Give something a little nickname and wa-la you got a following..

The noob couldnt call it what it really was, JUMPING... nah, that would have
made him look like a fool... I mean, hell, you cant go out there and protest
against jumping now can you... so lets give it a term people like me, who cant
hit moving targets a name... BUNNY HOPPING, yeah.. thats it..

omfg.. Ive never seen a game where so many noobs got mad about people
jumping... am I seeing this right ?  This is so funny..  We even got servers
that post rules about getting kicked for it.. kicked for jumping ? hahahahaha..

Whats next... No proning ?  No running ?  No shooting back ?  its hilarious!

I can see it now..

Welcome to XYZ server.. Obey the Rules! No base raping! Dont be a smacktard....

In the meantime, we got jets that drop 320 bombs per game.. choppers that
can take ground (never in history has a chopper taken ground, anywhere, anytime) ,
choppers with super armor that can take direct tank shell hits and simply smoke a
little and fly off ,  a red tag bug that has been there for 6 months without a fix ,
A HORRIBLE JOKE of a voting system, that is so useless that never is a vote on
anything EVER sucessful , magical maps with all our enemies locations on it, and not
only that...but heres the funny thing... IT SHOWS WHICH WAY THEY ARE FACING! LMFAO!!
Got a useless commander? sorry charlie, voting system so useless hes there to stay!
AA guns that are as useless as the voting system..

But damnit screw all that stuff... we GOT to do something about the "bunny hopping"..right..
damn straight! So, Dice.. dont worry about finally finishing the original game..we dont mind
being paying beta testers while you dish out new $20 exp packs..   cater to the noobs , I guess
thats what youre used to doing..

Man am I glad as hell that those bunny hop whiners havent infilitrated Madden 06..  Ea would
probably cut all the good pro football players abilities down to nothing.. Whaa Whaa Peyton
Manning is too good.. cut off one of his legs..   

wouldnt surprise me..

EA, the worst supporter of a game title ever.
They don't want bunny hoppers so people can kill others really easily. It bullshit. No Dolphin Diving.
THats fucking stupid. Dolphin Diving, bullshit. Why not say, " Jumping, then going prone, continuesly."
id like to meet the faggot who puts the word noob in a forum title and punch him in the cock
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
the only reason dolphin diving works is because it looks so stupid people are mezmarized by it. they say WTF? is he doing?
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois
Why not make it so you can't jump when your stamina hits zero? DUHR
Why not make it so you can't go prone during a jump? DUHR

EA - It's in the game... except you might get banned by a server admin for using it in the game and we like that.
Bunny hopping is retarded..... becuase your not supposed to run out in the open twords someone and jump like crazy!

now with the patch, actual skill is needed to kill someone. if anything i think that people who bunny hop are the noobs. becuase there to stupid to hid behind something.

and if your cought running in someones site you should die.. not the other way around!

and what about the word noob.... you seem very mad at the fact that someone made up the word bunnny hopping... but what about noob? and pwned and all those other idiotic online game words...
Bunny hopping =/= jumping, at least in other games. Bunny hopping is when you jump and hold crouch, not sure where it originated but it's been around forever.
Not this discussion again...

End of the day, there are people in BF2 that think you're a n00b because you refuse to stand still and allow them to shoot you.

If you think hoppers are n00bs because you can't bring them down "BUNNEH HOPPES ARE TEH INVINSIBLE OMFG"... Well that must make you... The best player in the world yes?
I would like to shoot a bunny and post a pic for you all to see how inafectual acutal bunny hopping would be! This game terminoligy needs more realism, lets call it......... Kangaroo jumping. THOSE BASTARDS CAN JUMP!!!. Not this half inch off the ground shit that bunnys do.

While we are at it lets see if we can get EA to change the name of dolphin diving to something a little more eco friendly. I don't want dolphins in my tuna fish sandwich, why would I want them on the battlefield?!?!?! Imagine what Greenpeace would do if they foulnd out that some idiot was noob tubing dolphins on a daily basis.. There would the the worlds largest video game boycott. After all, we don't want battlefield in our sandwiches either, DO WE?!?!
Just hope for the best when the patch comes out- that will nullify 'bunny hopping' and 'dolphin diving'.  Its funny how some people think that once that problem is fixed, those people that use 'bunny hopping' and 'dolphin diving' will be noobs with no skill right? rofl
Didnt bunny hopping stem from Quake? i remember first hearing about it in Counter-Strike. You could actually jump without losing speed (at least in 1.3). You can really see it in Quake 3 (the one i play the most). You can basically go faster jumping than running. I guess this is where the term came from. In BF2 you dont really gain any speed advantage (at least when i tried in the demo). Also, because of sprint, it kinda makes it usless as a means to get around. So in BF2 its basically just an annoying guy jumping up and down (and cappin ya in the head to make those hard days even better haha).

