
1sfg-ronln wrote:

In all honestly.... i have taken out helos and jets in tons of ways... before the patch...  I have eryxed a j10...  i have TVed jets, took em out with the pilots missles in a helo... i m95 flying helo pilots.... i even C4ed a FLYING j10....  (swept the deck on dalian, and i c4 tossed him..)...  and i am not trying to brag, i am just trying to show that i only ground pound half the time and i didnt have a problem taking em out...  When a helo would take me out at a flag... i would spawn at that same flag with a vengeance....  it was actually fun... it gave you a challenge to overcome...  All these ground pounders, when you are getting mowed down by a helo and cant take him out, spawn elsewhere.... if its your last flag..... then dont spawn... wait till the round ends.... lol

but all said and done, i am prolly gonna have to retire this game...  never thought id go back to joint operations...
I know its late, but unlike some people i Go to high school as well as attend college.  But i totally agree with ronin, Me, LD50, Physics Reckage and ronin HAVE ALL done things like this. Come to think i should record next time we tv some jets.

In all the patch can bite me. I got p'ed off and almost broke my joystick after playing 5 min.

Ea done its worst

Last edited by 1SFG-Stealth (18 years, 11 months ago)

+0|6902|United States
I like any patch that makes the game more realistic, and more competitive.

If you are not happy about the helicopter situation, become a better pilot/ strategist.

If you are not happy about the mine situation, become a better armour driver/ strategist.

If you are not happy about no longer being able to be a dick and hop/dive all over the place, become a better soldier or ask EA to institute a prone-roll feature in the next patch.

Bottom line: quit all the bitchin', suck it up, and become a BETTER soldier/player.
I feel sad (not really) for all of the pilots who assumed that flying all lazy like to dodge AA and rearming at Mach II so that you can bomb that base in 15 seconds when everyone respawned again was skill.  Stop hitting the afterburner when you try to evade people...your never going to get behind the bandit on your six if you keep running in front of him.

I'm glad this new patch came out.  All of the planewhores will leave which will allow all of the pilots with skill (and no, bombing the same base every 15 seconds isn't skill) to get in a plane without being killed by a M95/C4 cube/AT round.  And chopper whores its time to face it.  It doesn't matter if it is a game...heli's can't survive tank rounds there I said it in nice bold letters so you could understand it better.  For once EA actually did something right (well the redname bug is there but you didn't expect EA to get a 100 on their next patch now did you )

Last edited by the_ubernoob_ (18 years, 11 months ago)

There is no way you can avoid a perfect lock on. If you are not happy about the helicopter situation. Whine to EA, maybe they'll listen to you just like they listened to the noobs. Same goes for driver/pilot.
Bottom line: We can bitch, so the noobs don't get their way and ruin a good game.
+240|6920|Austin, TX
It is always funny to see the people conplaining the most about the patch are the people with the vast majority of their time and kills in planes and choppers.  They are bemoaning how the game is ruined forever.  They tell all the infantry grunts to go play maps with no airpower.  They sit and smugly tell you that if YOUR team had any good pilots, they could shoot them down.

First- look at MY stats.  I am a plane and chopper whore, just like all the whining players, just maybe not for as long.  I have gotten LAZY, as most of you have.  Gotten spoiled with 90 and 100 point games.  Now I will actually have to do a bit of work.  And you know what?  I think of it as a challenge.

Second- On a  64 player map, there are still only 4 planes.  It is NOT your game.  If it was an aircraft dominated game, there would be a lot more of them around.  The plane is a support weapon, not the point of the entire game.

Third- if all the infantry grunts went to infantry only servers, you wouldn't have anyone to kill.  Also, I like playing ALL the maps.  I do not like my experience in my maps ruined by a spawnkilling pilot.

Fourth- Go ahead and quit.  EA already GOT your money for the game.

Fifth- maybe this will stop the 12 guys from sitting in the hanger for the current pilot to crash, startinga  TK spree until someone manages to get the plane.  That means more people actually fighting instead of waiting.

Oh, and lastly.  Your smug comments that the other planes should be trying to shoot you down?  Well, our pilots are doing the same thing you are.  Why don't you spend your time trying to shoot THEM down instead of acting holier than thou?

It's okay.  I sucked at flying a  jet anyway.  But I will miss flying the blackhawk.  I suppose I just have to learn to get better.  Like all of you can and will, if you stop moaning and actually work at it.

LimeGreen wrote:

I like any patch that makes the game more realistic, and more competitive.

If you are not happy about the helicopter situation, become a better pilot/ strategist.

If you are not happy about the mine situation, become a better armour driver/ strategist.

If you are not happy about no longer being able to be a dick and hop/dive all over the place, become a better soldier or ask EA to institute a prone-roll feature in the next patch.

Bottom line: quit all the bitchin', suck it up, and become a BETTER soldier/player.
Mulchman MM
+0|6978|Virginia Beach, VA

imortal wrote:

First- look at MY stats.  I am a plane and chopper whore, just like all the whining players, just maybe not for as long.  I have gotten LAZY, as most of you have.  Gotten spoiled with 90 and 100 point games.  Now I will actually have to do a bit of work.  And you know what?  I think of it as a challenge.
Yeah my buddy in the global top 20 heli pilots looks at it that way as well.  And since the new patch, his comments to me were "you just gotta get closer for the tv and now you're assured a kill at every AA station" lol. I wish I was half as good as him flying solo.

