Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6452|Michigan, USA

To sum those beautiful pictures up in one word, that landscape is very serene.  When the fields and roads are covered in fresh powder, undisturbed by naught a woodland creatures path, it's a very beautiful scene.  Glad you were able to get out and relax a little
Pony Slaystation
+343|6749|Charlie One Alpha
Hot damn that's a lotta snow. Can you put some in a box and send it to me?
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
This topic seems to have no actual posts
i can't wait to move up there
I am all that is MOD!

We've had three days of shit rain and wind.  Someone needs to let mother nature know this is a Mediterranean climate.
+1,175|6602|British Columbia, Canada

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Hot damn that's a lotta snow. Can you put some in a box and send it to me?
No, but I'll take a picture of a box with snow in it if you like
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6452|Michigan, USA

You know that saying, give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime?  LT.Victim, you should totally just send a snow-making machine to LaidBackNinja!
+1,175|6602|British Columbia, Canada

commandochristian wrote:

You know that saying, give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime?  LT.Victim, you should totally just send a snow-making machine to LaidBackNinja!
Ya, I'll just steal one from the local Ski Mountains, and send it to him..


I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

LT.Victim wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Yeah good luck, n f ll else fais jus get severel piseed n mak her mad by gettin som oter gash!!! Wooo even if it doesnt work its h=fun as hekl, even if yiou gas football in teh morein
lol?? did ur cat type that ur something?
Either fakeing drunk, or actually drunk... You decide.

I could probably write a whole essay about what went on at the party, but I won't.. There was some awkard moments, some sad moments, and some fun as hell moments.. The other guy didn't really have fun at all, but I expected that, because he doesn't know anyone there, and I know pretty much everyone that went... lets keep it at that for now..

But uh.. ya.. So tomorrow I get the "talk" with her.. Tomorrow is THE day.

Which it goes either way..

1. I'm fucked, and then I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do with myself..


2. I could quite possibly the happiest guy on Earth..
awww, come on, enough with the drama already. Whatever happens between the two of you, life will go on.
Don't be such a sissy.
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Oh, Grandpa Schuss, don´t be so harsh !
When you´re 17 stuff like this is all that matters, remember ?

B.Schuss wrote:

life will go on.
Yes it will, but that says nothing about the state. Quality before quantity remember
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

HellHead wrote:

Oh, Grandpa Schuss, don´t be so harsh !
When you´re 17 stuff like this is all that matters, remember ?
oh well, I guess you're right.

Actually, it still matters. Less drama, though.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

Lai wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

life will go on.
Yes it will, but that says nothing about the state. Quality before quantity remember
true. I need to remember that next time I visit Amsterdam.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Let me add why I said "make her jealous". This may sounds unbelievably cold hearted and manipulative but to some degree it usually does work. Before I got together with my gf I was head over heels for her, she knew it but nothing really happened. She would go out every weekend, hook up with different guys and completely fuck with my emotions. We had been hooking up for months and when I finally told her how I felt about her it just got all fucked up, annoying and complicated. So for about 3 weeks nothing happened and it was really awkward because I always felt that I had to be kept on a leash whenever I was around her. I started hanging out a lot with another girl at parties and clubs and she saw this and realized that I wouldn't wait for her forever. That's really what sparked the whole thing off.
LOL.  Be careful about the above advice.  I ended up marrying the "new" girl.
+1,175|6602|British Columbia, Canada
Ok.. Major Update... Short Version: She broke up with her BF officially now..

Long ass Life Biography Version:

So Saturday Night was the night of her Karaoke Party.. I was scared shitless that her ex-BF was coming, because I knew it was going to be extremely awkward between us.. I bought her a Necklace for her present, and me and my friend went early so that I could give it to her without any of her other friends around.. well really.. just her ex around.. I originally left my gift in my friends car and we were just gonna say that his gift was from me and him, but since I got there before everyone else and her mom was just leaving as we came, I ran out and gave it to her.. She told me that apparently her Necklace was a big hit with her Family... Which is always nice..

