Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

usmarine2005 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Sudan has fought international help all along. It makes you wonder how deep the corruption is.
Reminds me of the oil for food and the corrupt fucker coffee airhead or whatever his name was.

I think we all know the only real solution.  But nobody has the balls to do it.
It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence... kinda like this thread.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence.
Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
Cowboy from Hell

usmarine2005 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence.
Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
Maybe that's the solution.
GunSlinger OIF II

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Did you read anything of what I wrote?  I don't give a fuck if you disagree with me.  If I say you are wrong it doesn't mean I want you to agree with me.  I get into a tantrym whenever someone calls me names because of what I post.
you are a grown up serge, you shouldnt get into tantrums
I said it in the other thread I don't behave so...
didnt catch it.

Kmarion wrote:

Unfortunately they are both putting me in a situation.
so lets get back on the topic at hand.  I would rather go into the motivation behind this protest, particularly the OP's

Serge, what have you done for the crisis in Darfur outside of making threads on video game forums?  I am honestly expecting you to have done something.
GunSlinger OIF II

sergeriver wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence.
Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
Maybe that's the solution.
so then you would support an invasion?
+3,611|6907|London, England

sergeriver wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence.
Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
Maybe that's the solution.
Wipe who out. We all know you can't just go in somewhere and wipe out terrorists or guerrillas.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

usmarine2005 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's a no win to be honest. Unless there is a permanent presence.
Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
It is difficult for me to accept more dead US soldiers for a temporary and unappreciated peace.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Wipe who out. We all know you can't just go in somewhere and wipe out terrorists or guerrillas.
Actually over there it is pretty simple to tell.  When I was over there,  there was no doubt who was who.  But, Bubba would not let us do anything except deliver food and medicine.  Which we all knew would not go to those who needed it.
Cowboy from Hell

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Serge, what have you done for the crisis in Darfur outside of making threads on video game forums?  I am honestly expecting you to have done something.
Nothing, I didn't give any money because it would be lost in the way, I'm just voicing my concern.  Not to feel good about myself and clean my conscience, but to spread the message.  If someone with the power listens...who knows?


Yes, the situation in Darfur is bad, people are getting killed around the world at an alarming rate, and we sit here and talk about it in between meals and videogames.

What should we do?  Protest to our elected officials?  Send money to a humanitarian aid organization?  Go there ourselves and try to talk them out of it?
Maybe the rest of europe could pull their heads out of their asses and help the africans for once? Maybe send a few troops? I know of a few former soviet bloc eastern european nato nations would love to prove their might against a former enemy by fighting a few easy to win wars if it will get them respect and diplomatic ties with the new government they will install.

EDIT: Believe me Poland, Hungary, Romania,  Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech republic, And Lithuania. Would love to show Putin not to fuck with them(Mainly because we're all bitter and distrust them after the shit they did to us from 1946-1991)

Last edited by David.P (2008-01-16 16:29:15)

Cowboy from Hell

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Well that would cause a whole other mess.  At least go in, wipe these fuckers out, and give these people a fresh start.  If peace only lasts for 5 years, at least they had that.
Maybe that's the solution.
so then you would support an invasion?
I don't know really, I'm not expert on military issues.  You guys are, what I know is something must be done.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

Serge it would almost require a forced presence. The government of Sudan has resisted any foreign help. I believe they are a good portion of the problem.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
GunSlinger OIF II
this is what Im talking about.  If more people actually cared enough to do something other than talk, maybe something would have been done.  but this shit has been going on for years.   and the loudest protest hasnt stopped it.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

this is what Im talking about.  If more people actually cared enough to do something other than talk, maybe something would have been done.  but this shit has been going on for years.   and the loudest protest hasnt stopped it.
well at least celebs got some face time because of it...
Let's add it to the list:

Northwest Frontier Provinces, Pakistan
Western Colombia
Western Sahara
Sri Lanka
Mindanao, The Phillipines

Sorry Serge but I say 'fuck military intervention in non-western affairs'.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

We are fighting decades of absolute brutality with "sharply worded statements."
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+5,233|6815|Global Command
Sorry, gotta step in the very eye of this storm with both barrels;

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Help how exactly? I want specifics.
The least we can do is not to remain silent.
save the melodramatics.  there is protest everywhere in the world.  we've checked that box already.  next?

things like "save darfur" bother.  Are people so vocal about this issue because they really want it to end, or are they just concerned with how good it feels for themselves to voice their opinion.
Melodramatics?  Now you are being an asshole, man.  I'm very concerned about Darfur, Somalia, Palestine, Haiti, etc, and not because I feel good about myself for saying this.  When I criticize Israel it's why don't you talk about Africa.  Give me a break.
Alright Serge, this cannot go unaddressed; you called him an asshole, and there isn't one half of a half a reason why you should have.

I could see this turning into a pack of wolves directed at you, as in this case you crossed the line, without merit, and you should be ashamed.

