1.3 billion muslims over this and the stoning? We sure as fuck saw it over some dumb fuck cartoons that ACCURATELY portrayed Muhammad as violent did we.
Something you perhaps are too rash to understand is this: Muslim tradition decrees that no images of Mohammed are to be made. As such, all Muslims will find it offensive, to varying degrees, if this gets done - especially when done in a rather tasteless and deliberately inflammatory fashion. Most western Muslims pretty much went 'meh' with miniscule gatherings of braindead folk making the more vocal protests.

What happens in other Muslim countries is not the flipside of the cartoon coin. Some Muslims might care about this, some won't. What happens in other Muslim countries is not a particular Muslim's responsibility to decry, although many do. Remember lowing - personal responsibility: everyone is responsible for their own shit and their own shit only (or shit that goes on in their home nation). What some iPod owning chain smoking Muslim in east London has to do with some archaic practice in the middle of the Arabian desert is beyond me. When I see a disaster in a far off country on the TV I don't think to myself 'Oh, I must do something about it.' - like most of the TV generation I generally go 'meh, poor fuckers' and change the channel.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-06 15:55:59)

Calmer than you are.
I'd hate to go down as a defender of Islam - or any religion for that matter, but here goes.

Let me start by admitting something. I live in a Christian society, and no matter how bad this may seem to me now, I know for a fact that it'd be a thousand times worse if I lived in an Islamic society. I'm against a lot of their customs, especially those relating to womens' role in society.

However, this sudden interest of the western world seems awfully strange and suspicious. I cannot help but think that it has something to do with the USA's recent hostile foreign policy towards Iran, Syria etc. For many years, all kinds of human rights organizations have been trying to mobilize the west with no particular success. Yet, ever since the current administration has begun this propaganda against Iran, all kinds of stories about the brutality of Islam seem to pop up in the news. So my question is, why the sudden interest? Why does lowing care more about what happens to a Saudi woman than a NK woman if not to legitimize the current hostile climate against the Arabs?
I am all that is MOD!

lowing wrote:


You must read a lot of news lowing.
Don't you, or do you get your information from Cam?
Yes, everything I know is from here.  Actually, the amount of ignorance is amazing on this forum - You would be amazed at the content of intellectual debates on other forums I frequent.

Stop appeasing your fanbase.
+385|6804|Northern California

lowing wrote:


Ok, time for another round of " stop generalizing" or this is an "isolated incident".

Boy, ya gotta love all the peace and love emanating from Islam dontcha??

Ok all you defenders of this religion lets hear it.
We're not defending Islam, we're assaulting you because of your asinine blanket statements that are ignorant and irresponsible in a forum that promotes rational debate.  But go on, it's not like you'll ever stop..
Ya know a religion that allow stone to death is really FAAAAR behind human rights, You think people would have removed that punishment.

But then again its a third world country what can you do about it?

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Saudi Arabia IS the worst country in the middle east and is one of only two to have blanket Sharia law. Nice example of 'typical Islam' again lowing, you've outdone yourself. You really have been desperately grasping these past few weeks.

http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ahdla8j.XB … _cover.jpg

I find it odd why their customs grate on you so much. I don't think the US custom of 'the right to bear arms' or the wider custom of the death penalty is that great but it doesn't actually bother me in the slightest given that it doesn't impact on me in any way, shape or form. Sharia law is a joke but does it impact me or you? Not in the slightest. Were you abused by a Muslim as a child by any chance...? Why do you seem to feel so strongly about what your staunch allies do on their home turf?
actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.

Let me ask you again, How many "isolated incidences" are required for you to see a pattern of violence and intolerance regarding this religion?
Tell me lowing ...why have I never met a Muslim that I didn't find to be friendly, tolerant and easy to get along with? Where are all these 'bad' ones hiding?

Zukabazuka wrote:

Ya know a religion that allow stone to death is really FAAAAR behind human rights, You think people would have removed that punishment.

But then again its a third world country what can you do about it?
Yeah they should enter the 21st century and get electric chairs or lethal injection ...that's the humane way!
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
We don't zap or inject people for adultery.

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Saudi Arabia IS the worst country in the middle east and is one of only two to have blanket Sharia law. Nice example of 'typical Islam' again lowing, you've outdone yourself. You really have been desperately grasping these past few weeks.

http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ahdla8j.XB … _cover.jpg

I find it odd why their customs grate on you so much. I don't think the US custom of 'the right to bear arms' or the wider custom of the death penalty is that great but it doesn't actually bother me in the slightest given that it doesn't impact on me in any way, shape or form. Sharia law is a joke but does it impact me or you? Not in the slightest. Were you abused by a Muslim as a child by any chance...? Why do you seem to feel so strongly about what your staunch allies do on their home turf?
actually Cam there is no desperation at all to show what this religion is all about, ya can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article written by people that are vastly more informed about this shit than you are. I find it quite easy to do, and the articles easily found.

