+3,936|6653|so randum
Over-motherfucking-reaction or what?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Spark wrote:


You really don't miss a single opportunity to divert a thread into a political attack on something else (i.e. Muslims, liberals), do you?
Yep! Because they tried to force me what to think, Unlike these bible beaters who everyone keeps comparing to the nazi's nowadays.(Jehova's witnesses stop bothering you after a while if you disagree with them, Muslims do not, Neither do liberals who you cant even ask a normal question too not regarding politics, Because they just react in anger and call you a fascist)

Dragonclaw wrote:

The only big picture is retarded liberal pussies are trying to put a huge safety belt on everything but they cant do jack shit because theyre too stupid, so they do the next best thing, turn schools into concentration camps not allowing anything that could be used to do so much as scratch another person. They dont even let people play fucking dodgeball or tag in schools anymore? Schools are worthless now. Teachers dont do shit to teach anyone, students dont pay attention because they arent taught anything, the food is shit, and you cant even play dodgeball anymore. America is becoming more of a pussyground as time passes because of the liberals who think everything is evil. I dont see any other countries doing this and they dont have any problems with 10 year olds going on murder sprees with a steak knife.
You think thats bad? Try being locked in a tiny room, all drugged up on benadryl, with no heat on a cold november day which also happens to be your birthday! In a special education assessment center. Because you just happened to bring a snapple bottle to school.
arrested ?   That's just crazy   she didn't even threaten anyone
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

Dragonclaw wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Yet there are about as much guns as there are adults in America, so much for your safety.
But you have to be 21 to drink . .

But  then again, you only have to be 16 to drive.
But still!
16 to drive..17 to join the army..18 to own a gun..21 to drink. Who made up that shit. What makes a 21 year old drinking any better than an 18 year old?
Maturity & responsibility, hopefully.  I know that those 3 years made a big difference in my life when I was those ages..

David.P wrote:

Spark wrote:


You really don't miss a single opportunity to divert a thread into a political attack on something else (i.e. Muslims, liberals), do you?
Yep! Because they tried to force me what to think, Unlike these bible beaters who everyone keeps comparing to the nazi's nowadays.(Jehova's witnesses stop bothering you after a while if you disagree with them, Muslims do not, Neither do liberals who you cant even ask a normal question too not regarding politics, Because they just react in anger and call you a fascist)

Dragonclaw wrote:

The only big picture is retarded liberal pussies are trying to put a huge safety belt on everything but they cant do jack shit because theyre too stupid, so they do the next best thing, turn schools into concentration camps not allowing anything that could be used to do so much as scratch another person. They dont even let people play fucking dodgeball or tag in schools anymore? Schools are worthless now. Teachers dont do shit to teach anyone, students dont pay attention because they arent taught anything, the food is shit, and you cant even play dodgeball anymore. America is becoming more of a pussyground as time passes because of the liberals who think everything is evil. I dont see any other countries doing this and they dont have any problems with 10 year olds going on murder sprees with a steak knife.
You think thats bad? Try being locked in a tiny room, all drugged up on benadryl, with no heat on a cold november day which also happens to be your birthday! In a special education assessment center. Because you just happened to bring a snapple bottle to school.
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6544|fåking denmark

Dragonclaw wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Yet there are about as much guns as there are adults in America, so much for your safety.
But you have to be 21 to drink . .

But  then again, you only have to be 16 to drive.
But still!
16 to drive..17 to join the army..18 to own a gun..21 to drink. Who made up that shit. What makes a 21 year old drinking any better than an 18 year old?
In Denmark, you have to be 15 to have sex, 16 to buy alcohol, 18 to drive and join the army.
You can drink at whatever age you want to, but it's not allowed to serve alcohol at public places, like pubs and party, to people under 18.

USA = safty addicted.
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
im suprized they did not tazer her, and beat her with night sticks and flash lights saying "Stop resisting".
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6718|Area 51

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Dragonclaw wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

But you have to be 21 to drink . .

But  then again, you only have to be 16 to drive.
But still!
16 to drive..17 to join the army..18 to own a gun..21 to drink. Who made up that shit. What makes a 21 year old drinking any better than an 18 year old?
Maturity & responsibility, hopefully.  I know that those 3 years made a big difference in my life when I was those ages..
Yet you get a gun at the age of 18 but not get to drink untill the age of 21
Mr Caek
You will be baked, and then there will be cake.
+12|6152|Lincoln, UK

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Mr Caek wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

This seems like a no-brainer.  You don't need a steak knife at school.  Millions and millions have survived without taking a steak knife to the school cafateria.  This girls actions are unacceptable.  Had she not been caught,  What is this girl going to do when she gets to high school?  Still bring it with her of course!  And then one day she'd pull it out in anger.....

