
At what age is it Ok for kids to learn about Politics in school?

Before 1028%28% - 24
Between 10 and 128%8% - 7
Between 12 and 1528%28% - 24
After 1535%35% - 30
Total: 85
Cowboy from Hell
Politics whether you like it or not is a very important part of your life, by which you make decisions that will affect your future and the future of your family.  I'm not talking about partisan propaganda, just politics, the voting process, the different sides of a political spectrum, how laws are conceived, constitutional rights and other sutff.  In most countries you'll be able to vote at the age 18.  So, at what age do you consider it's ok for kids lo learn about politics?
Evil Overlord
It seems that my peers have no care for politics, they prefer to remain ignorant. (18yrs) They just don't want to know, and that makes me mad.
less busy
+586|7008|Kubra, Damn it!

There shouldn't be a minimum age for learning about the voting process, how laws are conceived and constitutional rights. We learned about all that stuff in elementary school. Hell, they used to teach that stuff during Saturday morning cartoons (anyone remember "I'm just a bill" from Schoolhouse Rock?). However, bringing up the issues is going to be different for each issue and each kid. Freedom of speech is fine for any age. Foreign policy and CIA interrogation techniques require a more mindset.

The red/blue propaganda shit shouldn't even be taught to adults. For a good example why not, see how it's warped David's young mind.

Last edited by chittydog (2007-12-13 08:37:16)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6303|North Tonawanda, NY

chittydog wrote:

Hell, they used to teach that stuff during Saturday morning cartoons (anyone remember "I'm just a bill" from Schoolhouse Rock?)
I agree with chittydog...and I have this to add, from The Simpsons

I'm an amendment to be, yes an amendment to be,
and I'm hopin' that they'll ratify me.
There's a lot of flag burners who have got too much freedom.
I wanna make it legal for policemen to beat 'em,
cause there's limits to our liberties.
'Least I hope and pray that there are,
cause those liberal freaks go too far. 

kid: Well why can't we just make a law against flag burning?

Amendment: Because that law would be unconstitutional.
But if we changed the Constitution...

kid: Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!

Amendment: Now you're catching on!

Kid: What if people say you're not good enough to be in the Constitution?

Amendment (singing):
Then I'll crush all opposition to me,
and I'll make Ted Kennedy pay.
If he fights back, I'll say that he's gay.
+385|6664|Northern California
I voted after 15 because like sex education and some other important life teachings that should be taught by parents, politics should start gradually well before 15.  For example, my 6 year old daughter knows that George Bush is our country's worst president, that he illegally attacked Iraq and has killed many many thousands of people and caused the death of American soldiers and my daughter also knows that whenever Dick Cheney speaks, he's automatically lying.  Man it feels good to nourish young minds with the truth before they get all jacked up in school!

For me, I had General Political Science in my Junior year in High School (age 17).

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2007-12-13 09:27:41)

+354|6432|Basel, Switzerland
I would really love to have a politics class, but since we're in soviet Switzerland...

Well, I talk with my friends about it and this is all I can do
+1,352|6667|N. Ireland
At any age! My school doesn't offer Politics until Sixth Year (Year 13/14) which is very annoying. I'll definetely be studying it though
I went down and signed up for the Electoral Register the day after I turned 18. Not normally the first thing on everyones' mind, with all the drinking and general celebrations aside (talking specifically about UK here). I'm quite interested in Politics - although not enough to 'study' it - so I'm taking a bit of a pro-active approach towards it. I'm fascinated by political philosophies and ideas, but just not so much into the practical side of campaigning and going on the election trail etc...

People should generally be encouraged to take notice and take part in politics when they reach a legal voting age. Anything before that (within the context of a democracy) is a little bit invalid and irrelevant, as they can't actively partake in the system. However, if you don't encourage young people to vote and take interest, then all sorts of complications and problems arise. If you have an entire generation of politically-idle people, then the politicians in power surely won't represent the views and values of the working majority!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6715|Texas - Bigger than France
Politics should not be taught in school, period.  Here's why and what happened to me in Middle School:

I was an American in Canada and argued with a history teacher about Pearl Harbor.  I ended up in the Principal's office.  The teacher yelled at me.  The Principal yelled at me.  I did not do anything but calmly disagree, ask for proof, and explain a different point of view.

Is your grade affected by having differemt politics?  Absolutely.  Is that a fair way to educate people? No.
+244|6862|arica harbour

Pug wrote:

Politics should not be taught in school, period.  Here's why and what happened to me in Middle School:

I was an American in Canada and argued with a history teacher about Pearl Harbor.  I ended up in the Principal's office.  The teacher yelled at me.  The Principal yelled at me.  I did not do anything but calmly disagree, ask for proof, and explain a different point of view.

