Ok... why is the Mec the have the only chopper that has a gun that is worth a dam????   All the other guns on the coppers r worthless!!!!! I have strafed the gun completly over a person while shooting at them, and still they remained un harmed....  (something is wrong with that!)

Now..  this needs to be balanced!!!!!!!!!

Peronally i think the MEC guns should not have so much area affect damage, but the other 2 choppers should have more of an affect.  To make it more even.   I dont know how many times i have died while flying the chopper bc the gunner could not get the gun to kill the peps on the ground with AT/AA.   After you have been seen by AA, the best way to deal with it is take it out.  But the gun is completly worthless on the Chinese, & USMC chopper.  Now i know the gun on the Havoc is bigger (30mm) but still,  the other guns are utterly worthless in BF2.  It is still a 20mm MiniGun!!!  Also the Z-10 is suppose to have the 30mm gun just like the MEC chopper has.


So please EA... balance the USMC : Cobra (AH-1), and the Chinese : Z-10 and MEC : Havoc (Mi-28) !!

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-26 15:05:57)

The Mushroom Man
hummm well i dont have a problem killing people with the american chopper gun thing... but yeah the mi-28 is way easy to kill people with... hell you dont even have to aim on them just near them.

i reckon they should dull that one down a bit but then theres proberly something better with the american attack chopper i dont know about?
Get your body beat.
just about everything in the game has its weakness were the other side is stronger. look at the medics gun. the us-three burst, not to good on the damage, high aim factor. mec medic-ak something, low aim. high damage full auto.

everything is  better than the othe at something, with choppers, the mec has low gun speed but explosive rounds, while the us is faster, and is better aim with tv missiles.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

kontrolcrimson wrote:

just about everything in the game has its weakness were the other side is stronger. look at the medics gun. the us-three burst, not to good on the damage, high aim factor. mec medic-ak something, low aim. high damage full auto.

everything is  better than the othe at something, with choppers, the mec has low gun speed but explosive rounds, while the us is faster, and is better aim with tv missiles.
Indeed, the tv missiles for the MEC attack chopper (when the gun is good) will not target sky, which means if you are aiming upwards then you cannot turn unless you happen to see a tall building or something near the bottom of your screen.
Yeah, I understand everything has strengths and weaknesses, which is good.  But that just sounds like shotty programming... big suprise   If anything the Mi-28 should be less manoverable, to be honest with you.... it is the most responsive heilo, not fastest but definelty most agile!!  Not exactly sure why, but again sounds like bad planning, and programming.  Also another thing.... the MEC chopper climbs the fastest of all of them so you can very quickly get over you enemy chopper to aim down on them.

The gun from the Mi-28 out weights all the weaknesses it has!! You dont even have to hit infantry, just shoot in the general direction just like Stoned_Smurfz said.  Not sure if you have done any target pratice with the mi-28, but it take all of about 5-8 shots to blow up a buggy with it, and with the cobra it takes almost until the gun overheats... just to blow up a single unarmored buggy(same goes for China Heilo)!!  Good luck hitting a buggy with your tv guided when they are moving full speed.
Destroy Noob Cannons
The cobra and Z-10s guns do suck..
but the cobra is by far the most agile helo. the mec one is NOT.
I hate the cobras TV guided missle. I can hit anything from planes to buggys with the mec chopper. but I can't hit a darned thing with the cobra. :-/
everyone likes different things.
I do NOT agree that the mec chopper's chin mounted gun should be toned down. the cobra and Z10 should just be more powerful than it is now.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

hehehe just bring your heli behind them and line it up

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

The cobra and Z-10s guns do suck..
but the cobra is by far the most agile helo. the mec one is NOT.
I hate the cobras TV guided missle. I can hit anything from planes to buggys with the mec chopper. but I can't hit a darned thing with the cobra. :-/
everyone likes different things.
I do NOT agree that the mec chopper's chin mounted gun should be toned down. the cobra and Z10 should just be more powerful than it is now.
Alright I worded it worng...the MI-28 DEFIENTLY takes off the fastest, but is not the most manoverable!  The mi-28 just seems really jerky, while hovoring, more then the other 2 hilo's.

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