Destroy Noob Cannons

Umibozu_IT wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Umibozu_IT wrote:

i just would like to know what do you "superpilots" think infatrymen should do in order to get from flag to another without having to being blown up by bombs at every step? come on, spit it out: the ability to bomb things up without being threathened by anything sounds just good to you. it's way too clear. you don't want infantry to be able to shoot you down with aa turrets/vehicles, so what the hell should we do in order to defend ourselves from planes? you tell us...
have a pilot on your team that is willing to take down the opponent pilot. Or learn to fly yourself so you can do the job. Instead of whining.
have a pilot on your team

yeah wait a sec i'm going to askif someone good at flying could join this server right now... come one let's be serious, if in a server there's only one good pilot the game is dead. wtf means "have a pilot that is willing to take down the opponent pilot?"

learn to fly myself? well i could answer "why don't you learn to fight on the land" but to be honest, i enjoy flying choppers or going killing ppl with my m4a1 or my g3. you prefer killing ppl with your plane? i've bothing to say about it. but if you start complaining as soon as they enhance the aa and give us infantrymen a chance to defend ourselves from yourplanes, well then it's not us that are whining....
I don't think ANY of us are saying "AA NEEDS TO BE NERFED" All we're saying is they have made it TOO strong. The AA VERY VERY VERY RARELY misses. there is an imbalance issue here. Planes can miss. WE THE PILOTS place our bombs/cannons where we aim them. We don't have tank seeking/infantry seeking bombs or bullets. The AA takes a point and a click.. sometimes not even a point. and the game does the rest... it seeks the plane, and so far I haven't seen one yet that has stopped until it hit it's target.

If you can't understand the imbalance issue here, you're crazy. I agree, the AA was a little on the dumb side in 1.12, BUT it could still take down JETS! I took them down a lot! You just have to LEARN HOW TO USE IT.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Sadly slay, its easier to whine than to learn.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Is that why you started to whine polar?
See. . .the problem before was that the AA was powerful enough, just not accurate in the least.  I can't count the number of times i had a hovering Blackhawk lined up and I got a lock. . .he popped flares and moved a little. . .and then i relocked and shot and he didn't die.  Basically, AA guns were worthless unless you really worked them good and remembered to jump out after the jet flew by so he couldn't tear you a new asshole on his way back by.

So, upgrading the AA's accuracy is definitely a plus.  No doubt.  However, EA screwed up and dropped chopper and heli HPs along with it w/o adding anything on the countermeasures side.  For instance. . .say I'm trying to fly the Blackhawk from the carrier on Wake to say, the Beach flag with 5 guys with me.  Happens all the time right?  Well, there are only like 2-3 AA installations between those spots.  So, some guys go jump on all those spots. . .they get lock.  I'm a good enough pilot to wait and wait and wait before I pop my flares so their first shots miss.  Problem is they immediately get a lock again because the BH isn't maneuverable in the least and it ain't that fast.  So before I can even reload my flares. . .BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!

Even before the patch 2 missile hits would wreck your whole world. . .now it hardly even takes that.  Instead of getting to the happy medium we've gone from one extreme to the other.  IMHO, that is not a step in the right direction. 

The other issue is. . .there is no skill involved in hopping in an AA gun and waiting to hear the beep and firing.  There IS skill involved in flying around the map and not getting shot down.  So the game has in essence been dumbed down for all the people who can't put in the time and effort to learn to fly and execute that part of the game properly.  In 1.12 I knew that on Daking, Wake, etc. that if I was rolling around in a tank I better move it and then hop my ass out when I go to cap that flag else I'm gonna get pulverized by a bombing run.  Now, there is even less skill/tactics involved in capping flags, etc. on those maps. 

Personally, I'm going to keep going up in planes until I figure out a way of fending off the AA and then rapage will ensue because no enemy planes will be up in the sky against me.  FLying is seriously probably the funnest part of the game, at least for me, and I'm not going to give up on it. . .regardless of how noobile EA wants to make the game.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Is that why you started to whine polar?
Never been to school? I'm not whining, I'm putting forward a perfectly valid argument. While 'OMG NOW YOU JET WHORES ARE PWNED' is whinig.
it has become totaly crap the AA , everyone just get in AA , bam bam, hit hti, boom boom.

