$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

375MB??? I thought it was only 85
Dear fellow BF2 players,

Without having played the patch (I've been reading all of the posts) I must say:

1. The obvious fix for AT mines and claymores was to disable punish for them and make person who set it off loose the points. They should still kill your teammates. If you are stupid enough to run over something with red skull on it, ignore the explosives proximity light on your screen you deserve to die and loose points without the right of punishing your teammate. A friend of mine came up with that solution and I like it.
2. I am a bit distressed at the thought of more powerful sniper rifles. I've spent most of my time in Sniper and Anti-Tank and I thought both kits were powerful enough. Don't get me wrong, I love playing sniper & I feel the hatred that you all do when taken out by a good sniper etc. Sniper took some skill to learn bullet drop, correct positioning etc. which is as it should be. Having more than a handfull of snipers on a 64 player map is not going to be a good thing and I hope it doesn't happen.
3. Aircraft, well like everyone else I'm sick of base-raping Jet and chopper whores. I'm also sick of watching fools repeatedly get in choppers (like the same guys 6 times in a row) and having the chopper blown up on the pad by a jet. You're just loosing tickets morons, go do something else. A friend and I also had the joy of being shot in the back by a teammate whist running to an Apache on Kubra. I did manage one time to shoot down 2 choppers on wake so I thought there might be a technique that would come to me with more practise. I agree that reducing the armour on choppers is a bad thing. But I also think that something had to be done to make the game more enjoyable for the MAJORITY of people who don't fly either because their own team shot them in the back and climbed over the corpse to get to the assets or because they like ground better. Wining fly-boys why don't YOU go buy a flight sim.... you won't have to be a team player then.
4. Spawn campers. How about randomly spawning within 75m of the flag rather than set positions? I leave servers when the opposite team spawn camps an uncappable flag. Why give the loosers the satisfaction of the points? Think I'll start teamkilling when my team spawn-camps as well.
5. C4 chucking well, how far CAN you throw it in real life? What does it weigh?? I don't know. I was surprised when I endured a 5 minute rain of hellfire from US C4 chuckers on karkland but I learned to deal with the tactic.
6. Red/Blue labels... yeah it's a crap bug and I've been kick voted several times for it (but not kicked). "Tell by the colour of their uniforms" not when I'm playing anti-tank and they are in armour you gits!
7. Bunny hoppers, dolphin divers- why allow it when it's not a natural thing for people to do on the battlefield?? The last thing you do in a real firefight is jump up and down- you might as well wear a neon sign that says "hey everyone, shoot me". Instead why don't you guys now learn how to _use cover_ and go prone to improve rifle accuracy like a real soldier?
8. More powerful LMG. As it should be. In real life your assault a$$ would be owned with one of these things.  Unfortunately people don't tend to use them for what they are supposed to be used for: surpressive fire. So what if your accuracy stat is crap?? Go out, pin the enemy behind cover and let your teammate grenade them.
9. You know a LOT of this bitching has a very simple solution. If you don't like what's going on on the server your're playing PICK ANOTHER SERVER. Works for me.
1. That would be such a disastrous solution I can't even start. If something like that would have happened you'd have people only out to ruin the day for others by placing claymore so their team mates would not only die, but also lose points. TK Heaven. That's the worst solution I have ever heard.

8. I don't know if you're talking about the PKM but I'll assume you are. I agree 100% that it needed a boost to accuracy but right now it's ridiculous, they could lessen the accuracy a tad and it'd be perfect. Me and my friends tested it out yesterday and we were almost unstoppable, until the other team also started using PKM's. It got to the point where I almost don't want to use the weapon anymore because it's so cheap.

9. Most servers play alike, general trends do not go away. Like pre-patch if you didn't like planes you couldn't well hop onto a server without pilots.


