Tally Ho!!
+81|6893|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
I know for some people this game was abit like Marmite. You ethier loved it or hated it. However the prequal looks like its going to be a good one!



This was taken from Stalker-zone
Here is the January edition of the Q&A, 5 questions answered

Click on read more for the full Q&A

Q&A January
1. Do you have to have Shadow of Chernobyl to be able to play Clear Sky?

No, Clear Sky is a full independent game, not requiring the first part to be installed.

2. Will Clear Sky be as easy as Shadow of Chernobyl to make mods for?

The file system and structure of the game have in general remained unchanged.

3. In non-CIS versions of Shadow of Chernobyl, character speech was in Russian except for storyline-related dialogue. While necessary for gameplay reasons, this breaks the game's otherwise excellent immersion. Would it be feasible for Clear Sky to include an option to instead have all game dialogue in Russian with foreign-language subtitles?

We have thought about it many times, but have nevertheless come to the conclusion that besides the original voicing, which creates atmosphere, voicing in the player's language is necessary to help him understand the nature of the Zone, the reasons for its appearance, relationships between stalkers, and much more. Printed text is not enough. Voice and emotions of the speaker play a very large role.

4. In Shadow of Chernobyl, powerful artifacts were quite easy to come across (even on Master difficulty). One didn't need to complete any side quests in order to get hold of a powerful Soul artifact, for example. Will there be more unique, almost one-of-a-kind artifacts in Clear Sky, which are extremely difficult, nigh impossible to come across?

We have radically changed the whole approach to anomalies and artifacts. You will not be able to simply stumble upon an expensive artifact, but will have to go into anomalous fields, search for safe paths with the detector, look for protection against harmful effects. This makes the Zone and the gameplay truly tense, anomalous, really stalker-like.

5. Just how expansive will the weapon modification system be in Clear Sky? In Shadow of Chernobyl, the player could only modify a gun with one of three add-ons, but internal modifications such as those found in "unique weapons" (ex. Fast-shooting AK) were completely omitted. Will there be (much) more options to players in Clear Sky?

It is now possible to tune many weapon parameters, for example: shot grouping, trajectory flatness, rate of fire, clip volume, so that you will be able to create your own unique weapon and invest money into its upgrades. This also helps the economic aspect of the game. No all barrels and suits will be tunable, but only the rare, unique, expensive ones. Some weapons and suits will allow up to 16 upgrades!

6. Will there be an option for weapon repair in Clear Sky, by default? Or will someone have to mod that in? If there will be an option for it, will "repair kits" make an appearance, or will the player need to consult a trader / specialist for their services?

Yes, there will be weapon repair. There will be a person in almost every faction base, who will repair and upgrade weapons. For a price you will be able to keep your favourite weapons in good condition.

7. How destroyable will the environment be? Will it be possible to destroy tactical points for example to blow coverings?

We add destructible objects to the game, but they are primarily placed in key or interesting points, where they will produce maximum effect. We have not counted on making destructible objects a key gameplay element.

8. What about size of the levels? Before releasing SoC many people thought that single player maps will be really huge like the ones in Oblivion or even GTA but in fact there are not so huge. So, what can we expect from Clear Sky? Are they going to be larger or maybe the same?

On average, location sizes will be the same as in Shadow of Chernobyl, but there will also be incomparably larger locations. One should not equate levels in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with levels in other games, since we have a very high level of detail, and levels are loaded whole.

9. Will there be also patches for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows Of Chernobyl? Or will you stop the support after the release of Clear Sky?

Shadow of Chernobyl, as well as Clear sky when it comes out this year, we will support with patches for as long as it will be necessary and worthwhile.

10. How did the developers approach creation of new characters (design, animation, personality, will there be new charismatic people in the game)?

First of all, characters in Clear Sky will be done using a new technology (I think everyone has seen the model renderers that have been posted at the official site), but this is only true for key or storyline characters. We have approached the problem of improving animation in the game seriously. To solve it, models have also been modified internally. We use soft ties of the model to the skeleton, and such. Of course, there will be new interesting characters. Wait only a little longer, and you will be able to meet each other!

Can't seem to get the embed thing to work... Myst be the fact l'm a computer biff!!
How ever there is a job lot of other STALKER videos.

Its suppose to be coming out in Q2, but the official site does'nt say much. Anyone with any more info can you chuck it on please. Oh and is anyone else looking forward to it?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6594|The Land of Scott Walker
Nice find +1
Tally Ho!!
+81|6893|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
I take it not many people are looking forward to this!
Commie Killer
Never played the first one, might get that if Im bored and got more money saved.
+163|6795|Odessa, Ukraine

Commie Killer wrote:

Never played the first one, might get that if Im bored and got more money saved.
Get it, you wont regret. Very good storyline and a lot of guns
Not that good, but not bad either. Might try this one. Shadows was pretty decent. Kept me interested all the way.
Commie Killer

Longbow wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Never played the first one, might get that if Im bored and got more money saved.
Get it, you wont regret. Very good storyline and a lot of guns
Yeah, just heard that somethings were very far below par. Ill just go look for some mods for it that fixes the bugs.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6858|Charlie One Alpha

Commie Killer wrote:

Longbow wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Never played the first one, might get that if Im bored and got more money saved.
Get it, you wont regret. Very good storyline and a lot of guns
Yeah, just heard that somethings were very far below par. Ill just go look for some mods for it that fixes the bugs.
You are correct. It did some things very well but other things horribly. I can only recommend you play it with mods. Without mods, don't bother.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
+163|6795|Odessa, Ukraine

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You are correct. It did some things very well but other things horribly. I can only recommend you play it with mods. Without mods, don't bother.
Well, for a first try I played without mods and even though it was awesome. As for mods, I cant really recomend one because the best i've played has no english localization
Cant wait for this game, loved the first one!
+783|6992|Reykjavík, Iceland.

bennisboy wrote:

Cant wait for this game, loved the first one!
The first one was fantastic! I'm amazed they're finally giveing the players what the first one should have given!
i think it will be released around end of march and i'm really looking forward to this game
i love SoC
Boat sig is not there anymore
Sounds awesome. I'm glad to hear about there being more modified weapons, the last time I played SoC I spent the whole time trying to find all upgraded guns. I'm still missing like six, or something....
Goodbye :)
+399|6628|Somewhere else

Any Updates?  Anyone?  I hear release in Q1. Only a month left on that deadline if its true.

I still play the shit out of stalker:SoC.
High Angle Hell
+182|6343|Schofield Barracks
i got the first one and loved it.
im getting this one.
Still vamy wat fotr this game shoul ne wasdfghm
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6928|Great Brown North

bennisboy wrote:

Still vamy wat fotr this game shoul ne wasdfghm
drunk again?

krazed wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Still vamy wat fotr this game shoul ne wasdfghm
drunk again?
I guess I was as I have no idea I posted it

Last edited by bennisboy (2008-02-28 06:20:23)

Fantasma Parastasie
Yeah, read that in the PC gamer.. definitely looking forward to this
Should be epic if they stick to their ideas, I'm tippin this as one of the top games of the year
"The file system and structure of the game have in general remained unchanged."

fuck that, first game ran like crap sometimes
+721|6729|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I waited 3 years for Shadow of Chernobyl, back when it was called Oblivion Lost.  I'll wait as patiently for this one.  SoC was the most underrated game of 2007.

Reciprocity wrote:

I waited 3 years for Shadow of Chernobyl, back when it was called Oblivion Lost.  I'll wait as patiently for this one.  SoC was the most underrated game of 2007.
I concur, its possibly my fave ever game

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