+44|6974|West Berlin!
Ok...Thanks EA fors destroying this game!

And hey, no one talked about the undestructable AT-Mines...WTF did they think when they "fixed" that? Now how the fuck you will trespass the hotel on Karkand if its full of that shitty mines? They really think i gonna jump out of the APC (As engineer) to destroy the mines? LOL

Fuck EA. I leave the Battlefield. Have fun you fucking whiners and sniper whores who cant aim a piece of shit in a distance of 1 meter.
Last time i knew this was a battlefield game which includes vechiles. So thanks for ruining the game all you whinning pure ground infantry(don't get me wrong i play infantry but there is no need to render evrything else useless) people go play cs:s or cod2 or something like that. The no jumping and throwing is retarded last time i knew in real life you could jump and throw. They should have allowed the jumping and shooting and just decreased the acuracy. Helos are useless Very vulnerable to planes as if they weren't before.

Last edited by H1GH-(iT)- (2006-02-14 15:46:15)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I also like how jumping is completely screwed up and beyond all logic. When you land, it takes a good few seconds to be able to shoot again. I thought to myself, how odd, so I picked up my airsoft rifle, jumped up in the air and aimed at my center speaker as I landed. I was pleasantly surprised, that as a young teenager with barely any infantry training, I could still hit targets after jumping up and down. It seems DICE is under the impression highly trained Marines and Insurgents are incapable of this. I did get some weird looks from my family while I did this, though, and my center speaker took a good bashing as I knocked it clean off my desk.
I suggest you try jumping with combat boots, 40+lbs of gear on your back, and with a real gun that has real recoil. I go shooting often and I can assure you, for absolutelly no reason would I shoot immediatelly after jumping without getting my stance back and my balance back. Oh yea, and I would also have to re-aim the gun since there is no way to jump WHILE aiming the gun. This all takes time of course. Hell, I would never jump while holding the weapon in a shooting position in the first place. Great way to get yourself hurt.

There is nothing wrong with this additition, just another addition to the realism of the game. Shooting is a lot about reaction times, and if I sneak up behind you and start shooting you, it may take you half a second to react and shoot back. If you were to try and jump as I'm shooting you in real life, I would be able to easily follow your movements since they take time, and still manage to shoot you down. In real life, jumping is a complicated process which takes a bit of time. You have to crouch down to get a good push, and then landing takes a bit of time to "recover" from. In BF2ality, jumping takes no time at all since as soon as you press the jump button you are midair. Thus I now have to react and re-aim my gun to compensate for your jump where I had no visual cues that you were gonna do such a move. This gives you a second or so to get your act together, land, and blast me away while I'm still trying to react to your jump. This is the primary reason most people complain about jumpers, because they get more reaction time by doing an unrealistically quick jump.

Same goes for crouching. If you try and crouch right now, it would take you a bit over half a second. Putting a knee down, getting your balance, etc. In BF2, this move is instantaneous, therefore if we're both standing and shooting each other, and you decided to go prone/crouch... you have a slight temporary advantage due to the quick movements that happen. I'll still be aiming where your chest/face was a bit of time after you have crouched/proned, while you can still blast away at my chest and face which have remained in the same spot.

My point with all of this I have forgetten at this point... but in conclusion, jumping is NOT a real war tactic or combat move, and good job to EA for implementing some new control systems.
+3|6956|England, UK

GotMex? wrote:

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I also like how jumping is completely screwed up and beyond all logic. When you land, it takes a good few seconds to be able to shoot again. I thought to myself, how odd, so I picked up my airsoft rifle, jumped up in the air and aimed at my center speaker as I landed. I was pleasantly surprised, that as a young teenager with barely any infantry training, I could still hit targets after jumping up and down. It seems DICE is under the impression highly trained Marines and Insurgents are incapable of this. I did get some weird looks from my family while I did this, though, and my center speaker took a good bashing as I knocked it clean off my desk.
I suggest you try jumping with combat boots, 40+lbs of gear on your back, and with a real gun that has real recoil. I go shooting often and I can assure you, for absolutelly no reason would I shoot immediatelly after jumping without getting my stance back and my balance back. Oh yea, and I would also have to re-aim the gun since there is no way to jump WHILE aiming the gun. This all takes time of course. Hell, I would never jump while holding the weapon in a shooting position in the first place. Great way to get yourself hurt.

