IndianScout wrote:
you know feedback and discussion is a great tool, but when all you see are bashing and moronic posts that is not feedback..
I would welcome any constuctive comments as thats why the ROE was put up early to get the communities thoughts and to adjst them in a constructive manner..
not to be bashed for all our hard work..
no one is bashing anyone here. We have our share of ungrateful fucktards, but I do believe that will be the same on the bf2rankedservers forums. Not everybody here holds two degrees, as you so eloquently put it...
We appreciate your hard work, but I also think there have been some constructive comments made here that should not go unnoticed just because you weren't satisfied with the way they were phrased....
Especially the issue around team switching is interesting. People will switch teams for various reasons, even during the last minutes of a map. For example, I might have connected to the server with 3 buddies, but I was being put on the other team by autobalance. I want to play with my budies, but I can't. But when the round draws to a close, suddenly there is a slot open on the other team. So I switch so that I can play with my buddies from now on. Now , just imagine the other team would have been the winning team. Would I now be in danger of my stats being reset simply because I wanted to play with my buddies ?
The logs would show that I switched to the winning team just minutes before the round ended.
Let me tell you I'd be pissed if my stats got reset because of something like that.
rules are important, and I am glad and thankful that EA is adressing the padding/exploiting/cheating issue, but too many rules can destroy the gaming experience altogether.
If you want to keep the game fun for the majority of the community, you will have to live with the occasional stat-padder, I guess.
I know it is difficult to find the right balance between regulations and freedom ( in a gameplay sense ), but I do believe that less is more here.
Fix the bugs, make sure people can't use exploits and support anti-cheat software. you will never be able to 100% control what a player does online. And if you want people not to do a specific thing in-game, there is a simple solution. make sure through respective coding that it can't happen.
the question behind all of this is what you want the game to be. Is it a war simulation or a fun shooter ?
For example, personally, I am opposed to repairing vehicles from the inside ( BH ) and also opposed to be able to repair your jet by simply passing the runway. I do believe you should have to land the vehicle and repair it on the ground. That would be more realistic. Then again, BF2 is not supposed to be real. it ain't a war simulation. it's a game and as such supposed to be fun. In reality, war ain't fun. So there is no need to create a game that resembles real war. No one would want to play it.
Hence the spawn system, med packs, revive, engineers with wrenches, supply boxes, etc....
If the 1.2 patch delivers what it promises to do, the game will be quite good already.
EDIT: One last thing. Want to get rid of these problems ? get rid of the stats system, the ranks, the awards, all of it.
joking, of course...that's never gonna happen. people love their bling-bling, and it's a great sales pitch...