will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I know this is a rehashed topic in our lives, but it is astonishing to me how rude and ignorant ppl are. I have 3 classes on Mon,Wed, Fri and 2 classes on Tues,Thurs and in every single one there is always at least 1 cell phone that goes off and usually 2 or 3. Are these folks just mentally deficient? I know from talking to friends of mine whoe are older that this crap happens in the work place too. They say that random cell phone rings occur during work hours, at meetings, at conferences, at lunch, etc. Hey B, is this a problem in Germany too?

Just wanted to see what everyone thinks about this insanity- briiiiiinnnnngg...briiiiiiinnnnnggg... o hold on a sec, guys. i have to take this. *gets smacked over the head with a toaster oven.
Moving Target
It's either that or the throng of students with Ipods.  A friend of mine is a English prof and he said out of 85 students, 73 had Ipods (by brand) and 11 more had some other MP3 device.  Only one student never showed up with ear buds in every day.

My personal favorite is people that walk around looking at their feet talking on their cell phone bumping into people and bitching that the other person isn't watching were they are going.  Or complete retards that yell into the phone thinking that it will improve the bad signal.

I want to make an EMP pistol that will fry the shit out of all electronic devices on a target.  And promptly shoot a whole lot of people.
+66|6994|Missoula, MT
I hate it at the movies too...what happened to "Silence is Golden"?  Normally during the time it's saying please turn off cell phones and pagers, you hear one ringing!  Jerks!
Moving Target

CMDR_Dave wrote:

I hate it at the movies too...what happened to "Silence is Golden"?  Normally during the time it's saying please turn off cell phones and pagers, you hear one ringing!  Jerks!
Or some shitforbrains fires his phone up right at that screen that says to turn off cell phones and doesn't stop talking the entire movie.  That one is going to land me in prison one of these days.
Pew Pew!
+216|7000|San Francisco

I don't mind how common cell phones are these days, but I agree that people need some sort of etiquette guide (or perhaps an appropriate usage test) before they are allowed a cell phone.

Use the silent function if you MUST have the phone on while at an important meeting, in a restaurant, in a movie theatre, etc. Do NOT answer your phone while in any of those places, and if you absolutely must take a call while in a meeting or a restaurant then FOR THE LOVE OF PETE have the decency to excuse yourself from the room/table and go outside to carry on your conversation!

People need desperately to learn some manners.
Another German Mod
+6|6961|Lake Constanze, Germany
Agree with that Voodoo.
I had a mobile 5 or 6 years ago. I didn't use it the last 3 years, coz it made me nervous.....
It's a big stress factor! But now i just need it and bought a new one....
But i hate ppl who do show-offs with their mobile, like in cinema/restaurant/school etc......
And i always have to advice them a lil bit like: "Yeah, we can actually hear u." or "Yeah, we see u got a mobile, great"
..............i would give em the 'moron ribbon' 


Etiquette would be nice, better would be that EMP pistol.

In reality, however, I kinda believe that cell phone blockers and such inside of theaters isn't such a bad idea. (Technically, they are illegal, but I wouldn't mind carrying one around in my backpack, ya know?)
will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Totally. I agree guys. Believe me, I have nothing against the rapidly advancing technology (other than my phone looks like a p.o.s. compared to the new stuff because it comes out so damn quick and costs so much), but it is the absurb way in which people think that the cell phone does not fall under the categorey of manors.

To lead into another topic, but still with the cellular technology, what do you guys think about all the controversy over cells while driving? I'm learning a lot about it in psychology actually. It is interesting why talking on the phone is dangerous. It certainly wasn't why I thought it was. We also learned that eating while driving is much worse. Personally, I think that the phone is not to blame for the poor driving. I can drive and talk fine, but some people apparently can only do one thing at a time (morons) and so they swerve all over the road and rear-end otehr people because 'Betty just broke up with Billy and this was the first they'd heard of it.' O my!
Moving Target

chuyskywalker wrote:

Etiquette would be nice, better would be that EMP pistol.

In reality, however, I kinda believe that cell phone blockers and such inside of theaters isn't such a bad idea. (Technically, they are illegal, but I wouldn't mind carrying one around in my backpack, ya know?)
I would rather see building built with radio sheilding in the walls.  It's not expensive and really easy to do.  I really want to build a bar and have the walls be like that so that cell phones just don't work at all.

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

Totally. I agree guys. Believe me, I have nothing against the rapidly advancing technology (other than my phone looks like a p.o.s. compared to the new stuff because it comes out so damn quick and costs so much), but it is the absurb way in which people think that the cell phone does not fall under the categorey of manors.