It's called Zero-tolerance for a reason.
Only people like you are stupid and aggresive enough to do that.
I'm far from stupid, and not the least bit aggresive.  Her actions were wrong, no doubt.  And she was used as a sacrificial lamb to make a point to others, most likely.  But she did break the law by bringing the steak knife to school?  Most likely.

Before you accuse people of being stupid, why don't you try looking at the big picture?
The human race now does metaphorical human sacrifices, eh?
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

RDMC wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Dragonclaw wrote:

16 to drive..17 to join the army..18 to own a gun..21 to drink. Who made up that shit. What makes a 21 year old drinking any better than an 18 year old?
Maturity & responsibility, hopefully.  I know that those 3 years made a big difference in my life when I was those ages..
Yet you get a gun at the age of 18 but not get to drink untill the age of 21
Depending on what state you live in....you can have a rifle at 18, yes.  I know that in Texas you must be 21 for a handgun.  I'm sure that most other states are 21 also. 

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.
''Its nothing serious but i am bleeding badly''
+13|6142|Mountain Dew
In Norway we need to take our own food or go to the mal near the school(5 - 10 meters away) and bye some good stuff
paintball > bf2
+48|6668|montreal, quebec

xBlackPantherx wrote:

PvtStPoK wrote:

only shit like that can happen in USA. I wonder why..
Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
cry me a river.

explain me why then we only see that kind of stuff in USA? I never saw such things on the news in Canada,  rarely saw it on any forums over the world.

Anyway one from Aussie hear of such thing? in China? Russia? UK?

its nothing Stereotypical, the 675467254908th stupid thing to happen in USA.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.

is not hated by most of the world for waring everywhere.
does not have thousands of murders ever years, yet less than 500
does not the actual mind of "we are the best in the world"

Canada is bigger than USA, so if your USA is smaller, are you a loser =MCHD= arush5268d ?

Some random US laws:

Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.


Last edited by PvtStPoK (2007-12-16 10:56:12)

=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

PvtStPoK wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

PvtStPoK wrote:

only shit like that can happen in USA. I wonder why..
Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
cry me a river.

explain me why then we only see that kind of stuff in USA? I never saw such things on the news in Canada,  rarely saw it on any forums over the world.

Anyway one from Aussie hear of such thing? in China? Russia? UK?

its nothing Stereotypical, the 675467254908th stupid thing to happen in USA.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.

is not hated by most of the world for waring everywhere.
does not have thousands of murders ever years, yet less than 500
does not the actual mind of "we are the best in the world"

Canada is bigger than USA, so if your USA is smaller, are you a loser =MCHD= arush5268d ?

Some random US laws:

Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

Okay.  wow. 
1) http://www.encyclopediaofstupid.com/stu … php/Canada
2)  Check out this dumb laws from your country

  It is illegal to kill a sick person by frightening them.

  It is illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft.

  Every fifth song on Canadian radio must be by a Canadian born citizen.

  30% of a radio stations content must be "Canadian Content".

  You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

  Citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

  It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine.

Alberta   It is illegal for farmers to sell their grain on the open market.

  Businesses must provide rails for tying up horses.

  Wooden logs may not be painted.

  If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.

  In Steveston (Richmond) it is illegal to ride your horse down Moncton Street after 6pm.

  The best place in Canada to be imprisoned - if you're a bankrupt drunk - is B.C. A law there requires jailers to bring convicted debtors a pint of beer on demand

  It is illegal to kill a sasquatch.

  Balloon animals are not permitted in public in Victoria BC.

Quebec   It is illegal to turn right on a red light at any time. (Repealed with the exception of Montreal)

  Margarine producers can't make their margarine yellow.

  All business signs in the province of Quebec must be in French. If the business operator wishes to have English on the sign, the French must be at least twice as large as the English is. There are no laws governing the usage of other languages on signs. -Bill 101 (Passed 1976)

  No language other than French is permitted to be shown out doors.


City Laws - Beaconsfield
  It is considered an offense to have more than two colors of paint on your house.

  You may not own a log cabin.


City Laws - Montréal
  The Queen Elizabeth Hotel must feed your horse freely when you rent a room. (Repealed 1998)

  You may not wash your car in the street.

  You may not park a car in such a way that it is blocking your own driveway.

  "For Sale" signs are not permitted in the windows of moving vehicles.

  Cars parked in public places must be locked, and their windows must be down to less than the width of a hand.

  One's rear license plate may not be protected by glass or plastic.

  You may not swear in French.

  Citizens may not relieve themselves or spit on the street. Punishable by a fine of over 100 Canadian dollars.


City Laws - Outremont
  Not only do all exterior painting jobs require a permit (for color) but, for instance, the City went to Appeals Court over the exact type of division inside a window frame.


