Anti-Tank: Grenades. and anti-air rockets.

Sniper: Mmmmmm.. BETTER SNIPER RIFLE! Oh and Trip wire that triggers a claymore....that shows up super bright like thermal goggles so stupid teamates dont run into them.

Assualt: Has armor but can still sprint long like the others. Can shoot while sprinting. and can throw grenades.

Engineer: Repair faster making it more useful...A Motor they can set up (and who ever gets a kill with it, you get a team point)

Medic: Doesnt need anything more.. sun glasses for flashbangs. lol....ok maybe a shot of some sort like morphine.

Spec-Ops: Tranqulizer Pistol with Silencer. (one shot to the head they fall asleep) with every shot to the body it adds a blur effect untill they fall asleep, like tear gas grenades in SF.

Support: Can Set up Turrets... but there not as powerfull as the ones already in game.

Turrets and Mortors have a limit that each team can place, and a limit that you can place.

any other suggestions? or problems with these?
First its Mortars, second, i like the medic and support improvements(mmmm...morphine) and third no shoot while sprint. just makes pussy ass n00bt00bs better
trip wire is a good idea

good idea about making claymores show up better

it will teach those 10-year old noobs who think the warning is a power-up and punish when they walk into it
heck why not have an option to punish those who walk into them!!
i like the anti air rocket and making a guy fall assleep and after he is assleep you can shoot him to death...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... they should add fists so there could be fist fights and the stupid snipers wouldnt but in and get the kill and get tk'd
+25|6692|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
well a trangulizer pistol would ruin the game you want guys running around and making the screenblur so you can't locate him, if they did that the pistol would be the ultimate weapon and the primary weapon would not be used. second i would want the support main weapon to be able to put up on sandbags making it more accurate.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6755|Purplicious Wisconsin
Forget the anti air rocket idea, it sais anti tank, not anti air and the anti tank weapon can be guided, motor idea I don't get what you mean but if I did I would think it would be pointless, morphine is a pointless idea too, don't bother with the pistol idea, instead use seal/throwing knives that do half the damage a normal combat knife does, turret idea=don't get, instead of can shoot while sprinting, why not have it where if you equipd a bayonet, you can run faster and can shoot at that speed too.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Stop reading this and look at my post
Why do people always want anti-air rockets? Anyone can hit a transport heli and attack choppers only take a bit of practice to shoot down. Just aim for the cockpit.

Here's my input on these suggestions...

Infantry don't need AA. There is already an insane amount of ways to take down aircraft.

Sniper rifles are already accurate enough. Tripwires would be nice, but pointless with the claymore's current motion sensor...as well as increasing the risk of moronic team-mates walking all over your booby traps (giant glowing warnings do no good, as many snipers have found out). It would make more sense to allow you to toggle to remote detonation mode for your clays.

I like the idea of being able to shoot while sprinting, but every class should have it...not just assault. Understand, though, that while you probably won't hit anything but dirt and buildings (if you're lucky), you might cause the enemy to duck around a corner. Grenades are already thrown like footballs, making them effective against MG emplacements from 100 yards off, so I see no reason to further increase their range.

A couple of mods allow you to throw wrenches for vehicles to pick up, like health and ammo, but I think there are already enough ways to repair stuff present already. Vehicle ambience, supply crates, and so forth. I like mortars, but engineers should be forced to decide between mines or mortars when they spawn. Player-aimed artillery is something that I miss from the older Battlefields. It would be nice to see mortars brought in.

A flashbang will blind you even if you are wearing sunglasses. And shock paddles are already the medic's cure-all...

Why would you have to tranquilize somebody in this game? All I'd like to see for Spec-Ops is the ability to toggle to timed C4 charges.

These guys are already carrying around infinite bags of ammo. How could they possibly carry turrets as well?

Scout: Yeah, a little self-promotion, but click here.

Mighty_Spaz wrote:

Anti-Tank: Grenades. and anti-air rockets.

Sniper: Mmmmmm.. BETTER SNIPER RIFLE! Oh and Trip wire that triggers a claymore....that shows up super bright like thermal goggles so stupid teamates dont run into them.

Assualt: Has armor but can still sprint long like the others. Can shoot while sprinting. and can throw grenades.

Engineer: Repair faster making it more useful...A Motor they can set up (and who ever gets a kill with it, you get a team point)

Medic: Doesnt need anything more.. sun glasses for flashbangs. lol....ok maybe a shot of some sort like morphine.

Spec-Ops: Tranqulizer Pistol with Silencer. (one shot to the head they fall asleep) with every shot to the body it adds a blur effect untill they fall asleep, like tear gas grenades in SF.

Support: Can Set up Turrets... but there not as powerfull as the ones already in game.

Turrets and Mortors have a limit that each team can place, and a limit that you can place.

any other suggestions? or problems with these?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-26 09:30:58)

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