This is just my point of view obviously but last night I was playing Kubra and I've just got into a tank and am rolling into a base to take it when an apache comes in low. Now I'm not a big fan of the heli mainly cos I can't fly so they're always killing me so this next bit fills me with a tremendous amount of joy. Our man comes in really low cos he sees me and he's about to send me to 15 second hell and I hit him with one shell and it's goodnight and its two kills for me and I actually think of having a party to celebrate.

Then this other time at band camp me and mi mate Reef were convoying it in an apc and a tank when a jet came in low to take him out and didn't see me behind him.....yeah baby took a jet out, with a tank. You guys and gals have probably done this sort of thing loads but for me it was a first!

Sometimes in amongst the swearing, the crying and the wanting to kill AgentDumpster cos he's convinced me to let him drive and taken us off another cliff.........I 'kin love this game.

So kids feel free to tell everyone about your favourite moments, don't be scared, there's alot of love here to give and we want to share it around.

dirtyepics wrote:

This is just my point of view obviously but last night I was playing Kubra and I've just got into a tank and am rolling into a base to take it when an apache comes in low. Now I'm not a big fan of the heli mainly cos I can't fly so they're always killing me so this next bit fills me with a tremendous amount of joy. Our man comes in really low cos he sees me and he's about to send me to 15 second hell and I hit him with one shell and it's goodnight and its two kills for me and I actually think of having a party to celebrate.

Then this other time at band camp me and mi mate Reef were convoying it in an apc and a tank when a jet came in low to take him out and didn't see me behind him.....yeah baby took a jet out, with a tank. You guys and gals have probably done this sort of thing loads but for me it was a first!

Sometimes in amongst the swearing, the crying and the wanting to kill AgentDumpster cos he's convinced me to let him drive and taken us off another cliff.........I 'kin love this game.

So kids feel free to tell everyone about your favourite moments, don't be scared, there's alot of love here to give and we want to share it around.
Nice one, never got a jet with a tank befor! always wanted to do that!
I bet the pilot feelt like: OMG, owned by a TANK??

One really great moment when i was playing: always hated the jets and choppetrs flying around and raping my tank. So, i was at Wake island and got killed by choppers most of the time. Was a bit pissed, so next time i got my eye on a attack chopper above the base, i spammed bullets at him with my MG36!
The chopper was a bit damaged so the gunner jumped out, the chopper exblowded and started falling down.
First the choppers wreck landed on another blackhawk that just came by, the blackhawk exblowded to!
The gunner from the attack chopper stole a jeep, and drived in my direction trying to run me over!
Then, bouth chopper wrecks that was falling hit the jeep and kills him to!
Whoa!! 7 kills! Thats a moment i will never forget!
That beats mine no question! )

dirtyepics wrote:

That beats mine no question! )
Was only pure luck tho! Never expected sutch a amazing result just by fireing a MG36 clip on the attack chopper!
Anyone could have done it if they where very lucky!
One of the coolest moments happened yesterday. I was in the blackhawk on the minigun and we passed the enemy transport chopper slightly below my side so I unload on the chopper as he fires back at us. I see 3 or 4 guys "bail out" of his chopper so I figure I hurt him a good bit. Then I noticed I had 4 names killed and those were the bodies falling out of the transport chopper! I hardly go airborne so  I didn't know the game lets you fall OUT of the helicopter when you died, so it provided a real interesting visual for me.
I think my best was a tank vs jet kill as well.

First time playing on a ranked server with a friend, we took the tank at the MEC base at kubra.  Heading up the right hand road over the dam my friend yells in vent - "fuck jet - bail out".  And proceeds to run his ass away from the tank. 

I calmly lead the jet, fire one round and gain a kill.  I was able to pass it off all casual in vent saying "get back in the tank you wuss" but I was super pumped.

Second best would be in an attack helo on a map I don't remember, I was lining up shots for my mate in vent to TV missle.  I passed over a tank too low, almost got hit (and emptied my pods w/o hitting anything but a single infantryman), and did a quick 180.  He rolled on across the bridge and behind some trees.  I held still while my mate fired his tv missle, bam, you got a driver kill assist. Four kills because as it turned out there was a jeep right beside the tank when the tv missle hit.  Felt all warm and fuzzy from teamwork.

Last edited by SupRspi (2006-02-09 11:31:44)


dirtyepics wrote:

This is just my point of view obviously but last night I was playing Kubra and I've just got into a tank and am rolling into a base to take it when an apache comes in low. Now I'm not a big fan of the heli mainly cos I can't fly so they're always killing me so this next bit fills me with a tremendous amount of joy. Our man comes in really low cos he sees me and he's about to send me to 15 second hell and I hit him with one shell and it's goodnight and its two kills for me and I actually think of having a party to celebrate.

Then this other time at band camp me and mi mate Reef were convoying it in an apc and a tank when a jet came in low to take him out and didn't see me behind him.....yeah baby took a jet out, with a tank. You guys and gals have probably done this sort of thing loads but for me it was a first!

