Oh fuck me sideways... this topic gets funnier by the day
On the topic... it would not be a bad idea being able to type in a reason for the kick/mutiny vote... though I doubt, it would make any difference if it would be started by you, sniper... I seriously doubt most average persons would be able to read this unintelligible parody of the written English language... it would make a good party game though.... I already have a title: "What did sniper try to tell us"
By the way... why do you keep sending me those sexy private messages if you don't talk to anyone you believe to be a fag?
@chefvolrath: I hope you are aware of the fact, that there are special schools and classes for people with dyslexia, legasthenic people and people with other learning or linguistic deficencies? The standards there are not as high as on regular schools.... so bear with him... he still has to grow up
On the topic... it would not be a bad idea being able to type in a reason for the kick/mutiny vote... though I doubt, it would make any difference if it would be started by you, sniper... I seriously doubt most average persons would be able to read this unintelligible parody of the written English language... it would make a good party game though.... I already have a title: "What did sniper try to tell us"
By the way... why do you keep sending me those sexy private messages if you don't talk to anyone you believe to be a fag?
@chefvolrath: I hope you are aware of the fact, that there are special schools and classes for people with dyslexia, legasthenic people and people with other learning or linguistic deficencies? The standards there are not as high as on regular schools.... so bear with him... he still has to grow up