Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2008-01-19 21:23:31)
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2008-01-19 21:23:31)
You are probably being sarcastic? Because the whole things a joke. And I'm pretty sure I recognize Dane Cooks voice as being the guy in those videos.{M5}Sniper3 wrote:
That guy has some serious personal problems.
I feel bad for him.
AHHH! Now I get it - OMG, now it's WAY more funny! ROFL. Now all those things he was saying make sense. Thanks for the clarification! +1 to you!TheAussieReaper wrote:
i think you missed the point entirely. that was his wife yelling, as he was removing the wedding ring from her hand in the photoshop tutorial.commandochristian wrote:
That was pretty good lol +1 for the find
Anyone else wonder where the hell that women's voice was coming from? The one that kept repeating "donnie" or something like that? Really annoying voice? You can't miss it.
Last edited by commandochristian (2008-01-19 22:58:01)
Well apparently its somebody who hates dane cook. Because in the one video it shows lots of pictures of Dane Cook and file names like stupidass.jpg or things like that...[TUF]Catbox wrote:
it's not Dane Cook... but the guy is funny as shit