Sometimes in amongst the swearing, the crying and the wanting to kill AgentDumpster cos he's convinced me to let him drive and taken us off another cliff.........I 'kin love this game.

So kids feel free to tell everyone about your favourite moments, don't be scared, there's alot of love here to give and we want to share it around.
Reminds me of a time on wake
ROund starts-I jump in J10-fly towards Island. See a tank, line up on bombing run  at 50 feet burniers full and he nails me in the face with a tank shell-beautiful shot. same gt got me later with an Eryx too from the ground when i stole the J10.
You feel so good when you have taken down 3 Black Hawk and they where full all the time without dieing once with the tank and thus making your team win on the map. ^_^
That's what I did on Mashtur City, I killed the Black Hawk with my lovely tank each time it came, sure it tried to kill me but it failed all the times. And I got some lovely score to ^_^

*sigh* Those rounds are rare.

I have also hit a plane with a tank when it flied past me from some distance with full speed on the demo map, though I only hurt it. >.<
+4|6704|Australia, Adelaide

Wargru wrote:

dirtyepics wrote:

This is just my point of view obviously but last night I was playing Kubra and I've just got into a tank and am rolling into a base to take it when an apache comes in low. Now I'm not a big fan of the heli mainly cos I can't fly so they're always killing me so this next bit fills me with a tremendous amount of joy. Our man comes in really low cos he sees me and he's about to send me to 15 second hell and I hit him with one shell and it's goodnight and its two kills for me and I actually think of having a party to celebrate.

Then this other time at band camp me and mi mate Reef were convoying it in an apc and a tank when a jet came in low to take him out and didn't see me behind him.....yeah baby took a jet out, with a tank. You guys and gals have probably done this sort of thing loads but for me it was a first!

Sometimes in amongst the swearing, the crying and the wanting to kill AgentDumpster cos he's convinced me to let him drive and taken us off another cliff.........I 'kin love this game.

So kids feel free to tell everyone about your favourite moments, don't be scared, there's alot of love here to give and we want to share it around.
Nice one, never got a jet with a tank befor! always wanted to do that!
I bet the pilot feelt like: OMG, owned by a TANK??

One really great moment when i was playing: always hated the jets and choppetrs flying around and raping my tank. So, i was at Wake island and got killed by choppers most of the time. Was a bit pissed, so next time i got my eye on a attack chopper above the base, i spammed bullets at him with my MG36!
The chopper was a bit damaged so the gunner jumped out, the chopper exblowded and started falling down.
First the choppers wreck landed on another blackhawk that just came by, the blackhawk exblowded to!
The gunner from the attack chopper stole a jeep, and drived in my direction trying to run me over!
Then, bouth chopper wrecks that was falling hit the jeep and kills him to!
Whoa!! 7 kills! Thats a moment i will never forget!
Man that is awesome, 7 DOMINOE / SNOWBALL kills!

Im a Helo TV missle addict and nothing has satified me as nailling Jet Pilots.
When theyre slow and repairing/reloading, but the best is just when they are cruising- on the hunt, and it leaves them completely gobsmacked. One guy changed teams and squaded up just so he could chat to me via VOIP; "yes, I did nail you with a TV missle, No it wasnt an accident...."
I have to agree, guiding a TV up a jet's ass is one of the toughest feats a chopper gunner can do. But, damn it feels good to take our your predator.
+8|6704|The Barbary Coast
I get a warm fuzzy feeling everytime I shoot down a chopper with my PKM.  Three blackhawks and a cobra so far.

I hate getting sniped by AT missiles though - damn them all to Hell
Heh, not too amazing but last last night on Gulf of Oman, I was sniping the MEC air base, I know, I'm a bastard. But anyway, I was in that tower. So I turn around when a supply drop comes to me and what do I find? Looks like a MEC sniper went up there to snipe some people, God knows who, and didn't even see me. It's pretty cramped on top of that tower so it was him and me with our legs basically overlapping. I went ahead and knifed him.

What happened next was interesting. He came back up wielding a DAO. For whatever reason, I was able to take him out with the pistol while he went nuts on me with his shotgun. Interesting day.
I killed a jet too ^^ (with a tank)

But my best shot was on a chopper in gulf of oman. I was in a tank in the MEC base and saw just a little smoking line in the sky, far far away. Aimed, Shot, Killed 2 People and got a new rank LOL! I loved this one ^^
Kick His Ass!
+371|6738|Howell, Mi USA
i think it's satisfying to kill a spec ops bastard who just planted C4 on your tank before he can detonate it.

That and shooting down jets with tanks is the ultimate pwnage, iv done it a couple times and it's the best
even when u don't kill the jet just damage it, it's funny to see them hit the afterburner and fly back to the airfield with it's tail between there legs. lol

Last edited by Cbass (2006-02-13 08:41:40)

YOUR mom goes to college
Two best moments for me...one old school and one new:

Old School:
Total luck on my part and a significant amount of stupidity on their parts.  I was playing Battlefiel 1942 (DC mod) for the first time at a friends.  I was in one of those arty tanks just hanging out on a hill.  Brand new to the game I didn't even know how to put arty on a requested target (with the spotters) I just thought it was a big slow tank.  Anyway, this attack chopper comes up right in front of me almost straight on.  I make a small adjustment and take a shot...two kills.  Almost immediately a jet comes straight at me, perfectly lined up, shoot and kill.  My friend was going nuts, I hardly realized what I had done.

