+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.
Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
+605|6149|Birmingham, UK

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
What was Iraq's excuse for walking into Kuwait?

Is that spelt right?
GunSlinger OIF II
dont knock a draftee down.  One of the greatest soldiers Ive ever met was a retired LTC Green Beret from Vietnam.   He was drafted and ended up staying in and making a career as an officer in Special Forces.   Im sure you would do what you have to do if your name gets called up.  Im sure most people would.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

Bf2-GeneralArnott wrote:

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
What was Iraq's excuse for walking into Kuwait?

Is that spelt right?
I should really know the answer being around the people I am, but sadly I don't. Rather than google it like a smart ass, I'll take a guess at Saddam Hussain being a retard.
GunSlinger OIF II

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
despite what a lot of people believe, warfare is worse now than it ever has been before.  thats including swords and pikes. only difference is now we have a better ability at keeping our wounded dead.  The act of modern combat is more violent than it has ever been before.   The human body is not meant to stand next to the concussion of multiple bombs and survive.
Once Again, We Meet at Last
the army/navy/airforce/marines come and set up a table at lunch at least twice a month. they give you prizes if you do push ups or chinups and sign a form. I personally won't sign anything that has to do with the military...heck...i gave up AA before getting 80 honor. It's really not that odd...since the draft was destroyed, they need volunteers. Teens are the best option for frontline infantry.
GunSlinger OIF II

jord wrote:

Bf2-GeneralArnott wrote:

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
What was Iraq's excuse for walking into Kuwait?

Is that spelt right?
I should really know the answer being around the people I am, but sadly I don't. Rather than google it like a smart ass, I'll take a guess at Saddam Hussain being a retard.
they claimed that Kuwait was part of Iraq.   But they signed a treaty that said other wise in the 1960's.  It was really the first step towards dominating Saudi Arabia.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
despite what a lot of people believe, warfare is worse now than it ever has been before.  thats including swords and pikes. only difference is now we have a better ability at keeping our wounded dead.  The act of modern combat is more violent than it has ever been before.   The human body is not meant to stand next to the concussion of multiple bombs and survive.
Maybe so, it could be argued either way. On one hand charging a line of 1000 and having to get within 1 metre of them to kill them is fucking brave. There's a good chance you're gonna get killed.

Today our countries have a bigger advantage over the enemies. Superior tactics/training and equipment. Where as some time ago it was whoever had the most men and who had the best leader. Though if a war happened between 2 countries with equal firepower then that's a large risk too.

I hope you get me, because I think I did a piss poor job of explaining it.
GunSlinger OIF II

jord wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
despite what a lot of people believe, warfare is worse now than it ever has been before.  thats including swords and pikes. only difference is now we have a better ability at keeping our wounded dead.  The act of modern combat is more violent than it has ever been before.   The human body is not meant to stand next to the concussion of multiple bombs and survive.
Maybe so, it could be argued either way. On one hand charging a line of 1000 and having to get within 1 metre of them to kill them is fucking brave. There's a good chance you're gonna get killed.

Today our countries have a bigger advantage over the enemies. Superior tactics/training and equipment. Where as some time ago it was whoever had the most men and who had the best leader. Though if a war happened between 2 countries with equal firepower then that's a large risk too.

I hope you get me, because I think I did a piss poor job of explaining it.
I do.  I see what your saying.  But the dangers and difficulties of combat are measured more than just in the bravery level of the the troops.  For example, and Im talking infantry here.   Never has there been a time in history where the average grunt will wear more equipment/gear/ammo.  Our technology, while serving as a combat multiplier, also has its drawbacks.  Weight comes to the top of my head.

Did you know that your average soldier in Iraq is exposed to combat WAY more often than your average soldier in WW2?
sorry you feel that way

jord wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

jord wrote:

Maybe not, times change. One time the reason for war could be because you wanted to take another countries land. These days you have to make up excuses for doing so.

I think we can all safely agree that Men 50/100/250/500/1000 years ago were tougher than the ones these days. Their views of fighting would of been different, patriotism would of been bigger.
despite what a lot of people believe, warfare is worse now than it ever has been before.  thats including swords and pikes. only difference is now we have a better ability at keeping our wounded dead.  The act of modern combat is more violent than it has ever been before.   The human body is not meant to stand next to the concussion of multiple bombs and survive.
Maybe so, it could be argued either way. On one hand charging a line of 1000 and having to get within 1 metre of them to kill them is fucking brave. There's a good chance you're gonna get killed.

