I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6987|Cologne, Germany

I'll just post what I posted in the complaints thread:

I am @ work, so I haven't had the opportunity to download and install the new patch, but from what I hear around the forums, this patch will indeed separate the good pilots from the bad. No more bombing runs over enemy bases without having to worry about AA. No more hovering over enemy SP's with the attack chopper. And maybe people will finally start to use those AA emplacements now.

btw, in any real conflict the first thing the Air Force does is attack the enemy's AA assets to make sure they have air superiority. For those who complain about AA being to strong now I suggest you simply change your tactics and take out the AA before you do your bombing runs.

For those who like the ground game ( like I do ) it's a great thing that you can actually do something about those jets and helos now, even without having decent pilots on your team.


GotMex? wrote:

I just got a score of 46 on a wake while being gunner in the cobra... it took WAY more concentration than normal, quickly finding out which AA site was the source, deplying flares at the perfect moment, and getting enough time for me to gun them down.

Got shot down about 4 times total... which is 4 more times than usual. I definatelly like these new AA sites. Make good challenge, and I SAW NO ONE RACING FOR THE COBRA THIS TIME. Guess all the skillless chopper whores decided to back off.

However I did witness TKing to get into an AA site... when was the last time you saw that!
It's only the good pilots now. Just as it is supposed to be.

Cbass wrote:

aw man im jealous, im stuck at work for the next 9 hours and i gotta listen to u talk about how great the patch is.

Plus it's frickin Valentines day and theres no way in hell my girlfriend is going to let me play tonight.

I get some booty i get some booty
I can relate, I hear these bastards talking about the patch and it makes me angry. My broad is practically sitting outside of my work waiting for me to get off. So, no patch for me today...

However, Cbass had it right. I also, get some booty. w00t. Booty > BF2
One thing i don't like.. You can't throw c4! Boo! I really enjoyed that and the c4 drop distance is so small you have to get literally a meter away from a tank to slap some c4 on. I hope the expert c4 requirements (currently 37 kills) is lowered because this will be almost impossible to get with the throw distance reduced in place!

Does anyone knows about this. I hope they did lowered it
Kick His Ass!
+371|6840|Howell, Mi USA

Erkut.hv wrote:

Cbass wrote:

aw man im jealous, im stuck at work for the next 9 hours and i gotta listen to u talk about how great the patch is.

Plus it's frickin Valentines day and theres no way in hell my girlfriend is going to let me play tonight.

I get some booty i get some booty
I can relate, I hear these bastards talking about the patch and it makes me angry. My broad is practically sitting outside of my work waiting for me to get off. So, no patch for me today...

However, Cbass had it right. I also, get some booty. w00t. Booty > BF2
LOL i know the feeling. But i have to stop and get flowers after work and go home first. so i think ill start up my rig and and get the patch downloading, then go for dinner. After all that stay up all night playing bf2 killing jet whores, get an hour of sleep and go to work tomorrow.
Maybe this link can help somewhat?

I feel bad for you guys that have to wait for Valentine's day to get laid..
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Does anyone know a site i can download it quickly from as im only upto 3% so far

also, was just playing on OMAN and was owning the enemy. 32-1 was my score because I crashed. AA are harder to get away from, but what it does is that u get more TKs now and get kicjed.

I swear, so many got kicked for TKs from stingers, that the game finished because of not enough players, etc.

So go dudes and shoot from stingers and get those TKs.

Plus the bombs are more powerful it seems, because 1-2 is enough to blow up 2 tanks and APC at the same time.

Last edited by -=THC_RU=- (2006-02-14 10:31:00)


binloading4ever wrote:

One thing i don't like.. You can't throw c4! Boo! I really enjoyed that and the c4 drop distance is so small you have to get literally a meter away from a tank to slap some c4 on. I hope the expert c4 requirements (currently 37 kills) is lowered because this will be almost impossible to get with the throw distance reduced in place!