I started talking to her before the party about the "whole" situation, and she told me that she didn't want to talk about now, I'll talk to you tomorrow, she just wanted to have fun at my Party.. Which, I was perfectly fine with, and her party was a blast. I had fun, she had fun, our friends had fun, it was awesome all around. When her ex arrived, he just kinda stood at the door for a while. The only other guy that he ever really talks to was sitting on my side of the room, and its not like he's gonna come sit next me to.. lol.. I didn't say hi or anything to him, and he must have felt really out of place in that room.. There were a few parts when I got really scared though, because for like 10 mins or more, she was outside talking to her ex-BF.. I didn't know what was being said, so naturally lots of stuff was running through my mind.. Apparently they just said whats up and stuff.. nothing about the "Whole Situation", and that she would "talk" to him tomorrow too.. Near the end of the night.. around 11? (started at 8:30 ran till 12:30) her ex left the party.. He didn't even stay for presents or anything like that.. and I could tell she got upset, but then she started getting closer to me and and singing with me and stuff.. and we probably had a little too much fun.. lol

When the party was over, me and few ppl stayed at the Karaoke place to help clean up, and I went with my friend and her to drive her and all her stuff to her house... When we got there, I walked her to her door with some of her stuff.. I then gave her one of the biggest hugs in my life.. I think I may have squeezed a little to hard.. my bad .. lol..

Me and my friend leave, and he drives me home and I go to sleep..

And then Sunday... which if you're following this thread was the day of the big dump of snow that we got... I went for a walk with my Family.. as you guys know.. and then I had to work.. Work was really dead because of all the snow, no one wanted to drive anywhere.. I got off a hour early, at 8 instead of 9.. Plus I got a raise.. whoo! I called her when I got off to see what was up.. she said she was going to talk to "him" but we could hang out after...

So my dad drove me home from work cause the roads were really bad.. I needed a way to get out of the house so I could go hang out with Lindsey without my parents bitching at me for driving in the snow, since my truck is 2 wheel drive.. I can't drive me dads truck, its not insured for "N" (New) drivers.. I told my parents that I was going to go with a movie with my friend.. (the same guy that drove me and Lindsey home after her party).. My mom bitched at me cause the roads were bad etc.. I expected that.. my dad was his usual self.. "whatever".. I told them that if the roads got really bad, I would just sleep over at his house.. Since mines on the side of the mountain, and his is down in the "valley"  so we wouldn't have to drive up any hills.. Are houses are only like a ten minute drive apart... If you lived here, you'd understand the terrain, its fucked..

So he picks me up.. And since Lindsey hasn't called me yet, we just fuck around.. We went to some Gas Station and chilled in it for a while.. And.. Random story of the day.. While we were chilling at the Gas Station, some guy offered us 20 bucks to drive his car to the bar since he didn't have his "License".. As tempting as it is.. we didn't really feel like getting raped tonight, so we declined his offer.. lol..

We leave the gas station cause it was closing for the night,.. (the gas stations in my city are required by a by-law to be full serve to protect jobs.. So they close at night.. if you want gas you gotta go to the next town over..) We go driving around to some large park where everyone goes to meet up and etc.. We just get there when Lindsey text me saying "hey".. and I say "Whats up" and she says she just got home.. (from talking with "him").. I call her to see whats up... She sounds kinda choked on the phone.. And I ask her if she wants to hang out.. since I was suppose to "talk" with her today.. She told me that she broke up with her BF.. before they were just taking a "break".. so that means they were still dedicated to each other I guess.. She says that she doesn't want to hang out.. and I tell her that I understand if she needs some time to her self.. and she agrees..

I was kinda chocked cause I didn't get to see her, but I know she needs time by herself.. I'm still with my friend at this point in his car.. so we go to his house.. I log on MSN on his computer and shes online.. We talk.. I don't bring up any of the situation at all.. And then me and my friend get this awesome Idea to go bike riding in the snow and ice-covered roads.. If you knew us, you'd know that we can be completely random together.. So, we go for a nice bike ride, I almost eat shit over a dozen times, but I manage to keep the bike up.. I use to mountain bike a lot a few years ago, I won first place twice in Middle School in our Lower Mainlands Bike competitions known as "Mudflow".. I even got asked to go to the BC Summer Olympics for Mountain Biking, but I didn't end up going.. So needless to say, I know what I'm doing Kinda straying off topic, but I've since quit Mountain Biking and started Dirt Biking.. Some of my best memories and sights are riding both my mountain bike and dirt bike... its truly relaxing and amazing...

.. Anyways.. ya.. Riding in the snow.. I ride for a while longer, then I go back to his house and talk to Lindsey some more on MSN.. Again not talking about what she said with her now truly "ex".. After a while, it gets late, and she goes to bed.. and then so do we.. I sleep over at my friends house.. I didn't really sleep all that well.. Probably because of all this stuff that's going on.. kept me thinking all night long... So right now, I'm really tired.. but whatever..

So Monday.. "Today" comes...

We wake up, my friend has to drive his brother to school.. fortunately for us High Schoolers.. we have this whole week off because of Provincial Exams.. I don't have any this Semester, so I'm doing shit all this whole week besides working..

