The new ROE is up Authored by EA and US and are official ... … .php?t=251

The H4xor Mod
+161|7160|North Texas
§1.4 Server administrators may not change any game settings defined as standard for ranked servers (ticket ratios, server password, round time, etc.)
A complete list would be nice.
So it's against the rules to repair a Blackhawk or use the Support Kit inside a Blackhawk?

Why aren't these things "fixed" in a patch if they are not allowed?

Edit: I don't get it... what exactly are you supposed to use the 3 rear slots in a blackhawk for, transport only? If so, why are they open so you can "chunk" C4 out or use the wrench? Is it ok to resupply people throwing grenades and mines, but not C4? Is it not ok to resupply anyone in a chopper? Under the same logic, is it then also not ok to be a medic inside a Blackhawk? And is using C4 in a Blackhawk ok so long as you don't resupply? Or perhaps, only resupply upon landing? What if you get resupplied by hovering over a supply crate instead of with the support class? Perhaps EA needs to rethink how the Support class works if it's going to even consider limiting gameplay in this fashion?

Last edited by Torin (2006-02-08 13:04:40)


IndianScout wrote:

The new ROE is up Authored by EA and US and are official ... … .php?t=251

The ROE seem reasonable except:
" Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking"

Engineers cannot repair the Blackhawk now?  Is this what you really mean?

This rule is so vague as to make it impossible to know what is right and what is wrong.
If I am in a Blackhawk as support, I AUTOMATICALLY resupply whoever needs it.  HOW do I know, let alone control, what others in the Blackhawk do with the ammo I AUTOMATICALLY supply?  Are the others in the Blackhawk C4 Chucking?  Are they throwing Nades?  Are they throwing Nades at legitamate targets?  Are they throwing Mines?  HOW CAN I TELL?
I am a very "Black and White" thinker (something my wife points out all the time).  I need some help here to know how I make sure I follow the ROE.
If I think someone is "C4 Chunking" and I am resupply, do I have to bail out of the Blackhawk?

Help me understand this.

Last edited by EsP-Grandpa (2006-02-08 13:14:15)

+68|6992|Reefersyde, CA
you dont recieve any repair points while in the BH repairing it.   no points no one really does it.
+86|7088|New Zealand

dankassasin42o wrote:

you dont recieve any repair points while in the BH repairing it.   no points no one really does it.
uh, who are you?
If "high point" servers aren't allowed, why are the some out there with that name in their title? Wouldn't EA not allow them to run?

Sorry if I'm missing something. I'm still new at the game and don't exactly understand how EA can keep track of all the servers.

dankassasin42o wrote:

you dont recieve any repair points while in the BH repairing it.   no points no one really does it.
I do it all the time. One part of a successful BH crew is to have someone constantly repairing it, so you can keep flying around gunning people down. Not having to fly back to the base for repairs is one of the things that makes the Blackhawk and MI-8 so great.

If EA is going to say that this behavior is wrong, they need to patch the game to make it impossible. If they think resupplying inside a Blackhawk is wrong, they need to change the behavior of how the medic/engineer/support kits work inside vehicles. If they think toss C4 out of the side of a Blackhawk is wrong, they need to make it impossible.

All of this behavior is pretty common stuff, what if someone never hears of these ROE and plays a 24/7 Mashtuur server, tossing C4 out of the side of a Blackhawk going for their explosive badges? If someone from BF2RS catches on, do they just get stat wiped for doing what everyone else does all the time?

This isn't a "well that guy cheats so I should be able to cheat too" type of scenario, this is very basic gameplay that happens all the time, everywhere. They're saying that typical, non-exploitive behavior is against the rules.... if so, why is it even possible?

Last edited by Torin (2006-02-08 13:12:56)

Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking

that rule doesnt make any sense - the whole teamwork element of the chopper is to have engineers repairing it as it travels
how would you enforce this anyway - you cannot see the engineer actually repairing most of the time
ridiculous rule - its not the players fault that the other transport choppers were not given equal weaponry
how in pete's sake are they gonna enforce those unreasonable rules like repairing in back of BH..?  If they want to do that, they should also forbid medics, engi's and support to grab any vehicle, because they automaticaly repair, resupply or heal nearby units....  Where do you draw the line????
+383|7033|The Netherlands
Lol, didnt know ea had a roe.

