So about an hour ago i logged into msn and a message from a friend popped up instantly telling me to see this photo. Anyway i opened it and it went into winar and i double clicked on it and all and i think that it was extracted into my computer. Now im not sure if i have some sort of virus, spywayre or adware on my computer. Ive run a few scans but come up with nothing however this wierd box keeps on popping up from avast in my tray. Not sure if its blocking it or sumthing.

Is there a way i can check if it got into my computer, i may just be being paranoid.

The file was like 100kb so i dont know if thats enough to be dangerous.

Cheers for any help
aka [DBS]Mitch92uK
+192|6387|United Kingdom
Yes those things are generally nasties, don't click 'em, ever!

Run some advanced scans (Full scans) with the antispyware/adware/virus programs.
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6555|Alberta, Canada
.rar is a bitch for having stuff with it.

Sometimes scanning programs have a "false negative", meaning they say there's nothing there but there really is.
I wouldn't be too paranoid as you. Just a little cautious. (Remember that you may not have anything at all.)
Someone else on the forums might have a couple programs to try, but start out by saying what you've used.
Ummm ive done a full system scan with a program called spysweeper.

Avast was running at the time but it didnt flag anything.

I download A squared and im currently doing a full sysytem scan with that.

I feel like such a tit for downloading the picture was suprised aswell seeing as it came up so fast when i logged in
+72|6739|Chelmsford, UK
one of my mates had that, it was blocked thankfully,
Yeah you defiantly have something now. I got a message similar to your over AIM that wanted me to download a rar that had a picture in it. I knew it was a virus but did it anyway to see what happens. My AV program caught it though in a few seconds of opening it. You may have gotten a newer version of it.
Monkey Spanker
Show it to the nice monkey.
press ctrl-alt-Del bring up your processes check out each of the .exe files here
then download spybot search & destroy free version here
if that brings anything up go to bleeping computer and join the free forums and then use the search button for any dodgy .exe or dll files these guys are very helpful & friendly go here
hope this helps.
Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime
right it keeps on coming up in my tray it starts with Avast ! Mail scanner [ ........... then a really long wierd code with different adresses ending in .com]

Avast just made a loud noise and told me i had a trojan apparently its deleted....will keep watching

Last edited by Balok77 (2008-01-29 12:32:53)

Monkey Spanker
Show it to the nice monkey.
dude go join up on they will be able to help you out like i said use the search button, your not the first person to open a virus up  with an email so ask on that website for help dude there are very friendly & helpful.
Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime
pub hero!
+603|6533|the land of bourbon
ouch.  most viruses are very short pieces of code, hence the 100 kb file you extracted.  chances are, your AV software will only be able to remove parts of it, and it will keep coming back and pissing you off.  some are even so bad the only way to really get rid of it is a reformat/reinstall, unless you are familiar with advanced virus and spyware removal.  in the future, be wary of things like that.  getting a rar file with an exe or com file in it is 100% virus.  most viruses spread through social engineering nowadays, so you gotta pay attention.

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