Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
Why are other countries worried about Americans? Thats a better question.
Yeah! Start worrying about urselves. In 10 years or so there will be no diffrence
Aussie Outlaw

imdead wrote:

Why are other countries worried about Americans? Thats a better question.
Because you guys have to disturb everything
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

I am starting to wonder wether those "debate and serious talk" forums were such a good idea after all. Sad part about that is that I was the driving force behind their creation....

you wanna discuss obesity (sp?) in America ? Fine, but stay serious and on-topic please.

thank you..
Aussie Outlaw
I love this section of forum
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

I love this section of forum
well, I do too, as I believe that there is more to life than BF2 and BF2 stats, but the way some discussions here have been conducted makes me wonder, you know...*sighs*
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
This is a serious debate, at least I thought so it was started in the whole hearted reason to find a root of a serous problem. Not my fault people can't take these things seriously.
+0|7060  There are some trends from the CDC.  And if you want my opinion it is the increase of starches in the diet.  Since about the 1980's consumption of wheat flower, Rice, and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) have all increased dramtically.  Along with less exercise, Marketing not just Fast food but every single kind of food its like every other commercial. And other chemicals used in food.
No whole foods at the supermarket. pretty much everything you buy has been modified in some way. back in the days, you had fresh vegetables, good cuts of meat, etc.... Everything is about convenience and speed today. People are too "busy" to be concerned with the quality of their food and what they eat. Also, a lack of exercise. A, lemme repeat that, HUGE lack of exercise.

So bad food combined with poor exercise habits, makes for a bunch of fat ass Americans. I see them wherever I go.
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

imdead wrote:

Why are other countries worried about Americans? Thats a better question.
Because you guys have to disturb everything
Explain. I gotta hear this.
can we get back to the subject here? lets talk about fat. lots of fat!
+4|6956|Napoleon, Ohio
OMG if you havent hit the nail on the head. Its not like there isnt health food here in the Usa. And mention eating healthy to an American gf and she will run to the bathroom crying (which is kinda funny )

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Ok I have a few theories on this.  Being American myself and skinny(6'0" and 165 lbs), it makes me sick when I watch T.V. and walk around town everyone is huge. I'm a minority in our blatenly lazy culter.

So theories,

1. Majority of kids can't leave there house cause they'll get arrested(if they deserve it) or just harrased. I grew up in the Ledgewood area of New Jersey which is a quite town and got harrased almost ever day I went out.

2. Knowledge that someone else is going to protect us so we don't bother staying in shape.

That's all I have now so let me know what you think?
High Frusctose Corn Syrup is in all of our food. I believe thats the problem. THough Im a skinny guy. 5'9 170lbs.
+302|7053|Salt Lake City

We also have a problem with the FDA censoring information about natural cures within everyday foods that can be found at any grocery store.  This is done largely because large corporations would lose tons of money on their high priced "natural" foods and supplements.
Without reading every other posting.

I think a number of factors have affected this.

1. Time, everything needs to be done now, so many people feel they do not have the time to eat right or exercise, because of work and family.

2.  Easilly accessible and cheap fast food, fast food that is basically, well fattening.  I eat a burger every now and then, but not everyday or every week.

3.  When I was growing up I dont remember being inside as much.  We had places to go play, we could get up a pickup game of football or baseball.   My son does not seem to have access to that.
+18|6957|I Fight for Bush !!
seems that it may not be just Americans.. although when I take a look around there seems to be a rather large number of LARGE people in the states … amp;rpc=22

Last edited by agwood (2006-02-28 12:31:24)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Ok so then why is it that all gernerally run by caucasian countries fat.
Aussie Outlaw
Fucking fat cunt endomorphs send em to fucking fat farms.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

How about some statistics to back up those arguments, gentlemen ? I always hear people say that americans are fat ( and after watching "supersize me", I tend to believe that ), but what do the fed's say ?

Apart from that, I am with this guy:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Americans are very heavy.  My theories, based on the way things are where I live are...

1. Fast food joints on every single corner.

2. As people move from the cities to the burbs, developers are putting up strip malls and everything else.  We no longer have walkable communities.  People drive everywhere.

3. Schools are suplementing their income by using vending machines, which contain nothing but high sugar, high fat junk food.

4. People don't have to go out for anything.  There is nothing you can't buy online, and even grocery stores offer delivery.

5. Commercialized food processing uses so many fats, sugars, starches, and preservatives to reduce cost and extend shelf life, that even if you do go shopping the things you buy aren't that good for you anyway.

6. Our own government.  When the "food pyramid" was laid out most food was still oganically grown, grains were whole grain, and people did much more physical labor for a living.  The amount of bad carbohydrates that are abundant in most current foods, fueled by the old Pyramid design, were leading people to eat foods that quickly metabolized into sugar, along with 1-5 above, creating a very high calory diet with little physical activity.
I am 1,81m, 85,7kg at the moment, so I am a little overweigth, but I am planning to loose another 10 kg.

A healthy diet and enough exercise are key, I guess.

B.Schuss wrote:

I am 1,81m, 85,7kg at the moment, so I am a little overweigth, but I am planning to loose another 10 kg.

A healthy diet and enough exercise are key, I guess.
So that puts you at what.... roughly 5'-9 and about 190 lbs? 20 kg sounbds about right to lose.

You hit the nail on the head, diet and exercise. I remember eating a lot of whole natural foods as a kid. In our fast culture, it is so easy and tempting to just grab something to eat on the go.

Oh, and 5'-10, 185 lbs. Could maybe drop 5 or 6 kg myself.
Heathenish Foray
+22|6955|Upstate NY
Over the past 3 years I've gone from around 240 to 175 at a height of 6'2. I'll stay fairly general as to how I did it. I found that no set diet or workout scheme worked but instead a blend of both diet and exercise is the best. Over time I found that whenever your trying to lose/gain weight its all about diet combined with the proper exercise for whatever your trying to accomplish. For me, the diet part was 70-75% when I was trying to lose weight but as of the last 6 months I've been trying to gain more muscle and found that the diet part has increased around 10%. No matter what though the combination of complex carbs (40%), lean protein (30%), and essential fats (30%) is key to starting a good diet and maintaining it.

As for Americans, I think that people need to be more informed about living a healthy lifestyle and not put all hopes on a wonder pill, destructive diet, or pointless workout machine.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

Erkut.hv wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

I am 1,81m, 85,7kg at the moment, so I am a little overweigth, but I am planning to loose another 10 kg.

A healthy diet and enough exercise are key, I guess.
So that puts you at what.... roughly 5'-9 and about 190 lbs? 20 kg sounbds about right to lose.

You hit the nail on the head, diet and exercise. I remember eating a lot of whole natural foods as a kid. In our fast culture, it is so easy and tempting to just grab something to eat on the go.

Oh, and 5'-10, 185 lbs. Could maybe drop 5 or 6 kg myself.
well, I have been working out in a gym 2-3 times a week in 2005, and I changed my diet completely. No fast food or candy at all in all of 2005. Also, no alcohol. that helped a lot. My target weight is about 75 kg. It would be a little less ( in an ideal world, about 72 kg ), but muscle weighs more than fat, and as I have transformed some of the fat into muscle through all those hours in the gym, I will weigh a little more although I am more skinny now. If I lose another 10 kg at the right spots, I will be just fine.

discipline is the key here, obviously..
GunSlinger OIF II
China got more fat people
FYI, you can find more pictures of the incredibly hot girl on the left in the same outfit (and in much less as well).   Her name is Judit, and I actually think she's american, I could be wrong.   

I found the pics of her on
we eat to much mickey d's

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