I agree with nm156, a specified list of §1.4 would be cool.

*sticky request*
so according to these guidelines... waiting outside of the uncapturable base is spawncamping. what if it is the only base remaining? what are we supposed to do? let them escape and capture one of our base? any clarification would be appreciated.
wow, them are some gay rules.
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
So EA make it nearly fecking impossible to get engineer points and then something like repairing the black hawk..which i think is valid method and they want to out law it..its hyprocisy

EA are full of shit

bigelectricat wrote:

so according to these guidelines... waiting outside of the uncapturable base is spawncamping. what if it is the only base remaining? what are we supposed to do? let them escape and capture one of our base? any clarification would be appreciated.
If you are talking about "Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping)".

That is under the section for private server rules.  Rules that a private (NON EA) server CAN have.  If the server has that kind of a rule, it will be up to them to define it.
I think that sitting OUTSIDE the base is not spawncamping, but that's just me.
+572|6972|BC, Canada
dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
I cnat slpel!!!
Great to have a set of RoE - would be even greater if the wording was complete. If this is official policy, why doesn't it sound like it?
There is, ubelievably, a reason why most US warnings are so exhaustive that you actually age 1 year if you manage to read an entire warning label. It is so that everyone can agree on and work on the same terms...

C4 chunking? wtf? I realize (I think) what it means, but wold it hurt people if they spelled it out?
"Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking" <--- Did they run out of processor-power, or could they perhaps have didided this up into
Engineers repairing BH
Support resupplying while Spec Ops deploys C4

I agree with everyone here - you can't pull out a wrench if you sit next to the driver of a car, but you can if you sit in the BH... So yeah - if you wanna prohibit it - just make it impossible to pull out a weapon (you sit there until you parachute out and into the fray)

I don't want a full blown constitution - but hell, complete sentences would be great!
I made a post about this on to get our comments/complaints more publicity, feel free to add your remarks to it: … php?t=3492
I cnat slpel!!!

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
You arn't paying to play on ranked servers... EA doesn't give a damn what you do in singleplayer, but it it defined as a privilige to play on a ranked server - so therefore they have the right to set the rules which all must follow.

Friluftshund wrote:

I don't want a full blown constitution - but hell, complete sentences would be great!
AMEN.  I am reasonably happy to follow the rules, but when I can't figure out when I am breaking the rules it becomes less a game and more like work (or marriage )

PLEASE clarify what is meant.

Last edited by EsP-Grandpa (2006-02-08 13:40:29)

I'm your pusher
+9|7050|yorkshire penisula
as more or less half the people in this thread i go wtf to this:
"§ Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking"
you have gotta be shittin me right?so next time i wanna go fly with me and my mates on mashtuur i better tell them all to go sniper kit?
havin a engineer in the back fixing it while a spec ops guy throws c4 out back to destroy armor and infantry and have sumone supply that spec ops  is against the "ROE"?
maybe sumone should give good reason for this.
hacks and explotis i can understand but using a vehicle the way it should be is wrong?
so chuy i think it was who got his expert explosive hangin out of the back of big bertha will get reset?
+4|7141|Berlin, Germany
Lol?! BH.... Without all the stuff in there... clever
so now how the ingenner will be able to get repair points? if everyone ran away from you when you want to repair them, looks like a lot of ingeneers will be spending a lot of time in the back of vobniks while someone runs like crazy in the mashturr city streets
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
TBH its f..king bollox.....i wouldnt cheat etc...but ive paid my money and if i wanna go engineer and thes something to repair..ill bloody repair it

Im director too Indian directing my foot up EAs money driven f..king arse and ill adminster a chinse burn to evryone at f..king dice too
The H4xor Mod
+161|7160|North Texas
Let's ease up a little bit. I'm sure these guys are open to suggestions, so give them time to respond.

There's no reason to release the hounds... yet. Relax peeps!

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