Served and Out
+642|6707|Southampton, UK

They used to do at our school:

50p Hotdog
40p Iced Bun
40p Gingerbread man
40p - £1 Vary of drinks
20p Pack of 3 biscuits (some packs were bourbons)
Sanwiches - White bread, ham, cheese, chicken, salad etc.

Hotdog = 90p
Iced Bun = 50p
Gingerbread man: Not sold
40p - £1.20 Vary of drinks
Biscuits: Not sold
Pack of veg (like the happy meal McD's shit) 40p
Sandwiches: ALL brown bread, ALL sandiwches have salad.

Everyone spends money on shit in the shop on way to school, or goes down there at lunch.

Last edited by naightknifar (2008-01-12 03:09:30)

+72|6733|Chelmsford, UK

kylef wrote:

Many of you (at least UKers!) will know of the sheer hell on earth that is in the form of a man: Jamie Oliver.

So much for free choice! My school has adapted (and has now for over a year) to the "Jamie policy" in that:

crisps = no
fizzy drinks = no
general unhealthy food = no

After my school took away what they must of made a lot of profit on as almost everyone who went to the dining hall to buy something bought something nice (ie unhealthy), they replaced with "so-called" healthy food and drink that isn't healthy at all. Fruit juice that has such a high sugar and carbohydrate content it makes Coke look really healthy.

Now, after tonight's ordeal, he's using "scare tactics" to alert the UK about what sort of chickens they buy. You pay £1 for the chicken and the chicken gets 25% more space and 49% less chance of mortality. No thanks. First of all, out of sole personal belief, I don't believe chickens have a "mind" as such. (another tale, another time) - imagine if you gave that £1 to charity instead. Over a year, it is estimated now that Britain will spend an extra £800 million on these chickens. Imagine what that £800 million will do for third world countries! And frankly, this guy is to blame.

Anyone else in the same mindset? I really hate this guy! I'm not fat, I eat in moderation, but when I'm not even given the choice now it makes me feel betrayed. I thought free choice was something I was allowed. Guess not!

(Note: this is not a rant about my school. I can justify perfectly why they did it. I'm more annoyed with Mr. Oliver)
agree, Jamie oliver is a dick. lukily i have a lot of shops near my college
i hate you all
I think he is a hero
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
If you didn't go to an English school then you really don't know what you're talking about. Having to spend 20 minutes of a half an hour dinner time to go to the nearest Chippy/Shop is fucking stupid.

Fuck you Oliver.

SamTheMan:D wrote:

Although these days, thanks to the awesome location of my college, theres a bargain booze, 3 take aways and a McDonalds all with in a 15 minute walk
Wow, that's not much. There are like 10 pitta bars, 4 pizzerias and 6 places where you can get a larger range of deep fried food than McDonalds will ever have around here. That's all in 5 minute walk from my department of university. And still there aren't too many fat people around here, oddly enough.
mostly afk
+480|6696|CH/BR - in UK

My school got rid of all the good-tasting food we had. Now we have watered down juices, tasteless cookies and crumbling muffins... Those were the only things worth eating. If they wanted to make it healthier, they could stop frying everything in litres of grease...

+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Snorkelfarsan wrote:

I think what Jamie oliver has done i the schools in Brittain is great! But kids don't get that, they just wanna eat their disgusting fried chicken or whatever the shit is that makes them fat... You should thank him!
I'll thank him when he dies. Fried Chicken isn't disgusting, if I want to eat it I fucking will. I shit all over Salads, Bottled water and Jacket potatoes.

I've said it all before in the thread I made. It got deleted but the support was a lot better. This is full of people that enjoy having their choices taken away.

Cheer when they ban beer as well in public places, or when they close down Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King. Then you call all wallow in your 5 a day 2 litres of water lifestyle. Have fun.

Last edited by jord (2008-01-12 06:58:52)

Say wat!?

jord wrote:

Cheer when they ban beer as well in public places, or when they close down Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King. Then you call all wallow in your 5 a day 2 litres of water lifestyle. Have fun.
Lol... u cant drink beer on the street anyway. It hasnt been legal for years. Cant wait for them to close down Mcdonalds and other such shit. Has nothing to do with 5 a day or 2 litres of water, i eat incredibly unbalanced diet, but all of it is NICE food. Not shit on a plate with some grease.
Commie Killer

Vilham wrote:

Commie ur account sounds stupid as your school was already servering what sounds like reasonable food. In British schools they literally just served the shitest processed food ever. People that have been used to shit food all there lives moaned about the change, I fucking cheered.
Thank you for your wonderful insight. Dick face.
Commie Killer

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

Cheer when they ban beer as well in public places, or when they close down Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King. Then you call all wallow in your 5 a day 2 litres of water lifestyle. Have fun.
Lol... u cant drink beer on the street anyway. It hasnt been legal for years. Cant wait for them to close down Mcdonalds and other such shit. Has nothing to do with 5 a day or 2 litres of water, i eat incredibly unbalanced diet, but all of it is NICE food. Not shit on a plate with some grease.
I say most of us DO NOT eat the shit on a plate with grease. Stop making assumptions.