Personal feelings about the patch is that there are some very good general changes but that they should've tweaked it for at least another week or two. Some things got too good some things got too bad. But all in all I like it.
Oh yeah, and following from my earlier post:

10. Make kills in planes worth 1/4 of the points. It's only fair after all- only the TOP groudpounders get near 100 points IAR why should poor to average base-raping plane whores be able to? I'd call that balance....
do i need to download the Client Full version or the incremental version?
Patashnik - hmm see what you mean. Perhaps just no punish.  Teamkilling (except for aforementioned teammates who exhibit spawn camping tendancies) doesn't appeal to me at all so I didn't think of that possibility. Then again, last night I played 24/7 Karkand with punish turned off and I didn't get purposefully TK'd in 2 hours. We were too busy being owned by the other team

8. Like I said I haven't played the new patch yet. A friend of mine says he could out-snipe the snipers with the medic unlock under 1.12 and was looking forward to it getting a promised boost in power. As for the PKM, my ideal would be: more power but less accuracy. In close quarters you should chew an assault to bits with it but with 1.12 if you went toe-to-toe they'd generall win. ?head shots?

9. Yes, but you can go to a server without jets. You can also find servers where the pilots down own so badly on the maps you like. As someone else commented without footsoldiers the plane-whores would get no points. It also works in reverse- without tanks I'd have nothing to shoot at with my 2nd favorite kit!! So maybe I don't kill them much, (bad K) I still get points for damage. I love AntiTank- Hitting tanks on the other side of the map is almost as much fun as sniper. It must frustrate the hell out of them!

Generally I'm all for something that takes time and patience to be good at. I liked the way sniper took a fair bit of learning before you were good. I got all my basic combat badges with the default kit weapon except for engineer which I got with grenades- twice! Just knife and pistol 2 go. So I'm not an uber killer- who cares? I have fun, I try an play with a team and I follow orders. I'm sure I'll adapt to whatever the patch throws at me. I was getting pretty good at hitting apaches with my SRAW when they were doing the circle-strafe thing around a flag.

No matter what the changes- yes, even if they made planes more difficult to take down, I'd still play it. It's the first time I've played against humans before rather than just computer AI. I love it! So many funny things happen it's worth it just for that.
+-2|6709|England, UK
LOL LOL LOL. OMG. I am a good heli pilot but this new patch has gone to far. It was ok to make the AA better as before it was a joke against jets. But improving the AA and reducing the heli's abilities, hit points, reduce TV range, 8 missiles has made the attack heli's too easy to shoot down. Its a two fold reduction against the heli's. Just improving the AA would have worked. Maybe even reducing the TV's range and going from 14 to 8 missiles. But the hit point alteration plus the AA improvement is too much. I will adapt but wtf. Just because a team has crap pilots and get owned from air doesn't mean the airpower should be reduced two fold as I've mentioned earlier. Early days yet and I will adapt. The only problem I had was the AA against the jets and a welcomed improvement has been given. EA must reconsider the rest of the air vehicle alterations. Rest of patch seems OK. Noob tubers will proberly now become AA whores.
+0|6802|Copenhagen, Denmark
I really haven't had a chance to get a good feel of the new patch yet. But one thing strikes me as weird: the new ranks.
To get to the rank of Brigadier General at 180.000 points, you would have to play a total of 1410 hours in vehicles for all the expert badges. Is this not promoting all the famous kinds of whoring and TK'ing for vehicles that we have all come to hate? Fair enough if veteran had been the requirement but expert is just stupid.

Another weird thing about the ranks is the fact that you have to earn 30.000 points to go from First Sergeant to Sergeant Major. But from Sergeant Major and up you can't take a stab at someone without getting promoted. Something seems a little unbalanced here.

Last edited by madsmao (2006-02-15 04:07:19)

Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6779|New York
WHOEVER already has 1.12, you ONLY need to download the INCREMENTAL version, which is around 80 megs..
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6852|Bryan/College Station, TX
Having now played BF2 v1.2 I can say that I like it.

Improved AA:

I have found no issue with the improved AA. I feel that they are not over powered. In fact all it requires is a more intelligent and skilled pilot and an equally intelligent and skilled gunner. For the attack chopper you should know where they are your gunner should be taking them out first on the way in. Then after that take out all vehicles. Take notice of where cover is and where you can get behind terrain or warehouses if you can't avoid the lock. Then once you orient yourself to face it, you pop up and your Gunner fires the TV Guided missle at it and takes it out. So everyone who is bitching about it is simply either not flying well enough or they don't have a decent gunner. I see nothing wrong at all with the AA and I like it. The BH is harder to get in without being hit with AA however it does in fact drop more flares than the normal attack chopper. The only issue I found is where there is more than one AA locked on you. Then your dead most of the time. However after some "thought" (you know that thing you do using your brain) I was able to pilot around to make certain that only one AA could grab you. Sometimes I was able to avoid it entirely coming from a direction that the AA isn't normally pointed. Then if you have good gunners you can turn and have them take it out. Essentially you can't do base captures like you did before. You must drop your squad or infantry in the BH and then immediately dustoff and come back later to pick them up. Just sitting there will either get you blown up by passing jets or attract attack choppers. The pilot needs to bug out and present a target away from the infantry taking the flag. You don't have an option now on a server with good players. noob player servers you can still get away with old tactics.

