Please allow mw to get this off my chest.  Now after this some will flame me and some will praise me and the rest won't give a damn. I joined a 64 Kubra map with appox. 20 people in game.  I was put on the USMC side and quickly noticed that the MECs were getting slaughtered. Me...I like a challenge and you don't get better by taking the easy route, so I flipped to the MEC side and started a squad.  Now, the US side had total air superiority and was spanking us hardcore.  So I figured I would help the MEC guys get a fighting chance.  I should note that most of the players were Cpls to SSgts and so.  I invited a few guys to join my squad and we headed off to make trouble. We rolled up to the US uncap base and grabbed a few tanks and AA Runners and set up on thier airfield.  After we demoleshed SAT and UAV we started to lay waist to everything and everyone who had the misfortune to come upon us.  Every time we died we came back and did it all over again.  After about 10 minutes of this the other team started to cry because we were killing all ther pilots and left the commander blind and tried to kick me.  Fter I got tired of the insessive whining I Promised and crossed my heart and hoped to die that I would not blow up thier planes.  So then I proceeded to destroy all thier assets again. This time it took the 5 minutes to complain that I was attacking an uncap base.  I told them that if EA didn't want me to blow it up, I wouldn't be able to and to stop crying because I was destroying thier K/D ratio and thus making the game hard for them.  After about the umpteen kick vote and think they figured out that it takes 14 some odd votes to kick me and that thier team only consisted of about 11 people and my team sure as hell weren't about to kick me.  After the game I checked the server rules and non to be found about attacking uncapable bases.  So here's my thought...I play to win. I play to bring as much hate and discontent upon my enemy as I can.  If EA didn't want me to do something then the game won't allow me. (exeption to that rule is game glitches and no in my book).  If I'm raping your sorry ass till it bleeds then get collective form a plan and come get me.  Now I'm not the BF2 God or even close.  I only started to get good after challaging myself and playing on servers that where packed with pros.  In ending grow a hairy pair, suck it up, playing like a monkey on acid, and I will still never take it easy on ya. At least then YOU may have the fighting chance.  This post is mainly for me to vent. I respect all the hard ballers out there who fight it out no matter what and who play to play the game.

Last edited by sabotwulf (2006-02-12 18:24:07)

Yeah alot of retards in this game soon EA will tell you how to play the game wich you bought or  they will ban you're account because of cry babies.

Funniest Kick vote was at Wake i was on the USMC side and back then i was always Anti-Tank but this time i wanted to play around with Spec Ops.

So i pick Spec ops and was heading to the air base to blow up their stuff with my C4 so im in the base im comming close to the uav i see a few people so i prone shoot and kill them and then just before i plant the C4 on one of the enemy assests what do i see "Berserk_Vampire is camping at are base!" and then i get a kick started against me the server also said no base camping so how the  fuck are you suppose to blow up assests in a base if you're not allowed in the base? lmao i mean if you're gonna get the job done with tons of ppl their you gotta sneak around and kill them obviously the mentality of people its just a game and they act like retards over it.

What i love doing though at Wake is after you blow up the enemies equipment i'll prone and take cover and when i see a jet spawn i'll wait for some one to go in it and just before getting any acceration i shoot a rocket at them i love doing that makes em so mad.
+17|6780|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
The uncappable base in Kubra for USMC has a LMG emplacement. It also has an AA gun. EA designed it to endure attacks. If the server rules says no attacking uncappable base, you shouldn't. Otherwise, you can do it if you feel like. I'm tired of the noobs who come to servers ranting off a bunch of fair play rules when the server itself does not advocate them.
At least someone here sees my views. And your right eucalyptus the base does have MG placements. I think I'll go back to that sever and put a hurt on em again just to piss em off and ruin thier day.  I know it sounds mean but hey maybe they'll actually get together as a group and hunt my ass down.  I'M GONNA MAKE THESE BOYS SOME DAMN GOOD WAR FIGHTERS YET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA...

Last edited by sabotwulf (2006-02-12 14:02:07)

+101|6712|Southern California
Sabot i hear ya

I never attack uncap bases, rules or not!