Last edited by Mulchman MM (18 years, 11 months ago)

Hard Case
+11|6936|S.E. United States
what sniper rifle...??
+10|7033|Vila Real, Portugal
You guys just complain too much and i think that instead of being worried about ppl being better than you at bunny hoping, "noob tubing", planes, hellis, tanks you should be complaining about the bugs in the game and some positive improvements.

Red player is still there, and man those AA rockets for crist sake!! i've seen a rocket change like 15times direction past me turn back and it me, what the hell is that all about?!

I played with helli after the patch and still got 40-3 and 45-5 etc in 4rounds so basically you need to be more carefull where you fly into and something most pilots seen to forget YOU CAN ALWAYS BAIL OUT AND NOT DIE!!!!, but agaist good players i think that helli as become the desert of the battlefield, man... we can be taken out by planes, other hellis, fixed AA, mobile AA, jeeps, APC's and even ppl with PKM, hellis need to have 2AA rockets to strike back at planes.

As for planes they where overpowered, only could be taken out by other planes and sometimes carrier AA, its fair to have them brought down to the ground but please not with unrealistic AA that can takes crazy turns or because the flares just dont have any efect on them.

As for the kits improvement oh well, i think we just have to adapt, snipers are now more accurate wich is good, support too maybe a little too much i think, because now anyone can be a sniper and if you want realism, in reality only the best can be a sniper but whatever.

i hope the people who were doing the whining are now happy, i'm not because the game still have bugs but unfortunately is still it's the best out there.
Yeah... See the thing is you guys don't realize, We groundpound a shitload. So don't act like we're always in a plane or something. Challenge hell yes, but it's a damn hard one.... one that doesn't promote noobs to flying or anything... and they're gonna come whine again... OMG ITS SOOOO HARD. Actually my stats are more of ground based fighting... Don't like the spawnkilling pilot. God damn there's an AA station usually where airfields are... And like I have stated before. NOT THAT HARD TO KILL
No complaint here, I simply refuse to patch.
While the patch has its good points, EA sacrificed some of its well rounded parts of the game to shut up the crybaby infantry only players on forums like this.... sad.
Possibly LONG rant..

1. I don't think the helis should be nerfed. Before you go 'OMGWTFBBQ you planewhore', I've never been a flyer. I like FPS for the infantry aspect. If I had know BF2 to be a overrated flight sim, I won't have bought it. But that's another rant.

Why shouldn't helis be nerfed? Its because, they CAN be shot down pretty easily. You just need to know how because its too easy to send 2 stingers up the rear of an attack helis before v1.2.

So how about those base-raping helis that no one can take out? Well, its frustrating but kudos to those good pilots (I admire those that can strafe a full circle, tilt down and maintain constant altitude) that can do that against all odds. That is skill which should not be denied.

2. Its the planes that ought to be nerfed. Planes dominate. End of story. WTF. Is this a goddamn flight sim? NO. Yes I hear those 'A plane IRL roxXXX'. Ok. Assuming this is REAL life, would a plane be in a conflict of this size (even the largest 64 player maps do not warrant that). If this is a conflict in real life, the commander only need to send in volleys of air raids. End of story.

Infantries and high powered planes do not mix well in a game.. So back to the other aspect, this is a game (so please throw your almighty plane thinking out the window). We need balance in a game, a plane should have ways of countering them. Does it have not? NO, cause planes are too busy whoring points and enemy pilots just cannot be bothered to take each other down. I think I clearly read somewhere here. A ZENMASTER dude got kudos from everyone here for his 'l33t' flying said that 'it just takes too long to take out another plane when he could be raping tanks'. Well, I guess that as much sums up planewhores.

3. So instead of making things balanced. EA/Dice takes the easy way out (like so many things in this game).. the nerf ALL air elements... WAY TO GO...

4. I for one am tired of the lazy ways EA/Dice choose to fix things. The hit system is a joke and they dun even bother fixing it. IMO, its the single most important element that requires fixing. Fixing that solves ALL hoping/jumping issues... But do they care? No... Face it, hit detection is NOT advanced science... isn't this clue enough that Dice dunno WTF they are doing?

More examples of EA/Dice being lazy MFs.. look! RED/BLUE bug is NOT solved! Just a day of release, this bug is as clear as day even though they claimed so proudly that they found the bug...

As complex as a game BF2 might be, I find it ridiculous that they have NO IDEA how this could occur....

Ok.. I finally got it out. Flame on if you wan. I don't care. This is a noob game and it will always be because thats how the developers wants it to be...

