
The best film of 2007

Shooter6%6% - 12
The Bourne ultimatum19%19% - 38
30022%22% - 45
American Gangster3%3% - 6
Transformers17%17% - 35
Live free or die hard5%5% - 10
Ocean's 131%1% - 2
I am Legend17%17% - 34
The golden Campus0%0% - 0
Other (state pls)9%9% - 18
Total: 200
The best movie of 2007 according to Bf2s.

Obviously I can't fit every film in the poll, so I just put some popular ones in to make the votes easier to count. If you vote other please post and state which film you think is the best.

Annnd go...
I know fucking karate
Latter Alcoholic
I am Legend.

Epic, truly.
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6848|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
Live free or Die hard
Once Again, We Meet at Last
they're all great...but i've been a transformers fan since i was 4.
+2,382|6996|The North, beyond the wall.
Might watch Bourne Ultimatum in a minute...
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6807|Gogledd Cymru

I've only watched

Bourne ultimatum
I am legend

Out of that list i'd have to say, Bourne Ultimatum.
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina
Bourne Ultimatum.  no contest

Epic film.
I'll take two
+132|7103|Perth, Western Australia
The only answer is Transformers (robots in disguise!)
Meow :3 :3
bourne was absolutely amazing.  easily the best.  american gangster and shooter were also awesome.
Uses the TV missle too much
*Golden Compass

Shooter & 300 tbh.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7127|Marathon, Florida Keys
Bourne Ultimatum was fucking insane.  300 was meh, the idiots and memes killed it for me.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6537|Phoenix, AZ
Id have to say im tied between Shooter, and Live Free or Die Hard...

But I had to say Live Free or Die Hard because thats like the 4th movie?  And Bruce Willis has played that part 4 times?? And once again, I think that he delivered his role, and I believe that that was the Best of the series, which is HIGHLY UNUSUAL.

Shooter was pretty awesome, I mean it was completely different, and delivered everything in one movie, one movie full of awesome action in which none of it was un-nessary

300 was historically bullshit, which turned me off, and it was a little bit gay, real warriors dont need to be bulky and ripped like that. That was a chopped up Hollywood movie.
Cheeseburger Logicist
I love to see films as they are released, and this year was no exception. I saw 22 movies in theatre this year, which amounts to an unfortunate $200 bill. I do not pretend to come even close to the popular opinion, or try to see films that others may like so that I may critique them fairly, but looking back, it's time to rate 2007 in film. I apologize for not having the literature of a professional critic, but I have neither the time nor memory to accurately rate them all.

Smokin' Aces   -   7.4/10

An excellent action flick that comes out as an unorthodox movie with pure action. The storyline doesn't interfere with the shooting and killing, and the entire thing does not disappoint. A solid work.

Reno 911!: Miami   -   4.6/10

I will admit to never seeing the television program, so I have nothing to compare. It was an interesting film, with some great bits of comedy, but overall I could not enjoy it particularly much. It never grabbed me, instead only leaving me to wonder when the climax was coming.

Zodiac   -   8.1/10

I loved this movie. A superb detective thriller, one cannot help but enjoy the police drama mixed with the hunt for a mysterious serial killer. The interesting character Robert Graysmith (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) is the primary character of an excellent bunch that does well to give it a mood that fits the era and the film without edging into cheap horror movie territory. All I wanted was to learn more and more, and the film does well to tantalize the viewer while leaving the current action interesting enough to keep the viewer entertained and thinking about the current scene.

300   -   5.3/10

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The big action movie of the year. Everyone loved it, everyone loves that one line, right? Well, that line became old quick, and so did the action in this film. It was done in the same excellent manner as Sin City, but it did not make up for the dry characters and repetitive action. I don't blame them- The same guys fighting in the same place makes for hard variations. One shouldn't expect exciting, gripping action from warfare that is not meant to entertain. They tried to spice up the action with supernatural elements, but too many were glossed over or did not do well enough. It was a fair movie, one worth watching if you like action. But not worth my ten dollars. Maybe a rental. It wasn't spectacular, but average.

Blades of Glory   -   6.1/10

I'll admit that I love Will Ferrell, and he manages to move this film along. But it wasn't hilarious, nor memorable. A good work, but with little to make it stand out. I was entertained, but not blown away. A good rental movie.