New Unlocks (Sniper/AT):

I have unlocked both the P90 and the L96A1 and have used both. I can say without a doubt that both are worth the unlock. The ability to have a decent medium ranged weapon for the AT class is an asset. I enjoy the zoom dot aiming and I also like that 4 shots mid mass take out most infantry. The accuracy isn't the best but I can't say it's any worse than most guns out there. I say it's on par with the F2000 as far as accuracy and even though it says it has the same damg. as the MP5 I seem to take down people faster. As for the L95A1 Sniper Rifle, it is indeed a Godlike weapon. While I didn't try the other sniper rifles to see how they compared after the patch, I can say that I've gotten more kills with this new unlock than any other sniper rifle. Amazing shots, great distance and great damg. It even seems to have a quicker reload. And the sound of it.. very cool.

Other things

The new grenade Launcher min. arming distance is fantastic. I've never been more happy with the nerfing of noobtubers in my BF2 career. The sweet satisfaction of mowing down these obviously idiot players still attempting to use the GL at point blank range is so sweet.. so satisfying. I don't think I could smile anymore when I take these assholes out. 

The delay in prone and standing positions does not seem to effect me as much as some other think it does them. I have learned to crouch and shoot more often when quickly on the go and only go prone when I need to for distance shots and covert moving. So the delay doesn't effect me. It did seem to mess up and glitch things a little when I was zoomed in with the sniper rifle and stood up but that's a small thing really.

The increased throwing range of grenades and all packs (medic/supply) is Aok with me. I like the ability and I quickly got used to it.

The increased accuracy of the PKM makes it a decent weapon again. It's not godlike but at least you can use it on the move with decent K ratios.

The hardest thing to get used to has to be the inability to jump and throw C4. It is much harder now to get C4 on the vehicles and then to get away and blow them up without getting killed. Very difficult and I will need to practice more to get myself back to the skill level I was before. It's not impossible, just harder.

I had no issues installing the Patch 1.2. I downloaded and installed the full 380+ Mb patch and it installed fine. I made certain my movies were renamed back to their original names. I then logged in (twice because the first time it said I had incorrect password. Don't fret just log in again and it will take it no prob.). Then I went to the Community Tab -> Custom Games and activated BF2 v1.2.  It restarts. Now don't be alarmed as it will still show 1.12 version in the top right.


I enjoyed this new patch quite a bit. All the ones that are bitching just don't have the patience or the skill to actually play with this new patch yet. The ones that bitch the most will probably stop playing and you will not have to worry about it. Those that are stubborn enough to relearn how to fight will hopefully strive and become better players because of it. Today playing on Dalian Plant I was over joyed when I took out 3 attack choppers via tank without dying, simply because they flew too low and I saw them coming in for a missle run. Many chopper pilots aren't accurate enough with the missles and they seem to not hit very often so I survive. They then fly over and I turn and shot the main cannon. Boom. One main gun shot and MG fire after that they go down. I like that. It separates the men from the boys when it comes to chopper skill. I love this patch and I see nothing wrong with it so far.

And that's my personal opinion.


P.S. I don't care about ranks so I have no comment on them.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I don't have problems with the movies and the new P90 kick ass low/medium damage is great when you have 50 ammo. Can take out 3 person with one ammopack.
Rolf ! Hello noobs. So this patch was suposed to clean those stinky C4 and NT ? And make the game fun and "realistic" ? Yes ! i was a crazy bunny hoping c4 trowing mad man who loved baseraping. I will quit doing that now. Why should i even bother whit c4 or NT now ? they are shity like hell. Hmz what to do what to do.... ? Hey have you tried that new PKM thing, yes yes the support unlock ? the one that had its accurasy iproved ? LOL c4 and NT was easy, NOW THIS IS SICK, i have choped down a squad of 5 guys whit 30 bullets
from a distance of 50 meters !! Why should i even bother whit any other kit ? You see, those who used c4 and NT were not noobs, they were simply pros that adapted these metods to win. You say that now the bunny hopping noobs will suck and you will have your ravange ? NO we will adapt in one week and everything will be the same again, you will whine about beeing pwnd like noobs that you are.

