Besides you're country of course what is you're other Favorite country and one where you usually defend and hold in high regard?

You can also list wich least favorite country you can think of you already know my answer.

Just wondering what you're answers will be.

Mine would be United Kingdom i've always liked England and English people and i'm very attracted to English girls.

So what about you?
England for me ass well, and English chicks do look nice, I myself come from Norway. Oh, I also likes Gondor.. :p
Mass Media Casualty

Aside from NZ... well, I havn't travled all that much. I mean, I've been to Fiji, Australia, Rarotonga, Turkey, France, Belgium and England, (for about a day and a half.) but hold in high regard... I don't really know... They all have awesome things about then and I'll be going back to each one of them but I guess I have yet to find a country that I defend or hold in high regard.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+89|7031|Sheffield, England
usa, closest people to england as in allies
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7034|Riva, MD

elite wrote:

usa, closest people to england as in allies
From what you say in my thread, it looks like you hate us almost as much as the middle Eastern people do.  Of course Berserk_Vampire hates us even more than all the middle Eatern people put together.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-02-11 19:48:08)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
Dirtier than thou
ummmmmm.  I dunno.  I guess most of the European countries are pretty cool.  I've never visited any besides Italy but I'm not really sure which my favorite would be.
Australia, because even though we bag them all the time, the Aussies are like cousins to us
UK, because all the english/scottish/irish/welsh people I've met are good bastards
Netherlands, because half my blood is from that part of the world...and the weed thing
edit: South Africa, because well we get along well with them...and south african chicks are hot

As it happens, I just spent the afternoon/evening showing a dutch cousin some of christchurch...New Brighton, Sumner and being a Battlefield nut I just had to drag her out to the bunkers at godley head

Last edited by Pubic (2006-02-12 00:21:00)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7011|San Francisco
Italy, hands down, because that's where both my parents and their families are from.  And you have hot women, a beautiful language, AWESOME food with a good welcoming atmosphere, and in general a well-to-do, simple life mentality.  And you can ride around in a Vespa and say "Ciao bella!" to the pretty girls on the sidewalk, and they'll actually respond positively to you rather than thinking you're a creep.
England KICKS ASS, they are like our little brother they do what we ask with out question. Also Canada because we are on the same continent lol.
+76|7093|Antwerp, Flanders
Defend and hold in high regard is probably a little over the top but I respect France and Germany a little more than average.

Least favourite country: the Netherlands.
+0|6967|Stuttgart, Germany
First the USA and France.

Stephen_Sung_811007 wrote:

thats not a country.

i would defend err... philipines? thats one sweet country and cheapo stuff sold there, and i would defend japan since they pwn in making games
+49|7011|Brunei Darussalam

Tough question!

I've always liked Ireland for it's landscape and and the way people talk over there. I think their attitude is somewhat close to people in my country too.

Sweden has the prettiest girls,but Finland and Sweden do have somekind love/hate relationship in everything,espesically in sports. We love to beat them,but hate to lose them

Hmm... yes,i say Ireland! Irish whisky was the decisive thing in this competition!
Wherever me or my kin and loved ones might be is where i fight for the last drop of blood.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

The UK, mostly Wales, Scotland and Ireland (England... to urbanised...) because of Celtic blood... Kiwis kick ass and so do the South Africans.

Least favourite country?

Israel (hate Zionism and the holacaust excuse) or Saudi Arabia (hate the idea of religious police)
Any other theocracy/ religious state deserves a good bashing, politics and superstition dont mix...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+28|7058|Germany, Berlin
i would defend most european countries and north america simply because we share certain features of our societys like free spreech and so forth...

least liked countries are: Iraq, Iran, more islamic countries cuz of their stupidity and religious fundamentalists. i also dislike turkey alot, cuz most turkish people i have meet are very unfriendly and a waste of space

Last edited by [S.P.S]1on1killa (2006-02-12 05:12:20)


_j5689_ wrote:

elite wrote:

usa, closest people to england as in allies
From what you say in my thread, it looks like you hate us almost as much as the middle Eastern people do.  Of course Berserk_Vampire hates us even more than all the middle Eatern people put together.
haha well not as much as you think most of the time i just joke around mostly what i hate more is the people who think United States is number #1 type mentality and how the rest of the world doesnt matter and how they talk about nuking all of the middle east and then when i say lets destroy the U.S instead then they call me racist lol its hard to like the people when lots of the people with the same mentalities talk the same Are Army is better then yours we own you will kill you and its all comming from 14 year old fat happy meal kids so until this bastardization is gone i will continue to dislike the U.S but i dont hate every one just the kinds of ppl i listed and the bastardization related activities.