To lead into another topic, but still with the cellular technology, what do you guys think about all the controversy over cells while driving? I'm learning a lot about it in psychology actually. It is interesting why talking on the phone is dangerous. It certainly wasn't why I thought it was. We also learned that eating while driving is much worse. Personally, I think that the phone is not to blame for the poor driving. I can drive and talk fine, but some people apparently can only do one thing at a time (morons) and so they swerve all over the road and rear-end otehr people because 'Betty just broke up with Billy and this was the first they'd heard of it.' O my!
Cell phones and driving are really bad.  It has to do more with how much you are paying attention to the phone conversation.  It doesn't help that most of those people are piss poor drivers too.  My favorite was following some stupid bint for a couple of miles with a bumper sticker that read 'Hang up the phone and drive.'  She was on her cell phone the entire time.  At least 15 minutes.  I wanted that EMP cannon so bad right then.  Just so I could leave her and her Lincon Navigator with it's 'Save the Environment' bumpersticker crap smoking on the side of the road.

Last edited by Burning_Monkey (2005-09-27 13:24:42)

will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Now don't be too hard on her monkey. Clearly she lives a tough life with that navigator. I wonder if we can sell people into slavery? Then we take all of their belongings and sell them to less fortunate, but more deserving i.e. not looters and scumbags.

Thanks for the idea Robin Hood.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Burning_Monkey: They're actually planning to do that in singapore.

Its the worst here, you get people on the trains talking so loudly i think the person on the other side could've heard her even without the mobile. The tones beep so loudly i think my seat in the subway vibrates. The worst is when they have it in their pocket, and the phone is jammed against your outer thigh when you're all packed in the train.

God. I hate these people.

Robin Hood's too nice he'll grab the phone and give it to some poor guy thus repeating the whole cycle again =P
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6996|Bryan/College Station, TX
I have actually called the local sheriff department on a car that was driving erratically due to the woman driver on a cel phone. I followed her on purpose for many miles. Told the sheriff dept. that I was following her and of course her car's make, model and license plate number. The police never did show up and I followed her all the way to her driveway and watched her walk into her house still on the cel phone. I don't even think she noticed I was behind her the entire time. Of course I also phone the police for drunk drivers cuz I hate them. Too many of my friends have been in accidents due to drunk drivers so I have no sympathy. If I could run them off the road myself I would.

I think the most pissed off I have ever been was during a movie and there was a woman with her girlfriend two rows in front of me and off to the right side. She was black, not that her race mattered, but she was very very loud when talking on the phone and refused to shutup. Several people asked her to quit and she never did. I ended up walking over to her and take her cel phone away from her and walking out of the theater. She was kind of shocked and didn't follow me for quite a few seconds. I just gave to the vendor's drink desk and told them I confiscated a phone from a woman who wouldn't shut up and that she might come looking for the phone in a short while. Of course the woman was yelling at me and I told her she could pick up her phone at the vendor's desk. I never did see her again, she never returned to the movie and I think the people in the theatre were happy. I never did have the opportunity to do this type of thing again... yet.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Pew Pew!
+216|7000|San Francisco

kilroy0097 wrote:

I think the most pissed off I have ever been was during a movie and there was a woman with her girlfriend two rows in front of me and off to the right side. She was black, not that her race mattered, but she was very very loud when talking on the phone and refused to shutup. Several people asked her to quit and she never did. I ended up walking over to her and take her cel phone away from her and walking out of the theater. She was kind of shocked and didn't follow me for quite a few seconds. I just gave to the vendor's drink desk and told them I confiscated a phone from a woman who wouldn't shut up and that she might come looking for the phone in a short while. Of course the woman was yelling at me and I told her she could pick up her phone at the vendor's desk. I never did see her again, she never returned to the movie and I think the people in the theatre were happy. I never did have the opportunity to do this type of thing again... yet.
Good God! That is incredible! I want to shake your hand... I would never have the guts to do something like that.

LOL, nice work Kilroy0097. The whole point of going to see a movie is to watch the freaken thing and not talk about some random crap that no-one gives a rats about. btw, if someone is talking on a phone/to another person, at the movies, I just say "Shut up!" and it usually works (if they are near me).
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Cheers for kilroy.

Fights have started in my area because of yakking on mobiles:

Case #1: A asks B to stfu, B doesn't, A kicks B's ass
Case #2: A asks B to stfu, B doesn't, B gets a group of friends to kick A's ass.