BF2 is a game with many features, one of those features are air vehicles wich are now totaly useless.

Also they took out balance on some maps now, dailan plant is now impossible for the US to keep something, waka island is now impossible for US to do something, and wurst of all, it was already unbalanced, IRON GATOR , OMFG , mecsf gets in chopper and ESSEX just takes both choppers out when they lift 5 feet , the boats won't get you on the ship because it's filled with AT guys .

Nice going DICE , whey didn't you just give everyone a button for destroying the enemy air vehicles
Destroy Noob Cannons

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Yes slay the personal attack was about you crying about the AA. Paraphrased conversation "well enhanced AA sucks cause I'm not going to be able to fly anymore then it went to it reduced my chances to get kills", Hence not ruining your chances to fly but ruining your ability to get mass kills by going slow, bombing, reload.
I understand that your in a clan and most the time when I see clans they plane whore, then go to the enemies airfield and steal there planes and plane whore some more. Now looking at your states with k/d ration is 8.22 I'm assuming your one of those "this game is played to win" clans. So your whole argument is retarded, I’m glad you enjoy piloting it’s part of the game. Now it’s still part of the game just got a little harder with the patch, so quit being a retard and play the game how you like.

Just compare your states to polarz who I belive worries more about enemy aircraft and dogfight then the afore mentioned way
Alright you little prick. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you don't know SHIT. You have no idea what you're talking about.
1)poor paraphrased version of what I'm saying. You obviously haven't taken reading comprehension.
2)I don't slowdown while flying AT ALL. I don't NEED to slowdown while bombing, maybe you do, but I do not. On top of that, I don't bomb, reload, bomb, reload.
3)According to you, since  you see clans plane whore, that automatically means EVERY clan plane whores. A little info for you. there's only about 4 pilots in our clan. 2 of which are Euro players so only two play with each other at a time. We don't "plane whore" We help our team, and each other.
4) Wow nice assumption, who isn't in this game to win? Winning is fun to us. But we don't rape/exploit/hack/or do anything else that might be considered unfair.
5)My whole argument is retarded because my clan likes to win? Oh, Okay.
6) I will continue to play the game as I wish, I'm not goign to let a little patch stop me from piloting. You obviously haven't been reading any of my posts, because I've been saying this over and over again.
7) you better hope I never run across you in BF2. You will get the assraping of your lifetime.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Yes I've been to school. Whining is OMG the AA is so powerful I can get shot down now, I can't fly anymore. Waaaa the infantry can finally take counter measures to my flying ability.

I really don't see "OMG NOW YOU JET WHORES ARE PWNED" as whinning that's poking fun. Crying about air suiperority is whining, I came up with a damn fine idea to lvl the playing field "it was make sholder fire missles so you can take pop shots at planes and helo's with out them knowing your position. But I'll take superior AA anytime. Polar can you say that the old AA was decent??
The Soup Nazi
+18|6825|North Lauderdale, FL
I don't have a problem with getting shot by AA ...  that is- if the person manning the AA actually has had practice and knows how it works.  The problem is that if a jet has just dropped flares, it's a pretty much instant 2 point bonus for the guy in the AA.  Manning the AA should require at least some sort of skill (e.g. the TOW).

Maybe the next patch will have the option for auto-aim while playing as infantry.  That's pretty much what AA is now...
Raiders of the Lost Bear

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Yes I've been to school. Whining is OMG the AA is so powerful I can get shot down now, I can't fly anymore. Waaaa the infantry can finally take counter measures to my flying ability.

I really don't see "OMG NOW YOU JET WHORES ARE PWNED" as whinning that's poking fun. Crying about air suiperority is whining, I came up with a damn fine idea to lvl the playing field "it was make sholder fire missles so you can take pop shots at planes and helo's with out them knowing your position. But I'll take superior AA anytime. Polar can you say that the old AA was decent??
I can tell you haven't played the new patch yet. Shut up and try it before you speak.
Just remember that BF2 is a game.
Destroy Noob Cannons

slidero wrote:

Just remember that BF2 is a game.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I do But its the FORUMS that bring out the worst in people. Since they can talk shit and act all tough.