New School:
On BF2, I'm running into a base to cap the flag and this chopper comes in.  It's smoking but all I've got is the engineers shotgun (PLA semi-auto) so I figure I'm done.  But why not unload a few rounds and help my accuracy right?  I get off about 3 shots and the chopper explodes, giving me credit for two kills.
Back in battle after 3-year break

Cbass wrote:

i think it's satisfying to kill a spec ops bastard who just planted C4 on your tank before he can detonate it.
I wouldn't mention it as "one of the most beatiful moments", but it's lot of fun, i agree. Especially if he's running backwards and you follow him slowly, to avoid the safe distance for him to pull the trigger... hehe... Sometimes, they run over half the battlefield and don't push that button, afraid of a suicide... or just stressed, because there is comin' a tank closer and closer.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6738|Howell, Mi USA
lol yea, and u see him switching c4 detonator over and over like u have him so pumped he doesn't know what to do.

oh and i was just saying thats fun. i think shooting jets with tanks is a beautiful moment.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-02-13 08:59:57)

Hi guys,

Nice experiences everybody.

I just have to share mine:

About a week back I was playing Dalian Plant on the PLA side. I was in a building and just captured a flag (the one south west from south docks). One US attack helicopter comes hovering just in front of the big doors, the helo is smoking promisingly and starts to slowly rotate towards the flag and me. Just as I start to grab my Eryx into action I see another US attack helicopter appear right next to the smoking one. I lie down to the ground, take my shot to the first and guide the missile to its target: the helo explodes and also takes out the second helo! One shot, two helicopters and four kills! That's absolutely the best moment in my BF2 experiences.

I had a big smile on my face, I really hate helicopters
sniping the pilot out of his attack chopper with the m95 is also a very good feeling (did it on iron gator twice last night)
Member since 1984
+113|6723|Denver, CO
^^ my best is also sniping a pilot, but out of a flying jet ... did the gunner in the attack chopper but never the pilot
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6726|Stillwater, Ok
My top few moments.

1.) Sniped a pilot out of the jet with 50 cal

2.) Killed a base raping JSF with the AT missile on wake

3.) Tank round right into an F-18 on its bombing run

4.) Hydra missiled a jet trying to shoot me down in Chopper.  That was so sweet watching him attempt to pull of but just a little to late.

5.) Plenty of TV missiles into tanks, choppers, and AT missiles into choppers.

Just goes to show that anything is possible with the right line up and approach.
+0|6780|Almere, Holland
Man last night I was on Wake.. and I had this real good pilot which let me do all the work So I used my tv guided.. first A tank, than the big z-8 chopper.. than I saw at the South point of the Island the z-10 zo i screamed chopper!! he turned around and he hit that sucker on the tail that he pointed me at the airfield I fired an missle to the airfield wham! took out the plane with a guy standin next to it.. totall i got like 7 kills in like 1 minute sooooo cool I ended the round with only 1 death
Funniest thing thats ever happen to me on bf2 with aircraft
There was this one time when we came out of the US main baase on Kubra in a black hawk (there was about 3 of us in it). A jet pilot thinks it would be a good idea to take us out by kamakaze, so he rams the back of us and we all die, but as the wrecage is ejected forwards, it smashes into an MEC attack chopper and it got destroyed too.

Well it was funny at the time.
Never shot a jet down with a tank before!!

Last edited by computermash (2006-02-13 10:11:35)

Back in battle after 3-year break
Punish C4 planters is fun, as I mentioned above...

So far, my best BF2 moment was a few days ago at Ghost Town. I was comin' in the round very late, spawned as  a Medic on SAS side, and takin' the pilot seat of the BH. Within seconds the BH was full and I lift of for a ride. About 5 minutes later the BH was blowin' in the air by the missiles of a Hind. In this 5 minutes I was getting 38 team points for kill assists, healing, capturing flags and driver ability!

For me, this was amazing, because I don't have so many flight hours in choppers. Unfortunatly, the round was over about a minute after the BH was history. Hehe...it was nice... kills: 0, deaths: 1, team score: 38.

Last edited by [FB]Eraser (2006-02-14 01:01:54)

+14|6716|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
once was on wake island took a boat from the arty to the north cp and saw a cobra(stolen from our carrier) capping the flag. so i ran up underneath planted some c4 and boom. kinda funny to see the the C-4...WTFs coming up on the screen after that plus the knowlage that our cobra would be back on our side.

The second was on Sharqi. i was playing commander and i had just got done fixing the sattelite when a cobra came in and started laying waste to the area. pulled out my jackhammer and figured why not pump out a few since im dead anyways. took out just the pilot. wierd huh then the chopper rolls into a tree and kills the gunner +2 for the commander.

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