Crusty wrote:

Didnt bunny hopping stem from Quake? i remember first hearing about it in Counter-Strike. You could actually jump without losing speed (at least in 1.3). You can really see it in Quake 3 (the one i play the most). You can basically go faster jumping than running. I guess this is where the term came from. In BF2 you dont really gain any speed advantage (at least when i tried in the demo). Also, because of sprint, it kinda makes it usless as a means to get around. So in BF2 its basically just an annoying guy jumping up and down (and cappin ya in the head to make those hard days even better haha).
Awesome, Q3A was the first FPS I really played a lot- Dreamcast and PC version.  Jumping was the key to the game in order to maintain momentum and speed.  Its sad how I hardly play Q4, waste of $ BF2 FTW! ugh
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Wikipedia Bunny-hopping
I do believe bunny-hopping is acuatlly meant to refer where jumping like an idiot would give you a speed advantage because of game coding. It was popular in CS and Quake. Now that this glitch has been eliminated from all games, we are just plain hopping.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-02-10 13:25:16)


GotMex? wrote:

Wikipedia Bunny-hopping
I do believe bunny-hopping is acuatlly meant to refer where jumping like an idiot would give you a speed advantage because of game coding. It was popular in CS and Quake. Now that this glitch has been eliminated form all games, we are just plain hopping.
LMFAO nice find.
I remember jumping to avoid incoming RPG rounds while playing the old Duke Nukem 3d games with my buds. This is circa 1996. We didn't call it bunny hopping back then. We just did it to survive in the game.

Pig cops,  bars, strippers, funky aliens and best of all, Duke himself with the bad a$$ attitude. Now THAT was a fun game.
...I have a real problem with people complaining about bunny hopping. Deal. People do it and I still kill them.

People who complain about others who JUMP in a game obviously aren't good at the game.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

chitlin wrote:

id like to meet the faggot who puts the word noob in a forum title and punch him in the cock
what cock? hahaha
Squishing Your Head
+1|6990|Bolton UK
I think the problems I (as with most people) have with bunny hopping are that

A) you just can't feckin do it!!!! run around jumping up and down continously whilst randomnly spraying at a target and ever remotely hoping not to shoot birds, buildings or yourself??? Come on people I know there has to be a fine line between realism and fun but for me Bunny hopping is just plain ole daft and passes wayyyyy beyond the boundaries of either.


B) It just looks plain fookin stoopid

As for dolphin diving, I will have no problem with it when you can only shoot say 1/2 a second after landing and not in mid air

Thats my two pennorth worth anyway, take it or leave it.
+22|6977|England, UK
"Noob" is a slang version of "newbie", this is in the dictionary and means when one that is new to something, especially a novice at using computer technology or the Internet.

Bunny hopping is simply a word that "noobs" have created as an excuse as to why they die often..

I tell you even when the new patch comes out.. Without bunny hopping, the "noobs" will still die just as easily by higher skilled players, and this won't take there problems of dieing often away!
this is just a game move out of your moms basement and find something bigger to bitch about
Mass Media Casualty

More likely it will be "Do not fire back unless fired upon" - Marine rule of engagement, at least in my knowlege of the movie "Black Hawk Down."

I kind of like the slang and jargon. Some of it's pretty clever, like "Valet Parking," where someone steals a veichle that an Engineer has jumped out of to repair.

Anyway, "Bunny-Hopping" is easier to say than 'Jumping up and down continuously."
[Blinking eyes thing]
Squishing Your Head
+1|6990|Bolton UK

tlm_298 wrote:

this is just a game move out of your moms basement and find something bigger to bitch about
SO you are on this forum cos?????

By the way your mum asked me to remind me about your rent and your share of the broadband.......
Bunny hopping actually was a term used in cs, when you would bind jump to the mouse wheel, and you could travel faster than if you ran. Bunnies move fast and they like to hop. hehe. The term bunny hopping didn't start with bf2. Dolphin diving as far as I know did.

Mighty_Spaz wrote:

Bunny hopping is retarded..... becuase your not supposed to run out in the open twords someone and jump like crazy! I guess making bombing runs at a US carrier, alone, without any cover is what is supposed to happen?
bunny hopping takes skill i don't care what u say it works. but when they cut it out i won't mind.

yea duke nukem 3d was hella fun back in the day

Last edited by Dilbert2468 (2006-02-10 15:05:46)

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