You wish to use the term appeasement to draw on its negative connotations. There is nothing negative about the actions of the British government here. As such, the hullaballoo surrounding 'definitions' is irrelevant because even in the capacity you've used it in - the special lowing definition - it deters from your argument owing to the fact that rather than being a negative thing it is actually a positive thing.lowing wrote:
Cam, there are definitions of appeasement that have nothing to do with demands. I have posted them. If you refuse to accept that, then there really is nothing I can do about that.
I see no reason in polling a predominantly European socialist forum. Your collective opinions does nothing to change mine.
Main Entry: ap·pease
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈpēz\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ap·peased; ap·peas·ing
Etymology: Middle English appesen, from Anglo-French apeser, apaiser, from a- (from Latin ad-) + pais peace — more at peace
Date: 14th century
1: to bring to a state of peace or quiet : calm
2: to cause to subside : allay <appeased my hunger>
3: pacify conciliate; especially : to buy off (an aggressor) by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles
Nobody aggressed. Nobody demanded. Nobody compromised principles.
You can continue to use your bastardized English but it really has no place in a debate forum that relies on precision and accuracy of English to explain ones views. Many people call you a racist even though you are not a racist - you just give certain impressions/illusions that you might be. Many people call you a Nazi even though you have nothing whatsoever to do with National Socialism, hatred of Judaism or any such traits. What those people are saying is completely misleading and unfairly denigrates your opinions. You can't just use words as you please and expect to be taken seriously.
PS This site is American and frequented by all manner of individuals. And I never expected you to change your mind - you always prefer to keep a wrong opinion in order to save face.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-01-24 01:35:57)