I enjoy the challenge to be honest, and I started this thread for the sake of discussoin.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I'm scared, I would like to play against you, see your clan tatics, give me a server you're usually at I'll join ya.

  Seriously though I never said the patch was going to stop you from playing how you like it's just going to even things up a bit. Gasp you might even loose that 8.22 k/d ratio which wouldn't have been possible if planes didn't "nerf" everything else. OMG the AA is acurate now I can't get the 50-75 kills per game I use to get I can only get 26-0 scores. Face it really Acurate AA best thing to happen for everyone, now you can concentrate on fighting other pilots and rely on your ground forces to take out the AA, and the ground people will be able to focuse more on capturing flags and killing people. Now everyone will be happy.

P.S. There's still bunny hopping? I thought they did away with that.
Destroy Noob Cannons

polarbearz wrote:

I do But its the FORUMS that bring out the worst in people. Since they can talk shit and act all tough.

I enjoy the challenge to be honest, and I started this thread for the sake of discussoin.
The discussion was gone a few pages back when hard-headed people started coming in talking out of their arse and having no idea which way is up. I'm done with this topic for now.. I need to get 30 minutes of sleep before I go into class. Later Polarbearzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *asleep*

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Umibozu_IT wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

have a pilot on your team that is willing to take down the opponent pilot. Or learn to fly yourself so you can do the job. Instead of whining.
have a pilot on your team

yeah wait a sec i'm going to askif someone good at flying could join this server right now... come one let's be serious, if in a server there's only one good pilot the game is dead. wtf means "have a pilot that is willing to take down the opponent pilot?"

learn to fly myself? well i could answer "why don't you learn to fight on the land" but to be honest, i enjoy flying choppers or going killing ppl with my m4a1 or my g3. you prefer killing ppl with your plane? i've bothing to say about it. but if you start complaining as soon as they enhance the aa and give us infantrymen a chance to defend ourselves from yourplanes, well then it's not us that are whining....
I don't think ANY of us are saying "AA NEEDS TO BE NERFED" All we're saying is they have made it TOO strong. The AA VERY VERY VERY RARELY misses. there is an imbalance issue here. Planes can miss. WE THE PILOTS place our bombs/cannons where we aim them. We don't have tank seeking/infantry seeking bombs or bullets. The AA takes a point and a click.. sometimes not even a point. and the game does the rest... it seeks the plane, and so far I haven't seen one yet that has stopped until it hit it's target.

If you can't understand the imbalance issue here, you're crazy. I agree, the AA was a little on the dumb side in 1.12, BUT it could still take down JETS! I took them down a lot! You just have to LEARN HOW TO USE IT.
learn how to use - jane's sims teached me that a missiles on the 6 o'clock - nomatter it's a stinger / sidewinder / amraam - is lethal. there's no point in dropping all your's chaffs and flares, if you got a missile on your tail you have 99% of chance of being shot down. so, in bf2, i always shoot stinger when a plane shows me its ass. but still no hit / team vehicle damage. so it was necessary to fix this. absolutely.

and about the overpowred aa, well you said you actually managed to evade some missiles. you ended up a round 26-0. so it doesn't seem that you cannot fly anymore. you only have to forget about raping enemy bases. stay in friendly skies and wait for infantry to soften up enemy aa defenses before going for bombing. or focus on enemy air assets. that's real. and that's bf2 looks (a little more) like now
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Slay you called me out and now your not going to back it up. Ahh well I don't care if I get owned or not cause it is a game. Also I play the game for fun and usually never really complain about things in the game supior air support, Noob tube, bunny hoping etc. Bottom line look at your states and all the other pilot stats that have complained about the AA and you'll see a trend, then come back here and post how the AA was decent in 1.12.
EA isn't looking at people complaining on these forums about it, there looking at STATS. There seeing an average of K/D Ratio, and adjusting the game so it's fair for everyone. It's not being hard-headed it's being logical. Hell Ea should come out with an air board where there's 6-10 planes and helo's for each side.
And I don't need to play the new patch to understand something was done to correct a previous problem.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

*laughs* i've been up the entire night too. 5 hours solid of jet testing. Gonna go to sleep before my checkup!
Destroy Noob Cannons

