Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6490|The Land of Scott Walker

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Not really Islam, more like Iran. They really could do with a good un-Islamic revolution, headed by a hot 18 year old Persian version of Joan of Arc*.

Without the God bit*

I need to nail a Persian chick before I die.
Iran is not the only country that is ruled under Islamic Sharia law ...
Go Ducks.

Stingray24 wrote:

No other major religion advocates death for those who convert out of it.  In most interpretations of Sharia, conversion is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy.  This is equated to treason.  What's the penalty for treason?  Death.  Are you going to say that's not Islam's fault either?
Many who are Christians will say that not believing in Christ leads to eternal damnation. They will also say that the world will be better off without non-Christians.
Also, what were the crusades? Killing for fun?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6490|The Land of Scott Walker
I believe that not believing in Christ does lead to eternal damnation.  The difference is, I'm not going to kill someone who chooses not to accept Christ or later rejects Christianity.  Doing so is not supported by the teachings of Jesus.  It is supported in the teachings of Islam that a person who rejects Islam is to be executed.  Try to stick to the 21st century in your arguments ...

Last edited by Stingray24 (2008-02-05 16:07:54)

. . .

djphetal wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

No other major religion advocates death for those who convert out of it.  In most interpretations of Sharia, conversion is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy.  This is equated to treason.  What's the penalty for treason?  Death.  Are you going to say that's not Islam's fault either?
Many who are Christians will say that not believing in Christ leads to eternal damnation. They will also say that the world will be better off without non-Christians.
Also, what were the crusades? Killing for fun?
The crusades are history. How is that relevant? Don't answer - it isn't.

Clearly injustice happens in the world: Muslim injustice, corporate injustice, poverty, criminality, etc... may I refer you, anyone and/or everyone to KEN's post, it's simple and to the point.

Last edited by topal63 (2008-02-05 16:10:32)

GunSlinger OIF II

Stingray24 wrote:

I believe that not believing in Christ does lead to eternal damnation.  The difference is, I'm not going to kill someone who chooses not to accept Christ or later rejects Christianity.  Doing so is not supported by the teachings of Jesus.  It is supported in the teachings of Islam that a person who rejects Islam is to be executed.  Try to stick to the 21st century in your arguments ...
nobody is claiming youre an abortion clinic bomber, dont be so defensive.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-02-05 16:08:47)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6490|The Land of Scott Walker

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

I believe that not believing in Christ does lead to eternal damnation.  The difference is, I'm not going to kill someone who chooses not to accept Christ or later rejects Christianity.  Doing so is not supported by the teachings of Jesus.  It is supported in the teachings of Islam that a person who rejects Islam is to be executed.  Try to stick to the 21st century in your arguments ...
nobody is claiming youre an abortion clinic bomber, dont be so defensive.
I'm not defensive at all, nor offended.  I'm simply pointing out the contrast.  Bringing up the Crusades in a discussion about murder supported by Islam in 2008 is ridiculous.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2008-02-05 16:10:49)

Go Ducks.

Stingray24 wrote:

I believe that not believing in Christ does lead to eternal damnation.  The difference is, I'm not going to kill someone who chooses not to accept Christ or later rejects Christianity.  Doing so is not supported by the teachings of Jesus.  It is supported in the teachings of Islam.  Try to stick to the 21st century in your arguments ...
I'll agree, The Crusades thing was a bit of a cheap shot. We are talking about today.

So, let me state: I disagree with a lot of Islamic beliefs. I am not an Islamophobe though, I know a few Muslims and they're very peaceful and respectful people. One family actually has a son who rejected the religion, and they still love him very much. Just as Jesus taught many positive values, so did Muhammad. It just so happens that there are some very backwards things written in the Quran that some people have not amended. The stoning of these two women is absolutely abhorrent, and I in no way would ever defend a religion for this action, but the tone of many people seems to convey total hatred for everyone who is Islamic. That is a very bigoted stance.

HurricaИe wrote:


Lowing I don't think anyone here advocates death by stoning for adultery or backs anyone that does.  It is your profound willingness to infer that all Muslims are like this (as I did from your choice of words..."this peaceful religion" and "bunch of fuckin' animals").

Some practitioners of Christianity are zealous enough to kill abortion clinic doctors.  A zealous Jew assassinated Yitzhak Rabin.  People can be insanely dogmatic sometimes.