1st round playing on Karkand whit new 1.2 patch i got 60 kills 15 deaths and a score of 160. 10 kills whit tank and 50 whit PKM !

Dont you understand ?  There will allways be pros who will adapt and pwn you, so all my fiends c4 bunny hoppers dont worry about this minor set back. In 1 week we will continue to waste noobs, and they will continue to whine about it. Every think will be ok.

And this is for those noobs who thogth that the patch will save them. STFU AND GO GET SOME SKILL !!

Last edited by BerkuT_gru (2006-02-15 07:25:03)


BerkuT_gru wrote:

1st round playing on Karkand whit new 1.2 patch i got 60 kills 15 deaths and a score of 160. 10 kills whit tank and 50 whit PKM !
Welcome to 5 months ago. You are now no better, and no worse than anyone else.

If you think you are bragging, then i'd be more impressed if you did it on Dragon Valley or Daqing. Anyone can get kills on a city map with the PKM.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

LOL LOL LOL. OMG. I am a good heli pilot but this new patch has gone to far. It was ok to make the AA better as before it was a joke against jets. But improving the AA and reducing the heli's abilities, hit points, reduce TV range, 8 missiles has made the attack heli's too easy to shoot down. Its a two fold reduction against the heli's. Just improving the AA would have worked. Maybe even reducing the TV's range and going from 14 to 8 missiles. But the hit point alteration plus the AA improvement is too much. I will adapt but wtf. Just because a team has crap pilots and get owned from air doesn't mean the airpower should be reduced two fold as I've mentioned earlier. Early days yet and I will adapt. The only problem I had was the AA against the jets and a welcomed improvement has been given. EA must reconsider the rest of the air vehicle alterations. Rest of patch seems OK. Noob tubers will proberly now become AA whores.
Look, I don't see what the problem is with taking down the heli/jet HP a bit. I have the expirence of not being able to take out a heli with two hits from my anti-tank weapon. That is absolutely imposible. I have also hit chopper over three times with AA and did not kill it. Please Note the at the start of operation Iraqi freedom, an Apache was force down  with small arms fire. There is no aircraft that can take a tank main gun hit and not be destroyed. So people, please get real here. Also, shooting up a heli with a .50 cal machine gun should kill it. All you people complaning about hele/jet HP are not being reasonable, it had to be reduced and just was not realistic before.

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

WHOEVER already has 1.12, you ONLY need to download the INCREMENTAL version, which is around 80 megs..
Didn't everyone have Patch 1.12?? Don't get why anyone would need the full patch unless they were completely reinstalling the game!
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
seemed ok when i played with pacth last nite..was fun seeing new ranks and driving over friendly mines and being able to see the uav plane...i dont have any gripes so far
+10|6783| Going Feral
Played for about an hour and a half last night. 

One round on Karkand in an APC as USMC - didn't notice much difference.  Splash damage from gun still took out bad guys. 

3 rounds on Sharqi Penninsula as either support or medic - didn't notice too much difference in how the reduced accuracy of the G36E as medic.  Looked like shock paddles were faster, but I didn't have many chances to test them out under fire.  The few times I revived, there wasn't a whole lot of pressure on me.  Played with the support guns - PKM and MG36.  Man, they are a lot more accurate.  I was actually able to kill someone 25M away from me WITHOUT being in the prone position.

I saw fewer instances of bunny-hopping.  Some tried, but it kinda made them easy to kill.  I shot them, and they couldn't shoot at me until they landed.
Hey guys, just a quick question about the patch, have you been getting the glitch where certain guns/vehicle won't make noise?  I've found myself losing lots of health and not knowing where it came from, just to realize I got killed by the LAV right next to me.  The LAV wasn't making noise O.O

Same thing happaned with the G3, AK-74u, L85A1, and AK-101.  Not everytime, but it's really weird
There is really only one thing to say to those players complaining about their inability to bunnyhop, dolphin dive, plane or helicopter whore;


Cool. Now us people who actually use the 203 at long range and actually know how to use the goddamn sights can avoid the stigma of "noob" from morons on the other side of the map who only see "person [F2000 GL] person2"

airborne916 wrote:

what the hell does this mean? … 0007jv.jpg
Had that happen to me. It's not an HTTP status code. From what I know, it's a retarded Firefox thing.