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Slay you called me out and now your not going to back it up. Ahh well I don't care if I get owned or not cause it is a game. Also I play the game for fun and usually never really complain about things in the game supior air support, Noob tube, bunny hoping etc. Bottom line look at your states and all the other pilot stats that have complained about the AA and you'll see a trend, then come back here and post how the AA was decent in 1.12.
EA isn't looking at people complaining on these forums about it, there looking at STATS. There seeing an average of K/D Ratio, and adjusting the game so it's fair for everyone. It's not being hard-headed it's being logical. Hell Ea should come out with an air board where there's 6-10 planes and helo's for each side.
And I don't need to play the new patch to understand something was done to correct a previous problem.
This is the last post I am making towards you on this topic. I have nothing to prove to you, What I said was said out of pure anger at your ignorance.
Actually, yes, you DO need to witness(or study, and I know you haven't done either) something firsthand before trying to argue/debate/discuss on the topic. Because you have no knowledge of the AA missles' accuracy(besides the few videos that don't do it justice) and therefore have no ground to stand on in this discussion.
And if you want to know why I wasn't going to reply to you is because I actually do have a life, and I have to go to class soon and I have had NO sleep. and now I won't get any sleep.

Raiders of the Lost Bear

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Slay you called me out and now your not going to back it up. Ahh well I don't care if I get owned or not cause it is a game. Also I play the game for fun and usually never really complain about things in the game supior air support, Noob tube, bunny hoping etc. Bottom line look at your states and all the other pilot stats that have complained about the AA and you'll see a trend, then come back here and post how the AA was decent in 1.12.
Err. Right.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

EA isn't looking at people complaining on these forums about it, there looking at STATS. There seeing an average of K/D Ratio, and adjusting the game so it's fair for everyone. It's not being hard-headed it's being logical. Hell Ea should come out with an air board where there's 6-10 planes and helo's for each side.
Yeah. Adjusting it too DRASTICALLY counts too.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

And I don't need to play the new patch to understand something was done to correct a previous problem.
Quite simply, yes you do. And if you haven't, you're talking out of your ass. I've been working with 2 friends for the last 5 hours cracking our heads to try to solve this puzzle. I'm sure slay has played it too.

You? You're talking out your ass.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6703|NT, like Mick Dundee

Just mentioning if anybody hasn't... The new AA is the best way to TK now...

SlayThem, Polabearz.... Hang around enemy jets/helos or keep them inbetween you and the AA...



On a side note, some interesting manuvers were being used on my local servers to avoid AA... It was a good laugh...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Destroy Noob Cannons
Indeed I have played it... All night long.. Me, Skruples, and Afrojap.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Flecco: Yup i've noticed. Choppers are going to get it from me .

Not enemy jets though... They pwn your ass too fast.
+22|6702|England, UK
Well tbh, I've been playin the new patch all day, and I've kinda had to get adapt to it.. I got a total score of 27 - 3 on my last round, which is normally 27+ - 0 on average in the old patch. I guess my style of flying has HAD to change.

AA is now my PRIME OBJECTIVE, then bomb. I can take it out multiple ways, either by using my flairs and flyin directly at it, or travelling from above vertically and shooting it down.

Another thing.. I now need to check my 6 constantly, atliest every 5 seconds incase of  any enemy jets, and if theres a jet, i wil have previously tryed not to use my afterburner until a case like this came up.. but even if you have full afterburner, the new missiles can actually follow you in a 180 degree turns unless you attempt some snazzy manouvers, so i also try and DESPERATELY keep my flairs specifically to try and reject air to air missiles.  If i don't have neither, i'm pretty much TOAST.

In the old patch i didn't even worry about jets on my ass, i'd just continue bombing (assuming they weren't good at gunning), then i'd lose em' after i'd bombed. With the new patch you need to be on constand alert fo AA and jets and has now become first priority, just a slight alteration and i actually enjoy the challenge.

As for choppets.. They're fucked.

*EDITED* More detail and corrected my SHIT grammar. lol

Last edited by raz (2006-02-14 15:06:29)

+5|6725|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
Personally, I think I actually like it.  Yes, I die more, but it makes dogfighting SO fun!  And, choppers can still stay alive fairly easily I think. I think it has made it better.

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