The culture of Islam has not been exposed or has been intentionally shunned from western civilization in many areas of the world - as is the case with many other cultures across the world.  Why don't you post about a person in Africa being mutilated because some shaman claimed he/she was possessed?  You buy into media sensationalism (in this case of Islamic zealots) and it fits your own agenda, that's why.
Thank you.
Ya know what I like about you?
I like the fact that article after article after article can be found and posted that shows this type of behavior all over the world by this peaceful and tolerant religion, yet you can seem to maintain all of these articles and events as isolated incidences and not common. Well at what point will you concede that this fucked up belief IS common? Perhaps it is you who need the fuckin wake up call.

And another thing. I think it is BS how Islamic radicals seem to rule this religion, and what do the the so called 87 gazillion Muslims who are supposedly against this behavior do? They make sure their insensativities are recognized and their feelings are not hurt, instead of taking the lead in dealing with animistic behavior such as this bullshit. Yeah that sure helps with dealing with the problem. 2 girls talked to another guy so BY ISLAMIC LAW they get stoned to death! and all you can say is, hey, stop generalizing? Fuck this "religion" and Fuck you for your lame ass attempts to "understand" it, and rationalize it, and claim that it is an isolated incident. This fucked up bullshit religion is full of "isolated incidences".  When do you plan on realizing that all of these "isolated incedences" add up to a warped belief system that is dangerous?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6490|The Land of Scott Walker
I too know peaceful Muslims.  However the teachings of their religion are not.
+385|6536|Northern California

Stingray24 wrote:

No other major religion advocates death for those who convert out of it.  In most interpretations of Sharia, conversion is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy.  This is equated to treason.  What's the penalty for treason?  Death.  Are you going to say that's not Islam's fault either?
I have two Pakistani friends, who while living in Pakistan as life-long Christians didn't see any such enforcement.  Though, with the influx of more radically practiced Islam, they were at risk of being kidnapped or killed...but that's mostly because the mother and two kids were American citizens.

So no, it's not Islam that mandates death to those converting to other's a governmental issue.  Our government has done just as bad as others to be honest.
GunSlinger OIF II

Stingray24 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

I believe that not believing in Christ does lead to eternal damnation.  The difference is, I'm not going to kill someone who chooses not to accept Christ or later rejects Christianity.  Doing so is not supported by the teachings of Jesus.  It is supported in the teachings of Islam that a person who rejects Islam is to be executed.  Try to stick to the 21st century in your arguments ...
nobody is claiming youre an abortion clinic bomber, dont be so defensive.
I'm not defensive at all, nor offended.  I'm simply pointing out the contrast.  Bringing up the Crusades in a discussion about murder supported by Islam in 2008 is ridiculous.
I just brought up abortion clinics.  thats pretty relevant to this day and age.

Spearhead wrote:

I was just about to respond to usmarine and stingray, but ken jennings did it for me.

The simple fact is, islam is based in one of the most fucked up regions of the world.  Simply killing all of them because of their religion isn't going to stop them from being messed up.

In otherwords... lowing, stingray, and usmarine, you are looking at this and saying it must be Islams fault.  When it's not. 

I also find it funny how lowing is a staunch supporter of our occupation in Iraq, but at the same time he calls the people of Iraq "fuckin animals".  So yes, lowing, WAKE THE FUCK UP.  PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.

You are so wrong it is hard to comprehend.  I think it is religions fault.  However, if they want to do this shit in their shithole stone age countries then fine by me.  Don't bring that shit to the US or UK for example.
Go Ducks.

usmarine wrote:

Don't bring that shit to the US or UK for example.
well that's just not Freedom then, isn't it?
Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion.
If you saw a Muslim on the street, what would you do?
Islam has just as much of a right to exist in this country as any other religion.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6490|The Land of Scott Walker
Certainly is, Gunslinger and the abortion clinic bombings have been condemned by Christianity.  We don't stone people who commit adultery either.  Jesus specifically stopped an adulterous woman from being stoned.  Instead telling her to go and sin no more.  This is in direct contrast to how Islam teaches and behaves.

djphetal wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Don't bring that shit to the US or UK for example.
well that's just not Freedom then, isn't it?
Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion.
If you saw a Muslim on the street, what would you do?
Islam has just as much of a right to exist in this country as any other religion.
ffs...... nvm.
+385|6536|Northern California

lowing wrote:

Ya know what I like about you?
I like the fact that article after article after article can be found and posted that shows this type of behavior all over the world by this peaceful and tolerant religion, yet you can seem to maintain all of these articles and events as isolated incidences and not common. Well at what point will you concede that this fucked up belief IS common? Perhaps it is you who need the fuckin wake up call.
Article after article can be posted equally showing crimes being committed by people of ALL religions. Just because you're cornering the market with Islam doesn't mean it's as you say it is. 

lowing wrote:

And another thing. I think it is BS how Islamic radicals seem to rule this religion
No, the press and their goal of airing every occaision where a Muslim commits an attrocity is what is feeding you that you mass-media duped fool.

lowing wrote:

and what do the the so called 87 gazillion Muslims who are supposedly against this behavior do? They make sure their insensativities are recognized and their feelings are not hurt, instead of taking the lead in dealing with animistic behavior such as this bullshit
Wow, you must know actual peaceful muslims all over the world to gain that opinion...or is your opinion fed by American media?

lowing wrote:

Yeah that sure helps with dealing with the problem. 2 girls talked to another guy so BY ISLAMIC LAW they get stoned to death! and all you can say is, hey, stop generalizing? Fuck this "religion" and Fuck you for your lame ass attempts to "understand" it, and rationalize it, and claim that it is an isolated incident. This fucked up bullshit religion is full of "isolated incidences".  When do you plan on realizing that all of these "isolated incedences" add up to a warped belief system that is dangerous?
Nobody here has condoned those sentences (which may not even be carried out based on that article's sentiment that there's only been one such killing since 1994) and you know it...quit trying to make the absense of that sentiment a call to accuse people of condoning it.  People are just sick of your ignorant shit.  You're right, there are gazillions of muslims.  I doubt any of us has met any that have lopped off the heads of their family members or cut off hands of others to enforce their belief system??
Go Ducks.

usmarine wrote:

djphetal wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Don't bring that shit to the US or UK for example.
well that's just not Freedom then, isn't it?
Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion.
If you saw a Muslim on the street, what would you do?
Islam has just as much of a right to exist in this country as any other religion.
ffs...... nvm.
just pointing out that these actions do not equal the religion.

I think you people miss the point of lowing and some of us.  You guys keep thinking we think it is all muslims or something.  Funny, but no.  What pisses me off is I see no outrage from muslims over this stuff.  I do not see demonstrations over shit like this.  But oh no if we do something, then all hell breaks loose.

djphetal wrote:

just pointing out that these actions do not equal the religion.
I never said it did.  I am saying keep your stoning shit in your own damn countries.  You can worship whatever stupid shit you want for all I care.  You get it?  You see what I am saying?  yes?  no?
I love the single banner....  lol

Single female... recent widow... looking for man who doesn't wan't to blow himself up like my last husband...   


and to the empathisers... what will it take for you people to understand the serious issue this is...
with the radical islamists and the so called peaceful muslims that will burn cars and kill people if they are offended in the least?
There are too many of these violent acts to wish them away... it's their religion... they feel their religion is the only true religion and everyone else must convert... or die...  not seeing any peace in this religion... except for the former muslims that realize how banged up this religion is...
Love is the answer
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6734|Tampa Bay Florida

usmarine wrote:

djphetal wrote:

just pointing out that these actions do not equal the religion.
I never said it did.  I am saying keep your stoning shit in your own damn countries.  You can worship whatever stupid shit you want for all I care.  You get it?  You see what I am saying?  yes?  no?
USmarine, do you HONESTLY think that ANY of us agree with stoning?

It is beyond me as to how some of you think.  The fact that I disagree with lowings policy of referring to all muslims as animals and advocate nuking the middle east doesn't mean I want to let the nutjobs who stone and oppress women to live among us.

I'll go find that thread where someone made the point I'm trying to make now.  Islam is not the problem.  The problem is that these people (in the middle east and elsewhere) are living in conditions and cultures you and I can't even fathom.  They've never known what it's like to be free, never known what it's like to live a rich life full of meaning.  So what do they do?  They do what any other person would do in their situation.  They turn to religion to answer all their questions.  Not saying it's right, not saying I agree with it. 

Radical islam is the RESULT of the middle easts problems, not the CAUSE of them. 