Now back to England i've never been there i always wanted to go there specially after watching American Werewolf in London haha the place looks really nice only bad thing i heard is the weather there its always raning damp and wet right? I still wanna go but i'd probably wanna stay if i went there cause Canada is boring its pretty expensive though i mean i got over $4000 saved up and i can go but i dont really wanna spend all that money you know? I've seen English girls they are really sexy (the sexy ones of course i mean) they have this white pale goddess type skin and the face there beauty just drives you crazy

Another Countey wich i think looks beautiful is New Zealand big beautiful open lands exactly like in the Medieval ages i hope they dont destroy all that and build stuff like most countries do hardly any land left any where.

Yep Italy is a beautiful country too i wanna go there but its to expensive yeah the girls are very attractive but because i dont speak english it wouldnt be fair you have no idea what the hell they are saying lol i like how those alley ways look they look so nice and the little boats not to mention the Coloseum with the Gladiator Battles oh my Uncle is from Italy and his Sister is real pretty but she married some fat slob that doesnt treat her good shes way to good for him hate when a good looking girl ends up with so much less.

My #1 least favorite is the States because of the Bastardization and the others are all other Terrorist Related Countries the states deserve the attacks but i dont agree with capturing people and then making videos cutting their heads off and cheering etc just to sick so i can understand why every one can hate them.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
I would say Germany.  I lived there for three years when I was a kid (12-15), and I really liked it.  We saw a lot of the country while we lived there.  A lot of cool stuff to see.  Plus the beer is really good! (yes I drank a little while I lived there; it was very easy to get at the time and I had German friends who would go buy some )
I don't know about least liked.  There aren't really any countries that I think "Damn I hate that country."
EDIT: My least liked is Canada because Berserk_Vampire lives there!

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2006-02-12 09:21:11)


Na, Just Kidding, has to be America.

atlvolunteer wrote:

I would say Germany.  I lived there for three years when I was a kid (12-15), and I really liked it.  We saw a lot of the country while we lived there.  A lot of cool stuff to see.  Plus the beer is really good! (yes I drank a little while I lived there; it was very easy to get at the time and I had German friends who would go buy some )
I don't know about least liked.  There aren't really any countries that I think "Damn I hate that country."
EDIT: My least liked is Canada because Berserk_Vampire lives there!
Horseman 77
Just about every country I hold in High regard, Iraq is in tough time but the situation is 1000 times better than it was under Sadam, It it took the New USA about 60 years to get its Constitution all Ironed out. then another 100 before it was fair to all its people..Except the American Indians.
Iraq will do well it has already made substantail progress if you have been there and actually know what your talking about, If you just "parrot" what you hear others say than you may have the " Sky is falling " outlook.
Get informed or dont waste my time.

The only Country that gets me a bit riled at times is Israel's neo Nazi out look on the people who lived there long before they ever showed up. And even then its only some of them. Most are cool and the Nation as a whole is very sqaured away and a modle of efficency.

The things i take issue with are.

The fence that takes  Even More land and is Erected on Territory that isnt theirs.

Ilegal settlements.

Law Enforcement With Apache Heliocopter missle Strikes.

Firing weapons at children throwing Rocks. Can you imagine if your own police did that ?

Bombing " Targets " in retaliation.  " I wonder what the Target is ?  ( can you Imagine the US Air Force Bombing Harlam Because a black guy shot a cop ? )

The one sided Pro Israel press they get here.

The Area needs world attention as it is the Root cuase of this War and the last few that we had.

It is pushing the entire world to the brink of Nuclear destruction for the benifit of just a few select people who

Call themselves  " The Master Race " oh wait, they were real Nazis...
                         " The Chosen Race "  big difference huh..
+0|6966|New Jersey
I have too say British too.  They've always stuck with us; WW2, Iraq, etc.
The Forum Alien
+89|7123|The planet Tophet
MY austrailan pals

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