Peter! wrote:

Me … ithing.jpg

Sam … fv3zph.png

And anyway you can't even find out your total backstabs so stfu nub.
I had 63 on one of round of 2fort. I took out 15 blu's on bridge while my /b/lackup spy sapped the sentry's and teleporter exits.

Btw if there is another spy on your team ask if he wants to team up. I've had great success like that, Dressing up as heavy/demo/pyro and the other guy going as medic, Makes it look so believable when coming from the sewers and into their main.

Also if you can try to fuck with your enemies mind do so. I've had alot of fun sapping only dispensers or teleporter exits that are in close proximity to a sentry only to have the engy run like hell trying to assess the situation, Or backstabbing only medics while they healrush my teammates.