Oh i thought it was not allowed to have ff-off servers as ranked. Hmm, i guess ea should change that.
Well said Adam, I agree with you but we have to go by the ROE and hope that EA will wake up to the other problems and actually document them.
I dont see the issue with it if its an FF off server. Spawn as spec ops get up there and knife them in the back stop bitching and play the game. I dont think c4 jumping is a glitch or exploit either tbh, anyone can do it if the FF is off, its not like the one to get inside buildings which is a glitch.

Chowley wrote:

I dont see the issue with it if its an FF off server. Spawn as spec ops get up there and knife them in the back stop bitching and play the game. I dont think c4 jumping is a glitch or exploit either tbh, anyone can do it if the FF is off, its not like the one to get inside buildings which is a glitch.
What's next? Start downloading hacks to combat those that cheat? Plain and simple, its an exploit. Do you think Dice/Digital Illusions PLANNED for people to reach inaccessable areas by exploding themselves? No. It's extremely unrealistic, and its exploiting a bug.

PLUS not everyone knows that it is a bug. If only 500 out of 1,000,000 players know, not many can "knife them in the back" to begin with. It's a matter of unfair advantage. The guy that was on the Hotel roof...Could drop nades down on people trying to capp the flag. There is little one can do to prevent that, unless you happen to know the bug, and happen to be Spec Ops.

Last edited by Cyberwolf (2006-02-12 10:40:59)

Have you ever played on a server with FF off, i went to C4 a tank and an APC next to one another, about to blow em up knowing i would kill myself, BOOM

You dont die, thats glitching and should not be allowed on ranked servers, specops is the only way to go if FF is off and that can only be fixed by the programmers.

Last edited by RandomZer0 (2006-02-12 10:43:36)

I remember when nade jumping became a plague in Hue in bfv. Dice solved it by nerfing the catapulting effect. They could do the same here IMO.
whats the wrong in being ontop of a building? they arent in a 100% cover from fire and they cant see through walls in there.... I dont even understand why you make it such a big deal about if someone else plays with different tactics than you.
If i ever see someone glitching (which i've seen a lot),
i dont go crying to some gaming forums that someone used unfair advantages over everyone else on the server.
U know, even using tank is a unfair advantage over any infantries in this game.
And why in the hell EA would ban peoples cd-keys if they use cheats?
Its just a game for gods sake. They didnt give any warnings about cheating in other games such as bf1942 etc. for "using exploits is banned thing and if u do that then your account will be deleted!"
C'mon EA, people are not doing any illegal, they are not stealing, u cant get money by being "good" in this game, so i wonder why so many stupid rules everywhere I go. Even though the ranking system saves you results by gameplay. People have paid for this game, let 'em play it like the way they want. If someone doesnt like the way they play, he/she can always switch for another server! To put it simply: STOP CRYING ABOUT EVERY THING IN THIS GAME, IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY TO IT THEN YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY!

Last edited by FrEaK (2006-02-12 10:46:19)


RandomZer0 wrote:

Have you ever played on a server with FF off, i went to C4 a tank and an APC next to one another, about to blow em up knowing i would kill myself, BOOM

All of a sudden you are hundreds of feet in the air, pull your chute so you dont die and land, maybe on a building top.  If level designers dont want you to go someplace its called a death volume, and should be put in to combat this.
98% of the Ranked Servers have FF On. FF Off should be a violation on all Ranked Servers.

It all boils down to 1) Unfair Advantages by exploiting something not all players are aware of and 2) Doing something unintended or that wasnt anticipated by the programmers. Such as point blank nading, extreme homo hopping and dolphin diving. Which Dice explained not only was due to player feedback, but as not intended in the original design.