That's all I'm saying.
+385|6536|Northern California

djphetal wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Don't bring that shit to the US or UK for example.
well that's just not Freedom then, isn't it?
Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion.
If you saw a Muslim on the street, what would you do?
Islam has just as much of a right to exist in this country as any other religion.
Just to mention the US's intolerance for religion, the governor of Missouri ordered the Mormons to be exterminated, and the president sent troops to Utah territory to take 'em out too.  Luckily they didn't succeed!


lowing wrote:

Ya know what I like about you?
I like the fact that article after article after article can be found and posted that shows this type of behavior all over the world by this peaceful and tolerant religion, yet you can seem to maintain all of these articles and events as isolated incidences and not common. Well at what point will you concede that this fucked up belief IS common? Perhaps it is you who need the fuckin wake up call.
Article after article can be posted equally showing crimes being committed by people of ALL religions. Just because you're cornering the market with Islam doesn't mean it's as you say it is. 

lowing wrote:

And another thing. I think it is BS how Islamic radicals seem to rule this religion
No, the press and their goal of airing every occaision where a Muslim commits an attrocity is what is feeding you that you mass-media duped fool.

lowing wrote:

and what do the the so called 87 gazillion Muslims who are supposedly against this behavior do? They make sure their insensativities are recognized and their feelings are not hurt, instead of taking the lead in dealing with animistic behavior such as this bullshit
Wow, you must know actual peaceful muslims all over the world to gain that opinion...or is your opinion fed by American media?

lowing wrote:

Yeah that sure helps with dealing with the problem. 2 girls talked to another guy so BY ISLAMIC LAW they get stoned to death! and all you can say is, hey, stop generalizing? Fuck this "religion" and Fuck you for your lame ass attempts to "understand" it, and rationalize it, and claim that it is an isolated incident. This fucked up bullshit religion is full of "isolated incidences".  When do you plan on realizing that all of these "isolated incidences" add up to a warped belief system that is dangerous?
Nobody here has condoned those sentences (which may not even be carried out based on that article's sentiment that there's only been one such killing since 1994) and you know it...quit trying to make the absense of that sentiment a call to accuse people of condoning it.  People are just sick of your ignorant shit.  You're right, there are gazillions of muslims.  I doubt any of us has met any that have lopped off the heads of their family members or cut off hands of others to enforce their belief system??
1. It is funny how you have to go all the way back to the Crusades to find a comparison of Islam to Christianity. How about this? You wanna compare...Let us compare apples for apples the teachings of Muhammad with the teachings of Jesus... I fuckin dare ya!!.

2. Nope this is what you and others like you claim. This behavior is such a minority of the billions of Muslims in the world, yet those billions of Muslim do not do shit to right archaic wrongs such as this bullshit.

3. What you fail to understand, or refuse to since it nullifies your arguments against mine is this. I am not talking about people. I am talking about a religion and the teachings and practices of it. I have never not once said all Muslims suck or should be killed or rounded up and put in concentration camps like I am accused of. I say this religion is intolerant, and violent. It has been proven it is both. All you need to do is distinguish the difference. as far as the "fuckin' animals" comment? I stand by it, for all who condemned these women and all who support this sentence and all who carry it out, ARE FUCKIN ANIMALS.
I am all that is MOD!

usmarine wrote:

I think you people miss the point of lowing and some of us.  You guys keep thinking we think it is all muslims or something.  Funny, but no.  What pisses me off is I see no outrage from muslims over this stuff.  I do not see demonstrations over shit like this.  But oh no if we do something, then all hell breaks loose.
Muslims must prove that they don't approve of this type of behavior?  Just Muslims on here, or Muslims in the U.S., or what?  Regardless, out of sight does not mean it does not exist (Muslims denouncing this type of barbaric thought/practice).  Will you let them know how much demonstration is enough to appease (uh oh!) you?

Westboro Baptists - not Christianity, despite inference.  How many Christians do we need to organize and demonstrate before we realize this?

Spearhead wrote:

Islam is not the problem.  The problem is that these people (in the middle east and elsewhere) are living in conditions and cultures you and I can't even fathom.  They've never known what it's like to be free, never known what it's like to live a rich life full of meaning.  So what do they do?  They do what any other person would do in their situation.  They turn to religion to answer all their questions.  Not saying it's right, not saying I agree with it. 

Radical islam is the RESULT of the middle easts problems, not the CAUSE of them. 

That's all I'm saying.
Bin Laden was rich...very rich.  So were/are a lot of his "ceo's."  That logic fails.

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