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

save the melodramatics.  there is protest everywhere in the world.  we've checked that box already.  next?

things like "save darfur" bother.  Are people so vocal about this issue because they really want it to end, or are they just concerned with how good it feels for themselves to voice their opinion.
Melodramatics?  Now you are being an asshole, man.  I'm very concerned about Darfur, Somalia, Palestine, Haiti, etc, and not because I feel good about myself for saying this.  When I criticize Israel it's why don't you talk about Africa.  Give me a break.
mad?  i didnt call you an asshole.
I'd prefer that.  You just called me a melodramatic hypocrite and I ain't that.
Oh geez man, pick your battles wisely. Mind your tone, HOF'r.

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

reread my post and point out exactly where I called you a hypocrite, please.  but yes, you are quite melodramatic.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Are people so vocal about this issue because they really want it to end, or are they just concerned with how good it feels for themselves to voice their opinion.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

People who really are concerned dont let this shit draw out the way it.  its week, its a cop out and I doubt most people who say they care actually do.
Hey buddy, youre the one who associated yourself with the second one, not me.
What's the point of making such a blatant comment when I posted a sincere thread about what I feel about this conflict?
You are using sincerity as an excuse for melodramatics here.

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

There are a few people who have recently made this section extremely unpleasant. I'm not going to warn anymore. They will not continue to ruin it for everyone else.
I don't know what the fuck they want from me.  I can't post anything without being bashed.
Oh please.

sergeriver wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Quote the whole thing.  If you don't have anything smart to say then don't say anything at all.
Id rather emphasize the fact that my point was proven.  You see, I said,

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Debate means more than just Serge's opinion and the wrong opinion.
I wanted to show how you started your post with "You are wrong"  and how you ended it with "fuck this thread".  Proving my point on how you  get into a tantrum whenever someone disagrees with you.
Did you read anything of what I wrote? I don't give a fuck if you disagree with me. If I say you are wrong it doesn't mean I want you to agree with me.  I get into a tantrym whenever someone calls me names because of what I post.
Then why bother typing?
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

Serge it would almost require a forced presence. The government of Sudan has resisted any foreign help. I believe they are a good portion of the problem.
Yes , I know that.  That is the problem.  There's no a simple solution here.  I find this to be a terrible waste of lives (I'm not being melodramatic, lol) and the people with the power to do something at least overlooked this conflict.  The 26k UN peacekeepers won't make the difference.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-01-16 16:32:31)

GunSlinger OIF II
anything done would be seen as wrong.  military intervention will only be protested.  it will be seen as another assault on the muslim world.  and Id expect a lot of people posting about how bad the UN (no doubt with a majority US force) is for interfering.  Besides, China got their back no?

sergeriver wrote:

Is this what we do?  Are we that bad?  These kids deserve to have a childhood.  What are we doing for them?  Let's give them the chance.  Let's not forget this, our silence is the biggest crime.
Is this what we do?  Nope

Are we that bad? Who? Me? You? the Forums? I'm pretty sure everybody oustide of Darfur isn't to blame.

These Kids deserve to have a childhood.  They sure do.

Lets give them a the chance. How? Money? Military Action? Nuclear War? 

Let's not forget this, our silence is the biggest crime?  I hate to be an asshole but I can barely take care of myself and my son.  My Son first, Me. family.. Darfur is somewhere on the list next to saving the earth worm from extinction.

Sorry Serge, but I do have to say this is just a bit melodramatic for my taste (and GS obviously)  you may not think its melodramatic but I sure as hell do, when you're jumping up and down screaming about some country that still lives in mud huts and bathes in their own drinking water. Remember all do you did was post a video with a terrible rock soundtrack and a few words that make it seem in my eyes that the pain and suffering in Darfur is my fault and I have the power to stop it.
It'll just be our little secret
i didn't read through the 4 pages,but i think we should just let them deal with it themselves.i know i sound like a dick,but honestly we aren't helping them.most of the provisions we try to send to them are intercepted by various warring groups,so it doesn't even make it to the people that need it.besides,look at where our "help" has gotten Iraq.we need to focus on our own country before we go around helping the rest of the world.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

Sorry Serge but I say 'fuck military intervention in non-western affairs'.
For a lasting peace to occur the local populace must respect it. They only way they will respect it is if they earn it themselves. For civilization to evolve they must struggle and fight their own battles. This is not to say we can't support them other ways. But the ground work has to be done by those who desire change the most.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
GunSlinger OIF II
what kills me the most is the same people protesting American presence in Iraq are demanding intervention in Darfur.

Kmarion wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Sorry Serge but I say 'fuck military intervention in non-western affairs'.
For a lasting peace to occur the local populace must respect it. They only way they will respect it is if they earn it themselves. For civilization to evolve they must struggle and fight their own battles. This is not to say we can't support them other ways. But the ground work has to be done by those who desire change the most.
That's what I've always said.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6886|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Sorry Serge but I say 'fuck military intervention in non-western affairs'.
For a lasting peace to occur the local populace must respect it. They only way they will respect it is if they earn it themselves. For civilization to evolve they must struggle and fight their own battles. This is not to say we can't support them other ways. But the ground work has to be done by those who desire change the most.
That's what I've always said.
I know. Just reiterating the point.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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