Last edited by =MCHD= arush5268d (2007-12-16 11:06:11)

Mr Caek
You will be baked, and then there will be cake.
+12|6152|Lincoln, UK

PvtStPoK wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

PvtStPoK wrote:

only shit like that can happen in USA. I wonder why..
Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
cry me a river.

explain me why then we only see that kind of stuff in USA? I never saw such things on the news in Canada,  rarely saw it on any forums over the world.

Anyway one from Aussie hear of such thing? in China? Russia? UK?

its nothing Stereotypical, the 675467254908th stupid thing to happen in USA.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.

is not hated by most of the world for waring everywhere.
does not have thousands of murders ever years, yet less than 500
does not the actual mind of "we are the best in the world"

Canada is bigger than USA, so if your USA is smaller, are you a loser =MCHD= arush5268d ?

Some random US laws:

Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

It is amazing haw many retards get into a place of power in the government...
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

Mr Caek wrote:

It is amazing haw many retards get into a place of power in the government...
I agree with you 100% on that one!

Last edited by =MCHD= arush5268d (2007-12-16 11:09:40)

+56|6522|Calgary, Canada

xBlackPantherx wrote:

PvtStPoK wrote:

only shit like that can happen in USA. I wonder why..
Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
but you have to admit it is true, if this were to happen in Canada im sure the girl just would have got a slap on the wrist or what not.
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

Shaguart wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

PvtStPoK wrote:

only shit like that can happen in USA. I wonder why..
Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
but you have to admit it is true, if this were to happen in Canada im sure the girl just would have got a slap on the wrist or what not.
Ooookay.  We were finally agreeing on things here in this thread...and you had to go and compare contries again.  Seriously...how old are we people?
+56|6522|Calgary, Canada

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Shaguart wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

Be quite and go away. We don't need American Stereotypical views here.
but you have to admit it is true, if this were to happen in Canada im sure the girl just would have got a slap on the wrist or what not.
Ooookay.  We were finally agreeing on things here in this thread...and you had to go and compare contries again.  Seriously...how old are we people?
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX
That explains a lot then.
+56|6522|Calgary, Canada

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

That explains a lot then.
becuase obviously your the most mature person in the world...
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6718|Area 51

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

RDMC wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Maturity & responsibility, hopefully.  I know that those 3 years made a big difference in my life when I was those ages..
Yet you get a gun at the age of 18 but not get to drink untill the age of 21
Depending on what state you live in....you can have a rifle at 18, yes.  I know that in Texas you must be 21 for a handgun.  I'm sure that most other states are 21 also. 

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.
I think you are mission my point,

18 years = gun
21 years = drinking

THAT IS WRONG, it should be the other fuckin way around. Obviously its about maturity, so what basically is being sad by those laws, that you mature enough to buy a gun at the age of 18 but not mature enough to drink. That is wrong.

Dragonclaw wrote:

No it's because the plastic bottles have those "sharp caps" that you couldhurt a student with. Right and having my face smashed into a window is not hurting me?
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6655|Houston, TX

RDMC wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Yet you get a gun at the age of 18 but not get to drink untill the age of 21
Depending on what state you live in....you can have a rifle at 18, yes.  I know that in Texas you must be 21 for a handgun.  I'm sure that most other states are 21 also. 

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.
I think you are mission my point,

18 years = gun
21 years = drinking

THAT IS WRONG, it should be the other fuckin way around. Obviously its about maturity, so what basically is being sad by those laws, that you mature enough to buy a gun at the age of 18 but not mature enough to drink. That is wrong.
Young adults understand the power of a gun much more clearly than the power than alcohol. 
ex:  How old were you when you first shot somebody? vs. How old were you when you first saw someone passed out drunk?

Both getting shot and being unconscious due to alcohol are deadly.
+56|6522|Calgary, Canada

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

RDMC wrote:

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Depending on what state you live in....you can have a rifle at 18, yes.  I know that in Texas you must be 21 for a handgun.  I'm sure that most other states are 21 also. 

Look people, America is far from perfect.  A lot of you all live in much smaller countries, and it is much easier to have looser laws about minimum age.  Try adding 250 million people to the population of your country and see how crazy things get.
I think you are mission my point,

18 years = gun
21 years = drinking

THAT IS WRONG, it should be the other fuckin way around. Obviously its about maturity, so what basically is being sad by those laws, that you mature enough to buy a gun at the age of 18 but not mature enough to drink. That is wrong.
Young adults understand the power of a gun much more clearly than the power than alcohol. 
ex:  How old were you when you first shot somebody? vs. How old were you when you first saw someone passed out drunk?

Both getting shot and being unconscious due to alcohol are deadly.
you know, im pretty sure he probably hasnt killed anybody
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6933|Great Brown North
somehow i saw this turning into a world > US thread

and to my fellow canadians, stfu with the band wagon america bashing, it's pathetic and makes the rest of us look bad... dislike someone/something for your own reasons and not because of something you heard about.

shit like this happens here all the time, i got suspended for having a keychain with a DEACTIVATED .45 bullet on it ffs

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