Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
I don't have the patch yet but from what I read the new patch totally ruins dogfights.  That said, why not have the infantry supporting the Aircraft AND vice-versa?  Have a sniper team (2 snipers and maybe a medic or support) and once an enemy AA emplacement is spotted, go neutralize it.  Then the guys up in the air won't have to worry about the AA.  The pilots could then provide the good ol's air support that we all know about.

Either way, if it sucks so much that large masses of players stop playing, you can bet that EA will fix it.
LOL,just when the throne of the jetwhores begins to crumble they beg for a little teamwork by the infantry...
+18|6800|Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Pilots needing help?????

I thought I'd never see the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sarcasm sucks in type
yeh you need to use <sarcasm> and </sarcasm> as tags

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

LOL,just when the throne of the jetwhores begins to crumble they beg for a little teamwork by the infantry...
You will come to realise that some of the jet whores you look down on actually saved your ass rather a lot of times and you didnt notice/care
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
i don't think any of us care about you pilots, no offense, but you guys are a bunch of jerks in general... always with the killing for the vehicles and junk...

and now that you guys have to worry about us on the ground your crying about it telling everyone it's unfair that you guys can get shot down now.

well i say, suck it up and play as some damned infantry for once.
Well in real life all you do with a SAM is fire and forget plus it will only take one missile to take a jet down.

So in my opinion happy days because I hate jets!

Chowley wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

LOL,just when the throne of the jetwhores begins to crumble they beg for a little teamwork by the infantry...
You will come to realise that some of the jet whores you look down on actually saved your ass rather a lot of times and you didnt notice/care
Yeah,sometimes they saved my ass,but they made up for that by teamkilling me numerous times aswell...

But I can live without the airforce as infantry,the patch seems to ensure that the jetwhores need groundsupport from now on(haven't tested the new AA-lock yet,don't really care either,the new sniper rules).
On behalf of ground troops everywhere, may I say

+4|6840|Irving Tx
I think the only thing that will be fucked up is Iron gator. If the AA is as good as every one is saying there will be no way for the mec sf to get off the beach out side of the one map. Its about time the air power was put in its place. Power to the grunts and armour.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

Spearhead wrote:

I don't have the patch yet but from what I read the new patch totally ruins dogfights.  That said, why not have the infantry supporting the Aircraft AND vice-versa?  Have a sniper team (2 snipers and maybe a medic or support) and once an enemy AA emplacement is spotted, go neutralize it.  Then the guys up in the air won't have to worry about the AA.  The pilots could then provide the good ol's air support that we all know about.

Either way, if it sucks so much that large masses of players stop playing, you can bet that EA will fix it.
what about when an aa vehicle comes what will you do shoot it with your rifle then throw your nife with it?I just got an idea put c4 on a knife throw it at a tank gunner you get a knife kill then detonate it and you kill the tank.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
I'm a completely honest pilot, and I hate whore pilots and pilots who TK for jets.  I love supporting ground troops and I had fun shooting down enemy fighters, and it made me feel like I accomplished something, flying high up in the air dogfighting while you grunts were fighting just as hard on the ground.  I also play as a grunt whenver there are no available aircraft, so jeez give some people breaks

You infantry players have to realize that there's a difference between "pilots" and "jet whores" it's very similar to the difference between players who use the Grenade Launcher, and players who use ONLY the Grenade Launcher

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-02-14 12:32:22)

+0|6871|Minneapolis, MN USA

Spearhead wrote:

I'm a completely honest pilot, and I hate whore pilots and pilots who TK for jets.  I love supporting ground troops and I had fun shooting down enemy fighters, and it made me feel like I accomplished something, flying high up in the air dogfighting while you grunts were fighting just as hard on the ground.  I also play as a grunt whenver there are no available aircraft, so jeez give some people breaks

You infantry players have to realize that there's a difference between "pilots" and "jet whores" it's very similar to the difference between players who use the Grenade Launcher, and players who use ONLY the Grenade Launcher
Here, here!   Nice Spearhead.  I'm with you.

Good pilots need to support the grunts and the grunts need to support the good pilots.  Plane Whores can crash and burn for all I care.  Been TK'd too many times by a variety of Whores so I have no sympathy for them.  However, Pilots like you need all the support from the Grunts!
I might actually enjoy playing on Cleansweep now
She looked 18 to me officer

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

LOL,just when the throne of the jetwhores begins to crumble they beg for a little teamwork by the infantry...
Yup, all the pilots are talking "Teamwork" now, after I get bombs dropped on my head constantly.

Have fun dodging the AA.

If I find a pilot the accualy supports the infantry and helps to capture flags instead of stat padding I will go out of my way to support them.  Would be fun to play as a team.

