because a uav jammer+ silenced Sniper rifle, would over power the sniper.. range is not an issue, youll turn the game into a sniper fest especially if its in the overgrown map.Bernadictus wrote:
Why would they be overpowered? On Hardcore, you can hear the gun, but that is about it. SO why not introduce the Silenced M21?Aries_37 wrote:
Silenced sniper rifles would be overpowered so it was a good move to leave them out
Silencing actually de-powers a rifle. It's range is reduced.
lol, i even just lay down in corners and if ur lucky ppl think ur grass... just about long enough for you 2 shoot them in the facehaffeysucks wrote:
Yeah, really. Kmal ran past me today while I was prone in a tiny patch of grass.mtb0minime wrote:
Dude you get a ghille suit if you're a sniper
And am I the only one really pleased with how good the ghille suits work? In BF2 they're terrible (from my experiences), but in CoD4, I can crawl around everywhere without being seen. I've even been able to rack up many kills by just going prone in a patch of grass and waiting for enemies to run by. They seriously don't see me from just a meter away!
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
HAHA yah that would be awesomeJohnny_Extremer wrote:
Or a gold one hahahaha.Backupwayback wrote:
what about changing color of chillie suit
red tiger ghillie suit muhahaha
stick out so abdly lol
make it super hard though
every challenge done adn get golden ghillie camo
You can actually customize your suit and can have a ghillie camo soldier in the game 'Joint Ops' I only wish they could allow you do have a bit more variation in CoD4 =/.
Yeah, again, today, I went prone next to that forked tree on Downpour to take out the enemy on the MG. But then I saw like 500000 red dots on my UAV on my position, so I just stayed prone and still. I don't even have UAV jammer, but they all walked past me. Finally, I knifed one of them, took his SAW, and started opening fire from behind them. They didn't even know what hit them.presidentsheep wrote:
lol, i even just lay down in corners and if ur lucky ppl think ur grass... just about long enough for you 2 shoot them in the facehaffeysucks wrote:
Yeah, really. Kmal ran past me today while I was prone in a tiny patch of grass.mtb0minime wrote:
Dude you get a ghille suit if you're a sniper
And am I the only one really pleased with how good the ghille suits work? In BF2 they're terrible (from my experiences), but in CoD4, I can crawl around everywhere without being seen. I've even been able to rack up many kills by just going prone in a patch of grass and waiting for enemies to run by. They seriously don't see me from just a meter away!
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
and if u press the use button while taking damage u turn into solid gold and take no damage =PJohnny_Extremer wrote:
Or a gold one hahahaha.Backupwayback wrote:
what about changing color of chillie suit
red tiger ghillie suit muhahaha
stick out so abdly lol
Wrong!T.Pike wrote:
In MP the only Spetsnaz and US Woodland get Ghillie suits if you look at the Brady guide page 27.
Did you forget about the single greatest camo map which happens to be SAS vs Spetz? Overgrown!