Cholera in the time of love
Schwarzwald (luv the roads)
London (luv the atmosphere)
Dubai (luv the money)
Siberia (luv the shooting at ppl)
I like pie.
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6482|105 RVK
Detroit, Texas! Heard good things about that place
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6628|6 6 4 oh, I forget


Ultrafunkula wrote:

Another place would be Prague. Beautiful place, good food, better beer.

Other than that, I dunno. Need to have access to hockey games
I saw a hockey game in Prague with my brother - it was like $4, and it was a major game I think.  The stadium was in piss poor condition though.
Yup. It's cheap allright. Atleast compared to what you need to pay to see an NHL game. I always take the cheapest seat and go fill a chair lower in the stands after the first period Doesn't hurt anybody cause them Gucciarmanihugoboss-biznez guys are in any case in their precious lounge area yakking shit and drinking free liquor all game long The looks of them arenas here in the eastern EU are quite the DDR, but the atmosphere is quite something especially if it's a local game.
+1,175|6717|British Columbia, Canada

Drakef wrote:

skipper2666 wrote:

Why vancouver, I live there and it rains 24/7 and I wish it was as nice as that picture.
I would want to have a permanant residance in the playboy mansion..
Oh, come now.

All you think of in Vancouver is the weather? It's fairly good weather, especially compared with the rest of Canada. And if you just ignore the weather as a minor occurrence, it's the greatest city in the world.
Meh, admit it, Vancouver is shit during the winter, but so is all other Canadian Cities, but in retrospect, we have it alot better then they do..

But it is beautiful during the summer time, and its nice in the winter to know that your like an hour drive away from the mountains.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York
Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida


2. Ottawa, Canada


3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia


Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
islamorada > key largo
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

ig wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
islamorada > key largo
fuck that key largo's where it's at

girls a-plenty, beautiful scenery, crystal clear water...
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Poseidon wrote:

ig wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
islamorada > key largo
fuck that key largo's where it's at

girls a-plenty, beautiful scenery, crystal clear water...
(they're right next to each other)
and girls aren't a plenty
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

ig wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

ig wrote:

islamorada > key largo
fuck that key largo's where it's at

girls a-plenty, beautiful scenery, crystal clear water...
(they're right next to each other)
and girls aren't a plenty

well when i went there were

and i got to know a few..

god i love florida
+521|6893|Toronto | Canada

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
I don't know if you'd want Ottawa on that list... It was rated the most rude city in Canada this year
+34|6766|Orange County, California


Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:



Trust me, you don't want to live in Samoa.

I would choose Laguna Beach, CA.

If I were retiring, it would be basically any remote island in the South Pacific/Carribean
OC, California.. wait a second i already live there.. O SNAP

im a 5 min drive away from laguna beach. I Love going driving down there its fun
Did Poseidon ACTUALLY say Glasgow?


Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-01-03 15:46:10)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
I don't know if you'd want Ottawa on that list... It was rated the most rude city in Canada this year
Trust me, I'm a New Yorker. Nothing's ruder than NYC and I don't even mind it.
+3,936|6654|so randum

CameronPoe wrote:

Did Poseidon ACTUALLY say Glasgow?
Little does he know...
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Homie22 wrote:


Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:



Trust me, you don't want to live in Samoa.

I would choose Laguna Beach, CA.

If I were retiring, it would be basically any remote island in the South Pacific/Carribean
OC, California.. wait a second i already live there.. O SNAP

im a 5 min drive away from laguna beach. I Love going driving down there its fun
get me LC's number next time u see her
Cholera in the time of love

Poseidon wrote:

Hard to choose.

I have 3 choices mainly.

1. Key Largo, Florida

http://www.visitusa.com/floridakeys/ima … dakeys.jpg

2. Ottawa, Canada

http://www.travelandtransitions.com/int … orama1.jpg

3. Sydney (or Melbourne), Austrailia

http://richard-seaman.com/Travel/Austra … kyline.jpg

Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
Ottawa! Are you kidding me! THERE IS NO BLOODY NIGHTLIFE HERE!!!!
or any life whatsoever, come to it...
no, srsly, it's a government town, with a few nice museums. that's about it. Oh, and a couple of banks.
I like pie.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

CameronPoe wrote:

Did Poseidon ACTUALLY say Glasgow?

http://farm1.static.flickr.com/75/18196 … 1152056725
I have family there.