We go to our school anyways after we drop his brother up because my friend wants to change a few of his course.. We then go to our Automotive Department in our school and do some random jobs because my friend wants to get a good mark, and the teacher said if he came in he would bump his grade to an A.. I don't have Auto yet, I have it in a week.. I'm excited for it, I can't do school without it.. I've had it every single Semester since grade 10.. I'm good working with my hands and the teacher is awesome, he lets us do whatever we want.. I usually work on my truck and when I'm not, I just stand around and still get an A because I'm one of his best students...

After this, we drive to my house.. and then another random moment hits us.. Lets fill up the back of my truck with snow and go driving around.. lmao..


I filled up my box with like, 400 pounds of snow, pack it down, and we go driving around.. Without the extra wait in the back, my truck would have been done, the roads were soo icy...

My mom then gets me to drive my two sisters to work in my truck.. Lindsey ask me to pick her up in my truck since she was "studying" at school.. And by studying... I mean she never opened her books and was just talking to friends..

I drive her to her house and she asks if I want to come in, I of course say yes.. I don't like asking her to hang out, because I don't know if she wants to.. or is ready to since she did just break up with her BF the night before..

She shows me some random ass videos that she made of herself... We laugh, its great.. I love her, we are both so random, it's awesome.

I then talk to her a bit about the situation... She told me that there were a few issues in the past that they would never talk about.. and then they finally did and they broke up.. He was suppose to be in our Grad Limo and everything, but she already sold his seat to another friend.. So it looks like there is no turning back now for her.. and then her sister walks in the room before we can finish talking... But I didn't really know what else to say or ask, so it was kinda a relief.. She had to go to work at 5, so I left her house.. Me and my family was suppose to go out to some restaurant two weeks ago for my dads birthday, but my mom had to fly out of town unexpectedly because my Grandfather had cancer and he died a few days after she arrived.. So that got postponed until today when we could get everyone together that wasn't working or busy..

She wants me to hang out with her after she gets off work which is in about an hour and a half.. but I have no idea how I'm suppose to get down there... my friend that picked me up the day before is working, so he can't.. and I could drive my truck down to her house, since its all downhill there.. but getting back to my house, is a no go in my truck.. So the only way I could hang out with her is if I slept over at her house or walked home and abandoned my truck on the side of the road.. I would even just end up walking to her house to see her.. even though its like a 30-40 min walk away.. And god dammit.. Right when I was reading this for errors, its starting to snow again.. God dam snow..

This weather is fucked lately.. I've never seen this shit before here..
Taken at the restaurant I ate at tonight..

So ya.. that's the story.. If your read it all, congrats.. Some of it was probably hard to follow, but I'm horrible at writing.. Not looking forward to English 12 next semester.. Well, I am cause Lindsey's in it

Holy FUCK.. that was longer then I expected it to be.. lmao.. sorry.. lol
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6363|New Haven, CT
Other than the assault of the double periods, its easy to read.

This looks like a good thing for you.
+1,175|6602|British Columbia, Canada

nukchebi0 wrote:

Other than the assault of the double periods, its easy to read.

This looks like a good thing for you.
Ya.. I tend to do that alot.. see??

Sorry.. Lol.. K.. I'll.. stop..

But anyways, I took this about 15 mins ago, so its worse now and it just started snowing around an hour ago.

Looks like were in for another large dump of snow..

Last edited by LT.Victim (2008-01-28 22:05:17)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6363|New Haven, CT
We have 4 inches of snow here, and it is barely falling. I envy you.

Although I do sympathize that you are getting all this snow in a week you don't have school.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2008-01-28 23:55:46)

Mrs Lt.
+29|5992|Sexytime, British Columbia
I'm at her house right now.. and just to prove it i'm writing this on her account.. oh lawlz..
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6427|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hope for a snow day tomorrow! I know I am...
Mrs Lt.
+29|5992|Sexytime, British Columbia

SilentscoutIX wrote:

Hope for a snow day tomorrow! I know I am...
Too bad neither of us have school tomorrow.. Fucking Exam week.. lame.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

lol. I still can't get over that account's name...

please send my regards to Mrs Lt.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6363|New Haven, CT

B.Schuss wrote:

lol. I still can't get over that account's name...

please send my regards to Mrs Lt.
You do have the power to change it...
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6529|Gogledd Cymru

nukchebi0 wrote:

I have 4 inches, and it is barely coming down. I envy you.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

nukchebi0 wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

lol. I still can't get over that account's name...

please send my regards to Mrs Lt.
You do have the power to change it...
I do, but I'd do it only if asked to. after all, she chose that name for a specific reason.

But it's still funny for us germans.
Mrs Lt.
+29|5992|Sexytime, British Columbia
I.. and she.. give you permission to change it.. Do I Have to log out or something? Hows this work?

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