Last edited by Stealth42o (2006-02-14 14:09:32)

Spearhead got a point.
IRL there is a strong co-operation between land and air. And so it should be in here too, if bf2 is meant to be any realistic.
Today after download I was playing Dalian plant and I sit behind Stinger... in a few minutes I shoot down 5 jets and 3 choppers... before this I have shot down maybe 2 vehicles in my whole "career".
I'm sorry but it was too easy, but in the past, it sucked so much that one pilot could have had 60 kills vs 1 death, it is not right either.
And there in dalian,where I was dropping planes it didn't took many minutes that pilots clued the trick how to work with these bad,bad Iglas.
So it only takes a little practise to fly in the future...and the points are raining from the sky.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Hang around enemy jets... AA still hits friendlys sometimes I got a TK this morning because of it.

Chopper whoring is still possible if you are good at it. Excellent gunner is needed.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Listen up jerks (such as stealth42o)

I fly jets about 1/3 of my gaming time.  Retards.  I am a ground pounder just as much as any of you are.  I don't go into a 64-slot Wake server and complain that I'm getting raped by jets, because thats what 64 size maps are for.  I've created countless number of squads, and all of my combat badges are from hardcore infantry fighting. 

For those of you narrowminded jerks fluttering around dissing people who can fly,

The entire purpose of a 'fighter' is to keep other 'fighters' out of the sky... but thanks to jet-whores (who are a minority) many of your views have been skewered and now you believe that ALL pilots are jet whores.

I met Pentium777 the other day.  He was whoring it up on a 24/7 Wake Island server.  So, after getting bombed myself a few times, I headed to the airfield and grabbed a J-10.  I only needed one run to shoot him down.  After that I kept Air support for my ground squadmates, as they called out positions that needed to be bombed.  Check out pentium777's stats. 

I am an honest player who is neither a jet-whore nor an ALL infantry player, I'm somewhere in the middle

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-02-14 15:28:38)

No need to slag the pilots fellas.  A supportive 'bird on your shoulder' is one of the most welcome things to have on the battlefield.  Hopefully there will be more team-minded pilots around now that its gotten harder to dominate from above.

If the new aa really makes piloting so hard, I hope it has the effect of making teamplay much more co-ordinated between air and ground, as it should be.  I'd be more than happy to try to take out and harass aa positions from the ground if I were asked to.  In fact taking out aa positions may now become a priority for more than just the pilots.

To take it one step farther, a post I just read ( [url]http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=13977[/url] ) mentions the idea of making the aa platforms a 'repairable' asset like the UAV, arty, etc.   That would certainly create a new level of usefullness for the engineers out there, and one more fun thing to blow up for the special ops players.
Why are you killing the pilots bashing them all? Hm? I'm a pilot when I can get the plane and I will attack the carrier on Wake the first few rounds when no flags are capped. What do you expect me to do... fly and wait? You have the ESSEX... 2 OF EM... Use em, they can make pretty good shreds out of a plane that's base rapeing. You accuse pilots of not ground pounding? Hell, I ground pound more than I fly...
+50|6848|Southern California
good snipers already keep an eye on AA nests because they are free-kill zones.
You just have to realize where the AA is. Catch them blind with a couple bombs.

ASI_ramone77 wrote:

Well in real life all you do with a SAM is fire and forget plus it will only take one missile to take a jet down.

So in my opinion happy days because I hate jets!
Yes but in real life the jets arn't 100 feet off the ground and the F-15s primary role isn't a bomber...

All in all, we pilots have to be more careful. I noticed when I was playing today many of the other pilots were attacking stinger locations regardless if someone was there or not. Some pilots (the whore kind) have the timing down exactly on how long it takes for a jet to respawn or a stinger and they come in guns guns guns. No matter how accurate the AA missle is, its still useless when there isn't a launcher. IMO there should be an infantry class with a single stinger. Like give it to the AT class as another unlock but they carry 1 or 2 less AT rockets as a tradeoff.

I havn't flown a whole lot yet, and will probably jump on an empty server with a friend and test out the whole system and see how truely effective the new AA is. But from what I have seen its better for the game this way for all involved. The skill pilots who actually attack stuff thats close to a CP will be more rewarded than the runway whores of the game.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

LOL,just when the throne of the jetwhores begins to crumble they beg for a little teamwork by the infantry...
just came form 3 rounds of wake
i dont need your fucking help and when ya ask for a bomb run on the tank thats about to lay waste to your *infantry* squad...ill be the one flying in the other direction.

Last edited by Hyper (2006-02-14 20:01:49)

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