Their customs do not grate on me, it is people like you that think this religion is not dangerous to the rest of us, as it creeps ever so slowly deeper and deeper into our societies, that I find grating.

Let me ask you again, How many "isolated incidences" are required for you to see a pattern of violence and intolerance regarding this religion?
Tell me lowing ...why have I never met a Muslim that I didn't find to be friendly, tolerant and easy to get along with? Where are all these 'bad' ones hiding?
Ummmmm, maybe you didn't draw a cartoon of their prophet? maybe you didn't talk to their sister?

Once again I am forced to re-state my position. I did not ever say all Muslims are bad, all Muslims are terrorists we must kill all all Muslims or we must place all Muslims in ghettoes.

I speak about this religion, and this religion has been shown time and time again it is intolerant, it is unjust, it is violent and it does not fit with western morals and values. You all refuse to acknowlege this or that this is what I have said. Instead you accuse me of being a Nazi, endorsing genocide, or various other Hitleresque behavior. You do this to avoid agreeing with my arguments, so you must twist my argument into something I have never said or endorsed.

I am against this religion. It is violent it is stone age and it is intolerable and it does not blend in with western society.

Now when you respond, try and stick to what I have said this time.
Save the BlobFish!
Lowing, congratulations on your one man war against Islam.  I bet that you havent met any Muslims in person, or if you have, you havent made the effort to get to know them. There seems to be a inundation of negative stories about Islam on this site, I will start linking positive stories about Islam as a balance.

To Start  Boston Jew and West Bank Muslim Build a Temple, and Bridges, in Arkansas

Wow, what a tolerant, peaceful guy, Is this kindness from a Muslim or is it just a sneaky way to bomb it later?? I might go with kindness.
But since lowing tells me that they are all evil and intolerant, maybe its the latter.

As for finding negative stories about Islam, dude, good news doesnt sell. People (like you) are only interested in the simple answers ( Islam is evil , Muslims are bad). Its not the case. GROW UP!!!


lowing wrote:


You must read a lot of news lowing.
Don't you, or do you get your information from Cam?
Yes, everything I know is from here.  Actually, the amount of ignorance is amazing on this forum - You would be amazed at the content of intellectual debates on other forums I frequent.

Stop appeasing your fanbase.
LOL, I have a fan base now?? I am one of the most hated personalities on this liberal, socialist, peace at any price, forum.

I do not do the forum jumping thing, I only found this one looking up my stats, then I read something about who is worse Bush or Bin Laden or something and the rest is history. Really I am not that much of a forum junkie, just here because I love listening to the muffled voices of all of you trying to talk with your heads in the sand. It is quite entertaining.

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

Lowing, congratulations on your one man war against Islam.  I bet that you havent met any Muslims in person, or if you have, you havent made the effort to get to know them. There seems to be a inundation of negative stories about Islam on this site, I will start linking positive stories about Islam as a balance.

To Start  Boston Jew and West Bank Muslim Build a Temple, and Bridges, in Arkansas

Wow, what a tolerant, peaceful guy, Is this kindness from a Muslim or is it just a sneaky way to bomb it later?? I might go with kindness.
But since lowing tells me that they are all evil and intolerant, maybe its the latter.

As for finding negative stories about Islam, dude, good news doesnt sell. People (like you) are only interested in the simple answers ( Islam is evil , Muslims are bad). Its not the case. GROW UP!!!
Hey dipshit, I did not say ALL MUSIMS are evil or intolerant. I said this religion is violent and intolerant.

I say liberals suck. I do not say individual people suck. I do not like the beliefs of either, therefore I trash them, very easily I might add.

Stingray24 wrote:

We don't zap or inject people for adultery.
Or for talking to another person of the opposite sex.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Here's how I see it.  If these other countries (including Saudi Arabia) want to abuse their own people, I really don't give a shit.  All I care is that the oil keeps flowing.  If they fuck with our business interests, we fuck them back.  Other than that, they can prolong whatever primitive traditions they want to for all I care.

I just wish we'd own up to the fact that most of our intervention isn't about national security or democracy.  It's about money and oil.  It's that simple.  We extend our own influence to counter whatever China or Russia might have in mind.

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