There is nothing wrong with this additition, just another addition to the realism of the game. Shooting is a lot about reaction times, and if I sneak up behind you and start shooting you, it may take you half a second to react and shoot back. If you were to try and jump as I'm shooting you in real life, I would be able to easily follow your movements since they take time, and still manage to shoot you down. In real life, jumping is a complicated process which takes a bit of time. You have to crouch down to get a good push, and then landing takes a bit of time to "recover" from. In BF2ality, jumping takes no time at all since as soon as you press the jump button you are midair. Thus I now have to react and re-aim my gun to compensate for your jump where I had no visual cues that you were gonna do such a move. This gives you a second or so to get your act together, land, and blast me away while I'm still trying to react to your jump. This is the primary reason most people complain about jumpers, because they get more reaction time by doing an unrealistically quick jump.

Same goes for crouching. If you try and crouch right now, it would take you a bit over half a second. Putting a knee down, getting your balance, etc. In BF2, this move is instantaneous, therefore if we're both standing and shooting each other, and you decided to go prone/crouch... you have a slight temporary advantage due to the quick movements that happen. I'll still be aiming where your chest/face was a bit of time after you have crouched/proned, while you can still blast away at my chest and face which have remained in the same spot.

My point with all of this I have forgetten at this point... but in conclusion, jumping is NOT a real war tactic or combat move, and good job to EA for implementing some new control systems.
The problem is, the only units that carry heavy equipment in BF2 are AT, Support, possibly engineer. The rest pretty much just run around with a rifle, a sidearm and a couple of nades. I have no doubt that you could jump easily and consequtively with that kind of gear on, as well as fire off a couple of rounds. DICE/EA fucked up majorly, removing shooting and jumping is retarted, they most logical progression would be to hinder accuracy while jumping, as in other popular first person shooters. But this is not the case, and to be frank I am puzzled by the choice of changes, you can't jump and shoot, yet all I have seen since playing the patch is people diving to the ground and shooting at me within milliseconds with pinpoint accuracy. It's rather frustrating to be killed within a few seconds and since I can't dive out of the way as easy, and the return fire, I'm pretty much dead in the water. I guess that is realistic, but it's hardly fun. The patch just seems to reward the person who spots and fires at the enemy first.

In regards to the jumping and reaction times and stuff, I find it very odd how people constantly tell me how impossible it was to follow a persons movement while they were jumping. I guess I am the only person who didn't. They might have the advantage of being able to jump in a very unpredictable manner, but I can just follow those jumps with well placed shots from my rifle, or even better, a knife to the throat when they land.

All in all, the only thing I have found myself doing after this patch is sitting on a hill shooting helpless people with the L85. It's boring, but it's all I can do now. I used to have a fighting chance at assaulting bases that had a couple of people dotted around. Not anymore, I can't get out of the way of fire anymore because apparantly I'm a fat Marine with no stamina who can't jump, and then I get mowed down within seconds by ridiculously accurate support weapons. Being that this is supposed to be a fast paced arcade shooter, I'm very disappointed.
+0|7077|Haughton, LA USA

GotMex? wrote:

AdamEcks wrote:

The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.
Roger that....
+10|6960|Isle of Man, next to England.
Solidsnake: Perhaps we are looking for different things out of the game, which is good. I'm not trying to get dragged into a pointless flame war or anything but I felt I shuld respond. I can understand that yes the idea of one ground troop single handedly taking down a chopper is ridiculous, but to me the game is all about fun. When I'm in a chopper and I'm blowing 7 shades of hell out of the helpless ground troops below it's all very fun, but then when I am one of the ground troops getting 7 shades of hell blown out of them it suddenly becomes less fun (Bear in mindI spend most of my time veyr much being the blown up one). It's not like I think choppers should be weakened to the point where any old Tom, Dick and/or Harry can blow it out the sky with one mag from their AK but you have to admit hitting a moving chopper with an AT round isn't an amazingly common occurence, I just think the gorund troop should be rewarded for managing it, even if it's only by pure luck. 

Personally I think it's just fine as it is now, I still get the snot beaten out of me by choppers a lot of the time, but now I know that I at least have a fighting chance of destroying the chopper as opposed to resigning myself to choosing a nice new spawn point away from the flying tub o' death which simply cannot be desroyed by any available means.

Though I think it's fair to point out, you yourself say you wish people didn't ask for easy frags, could it not be argued that is what all the people vehemently complaining about the weakining of choppers are really after? Is it not fair to say they shouldn't get easy frags just because they happened to get to a chopper first? Though I have to admit I did perhaps go over the top somewhat with my long drawn out scenarios (Though not as drawn out and long as this post!) But hey, there always has to be someone with a controversial opinion.
I see problems. It is possible to get planes downed via the AA guns... I've done it before... you just gotta lead and fire right.
+1,230|7091|Alberta, Canada

ok so i get the patch and i go on, and the entire game is full of lag, i cant even move or type, and i see no buildings. and if i delet it, i wont get to play bf2 ever again!

i am soooo mad!
+1|6994|Leighton Barracks, Germany
i just dont know where to begin. earlier i was getting killed, but i heard no sound to help me out(killed by an m95 but i didnt hear that distinct sound and the guy was like 20 feet away). AT rockets are stronger against infantry( hit a foot away and the guy is dead). ppl are jumpin and going prone while being able to shoot immediately. and the arming distance for the GL isnt that far(you can still shoot real close to you, well i was able to). ppl are jumpin all over the place. the game is suppose to be intense, but how the hell is it going to be when everyone is a damn sniper with the l96.