Last edited by Cyberwolf (2006-02-12 10:48:13)


FrEaK wrote:

whats the wrong in being ontop of a building? they arent in a 100% cover from fire and they cant see through walls in there.... I dont even understand why you make it such a big deal about if someone else plays with different tactics than you.
If i ever see someone glitching (which i've seen a lot),
i dont go crying to some gaming forums that someone used unfair advantages over everyone else on the server.
U know, even using tank is a unfair advantage over any infantries in this game.
And why in the hell EA would ban peoples cd-keys if they use cheats?
Its just a game for gods sake. They didnt give any warnings about cheating in other games such as bf1942 etc. for "using exploits is banned thing and if u do that then your account will be deleted!"
C'mon EA, people are not doing any illegal, they are not stealing, u cant get money by being "good" in this game, so i wonder why so many stupid rules everywhere where I go.
people have paid for this game, let 'em play it like the way they want. If someone doesnt like the way they play, he/she can always switch for another server! To put it simply: STOP CRYING ABOUT EVERY THING IN THIS GAME, IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY TO IT THEN YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY!
Typical Euro Trash. This isn't complaining douchebag. It's called making others aware of users exploiting bugs in the game. Plain and simple. If your not happy with my post...Go play hide and go fuck yourself.

Cyberwolf wrote:

98% of the Ranked Servers have FF On. FF Off should be a violation on all Ranked Servers.
Agreed it should be but it IS NOT currently a violation.

Cyberwolf wrote:

FrEaK wrote:

whats the wrong in being ontop of a building? they arent in a 100% cover from fire and they cant see through walls in there.... I dont even understand why you make it such a big deal about if someone else plays with different tactics than you.
If i ever see someone glitching (which i've seen a lot),
i dont go crying to some gaming forums that someone used unfair advantages over everyone else on the server.
U know, even using tank is a unfair advantage over any infantries in this game.
And why in the hell EA would ban peoples cd-keys if they use cheats?
Its just a game for gods sake. They didnt give any warnings about cheating in other games such as bf1942 etc. for "using exploits is banned thing and if u do that then your account will be deleted!"
C'mon EA, people are not doing any illegal, they are not stealing, u cant get money by being "good" in this game, so i wonder why so many stupid rules everywhere where I go.
people have paid for this game, let 'em play it like the way they want. If someone doesnt like the way they play, he/she can always switch for another server! To put it simply: STOP CRYING ABOUT EVERY THING IN THIS GAME, IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY TO IT THEN YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY!
Typical Euro Trash. This isn't complaining douchebag. It's called making others aware of users exploiting bugs in the game. Plain and simple. If your not happy with my post...Go play hide and go fuck yourself.
Noob! Just what I was talking about: Why do you want to: "Make others aware of users exploiting....etc"
I dont personally care if someone is cheating...
+0|6779|Almere, Holland

RandomZer0 wrote:

Have you ever played on a server with FF off, i went to C4 a tank and an APC next to one another, about to blow em up knowing i would kill myself, BOOM

You dont die, thats glitching and should not be allowed on ranked servers, specops is the only way to go if FF is off and that can only be fixed by the programmers.
Thats so cool once found such a server in pre -1.03 so cool But it has an disadavantage u can get to unreachable places but an advantage it that m95 whore bitches dont camp u out of the Chopper/Plane

FrEaK wrote:

Cyberwolf wrote:

FrEaK wrote:

whats the wrong in being ontop of a building? they arent in a 100% cover from fire and they cant see through walls in there.... I dont even understand why you make it such a big deal about if someone else plays with different tactics than you.
If i ever see someone glitching (which i've seen a lot),
i dont go crying to some gaming forums that someone used unfair advantages over everyone else on the server.
U know, even using tank is a unfair advantage over any infantries in this game.
And why in the hell EA would ban peoples cd-keys if they use cheats?
Its just a game for gods sake. They didnt give any warnings about cheating in other games such as bf1942 etc. for "using exploits is banned thing and if u do that then your account will be deleted!"
C'mon EA, people are not doing any illegal, they are not stealing, u cant get money by being "good" in this game, so i wonder why so many stupid rules everywhere where I go.
people have paid for this game, let 'em play it like the way they want. If someone doesnt like the way they play, he/she can always switch for another server! To put it simply: STOP CRYING ABOUT EVERY THING IN THIS GAME, IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY TO IT THEN YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY!
Typical Euro Trash. This isn't complaining douchebag. It's called making others aware of users exploiting bugs in the game. Plain and simple. If your not happy with my post...Go play hide and go fuck yourself.
Noob! Just what I was talking about: Why do you want to: "Make others aware of users exploiting....etc"
I dont personally care if someone is cheating...
If you don't care...Then pass on by and keep your trap shut. It's called common sense. Try using it for once in your life. By the way...The term "noob" is way over used, and is typically said by those players lacking skill and intelligence. Try coming up with your own virtual slander...Don't borrow over used sayings to mask your ignorance.
The one next to hotel is easily accessable just run on the rail... jump... WALLAH!..... magic
here's a thought put ff on, problem solved.. can't get up there.. YES they exploited but if ur so hot about it turn ff off?! this gets rid of 99% of the glitching we find

edit : oh and freak u CAN see thru the walls up there its totaly invulnerable if u go inside it so stfu

Last edited by SuB (2006-02-12 11:21:47)

My way or Haddaway!
+212|6728|Espoo, Finland
Cyberwolf, why are you playing this game?
I think you're taking it a little bit too seriously. It's a freaking game man!

Why can't you let people play like they play? You wanto report them because they kicked your ass? If you do, then you're just pathentic. I think your pathentic anyway though.

Go play the game and don't moan about how others play or playing games is not meant for you...
Using hacks is bad but doing what the game allows you to do is not. If you don't want to see people on top of buildings, go to a FF ON server!
Get out of MY JET!!!
are you dumb?

why is getting on the roof by c4-jumping glitch?

do you even know the definition of glitch?
is drunk and crazy

Cyberwolf wrote:

wrath2210 wrote:

Was Ff Off?
I don't recall. I don't make a habit out of team killing people. It doesn't matter if FF is off or not. It's an exploit either way. Any type of explosive jumping goes outside of what the designers intended.
You're such a cry baby
You all need to go out and get laid.

Cyberwolf wrote:

Chowley wrote:

I dont see the issue with it if its an FF off server. Spawn as spec ops get up there and knife them in the back stop bitching and play the game. I dont think c4 jumping is a glitch or exploit either tbh, anyone can do it if the FF is off, its not like the one to get inside buildings which is a glitch.
What's next? Start downloading hacks to combat those that cheat? Plain and simple, its an exploit. Do you think Dice/Digital Illusions PLANNED for people to reach inaccessable areas by exploding themselves? No. It's extremely unrealistic, and its exploiting a bug.

PLUS not everyone knows that it is a bug. If only 500 out of 1,000,000 players know, not many can "knife them in the back" to begin with. It's a matter of unfair advantage. The guy that was on the Hotel roof...Could drop nades down on people trying to capp the flag. There is little one can do to prevent that, unless you happen to know the bug, and happen to be Spec Ops.
Its nowhere near in the same league as a hack your making a retardedly big deal of it, did you get owned by them ? Get over it. FF off is not a glitch, C4 making you fly in the air is not a glitch. The guys used their brains it might be lame but its not an exploit and its easy to combat. If you are so opposed to it that you wont get up on the roof and stab them, find an angle you can shoot them from or call an arty on them. I have seen this plenty of times and cant see how you class it as an exploit or get so worked up. You know what is worse than these guys on a roof dropping nades on the flag you try to cap, its c4 around a flag and some guy hiding waiting to detonate, you cant get the flag neutral unless hes an idiot sitting right next to it.