I do, however, aggressively target all strategic assets whenever I get close enough and that includes the people trying to protect them or kill me. I cannot imagine any game that some clan or admin arbitrarily decides to change the game balance without significant number crunching to ensure play balance extends beyond their idiosyncratic myopia. 

Take Kubra in a non-cap restriction. Only 1 uncap base there and it's USMC - so wtf if you're MEC??? And you notice their clan is always on USMC side? hmmmmm. That is game or ranked server exploitation take your pick. If both teams have an uncap I might consider giving them their hallowed ground, but their assets are mine either way.  I do not respect rules or clans who say "we win, you lose" and you will be kicked if you rock the boat....  lol 

Last night our whole squad did the same thing you did. We had two "clans" on the same team and were winning by 175+ score for three games. So we switched and managed to turn up the heat and help the other team win. Then the wierd non-cap rule on Kubra kicked in. They hit Intake continuously but we had to stay away from the Abandoned base. LOL we put up with that for one round and then opened up a can of reality. To their credit after the uncap rule was shown as crap they relented and we had 4 more really darn good closely fought games within 4 to 30 pts score. a blast.
Thats the way to do it OpsChief.  Damn I wish I could meet more people like yous to fight with and against.  Maybe it's just me but it seems like I pick really crappy servers as a lately or maybe the noobs who can't fight worth shit are crapping themselves and getting what ever points they can untill the new patch comes out to put a hinder on thier noobish ways.  I will admit that the whole Bun/Dolph dive stuff getts pretty annoying put all I did was get pissed and started putting more rounds in thier ass.  Adapt and over come soldier!  If any of you alls want to get a kick ass game going look me up online sometimes. There is no better feeling that hooking up a kick ass squad and spanking the ever living crap out of everyone you see. Thats the way the game should be played.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Well said sabotwulf, I agree 100%.
+4|6723|Irving Tx
I agree as well there should be nothing that is off limits....

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

What i love doing though at Wake is after you blow up the enemies equipment i'll prone and take cover and when i see a jet spawn i'll wait for some one to go in it and just before getting any acceration i shoot a rocket at them i love doing that makes em so mad.
Tell us your secret of getting an AT rocket in a Spec-ops kit, or is it c4 in an AT kit?
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6685|Hong Kong

hutchy52 wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

What i love doing though at Wake is after you blow up the enemies equipment i'll prone and take cover and when i see a jet spawn i'll wait for some one to go in it and just before getting any acceration i shoot a rocket at them i love doing that makes em so mad.
Tell us your secret of getting an AT rocket in a Spec-ops kit, or is it c4 in an AT kit?
I don't care what my enemy does, if they are noob tubing,dolphing diving or bunny homping i don't care, i let them be because that doesn't afect me.
but what i really pisses me off are the whiners with power, those always ruin your day.
is drunk and crazy

sabotwulf wrote:

Please allow mw to get this off my chest.  Now after this some will flame me and some will praise me and the rest won't give a damn. I joined a 64 Kubra map with appox. 20 people in game.  I was put on the USMC side and quickly noticed that the MECs were getting slaughtered. Me...I like a challenge and you don't get better by taking the easy route, so I flipped to the MEC side and started a squad.  Now, the US side had total air superiority and was spanking us hardcore. ....
Good post, but please use paragraphs, makes it easier on my poor eyes
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|6823|Hanging onto the UAV

maton wrote:

I don't care what my enemy does, if they are noob tubing,dolphing diving or bunny homping
I'm sorry, this is totally off-topic and NOT a correction....but that is the most awesome typo ever.

Bunny Homping FTW!
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|6745|Gütersloh, Germany
Some player started a kickvote against me for spawncamping the USMC fixed spawn on Kubra Dam...while I was sitting on co-pilot seat in the SU-34
My pilot always flew over their base and I fired my LGM into their tanks.
everything should be allowed in bf2 except for exploits. i hope those noobs u played with sabotwulf should come here and read about: there is no such thing as base raping. so what if 1 guy is camping? take him out, if u cant, take a jeep and jihad him. see an enemy tank in ur uncap base? PLAY AT KIT NOT MEDIC, or whatever kit u usually play. rant over
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6721|Espoo, Finland
I so totally agree with you...