Does anyone knows about this. I hope they did lowered it
They shouldn't of nerfed the C-4  toss. You guys might have hated  the c-4 tossers ,but I could wipe a tank out with it in a hurry. Now the armor whores will have less difficulty racking up the points .I used to make it my mission in Karkand to kill the tanks ,but I tried after the 1.2 patch and was very disappointed in the results( I was pwnd )...... I thought I would hate the weaker choppers and planes ,but was pleased with the results. It keeps the noobs down while I remained in charge of the air for the most part. It keeps the base rapers honest , knowing they will face better AA in the future . I did have to bail a few times cause if you have used your flares and are low on the afterburners and AA locks on you ,you are toast. You usually can no longer evade AA by turning hard right or a back loop without flares. I like that part ,but the loss of the C-4 toss sucks.

             Oh yea I almost forgot to mention that the new patch is really messing with my Norton internet security. Every time I update for new servers ,or try to join a server I get put back to my desktop with a internet security warning. I choose permit this BF2 .exe function ,but it keeps doing it over and over!!!!

       The main hand weapons are much more powerful ,as I tried  to knife a few I heard  one shot and I'm dead. The new unlocks are cool . I noticed a fellow teammate firing his new sniper gun and I could hardly hear it from a distance, and after using it I found that It was very accurate as well. I just wish people would think before they gripe about things in the game. EA tries to please the whiners too much and can take the fun out if not careful . I still noticed that when you click on a white spawn point and move your mouse to the "done" button ,you still get the unselected effect sometimes ,which drives me crazy! I like most of the changes ,and was able to enjoy watching a FORMER bunny hopper  get toasted by my trusty  SCAR ,as he bounced around unable to return my fire .LOL

Last edited by MACsgotagun (2006-02-14 10:49:19)


Torin wrote:

I feel bad for you guys that have to wait for Valentine's day to get laid..
Bah, it's more of an obligation to be attached at the hip to my broad for the day. DAMN EA!! My complaint!? The fact the smacktards at EA released a pacth on val's day.
is drunk and crazy
I've just been playing with the new patch, I have no problems with it except the c4 tossing and maybe the ability to snipe with the PKM, but overall its a good patch.

I was playing with BlackOps_Black (or something like that) on wake and he got over 100 points and 50+ kills in the plane.

I got in the plane and lasted about 10 minutes before getting hit by the AA on the Essex.

I was playing with a colonel, major and a captain, which was pretty fun

I really wish they hadnt stopped the c4 tossing though.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6901|The Netherlands
I don't have to say something about the patch right now but I have some to say about the download.
IT HAS TO DO A FKING 22 HOURS.  well I don't think so I think I download this crap in 2 days or so %@$#!

MACsgotagun wrote:

This is just great. They nerfed the jets and helos . I guess this proves that if you cry long and hard EA will cater to your whims. Why have the jet? just remove them from the maps.
I have been playing only a short time, but I am truely depressed as well as the other pilots, firstly instead of decreasing the armor on jets and choppers they should have increased the accuracy and tracking of the missiles.  Too many times have I been sitting in a mobile AA or at a Stinger turret and was tracking a chopper with some leading only to see both missiles pass behind and under the chopper, or the stinger that gets out distanced by a jet. 

Paper mache is about the most accurate term I have read about those that have played the pre-patch, and I am sorry, dealing with military vehicles, I have seen amazing things happen like a HIND take an RPG hit and limp away, a F-15 fly over 100 miles and land with only 1/2 of its wing. 

While vehicles of all sorts have been taken down by small arms fire, is it truely realistic that now an RPK can kill a Super-Cobra?

Guess if you bitch enough, miracles of modern stupidity can be accomplished.

Which reminds me. I need to bitch more about my shock paddles not killing more than 1 person at a time...
Say Hello to My 11-87

[J5]Dirrty.Magic wrote:

The sniper rifle (AWP, I think): It pwns.
The p90: inaccurate and underpowered. Similar to the mp5.
Medics paddles: something is messed up
Choppers: Suck now
AA: Pwns now
GL: quite different, haven't yet decided.

I dont like the feel yet, but I'll give it time. I'm gonna miss my chopper.

AdamEcks wrote:

I'm posting this too much, hopefully not many more of these threads will appear.

Red name bug, unfixed:

Funny thing is I see red dots on your minimap and no UAV transmission, Looks like a hack to me, but I could be wrong.