Sad but it really happened in Singapore
Finnish bush-man
Cell phone mania is bad in my school also. Atleast some people are wise enough to mute their cellphones but when somebody jsut starts to manically laugh in the middle of a class it aint that good... and plus to that, cellphones arent allowed to be used on classes on my school so atleast the teachers are having fun, theyve come up with a idea if it rings 5 times during a class in a month, its 1 hour of detention. I always keep my phone muted on school coz around 85% of ppl who try to phone me during a class are my friends in the same class -_-
+66|6994|Missoula, MT
Kilroy is my movie theater hero!
Moving Target

kilroy0097 wrote:

I have actually called the local sheriff department on a car that was driving erratically due to the woman driver on a cel phone. I followed her on purpose for many miles. Told the sheriff dept. that I was following her and of course her car's make, model and license plate number. The police never did show up and I followed her all the way to her driveway and watched her walk into her house still on the cel phone. I don't even think she noticed I was behind her the entire time. Of course I also phone the police for drunk drivers cuz I hate them. Too many of my friends have been in accidents due to drunk drivers so I have no sympathy. If I could run them off the road myself I would.

I think the most pissed off I have ever been was during a movie and there was a woman with her girlfriend two rows in front of me and off to the right side. She was black, not that her race mattered, but she was very very loud when talking on the phone and refused to shutup. Several people asked her to quit and she never did. I ended up walking over to her and take her cel phone away from her and walking out of the theater. She was kind of shocked and didn't follow me for quite a few seconds. I just gave to the vendor's drink desk and told them I confiscated a phone from a woman who wouldn't shut up and that she might come looking for the phone in a short while. Of course the woman was yelling at me and I told her she could pick up her phone at the vendor's desk. I never did see her again, she never returned to the movie and I think the people in the theatre were happy. I never did have the opportunity to do this type of thing again... yet.
I have yet to run some one off the road, but I have taken phones away in theaters before.  Like I said, one day some one on a phone in a theater is going to get me some prison time.

This 300 pound gorilla has no problems treating some one's head like a piece of Samsonite for a while if I have too.
will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
That's pretty sick kilroy. You got some cahones man! The best thing I ever did out of vengence in a theater happened a few years ago. These little bastard kids (about 13-14) were throwing popcorn at decent folks the whole movie. Unfortunately since most of the victims were old and didn't want to get slapped with a child abuse suit, they just kept giving them dirty looks and asking the kids to stop. When the little fucks got tired of this, they were having a good ole time doing something outside so they ran in and out of the theater about 6 or 7 times in a very loud fashion. Not to mention the cell phones going off and all that good stuff. About 45 minutes in, I'd had enough. As the seemed-to-be ring leader went sprinting past, I clotheslined him and I mean hard. Kid went right off the damn ground with feet flailing forward. He got up and began to chew me out and threatened that he and his friends (only 3 others I believe) were gonna kick my ass for that. I laughed and proceeded to tell him that he had about a minute to get the fuck outta my face and take his friends with him or I was gonna fuck-start his head ("Way of the Gun" anyone?). He didn't get it and went to sit back down for the rest of the movie. I heard him bitching and moaning to his friends for a while and then they just shut up. By the look on the face, the few sporatic adults in the theater who they had thrown popcorn at looked puzzled. It was like they didn't know whether to repremand me as a teenager or thank me. Either way, very satisfying.
Extra Green Please!
+53|6983|USA! USA! USA!
Once upon a time, I was 'assisting' an ex-wife of another soldier exit post.  She refused to answer any of my questions truthfully (i.e. I asked for her ID card and she said she didn't have one, even though five seconds ago I saw her put it in her pocket.)  Her phone rang and she started talking on it and sat down on the couch.  I politely asked her to hang up and she found my pet peeve.  Being ignored.  I pulled out my radio and touched the antennas together and keyed the mike.  The signal from my antennae scrambled anything coming off her phone and ended the call.  She was pretty pissed, but not as pissed as when we dropped her off at the gate and the guards told her not to come back...
Have a nice day!
I-pot  c-phone  and other communications at or during schoolhours or exams in class   = cheating,   get ur answers from the net or a friend? imho
Extra Green Please!
+53|6983|USA! USA! USA!
Phones aren't usually allowed during exams.  I don't know how an IPod would help you cheat unless you recorded the answers into an MP3... But I wouldn't put it past people...
will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Krauser98 wrote:

Phones aren't usually allowed during exams.  I don't know how an IPod would help you cheat unless you recorded the answers into an MP3... But I wouldn't put it past people...
No you can download word files into i-pods. You could have all your notes for the class in there. They're more than just music.
Extra Green Please!
+53|6983|USA! USA! USA!
I stand corrected.  Anyway, does anybody have a cheap Ipod for sale?  I suddenly have the need for one...
will frag for food
+11|6992|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Krauser98 wrote:

I stand corrected.  Anyway, does anybody have a cheap Ipod for sale?  I suddenly have the need for one...
not mine buddy... i need it for tests.

kidding, only kidding.

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