TSI wrote:

Ottawa! Are you kidding me! THERE IS NO BLOODY NIGHTLIFE HERE!!!!
or any life whatsoever, come to it...
no, srsly, it's a government town, with a few nice museums. that's about it. Oh, and a couple of banks.
Sure, but it's also really nice looking and probably peaceful on the outskirts. Plus it's a major hockey city and I'm an NHL nut.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-01-03 15:52:48)

I am all that is MOD!

Homie22 wrote:


Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:



Trust me, you don't want to live in Samoa.

I would choose Laguna Beach, CA.

If I were retiring, it would be basically any remote island in the South Pacific/Carribean
OC, California.. wait a second i already live there.. O SNAP

im a 5 min drive away from laguna beach. I Love going driving down there its fun
So am I.  I love Laguna.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6628|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Poseidon wrote:

Trust me, I'm a New Yorker. Nothing's ruder than NYC and I don't even mind it.
Huh? Compared to our sunshine polite ppl in Helsinki, you are have kind folk over there. Try asking something from a stranger here. Walk towards, looking in the eyes and swoosh, the person is running away probably screaming. To think of an almost hideous encounter, including talk, with a person who wasn't familiar. Scary shit to give advice to a stranger. I, on the other hand like to help people who ask kindly for help. For example when we went to see KoRn, one of the roadies came asking if we had, or could tell if someone had some weed to sell. That time unfortunately we couldn't help Fieldy get some more grass (anyways he seemed like he had had enough that night, he almost fell of the stage ). But this other time I was in a night club and this foreign dude asks where he could score some dope and hot chicks. I kindly told him to go to a rave at another local club. And really, I have no clue why everybody want's to buy junk from me which I don't sell/buy/use anyways. Not atleast after that one time in Amsterdam...

Edit. wrongwritings

Last edited by Ultrafunkula (2008-01-04 09:31:15)

Goodbye :)
+399|6634|Somewhere else

Anywhere that has beaches like this:


I really don't know, considering I am pretty poor, I havent seen much of the world to really decide.
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6545|fÄking denmark

Berlin, Germany


Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia.
stephen brule

ig wrote:

Unzombified_Zombie wrote:

ig wrote:

chicago fails miserably. please reconsider.
I did say secondary. I like the windy city, but that would only be a last resort (aka, I can't get a good position in the UK, preferably Newcastle).

Anyway, I'd rather live in Chicago than Kansas City, I hated that place when we stopped off.
atlanta >>>>>>>>>>>> shitcago
Seems like the same of criminal ratings so there is no worse city IG.

Also, It would have to be the carribeans for me.
I'm moving to Brazil
vancouver, bc
or Seattle WA
Close runners up are: NYC (even though I'm very close to it), Glasgow and Prague.
I'm going to question your sanity for choosing Glasgow as a runner up

Prague yes Glasgow fail
Go Canucks Go!
+13|6469|Canada BC

LT.Victim wrote:

Drakef wrote:

skipper2666 wrote:

Why vancouver, I live there and it rains 24/7 and I wish it was as nice as that picture.
I would want to have a permanant residance in the playboy mansion..
Oh, come now.

All you think of in Vancouver is the weather? It's fairly good weather, especially compared with the rest of Canada. And if you just ignore the weather as a minor occurrence, it's the greatest city in the world.
Meh, admit it, Vancouver is shit during the winter, but so is all other Canadian Cities, but in retrospect, we have it alot better then they do..

But it is beautiful during the summer time, and its nice in the winter to know that your like an hour drive away from the mountains.
Yup but I'd rather have nice weather year round not just 5 months of the year. Not that Im not happy living in vancouver but it is "If you could live anywhere"

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