Today our countries have a bigger advantage over the enemies. Superior tactics/training and equipment. Where as some time ago it was whoever had the most men and who had the best leader. Though if a war happened between 2 countries with equal firepower then that's a large risk too.

I hope you get me, because I think I did a piss poor job of explaining it.
I get you, but I think the soldiers these days are just as brave as the soldiers past. Each man has his own reasons, though war these days is extremely more brutal than war was back then. Everything is built to be faster, better, stronger. I have no less respect for the men of the present than I have for those who fought in the past.

By the way, back then it wasn't who had the most men. Those with superior equipment, training and discipline could conquer anything. The ancient greeks & romans are excellent examples of this.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-01-18 11:43:27)

inane little opines
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.
Yeah I respect soldiers of today too. Being around them all my life I respect them more than I do anyone else.

It's the nature of war to kill people from further away. From the Stick/Sword/Spear/Bow/Longbow/Catapult/Cannon/Howitzer and so on. So yeah I appreciate the dangers of modern warfare and the threat of being killing from 800 metres away.

Last edited by jord (2008-01-18 11:55:11)

GunSlinger OIF II
hand to hand goes on today.  except you gotta worry about grenades in peoples pockets at the same time.  never had an engagement at 800 m.  USMC doesnt even qualify for that range.
sorry you feel that way
Believe me, seeing someone being sliced up by a sword is nothing compared to seeing the remnants of someone flying around who just stepped on a mine or got blown to bits by a grenade or bomb.

War is more brutal than ever, you're not always lucky enough to be killed from afar, and you don't get a knife issued for no purpose either.
inane little opines
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

hand to hand goes on today.  except you gotta worry about grenades in peoples pockets at the same time.  never had an engagement at 800 m.  USMC doesnt even qualify for that range.
Sniper range isn't it? I'm just going off what my Uncle said here.
GunSlinger OIF II

jord wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

hand to hand goes on today.  except you gotta worry about grenades in peoples pockets at the same time.  never had an engagement at 800 m.  USMC doesnt even qualify for that range.
Sniper range isn't it? I'm just going off what my Uncle said here.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6003|Places 'n such

adam1503 wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

And nothing argues with flying Apaches.
Chuck Norris argues with flying apaches.
guns sleep with chuck norris under their pillows
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
sorry you feel that way

jord wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

hand to hand goes on today.  except you gotta worry about grenades in peoples pockets at the same time.  never had an engagement at 800 m.  USMC doesnt even qualify for that range.
Sniper range isn't it? I'm just going off what my Uncle said here.
sniper should be able to hit the target at 800m without faults. it's even possible to hit them from 2.5 km now with a .416 round & m107.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-01-18 12:03:58)

inane little opines
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

dayarath wrote:

jord wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

hand to hand goes on today.  except you gotta worry about grenades in peoples pockets at the same time.  never had an engagement at 800 m.  USMC doesnt even qualify for that range.
Sniper range isn't it? I'm just going off what my Uncle said here.
sniper should be able to hit the target at 800m without faults. it's even possible to hit them from 2.5 km now with a .416 round & m107.
Yeah I watched that future weapons too if you've seen it...

Of course at that distance requires extraordinary skill and a bit of luck. With all the practice in the world you can't be sure if the target is going to move during flight time.
Cheeseburger Logicist

Ryan wrote:

Drakef wrote:

I've never seen a Canadian military recruiter anywhere.


Come to think of it, I've never seen a Canadian military anywhere.
Last week we had two CF soldiers at my high school recruiting kids to join the reserves.
Hmm. Odd. Back in high school, I never saw a single recruiter.

Doubtful that there might be any recruiters on SFU campus either.
Ruckel for all!