Last edited by RGB|Apocalypse (18 years, 11 months ago)

ugh, In my opinion the game was better before the patch.  I still see my own guys as red and the helos have no chance against SAMs.  The grenades bouncing off the wall, whoopy, I don't even use the gl like that.  If I use it I go up into your face and launch it at you.  DICE is so stupid.  False advertising.  If you have doubts about some of the things you are going to put in the next patch don't advertise it.  e.g.- picking up c4.  And you must be stupid to pay more money for 3 new maps and a couple of new unlocks.
Thanks Apocalypse. I agree high-powered plane - less stats but def not perfect AA guns... I mean god damn people in my clan can take planes down in seconds.
+10|7033|Vila Real, Portugal
So now basically you got to do what you would do in a real situation.
"oh no 4AA rockets in my tail, eject eject"
lol... watch EA make it so it kills you if you eject.
+10|7033|Vila Real, Portugal
ehehehehe that would be so funny
+10|7033|Vila Real, Portugal
Ok talking seriouslly you plane helli pilots just need to learn to use the eject key again and it will be ok, by default its the "E" key dont forget or you will go down in flames, fact is that normally a plane pilot prefers to go down in flames and spawn again near the plane than to eject and face the odds beind enemy lines, i perfer the secound .

Check my stats all you want yes i whore planes, hellis tanks, medics lol, engineres and ocasionally even the AA, so what sue me
Great patch. Too bad the planewhores hate it. Whine more noobs!
is anyone else mad that those phantom unlocks a few weeks ago were for the new sniper and AT kits and not just a bug?  damn my impatience.  now i have to get 20,000 more points to use the new guns.  dang it.
This rocks, the game has now been given new elements, don't bitch, cry, whine , piss, and moan about it, adapt and overcome.  So no one likes the new AA, well wah, do something about it, if you get a team AA-Whoring, {who'd have thunk it}  then post snipers on the stingers, and get some armour to the mobiles.  You don't like the accuracy of the snipers, then have command scan and get some armour there to take em out. Besides, my lord its a fricken M95, the guys should be able to put a hole in ya from a mile.  The support guns can accually kill something before being shot to shit, well good, I mean christ its a belt fed?canisterfed, machine gun, he should be able to spray the surface area of a home and stop anything moving in that square footage.  I mean thin about all the positive aspects this can bring.  You will only become more rounded of a player, or you were too one sided, self centered, stat padding, point raping to begin with to help your team achieve its goals.  Most complaints are from jet and choppers whores, Of which I do if I can but if not I am glad to step into some other roles.  But as for those of you that won't then by christ you will have to learn.  Before strafing that post or base you may want to get on your coms and find out if someone took that AA site out.  I mean not to be a giant dickhead , as I am sure many will flame me as, but to chuck it all, piss and moan, switch to another game, just proves that EA and Dice fuck you in ass "DRY" cause they just got a chunk of your cash, for a few months of stroking your narcissitic ego:  and will gladly do again only this time fcukin you in the ass with a chainsaw, by producing a new game that is OH OH OH so much better , but you will be right back here within a month ripping again about how its sucks, but they just got your 100 bucks again.   So do what all of those of us who have played a balanced game and done what we could for our team to win.  Suck it up, find the weaknesses, exploit your strengths.  They're are ways around everyting , you will just have to cooperate.
was his name-o
+0|6959|SE Pennsylvania

batman_psu wrote:

is anyone else mad that those phantom unlocks a few weeks ago were for the new sniper and AT kits and not just a bug?  damn my impatience.  now i have to get 20,000 more points to use the new guns.  dang it.
Yeah, that pissed me off.  I would've never known, because I never go to BFHQ, but someone told me, and I couldn't help myself.   Hopefully 5k more (45k) I'll get something.  I don't even know how the new scoring works anymore.

Whatever.  I resolved the issue.  I'll play maps with planes on them, fly once in a while if one is sitting there for me, but primarily I'm going to focus on capping flags and being a team player.  No use in not learning to move on.  I'm just sad I can't have any more 30+ kill streaks. :p
+0|6950|Monroe, MI
This patch is such a huge disappointment.

Aren't patches supposed to improve game play through updating the code to make it run better and fix bugs? Not totally change the actual game play itself.

On a positive note, the game did run better. But it's just the cherry on top of a steaming pile of shit.

My FIRST ROUND into this 1.2 trial run and I see a fvcking RED team mate.

Also, now I cannot hop over a sandbag and shoot someone anymore because 1000 out of millions of people cried about the GLs and ‘lack of realism’. Last time I checked, when you use your legs to jump, your upper body can still function unless you have fvcking down syndrome like the coders and PR people at DICE & EA.

I could rant forever, but this patch isn't worth my time. Today is payday and I will be picking up a copy of COD:2.

I will not play BF2 until they revert back most of these changes they've made.
lsass.exe errors, and my CD key is invalid.  EA, we ARE NOT AMUSED!!! -q
Bah I still have mah 1.12 full patch. I think I am going back to it. Too many times getting killed by the PKM half way across a map in one shot and the c4 toss makes me kinda mad. Oh Well. I will try and find those renegade 1.12 servers....LONG LIVE 1.12!

Oh and btw this is the complaint thread...not the one for ea is god. They aren't god and because of F*k's like you the rest of us have to suffer a sub-par game. Thanks, really thank you.

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