Fracture   -   7.6/10

This movie stood out. Not necessarily the most promoted film, it did a great job with a storyline that couldn't be beat. It worked in the same manner as Zodiac, with a thrilling adventure for justice with amazing characters.

Shrek the Third   -   4.3/10

I wasn't expecting something great, and I didn't get something great. A mildly interesting film, equal to a Seinfeld rerun that I've seen forty times. It didn't grab me, nor was it hilarious. A mild chuckle, and a warm storyline that did little justice to the acting talents available. The shtick of talking animals and a big ogre with excellent voice actors, along with parodies of Disney stereotypes just couldn't work again.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End   -   5.7/10

I only went to see this because of Keith Richards. His part makes up for half the rating. It was an average film with obvious and less than entertaining results. I didn't like the storyline, and the characters became caricatures by the end. Not much to enjoy.

Ocean's Thirteen   -   6.3/10

I like the trilogy, but I have never been terribly interested the whole series. The focus of characters as the basis is an excellent one, and they do well, but not well enough. There are too many for any dynamism, and the appeal for entertainment with characters that have silly traits leave flat impressions. The big surprise ending that is always expected didn't exactly do it well enough for me, and while the film is good, it is not a breakthrough hit.

Evan Almighty   -   5.2/10

I know, I'm an atheist, I'm supposed to hate the idea of the Christian god in a film promoting his values. And maybe my score seems to reflect that, but I thought the most highly of it of anyone I know. It's a comedy, with Steve Carell, one of the best, but it wasn't that funny. For the massive price of production, they didn't do it well.

Live Free or Die Hard   -   6.6/10

I had great expectations for this one. The original Die Hard trilogy is one that I can (and have) watched dozens of times, repeatedly for no better reason than that they are superb action flicks. But this one disappointed me. It was a good action movie, with some great moments, but it did not live up to my expectations. It did not parallel with the previous Die Hard movies, and I did not feel that it had the same impact as the previous ones. The villains were hollow and not particularly evil enough, and the movie moved too quick. John McClane did not seem like John McClane, only something that attempted to live up to the original. His sidekick wasn't particularly great, nor was all the computer crap. I wanted something that would avoid technological computer hacking and whatever bullshit they came up with. But it all felt like they tried to stretch a Die Hard film over a regular action movie with elements of the previous trilogy that did not apply well- And the frog-like bad guy was absolutely stupid. Give me a break. The characters were not well done at all, and many parts were just ridiculous- What you might expect from the average action movie. Mind you, it was good. but not great.

Sicko   -   8.0/10

Michael Moore has really matured from his previous films with something that really makes an impact, and a positive statement instead of a negative one that his previous movies have done. It was funnier than most of the comedies this year, and had a profound political statement that even if it did not convince you of the positive effects of socialist health care, it might make you think that there is something wrong with American health care that should be fixed. The mention of Canadian health care did not make me stand up and attempt to edit his statements, but instead gave me purpose that Canadians should improve our system if it is broken, but never abandon our health care system. Overall, it was a positive movie that moved from tragedies to a happy ending, one that I enjoyed greatly.

Transformers   -   7.1/10

You think you are a fan of Transformers? Count me in as a die hard fan from the original Transformers cartoon series, and the original cartoon movie. I was waiting for this for as long as I can remember. I was highly impressed when I first saw it- It was spectacular! But, seeing it a few more times really changed my mind. It was a great movie, but it had some flaws. The focus on humans, the idiotic attempt at humour with the Autobots hiding their giants frames around a house to avoid the parents (or the tiny robot as a form of humour)- Things like these really ruined what could have been much better. There was no great theme music! I can point out numerous things I disliked, but despite it all, it was a great movie. I'd see it again, despite the problems.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry   -   6.9/10

I love Adam Sandler films. Yeah, go ahead, laugh at me. But they're hilarious. This one was pretty funny, but a different Sandler movie, as he has moved in the last few years. It makes use of its themes quite well, and even as I agreed with the ideas of this film, it only reinforced my beliefs that I have. Funny, but avoids pitfalls that other comedies have, as well as a positive political aspect.

The Bourne Ultimatum   -   7.9/10

The best action movie I've seen in a long time! Unfortunately, I was dragged to go see it before I could see the first movies of the series, but it did not matter as much. It mixed some incredible action that avoided being ridiculous (as action flicks do) with a suspenseful storyline.