I don't play the game for anyone but my self and my team (if they return the favour) so I'm not gonna listen what the other team has to say about my playing style. (I don't exploit glitches or cheat)
Didnt Do it
The servers i play in have only one set rule for Uncaps and thats not to camp them in a Vechile they go for it using your Kits just no Tanks/Choppers and the like and if you get caught camping in the uncap with the afformentioned you earn a two week holiday so i laugh when i hear people whinging about being camped i ask what they using and when i see its their Kit i just say get over it kill them and move on

hutchy52 wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

What i love doing though at Wake is after you blow up the enemies equipment i'll prone and take cover and when i see a jet spawn i'll wait for some one to go in it and just before getting any acceration i shoot a rocket at them i love doing that makes em so mad.
Tell us your secret of getting an AT rocket in a Spec-ops kit, or is it c4 in an AT kit?
After i blow up the stuff with C4 i'll look for a Anti Tank kit on the ground.
sabotwulf, you did good. My young padawan.
No attacking uncappable bases is such a pansy rule.  "Please leave our holy ground alone so we can spawn here freely and then come kick your asses at our leisure" -- sheesh.  If the other side has its together enough to completely molest the Karkand uncap, or Kubra uncap, or wherever then that's to their credit and the opposing team's ineptitude.  I've been on the receiving end  and it sure can be painful and unfun, but I'm not whining about it.  I do agree exploits are a different matter -- bunny hopping (or humping, or homping or other immoral acts), dolphin diving, etc.

That's a good spec ops dude there, after expending his c4 picks up another kit.
Get your body beat.
the airfeild isnt an uncap at all, its a selectable spawn.
+4|6697|Australia, Adelaide
You all know, its obvious, the soloution to all of these issues could be in the next patch. I say could because who knows how it’ll work out. I for one think that EA are taking their sweet time with it and hopefully that means a great patch. I sure hope they don’t go overboard; I like sprinting forward, jump-diving and emptying my clip into a guy, nothing wrong with that.

Ps. I play on the best ping Australian servers- ‘Internode’ and their general rule is no VEHICAL attacking into Uncapp, KITS only- which I think is a fantastic rule. Off course there are always exceptions. Ie, Sharqi Peninsula - 64 - but lets not get started on that one!
+8|6751|UK(stats says usa by mistake)
Heh heh i know what you mean, personally i cant stand all the whiners. If someone can get into an uncappable spawn good on them, it requires a lot of effort and generally holds the commander assets.

I mean My first kick from a game was for spawncamping, the server rule was no camping unless it was there last base. So on Gulf of oman the americans were down to the carrier, by the time I had worked my way to the top they had capped a land base. A few kills from my sniper rifle later and kicked. really was I meant to head to a boat and head for land....

AnarkyXtra wrote:

maton wrote:

I don't care what my enemy does, if they are noob tubing,dolphing diving or bunny homping
I'm sorry, this is totally off-topic and NOT a correction....but that is the most awesome typo ever.

Bunny Homping FTW!
actually does, the original poster said, that his enemies started to whine because he was destroying theirs assets, and i was making the point that i don't care what my enemy does and i wrote the most anoyin examples
I was playing Clean Sweep the other day, and they had a rule about camping uncappables.

One of my favorite plays on that map is to take a boat over with and engineer kit, steal an APC and lay AT mines down where their APC's spawn.

I figured that was not camping the uncappable.  Get in, lay mines, get out.

The trouble this time is that the mines went off over a period of time. Someone jumps in an APC and takes off, boom they die.  3 Minutes later, someone jumps in another, boom they die.

So 5 minutes later, I am at the fuel depot, and someone runs over a mine I left, and boom, I am kicked for "camping the uncappable".  I wasn't camping, I spent 30 seconds in thier base.

I HATE these dumb server rules that change the play of the game.

As far as I can tell, they violate the ROE that says, for ALL RANKED SERVERS:

§1.5 Server administrators may not explicitly or implicitly (by actions) enforce restrictions on vehicles or weapons that players can use while on your server (e.g. knives only, aircraft prohibited except for clan members, etc.)

How is telling me I can't use a weapon in and uncappable base NOT a "restrictions on vehicles or weapons that players can use while on your server"?


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