My Rank in BFHQ is "rankname" and my next rank is "private", anyone else notice this?

There’s a constant bug where when you stand up when prone, it stands, then prones, then stands all by pressing stand once. I know other people with this bug also.

In BFHQ it says I have the new sniper and anti-tank unlocks but I cant select them in game, only the old unlocks. Any ideas?
since the sniper unlock is the L96, there won't be new sniper rifle in euroforces booster pack it will be like SF all over again
anyone took a screenshot of what the UAV looks like?
+1,230|6988|Alberta, Canada

The UAV is a predator

i like the global hawk UAV more.

Last edited by ryan_14 (2006-02-14 15:37:59)

+0|6932|Michigan, USA
well, someone could tell me what s the difference between the 1.12 --> 1.2 patch, and the bigger 1.2 patch plz ?
The 1.12 - 1.2 upgrades from 1.12 to 1.2  ====87MB
the 1.2 is a full patch of all patches what means - after a new installation of bf2 you don't have to apply all patches only that one.
Thats the reason why it is so big ======367mb or so.

Last edited by Neuronal (2006-02-14 15:25:36)

when Hell is full...
first i have to say:


every damn nubfired outcamped stinger hits ur armored cobra ass!
noticed by a funny FAV camper ull be down in 7 seconds!
with 8 rockets u can do shit against a group of armors / soldiers!
the tv guided loose gasoline so it only can fly 4 sec... (in real 8 km but who cares)

i mean rofl? i was testing on a few servers i know well und u must be a fast lucky bitch to get a
chopper and now???
all damn choppers were standing on they helopads and were waiting for better days!
every fucking stinger was used by private X and gunny X and believe me noone left it without reason (death or so)
fuck on expert helo im becoming a tankwhore because the tankkillers became the "most expensive dummies" ever!


the bunnys are dead how sweet (was self one who cares..)
funny, karkand... 32 players... not one assault how comes? rofl
new snipergun! AWESOME
UAV drone can be seen now! very sweet detail!
my startlags are gone... dunno if it is because of the patch!

download it its worth...


uav drone!

Last edited by TeK||drake666 (2006-02-14 15:32:53)

Usque Ad Finem
+1,230|6988|Alberta, Canada

K im confused.

if you have all the other patches, do you download incremental or full?

thanks nerounal

Last edited by ryan_14 (2006-02-14 15:35:07)

Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6819|Canada Eh?
The download just doesn't speed up, I have a 5MBPS internet connection yet the patch downloads at 6KBPS, WTF?!

I ain't doing anything else that might slow my download and its still going slow as fuck
Incremental. you got the 1.12 right?
then its incremental.

The aim on the P90 is exactly as the M4/AK-74u with a little shading round the sight.
And the uav is looking to be flying upsidedown, take that picture and turn it 180 degrees, that is how it looks ingame.
try filefront...
If that's slow i don't know what... Probably your connection.
if you don't mind downloading the prepatch release version try:


On a campus network so super fast.
J-10 whore
I had to adapt to the new style of playing, no jumping while shooting etc. The AA is freaking powerful. I just need to lock behind a jet and BOOM! He crashes.
SoS* shock760
+0|6792|Southern Cali
Yeah I agree and I don't really care that all the pilots that were getting 80+ points a game can't now unless they are really careful.  Lets face it, it just wasn't fair.  We can't all fly during a game, someone has to be on the ground. We all know that the  guys on the ground are going to get killed more.  Their stats are not going to be as great as a pilot. It's fair...............................!

ryan_14 wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

32 player maximum? What was EA smoking?
its downloading right now.

what do you mean 32 player max?
For the Euro Forces booster pack, the maps will be Single, 16 player or 32 player.  No 64 player maps.  More than likely, it means that you can still run them on a 64 server.  You're only going to get 200 tickets which means faster matches.  Doesn't look like anyone's going to be breaking their kill streaks any time soon on the EF maps.

As for the improved AA, so far it sounds like pilots will have to switch tactics from being up front and personal to a more subtle style.  I've heard from people pulling off plenty of kills with only a few deaths and a lot of people complaining about how they couldn't even get off the ground.  I'm not much of a pilot so I'm mostly welcoming the changes.  Looks like AA vehicles on Dragon Valley and Daqing will be more fun!

Last edited by niomosy (2006-02-14 16:11:25)

Kick His Ass!
+371|6839|Howell, Mi USA
man this sux... iv got the patch downloading as we speak. but theres nothing i can do since flowers a bear and some chocolate are not good enough for my girlfriend she also wants dinner and to spend the rest of the night together. -_- No battlefield for me tonight
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Is it just my impression or is the scope on the new Sniper rifle a bit weaker than that of the M24 ? ( Means lesser magnification) ?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6839|Howell, Mi USA
hey quick question.. whats the deal with the incrimental patch being 83.5mb and the full 357mb? im guessing i get the full because acording to gamespot the incrimental is for 1.03 to 1.2 and im patched to 1.12
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD
So if you downloaded the incremental version, you don't need to download the full version?
Correct IF you have 1.12 installed
Kick His Ass!
+371|6839|Howell, Mi USA
Im going to download both because im lost.

acording to gamespot the incrimental is for 1.03 to 1.2 and full for 1.12 but everyone on here is saying incrimental is for 1.12 so i dunno.

maybe ill end up like the guy in my sig trying to figure this out.
+0|6839|Hell, or close it it anyway
I like it.  I was saving an unlock from when I picked up Sergeant, and loaded up after patch and found I had 3 unlocks!  Kick arse.  The P90 isn't bad, but isn't quite as powerfull as I would have hoped.  I'm not a sniper so I haven't tried that unlock, and probably won't untill it's the last thing to unlock.
+18|6792|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
after TRYING it now...


dogfighting is MUCH easier with jet, as long as you know how to stay away from AA, which is easier said than done...I finally broke the 25+ kills barrier with a jet just over two hours ago...

so if "I" can get that many kills with a jet...you expert pilots should EASILY get about 75-100 each round if you get the first jet...

it's all about

1) timing your flares, don't shoot them as soon as you hear beeping...wait until full lock....THEN release
2) Afterburners are your new best friend
3) fly LOW...VERY LOW...single digit altitude...

of course...you expert pilots should already know this shit right?????

and btw...I played on wake to test all this, on both sides...carrier raping is still EASILY possible....just a liiiiiiiittle bit harder (sarcasm)

I find a lot of lag though, and the new defib. seems to be slower rather than faster
What sucks about this patch is now medics can kill heavy armor with their G36E in 3 round burst assuming all 3 bullets hit, not even the m16 can accomplish that
here ya go as so many ppl are asking for a d/l link i thought that i would put one in
http://gaming.multiplay.co.uk/?p=/ftpfi … id%3D17397

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