Superbad   -   8.8/10

Had you asked me immediately after seeing it, I would have rated it the greatest film of all time. Period. I still will consider it. Having seen it a couple more times, it loses value, especially with the shock value of seeing it the first time. That golden first screening...It was hilarious. The most I have ever laughed, by far. I don't know how they put together something so great. Even the second and third viewing were great. This is what a comedy should be, not the half-assed attempts that filled the first half of the year. It's not a film that will be eternally funny to me in the manner of Ace Venture: Pet Detective, but it remains a funny movie that is worth seeing at least once, for anybody. Those of us like me who enjoyed it this much will see it again and again.

Shoot 'Em Up   -   6.8/10

This movie knew how to poke fun as ridiculous action movies while keeping its own action at ridiculous levels yet still fun to watch. It has comedic value with over-the-top action that it great to watch. Not a bad film.

Dan in Real Life   -   6.0/10

There were elements that I expected from Steve Carell, and some I didn't. It was a good movie that had some good comedy, and a storyline that presented itself well. Even though I had some troubles with really connecting with the storyline, there was enough goodness that it produced something touching without being unrealistic or a chick flick. The emotions of the characters can be felt well. I applaud the effort, at least.

Lions for Lambs   -   6.7/10

An incredibly interesting political perspective. It was a tremendously stimulating film that presented ideas everywhere- But it wasn't what I expected with 'political thriller'. It did not move much from its three settings or the few characters available. Interesting, but not a film that can be expected to be great. An extra 0.1 point for a reference to The Who.

The Golden Compass   -   6.4/10

I loved the themes behind the movie, but did not enjoy the film itself as much as others did. The ending I found particularly hard. I wanted more than that to finish off the story, which was the thing that gripped me the most. A good movie, but not great.

I Am Legend   -   7.2/10

I rated this film according to what I should, instead of an emotional response. Simply put, it scared the crap out of me. I couldn't get to sleep for days because the the monsters of the film were so well done and terrifying, yet resembled something human. The emotions of Robert Neville were done so well, including the fear of darkness that must come with a world with these monsters. There is nothing else but loneliness, survival and escaping from the fate that the monsters will bring. I could empathize with hiding at night, and how terrifying it must be. The howls of the monsters really were frightening, and that they could set up a trap in the same manner as Neville was something human but still malevolent and monstrous. I could sense how alone Neville was, and how desperate he could be. How he might want to kill himself to avoid living like this. The themes and motifs of the film were so amazingly done. It was interesting, overall, if I avoid the frightening part (including the most well done scene of suspense I have ever seen, despite my fear), and a must-see.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets   -   6.1/10

Not bad. A nice adventure/comedy film with some interesting historical basis, but nothing spectacular and some obvious flaws that annoyed me.

The best movie of the year? Superbad, with honourable mentions to I Am Legend, The Bourne Ultimatum, Sicko, Transformers, Fracture, Zodiac, and Smokin' Aces.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
'Light 'em up!'

Awww I'm somewhat tied between a good few, Shooter, Die Hard, Bourne, Simpsons, but I'll have to say Transformers, in fact seeing as I watched the movie last night, I'll watch the cartoon movie now
I am shocked - SHOCKED -that "No Country for Old Men" has not been mentioned.

It is quite simply a perfect film.  Javier Bardem is the paradigm for stone cold killer.
+252|7022|Sextupling in Empire

Shoot 'em up = lolz fest IMO.
I suspect something is amiss

Sondernkommando wrote:

I am shocked - SHOCKED -that "No Country for Old Men" has not been mentioned.

It is quite simply a perfect film.  Javier Bardem is the paradigm for stone cold killer.
I would agree with you here, although i canĀ“t say any movie shined like a star this year but "No Country for Old Men" were definitely a great watch. I loved the "Pans Labyrinth" ( ops was 2006 easy to mix up ) as well great mix between fantasy and drama.

Last edited by madmurre (2008-01-03 17:10:38)

I am all that is MOD!

Superbad, followed by American Gangster

I am Legend

Are all epic, can't decide out of them 3.

& 300 is really, really overrated.
good times
+31|6315|In a wheelchair.
THIS IS SPARTAAA! sorry for the caps...
...is a potty mouth
From that List 300 and Transformers.
Not on the list Shoot em up (so funny) and Super bad
+72|6905|Chelmsford, UK
i didn't see any films on that list, so im just gonna go with other and say: Hot Fuzz. funny film.

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