DesertFox- wrote:

That does seem very odd. At my school they at least actually get permission to set up a stand type thing in the lunchroom or every two years at a job fair type thing we have. I have the utmost respect for the military, but I see such a conflicting image these days. Though this post is coming right after I was watching Gangland on the History Channel about how they use the military to get knowledge of combat tactics for use in gang combat. Also, pretty much all of the people I know who plan on joining are complete idiots. One of them was bragging that he had the highest scores his recruiter had ever seen.
Ever since I was young, it was always in my mind to become an "army man," then an infrantryman, then a paratrooper, then a Ranger, but my parents discouraged me from following that path because of coming in contanct with some of the stupidest people I would ever meet, even though I would probably start out as an officer. I've been reinforced with this heroic images from all the movies and whatnot that it's hard for me to accept the fact that it's not as ideal as I would imagine. I'm sure it's always been like this and I'm generalizing, but I can't help but notice that the best and brightest aren't rushing to join up.
+877|6003|Washington DC

dayarath wrote:

Believe me, seeing someone being sliced up by a sword is nothing compared to seeing the remnants of someone flying around who just stepped on a mine or got blown to bits by a grenade or bomb.

War is more brutal than ever, you're not always lucky enough to be killed from afar, and you don't get a knife issued for no purpose either.
War is definitely brutal, and I trust what GS says, but some battles in the Civil War were pretty bad. Picket's Charge?
+488|6612|Portland, OR, USA

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

...Recruiting...  So is this what the military has come to?

Today I was walking from the back of my high school to the parking lot and a white BMW drove up and a guy rolled down his window.  The following conversation took place:

Military guy- "Hey so, uh hi my names is Sgt. ** with the local military recruiters office, have you ever considered joining?"
Me- "Erm, no not really, I've gotten into six other colleges (and I really wanted to say "where I don't have to risk my life" but I didn't because I'm not an ass) and am waiting to here back from 3 more..."
Military guy- "Oh, well what are you interested in majoring in?"
Me- "Probably biology.. Pre-med."
Military guy- "Hmmm, we don't really offer that, I mean we have an EMT program but that's pretty much it.  Are there any other kids that you know that are interested?"
Me- "eh, probably.."
*awkward silence where I really started to pity the guy*
Military guy- "Well here, lemme give you my business card to hand out if you know anyone."
Me- "Alright, good luck"

Seriously, what... the... fuck....
why dont we just draft you instead.  then you wouldnt have anything to complain about.
True... I'd be in canada
+2|6009|Washington, USA

Ruckel wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

That does seem very odd. At my school they at least actually get permission to set up a stand type thing in the lunchroom or every two years at a job fair type thing we have. I have the utmost respect for the military, but I see such a conflicting image these days. Though this post is coming right after I was watching Gangland on the History Channel about how they use the military to get knowledge of combat tactics for use in gang combat. Also, pretty much all of the people I know who plan on joining are complete idiots. One of them was bragging that he had the highest scores his recruiter had ever seen.
Ever since I was young, it was always in my mind to become an "army man," then an infrantryman, then a paratrooper, then a Ranger, but my parents discouraged me from following that path because of coming in contanct with some of the stupidest people I would ever meet, even though I would probably start out as an officer. I've been reinforced with this heroic images from all the movies and whatnot that it's hard for me to accept the fact that it's not as ideal as I would imagine. I'm sure it's always been like this and I'm generalizing, but I can't help but notice that the best and brightest aren't rushing to join up.
Well I'm a full year ahead  and..have a 3.5GPA, oh yeah.. I leave for the Marines in June.. or sooner depending on when i can finish my classes

Last I knew a 3.5 wasnt exactly in the idiot or or stupid range..
+127|6387|Twyford, UK
The british millitary is even worse. I caught an ad for the RAF on hotmail the other day, and I'm actually half considering it because I'm just so fucking BORED of trying to get a job.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6727|United States of America

phonephreak wrote:

Ruckel wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Blah Blah Blah
Well I'm a full year ahead  and..have a 3.5GPA, oh yeah.. I leave for the Marines in June.. or sooner depending on when i can finish my classes

Last I knew a 3.5 wasnt exactly in the idiot or or stupid range..
'Course not. I'm not insinuating that everyone joining is idiotic. I'm just alarmed by the fact that those people are all I see joining up because they've gotten "experience" already by playing video games

Last edited by DesertFox- (2008-01-21 08:16:34)

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