Oh, by the way, to you fucking airwhore whiners, it's ABOUT TIME THEY FIXED THE AA. Waah waah, you can't baserape or "own" everyone else or run around the map blowing up shit. Go buy a flight sim.

Power to the people, as long as the people don't whore vehicles around and claim they have "leet skillz".

Whee. Now it's just as hard for people who try to take OPs.

Gotta make sure to take WAY better cover to dodge the about 5 AWP rounds heading towards you whenever you take 20 seconds to convert an OP.
i still love how some people are loving this patch.  most of them are the NOOBS.  by this i mean most of all the whining was coming from people who were bitching about throwing c4, shooting the grenade launcher, and the diving down for cover.  Most of these people bitched because they sucked at this game.  Now the patch caters to all the noobs who just werent good enough.  the funny thing is most of US real good gamers will adapt to this also and continue owning you people.  I owned these noobs everday and give me around a week and Ill adapt to this noob patch also.  I dont mind the patch for the most part , just the part about not being to take cover behind a wall from a tank whore and not being able to jump up and shoot the tank with the rpg.  and now no more jumping into the windows on warlord in the palace, u cant jump and prone at the same time.  mark my word, this patch will make everyone tank and apc whore even more.  now everyone who ground pounds like i do, will be going prone as fast as i can and shooting your asses that way.  all and all the new guns are ok, the new aa damage is ok, the helo damage doesnt bother me because i dont use that crap anyway.
i like the patch to a extent. i like the fact they made the weapons more acurate. but i feel they now gave the MEC side a little more of a advantage tho. the AK guns where so strong and now they are even strong now. the US doesnt really have a set up that can compair except for the PKM. the c4 thing i can do with out. the jumping shooting and so forth good its gone. but now i think it just open up the flood gate for nade spaming.

i play last night and saw a guy tho 3 nades at once. i played supply and threw down 3 amno pack at once. so they def need to tweak thing a little more.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

Should have never lowered the HP on the choppers and jets.  Increasing the AA accuracy was really the only thing needed. . .now, everything that flies is made out of paper-mache.
OK well, first off, all of the aircraft were pretty much indestructable before this patch compared too actual aircraft, I mean one AT missle would totally obliterate ANY aircraft in this game, if you boldly fly an aircraft into an area where there are active AA sites in real life , you are going to die. This is how it should be, if you want air support you need to take care of AA first, I notice that most of the players that are bitching on my regular servers are the SAME ones that liked to use C4 tossing and bunny hopping tactics, and now they suck because they can't do it anymore, looks good on em they had plenty of warning, so they could have practiced before this came out. I also just want to mention that I have 3 computers running BF2, and I have not had any problems yet on any of these machines with patching, crashing or framerates. I see the same whining about how the game is "broken" on every BF game in fact on alot of multi games and generally the problem is YOUR computer far more often than an actual problem with the software design. Your PC is not an XBOX, if your going to play high end multi FPS you need to optimise your system and get rid of all your crap while you play, including Xfire... MSN messenger etc... if you have more than 35 processes running on your PC when you start BF2, you have not optimised your computer and you sir are a PC noob... pls stop screaming about how its everyones fault but your own that the game isn't working its getting very old...
nuff said , this patch rules...
DAO12 Whore

RatedM.Muffy wrote:

Hey guys, just a quick question about the patch, have you been getting the glitch where certain guns/vehicle won't make noise?  I've found myself losing lots of health and not knowing where it came from, just to realize I got killed by the LAV right next to me.  The LAV wasn't making noise O.O

Same thing happaned with the G3, AK-74u, L85A1, and AK-101.  Not everytime, but it's really weird
I experienced this as well.  Hopefully we'll get a quick fix for it.

And while I hate bunny-hoppers, noob-tubers and dolphin-divers like most people here, I will say that the changes to jumping while shooting were overdone.  It should be possible to shoot without experiencing a delay once you've landed.   Jumping down off a wall or from one level down to the next and shooting the person standing there is reasonable.  Getting shot dead because your gun won't fire once you've landed kind of sucks.

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