*also, i know the going prone takes longer, but WTF is up with crouching i didnt read about that in the log?

this patch is ghey.

im done with this game, community. so see ya bf2 and bf2s(was fun while it lasted)

Last edited by 4lter_3go (2006-02-14 16:39:45)

Well, the PKM is now a far better sniper rifle than the new unlock and all others. Helos can't leave the pad. Honestly, there is no use for any vehicle at all. All of it has promoted increased tank whoring. This patch blows.

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

Awesome, I get to whine first!

Basically, I hate this patch.  So much. Like, the hate is beyond words.  IMO, being able to jump and prone and fire really fast was such a big part of the game.  I need action. If the option of hopping around is available to some people who want to do it.. why not let them?  its just another tool in a players arsenal, and excuse me if some people happened to get really good at it.  Now, its way to random.  Both players dive and stay prone till the fight ends, usually with a random headshot.  Its like.. Old style Gun Dueling from the West.  Boring as hell.

Oh, and now, choppers get spanked, which also annoys me greatly.  I dont know how much of this game I will be able to stand now.  Sucks because it was my favorite game too.

Im just expressing an opinion, please dont flame me, just post your own.
If you want to leap around like a ballerina jump and shoot your n00b t00b go play quake. For those of us who think that a soldier carrying 60lbs of gear and a PKM jumping and shooting is just plain dumb we will enjoy this patch.
Hey, how soon do we forget that maybe a year or two ago, some old Iraqi dude  took down a US helicopter with a crappy rifle?


no more whining, please.

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

youre kidding me right????  your stat sig says youre American, but yet you fly the mig 31!!!???  Gimmie a break liar.  Dream on...Dream on.
However I hate to say it but youre right about everything else. Heh
so what if it says American
I just did not choose the right flag in the beginning. Believe me it hurts me more to see that flag on my stats than it worries u.
I am a fighter pilot, and I do fly MIG-31. that flag, well u can shove it somewhere deep in ur ass.

I will just repeat what I said before(may be in different topic): when u shoot those missiles (be it from plane or stinger, etc.) chances r u will TK ur own chopper or a plane. Well now u get better lock, so u hit ur own team more often.
Was just playing on OMAN, got a very good score (was flying a US fighter plane), but the game was over because everyone in stingers was TKing their own team and got kicked out of the game. so go ahead shoot those missiles, I will make sure u get few bombs that say : "from russia with love"
Id really love to know your squadron...  I personally think youre full of it.  Ok so tell me what is that "thingy" that recieves signals from AA and SAM sites.  I know what it is..you tell me.  Im gonna need more proof than 'I am a fighter pilot'

Is that what you tell all the buck toofed crater faced girls you meet on the internet?.....(as I crack my teeth together)....ICE...cause if so you can be my wingman anytime!!!!!
That thingy you refer to wouldnt be radar would it, as you know radar tracking sam and AA sites are useless in todays modern battlefield as it would take 1 "HARM" radar tracking missle to destroy such targets, also you do know the diff between LOMAD, HIMAD, and FARR, and most LOMAD (short range)ground to air/ AA missles use IR or to put it in simple terms heat, they have a gyro style tracking head that is charged up with super cooled gas, and once its locked it pretty much stays locked, microwave/radar guided anti air, such as Patriots, or air to air missles like sparrows, would not be affected by flares, as they dont use heat seeking technology, So the pilot would need to use chaff countermeasures small strips of aluminium, that would hopefully trick the missle to read as multiple targets to the microwave seeker.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
THE P90 SUCKS!! I am sooooo dissapointed!
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Disclaimer: These figures are approximate and dollar values are calculated from my base 15.94 cph. My total playtime is 313 hrs + 50 forum hours?

