Hey, do you pay at the first window or the second window? Wouldn't it be obvious that you didn't pay for it?
Shit that wont work where i live. The Mcdonalds around me forces you to pay at the second window.
I would rather starve then eat from there yuk... nice milkshakes tho
OmniDeath wrote:
Silly French...

This might work in middle Earth but it sure doesn't here.
You know what's just the same but simpler... Going into a shop and running away with the food.
You know what's just the same but simpler... Going into a shop and running away with the food.
It really depends on what the person at the first window will say to you. If you say "I forgot my money sorry so I'll just pull ahead." and they say ok...Then it might work if you go to the next window to get the other persons food.David.P wrote:
Shit that wont work where i live. The Mcdonalds around me forces you to pay at the second window.
I know at some Mc'ds, you just take your order through the microphone, and pull up to the last window to pay AND get your food. (Like where you live David) But at the Mcd's in my town, they still have the two window thing where you pay first, and get the food next. So it might work for me here to say I forgot my money and I'll just pull through.
But what happens to the guy behind? Do they hand him the food that is for the person behind HIM? How confusing...Hopefully he'll recognize its not his and have them redo his order.
Last edited by Im_Dooomed (2007-12-21 13:38:17)
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
i looked at the comments:
"le stop! le thief!"
french people are picks
that guy has just made an exception
i looked at the comments:
"le stop! le thief!"
french people are picks
that guy has just made an exception
You know, when you do that everyones food is going to be wrong after you until someone complains, lol.
thats kinda lame. can't you just order in the first window and then take it. his way is just having the other guy order for him right?
Last edited by agent146 (2007-12-21 21:56:15)
There´s easier ways to get it done if you like to verbally assault people. As they say the customer is always right so take the drive-in when it´s cued really bad order a large one, pay, drive off for 15 minutes or so. Drive back cut the line burst out and give the guy/girl that took your order a real hell claiming He/she missed a burger or 2. ( You probably won´t have to lie they usually miss a burger or so every other order anyway )
Demand to have it all for free cause it really destroyed your dinner. Seen it work on a couple of occasions, People that work at McDonald's are in general teens from school guess they don´t want to or dare to pick a fight.
However i would feel to much like a huge asshole doing it so it´s not for me
Demand to have it all for free cause it really destroyed your dinner. Seen it work on a couple of occasions, People that work at McDonald's are in general teens from school guess they don´t want to or dare to pick a fight.
However i would feel to much like a huge asshole doing it so it´s not for me
You spelled it wrongQrite wrote:
he did it for the lolz