Last edited by Chowley (2006-02-12 12:55:02)


Cyberwolf wrote:

RandomZer0 wrote:

Have you ever played on a server with FF off, i went to C4 a tank and an APC next to one another, about to blow em up knowing i would kill myself, BOOM

All of a sudden you are hundreds of feet in the air, pull your chute so you dont die and land, maybe on a building top.  If level designers dont want you to go someplace its called a death volume, and should be put in to combat this.
98% of the Ranked Servers have FF On. FF Off should be a violation on all Ranked Servers.

It all boils down to 1) Unfair Advantages by exploiting something not all players are aware of and 2) Doing something unintended or that wasnt anticipated by the programmers. Such as point blank nading, extreme homo hopping and dolphin diving. Which Dice explained not only was due to player feedback, but as not intended in the original design.
There are players that are not aware that the supply boxes repair assets. Are you exploiting when you use that? There are players who are not aware how to use a TV missile on a chopper, are you exploiting when you use it? There are players that are not aware that you can detonate at mines with grenades, are you exploting when you do that?

Dont use ignorance to class it as an exploit please.

Friendly fire servers are available to all, until dice stop them stop complaining. I have played on them, all the players on the server are playing by the same rules, its a more relaxed game some like it some dont.
Thread starter is such a damn crybaby! Its not like they were invincible up there. I would have whiped out my m95 and made short work of all of them. It isnt even like they were getting an amzing score from doing it! How old are you like 16?
Cyberwolf how often do you push the send buttom? You stand for more than half of the post in this topic on both pages. Or this forum need to be fixed because I saw you before having multipy post in a row

Though havn't seen people do this and I'm glad about that. And using C4 to get on top of a building would be an exploit.

Last edited by Zukabazuka (2006-02-12 14:49:01)

"Glitching inside buildings is against the new ROE http://www.bf2rankedservers.com/forums/ … .php?t=251 but they mention nothing about getting on top of buildings.  I think the worst change is commander rule, I'm all for commander not driving but why shouldnt they be able to ride as passenger in an APC.  Not anymore.

And oakenfold you are just as guilty as them, if you spawn on them knowing you'll be in a building.  All you private eyes are gonna get the same treatment as the glitchers.

And its not a glitch or an exploit, its a server setting.  Its called Friendly Fire Off and i dont think saying that is teaching people how to glitch, it teaches them to play on FF on servers."

First of all, it wasn't me it was a mate.  Second of all, thats why he took the screenie.  He didn't know they were inside a building when he joined their squad, only after he spawned.  Why would we be posting it to report it if he were an exploiter?
+50|6738|Southern California
I remember reading something somewhere a while ago that explained how to get to various inaccessible roofs in karkaand.

It wasn't glitching, nor was it explaining how to do it.
The people had figured out ways to hop from roof to roof. Which is totally legal. If you can legitimately get to a roof then it's not a glitch.
The people had figured out a way to get to a number of "inaccessible" roofs by parking an MEC jeep next to an inaccessible building and jumping up to the top, then jumping to other roofs. Sometimes even jumping on top of skinny signs that hang off of buildings. It was quite impressive and in no way glitching. What the people did by gaining access to roofs like that was very creative. Potentially changing the way the game is played and the way that people disperse throughout the map. That kind of creativity is what makes FPS games continue to be entertaining over time. The best FPS games are fluid, they evolve, and the gameplay becomes more advanced. So I hope you aren't whining because the people in your screenies are just being creative.

So to claim these guys are glitching you'd have to explain that they didn't do something like I just described. That they did not simply use normal movement to gain access to places people don't normally go, simply using the basic physics of the buildings themselves. You'd have to show that they somehow used a flaw in the game's programming to their advantage. And using a jeep or something to get to roofs without ladders is not a flaw. The mere fact that they are on a roof with no ladder is not enough prove that they are "glitching" (a term that you use loosely) and I hope you seriously don't consider pursuing this and potentially ruining these people's stats unless you know for sure that they did something malicious.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-13 11:52:12)

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