Money played getting carrier raped by plane whores: 75 hours = $11.96
Money spent on AA fruitlessly trying to down a plane: 4 hours  = $0.63
Money spent bitching on the forums about 1337 plane whores: 10 hours = $1.59
Emotional damages and elevated stress recovery fees: $100,000 dollars

Hearing all the former plane whores moan and bitch about having to play like the rest of us normal players:
Hard Case
+11|6929|S.E. United States
I cant get the patch??
Ive gone the ea site click on download and get this

ftp://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/patches … ch_1.2.exe
Cannot find server or DNS Error

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-02-14 17:32:59)

Hard Case
+11|6929|S.E. United States
went to fileplanet,should have it in 30 mins...
Hard Case
+11|6929|S.E. United States

GotMex? wrote:

Disclaimer: These figures are approximate and dollar values are calculated from my base 15.94 cph. My total playtime is 313 hrs + 50 forum hours?

Money played getting carrier raped by plane whores: 75 hours = $11.96
Money spent on AA fruitlessly trying to down a plane: 4 hours  = $0.63
Money spent bitching on the forums about 1337 plane whores: 10 hours = $1.59
Emotional damages and elevated stress recovery fees: $100,000 dollars

Hearing all the former plane whores moan and bitch about having to play like the rest of us normal players:
fuck this patch and fuck this game for now. i fucking quit. c4 is useless, you cant get anywere with a fucking plane and if you do, you'll have to bail cause chances are your plane is on its red bars, infantry is fucking boring...fuck this
looks like EA and DICE jsut lost a few 1000 people who hate this new patch
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

fuck this patch and fuck this game for now. i fucking quit. c4 is useless, you cant get anywere with a fucking plane and if you do, you'll have to bail cause chances are your plane is on its red bars, infantry is fucking boring...fuck this
Go play flight simulator if you want planes. And if you want C4, go plant the bomb on CS:S. You can do it every round.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-02-14 18:35:58)

Hard Case
+11|6929|S.E. United States
Im still in the download process of this new patch but while waiting Ive been reading this thread
flame me,hate me,I could care less
thank god you chopper/jet whores are gone
no more easy kills for you basturds
leave,cry,dont play anymore
too bad you didnt play anymore so you could feel as I did getting killed by you fuckers at will
not anymore
good riddens to the chopper/jet whores

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-02-14 18:28:59)


GotMex? wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

fuck this patch and fuck this game for now. i fucking quit. c4 is useless, you cant get anywere with a fucking plane and if you do, you'll have to bail cause chances are your plane is on its red bars, infantry is fucking boring...fuck this
Go play flight simulator if you want planes. And if you want C4, go plant the bomb on CS:S. You can do it every round.
thats why i liked this game cause it combined a flight simulator with cs. now its just a boring piece of shit. on infantry, its just stand there and shoot the guy b4 he shoots you and flying...dont even get me started on that.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6906| United States of America
the only thing i want to bitch about is that i dont have the patch
This is my final say on the patch. When it was first released, i was pretty happy, me being an infantry player, i was glad to see planewhores and helo whores finally see what it is like to be helpless and have no defense.  Then i read some posts about how the game now had no variety and the infantry players bitched too much.  I have come to think that this is somewhat true.  You have to admit, the AA was underpowered, and troops had very little defense against a somewhat skill heli gunner+pilot or jet aircraft.  The solution was simple. make the AA better, or the aircraft worse.. NOT BOTH. We now have heli's that can be taken down in 5 seconds by a .50 gun, AND AA that is VERY hard to dodge.  I am not a plane whore at all, and i have been playing for a vERY short amount of time (4 kills in a jet). I almost always play karkand and sharqi, so i havent experienced jetwhores as much as you guys, so you guys probably think this patch is the best ever, but i think you will realize in a couple months it will be boring. The tank will become the next helo, and players will start bitching how the AT rockets are too weak, version 1.3--- 2 hit kill AT rocket vs armor.  Next issue, overpowered weapons, the PKM like others said is a better sniper than the SVD will ever be.. At close range you will be dropping people within 1 second of holding down the trigger.  Im getting shot out of my draw range with that thing.  The one hit sniper kill is also pretty rediculous, so annoying, especially on karkand.  Spawning in the open.. your fucked. Today i was getting sniper every few minutes, and when i retreat, there is a PKM user waiting.  Next issue, bugs, other additions.  Red name bug was "addressed", what a fucking joke, i saw once in my whole time of playing BF2, today i saw it twice.  Jumping while shooting, eh doesnt really bother me much, never did it in the first place. I agree with solidsnake on going prone/dodging fire, i am by no means a dolphin diver, but you should be able to dodge some bullets by going prone.  Also i cant tell you how many times i was killed today by a PKM user jumping then going prone with PERFECT accuracy.  Noob tubing, i see no fucking difference, i was noob tubed today just as much as any other day. The only really good thing i see from this patch is no hardcore dolphing diving, and destroyable UAV, which is a very cool addition.

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