Last edited by Commie Killer (2008-01-12 09:03:47)

Some people derive some serious superiority complexes from their diet.

My school basically did the same thing because of my best friend's mom.  Am I mad at her?  No.  I can just bring that shit from home.

But really, all she got removed was sodas and sugary food, like Pop Tarts.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
BC2 plat: CG, GL, M60, Mortar, Knife
Yeah, he is a lame food nazi.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

Cheer when they ban beer as well in public places, or when they close down Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King. Then you call all wallow in your 5 a day 2 litres of water lifestyle. Have fun.
Lol... u cant drink beer on the street anyway. It hasnt been legal for years. Cant wait for them to close down Mcdonalds and other such shit. Has nothing to do with 5 a day or 2 litres of water, i eat incredibly unbalanced diet, but all of it is NICE food. Not shit on a plate with some grease.
If it tastes nice it is nice. I'm not fat and I eat Mcdonalds on a weekly basis. But if I do want to be fat I fucking will be. Life choices For the win.
You kids are fucking high. When I was in school (graduated in 1986 before most of you were born) we didn't have potato chips (I'm guessing these are what you call crisps), Cokes, snack cakes or any of that kind of shit. We had scuzzy frozen crap that was heated up by some moustachioed fat bitch and slung on a plate like so much gruel. We damned sure didn't have vending machines of any sort...

You don't know how good you have it these days when it comes to food and choices.

We did get to smoke on campus though. Ahhh the good old days.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Dersmikner wrote:

You kids are fucking high. When I was in school (graduated in 1986 before most of you were born) we didn't have potato chips (I'm guessing these are what you call crisps), Cokes, snack cakes or any of that kind of shit. We had scuzzy frozen crap that was heated up by some moustachioed fat bitch and slung on a plate like so much gruel. We damned sure didn't have vending machines of any sort...

You don't know how good you have it these days when it comes to food and choices.

We did get to smoke on campus though. Ahhh the good old days.
This is about UK schools. Cya later Alligator.
Say wat!?

Commie Killer wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Commie ur account sounds stupid as your school was already servering what sounds like reasonable food. In British schools they literally just served the shitest processed food ever. People that have been used to shit food all there lives moaned about the change, I fucking cheered.
Thank you for your wonderful insight. Dick face.
Yeah good one commie, i support your view that it was a ridiculous decision to change ur food and u flame.

You tie with mintsauce for the biggest douche in the universe award.
+3,936|6646|so randum
I eat pretty healthy anyway, but if im craving chips or something at school, i just walk to the chippy.

6th form ftw


Or just go for a pub lunch. Nothing nicer than a steak sandwich + Guinness in the middle of the school day

Last edited by FatherTed (2008-01-12 10:55:03)

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
BC2 plat: CG, GL, M60, Mortar, Knife
In Soviet Russia, food olivers you. (I fail)

Anyway, not that I care, out of school already, but I hated that damn TV series of him cooking stuff and making parties with some bribed people who said: Ooooh this octopus with this sick combination is very cool!

Last edited by Nordemus (2008-01-12 12:28:36)

+877|6107|Washington DC
For like 5 years my school had bad food. Not only was it made with who knows how many preservatives and artificial ingredients, but it tasted pretty bad most of the time. Finally we got a new lunch supplier and it's so much better. We still get real meals (burgers, mac 'n' cheese with baked chicken tenders) and salads but they taste much better because they're organic, natural, free-range etc. Last school year there were plenty of times where I'd have to make a sandwich from the salad / cold food bar... I've only done it three times or so this year cause the food is so damn good.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

HurricaИe wrote:

For like 5 years my school had bad food. Not only was it made with who knows how many preservatives and artificial ingredients, but it tasted pretty bad most of the time. Finally we got a new lunch supplier and it's so much better. We still get real meals (burgers, mac 'n' cheese with baked chicken tenders) and salads but they taste much better because they're organic, natural, free-range etc. Last school year there were plenty of times where I'd have to make a sandwich from the salad / cold food bar... I've only done it three times or so this year cause the food is so damn good.
Lucky you. I'm glad I finished school when I did. I couldn't do another year of wasting my dinners walking out of school to get some nice food.
+60|6804|South West England
Boo fucking Hoo?
Seriously, you may not like it but he is right, the shit schools put out at the moment is horrible stuff and isn't exactly good for you to be working on or growing with, if your so insistent on having a bottle of coke/ packet of crisps/ chocolate bar for your lunch then go to the shops
+75|6628|Birmingham UK
ur'll get fat soon kyle.....eatin all tht shit.. my skwl did tht an since ive become so much fitter long term its alot btter
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

02fxnmaurer wrote:

ur'll get fat soon kyle.....eatin all tht shit.. my skwl did tht an since ive become so much fitter long term its alot btter
Yeah my school got fitter as well walking to the shops and the takeaways.

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