Pythagorus wrote:

AdamEcks wrote:

I'm posting this too much, hopefully not many more of these threads will appear.

Red name bug, unfixed:

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f74/a … redbug.jpg
Funny thing is I see red dots on your minimap and no UAV transmission, Looks like a hack to me, but I could be wrong.
called sat scan...if youve ever played with a good commander you would have seen this before....because the commander can actually point out the enemies after the scan....amazing isnt it

What are the tanks like now? In relation to have they lowered the armour on them?
+22|6810|England, UK
Ok, after playing the new patch thurally, I've come up with a dfferent conclusion..

CRAP! I mean.. Flying, it's just been wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over done. Chopper.. Now only 8 missiles, now less range on "Guided Missiles" and now get pwned by AA! CAN IT GET ANY WORST?!

Not only that.. I decided to myself, ahh atleast Jets are still cool.. I'm flying gettin 1 or 2 kills, AA locks on, i think ahh i won't need to drop my flairs i'm 90 degrees oppostite the launch here i'll swing round and do 180 degrees so won't hit me.. Yip, 2 missiles hit me!!! I was shocked.. I tryed to turn down and take it out.. I deploy my flairs just as he locks on and kill him.. BUT HE KILLS ME TOO! It's unbelievable, flairs are USELESS!!

Not only that.. I was on massatchur map and decide tp gun in the BlackHawk.. Man.. has that gun bin tampered with or what? I was missin him by inches and it wasn't killing this guy! Normally you don't have to aim right on to kill!

I can't believe they're rouined AIR completely, i guess i'll have to work my way round it until it's RE-FIXED in the next patch (again)!! EA, everytime you unbalance something, you completley unbalance it again the other way!

Although, everything besides flying has been improved, it's almost JUST and infantry mans game now! (although i don't agree with now being able to throw c4 whilst jumping, you can't even reach distances further than half a meter now..).
+22|6810|England, UK

xhashashinx wrote:

Pythagorus wrote:

AdamEcks wrote:

I'm posting this too much, hopefully not many more of these threads will appear.

Red name bug, unfixed:

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f74/a … redbug.jpg
Funny thing is I see red dots on your minimap and no UAV transmission, Looks like a hack to me, but I could be wrong.
called sat scan...if youve ever played with a good commander you would have seen this before....because the commander can actually point out the enemies after the scan....amazing isnt it

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

raz wrote:

Not only that.. I was on massatchur map and decide tp gun in the BlackHawk.. Man.. has that gun bin tampered with or what? I was missin him by inches and it wasn't killing this guy! Normally you don't have to aim right on to kill!
I do believe the intention in any game is that you have to aim right on to kill people, this should not be a motive for complaints
I FIND THE PATCH GREAT!!!!! The AA rocks.......
+22|6810|England, UK

GotMex? wrote:

raz wrote:

Not only that.. I was on massatchur map and decide tp gun in the BlackHawk.. Man.. has that gun bin tampered with or what? I was missin him by inches and it wasn't killing this guy! Normally you don't have to aim right on to kill!
I do believe the intention in any game is that you have to aim right on to kill people, this should not be a motive for complaints
No.. the gun has HUGE shells.. Just like the MEC heli you don't have to aim right on because of the explosive shells, and just like the blast from nade or c4 (except that's much bigger).. If you had to aim right on for theses this would also make the game frustrating..
+-2|6846|England, UK

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

Should have never lowered the HP on the choppers and jets.  Increasing the AA accuracy was really the only thing needed. . .now, everything that flies is made out of paper-mache.
Agreed. Hopefully will be on the next patch. All heli pilots moan like biatch's to EA like the airpower fearing noobs did!!!
Future AA whore's, here I come! (In my attack heli!)

"The TV Guided Missile. Destroying anything with one shot since June 2005. You've got to love em!"

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-14 12:56:55)

question:do u get a free update?
sorry to seem stupid, but is there a list anywhere of everything the patch updates?

and is it true the max is now only 32 peoples/?

and people say weapons are stronger, do u think they are stronger, or just realistic now? i welcome one hit kills with the unlock sniper, cos when shot by that gun it can rip limbs off

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