Is your grade affected by having differemt politics?  Absolutely.  Is that a fair way to educate people? No.
poltitics should be taken away from school. from what is seems like m8 based on what you say are three things i can think if

1) politics is crap to you because of you being treated badly by the principal. you excercised your right to freedom of speech as an american. the principal has no right to do what he did  to you unless you are spraypainting your messages on school property
2) without some debate, arguement, or even a say on what goes on, there would be no politics, no freedom
3) if politics is not taught at an early age, how will todays children learn about the world around them whether they are positive or negative. do you think they can learn about it through a teacher or the news, no , they got to do research about it, read it in the news paper.

4) i know i said three things that i can think of. you are trying to say that there politics or any government/civics/ethics class is futile to atttend to or learn about. in my mind based on the Book :Lipstick Traces that i read a few years ago, i am getting one picture out of you. Ill say this m8: WITHOUT SOME KIND OF GOVERNMENT OR VIEWS OR THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, YOU ARE INVITING SOMETHING CALLED :APATHY/ ANARCHY.

the sex pistols of the UK during the late 60's and 70's wrote a song about it. freaky song but some of the points i agree with. but there has to be some sort of control, without politics, we lose ourselves and our desire to make whats better in our life possible.
+385|6664|Northern California
No, it can be taught in school, just be certain you're not learning the teacher's narrow version of them.  But then this means the text has to teach a balanced view of politics too...and have a very general approach.

POlitics in high school is important because after all, you're training a teen ager to be a contributor to society..one who will soon be voting and implemented into a political society who should have an opinion.  What bugs me is when i ask coworkers about who they're backing or considering for votes and they say they pay NO attention to anything political.  That sad, complacent attitude is one big reason our country sucks so bad when it comes to voting.  It's why there's barely 50% of registered voters turning out for any given general election...if that!
less busy
+586|7008|Kubra, Damn it!

Pug wrote:

Politics should not be taught in school, period.  Here's why and what happened to me in Middle School:

I was an American in Canada and argued with a history teacher about Pearl Harbor.  I ended up in the Principal's office.  The teacher yelled at me.  The Principal yelled at me.  I did not do anything but calmly disagree, ask for proof, and explain a different point of view.

Is your grade affected by having differemt politics?  Absolutely.  Is that a fair way to educate people? No.
I agree. Keep people ignorant because they might have a jerk for a teacher who yells at them. No one should also learn about history, sociology, public speaking, music, art or anything else somewhat debatable because your teacher might yell at you. Only teach math and hard science since it works in absolutes.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6715|Texas - Bigger than France


No, it can be taught in school, just be certain you're not learning the teacher's narrow version of them.  But then this means the text has to teach a balanced view of politics too...and have a very general approach.

POlitics in high school is important because after all, you're training a teen ager to be a contributor to society..one who will soon be voting and implemented into a political society who should have an opinion.  What bugs me is when i ask coworkers about who they're backing or considering for votes and they say they pay NO attention to anything political.  That sad, complacent attitude is one big reason our country sucks so bad when it comes to voting.  It's why there's barely 50% of registered voters turning out for any given general election...if that!
Another thought - look at what's being taught in some of the Religious-based nations aka Israel vs Islam and vice versa.  If you're going to teach politics, how will the curriculum be selected?

There's also pitfalls in the current education system.  Chef, let's say you are a teacher, and you need to present the idea of nationalized versus privatized healthcare.  You support nationalized heathcare.  Are you honestly going to present the topic in an unbiased manner so the students can think about it on their own?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6715|Texas - Bigger than France

chittydog wrote:

Pug wrote:

Politics should not be taught in school, period.  Here's why and what happened to me in Middle School:

I was an American in Canada and argued with a history teacher about Pearl Harbor.  I ended up in the Principal's office.  The teacher yelled at me.  The Principal yelled at me.  I did not do anything but calmly disagree, ask for proof, and explain a different point of view.

Is your grade affected by having differemt politics?  Absolutely.  Is that a fair way to educate people? No.
I agree. Keep people ignorant because they might have a jerk for a teacher who yells at them. No one should also learn about history, sociology, public speaking, music, art or anything else somewhat debatable because your teacher might yell at you. Only teach math and hard science since it works in absolutes.
The point is: nothing about school is unbiased, so are you really encouraging the students to think for themselves?
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Politics shouldn't be taught in school.

Civics, on the other hand, is taught at various points in school here in the US. The difference between the two being: politics is opinion, civics is the facts about how the government works.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
16 more years
+877|6699|South Florida
I dont think politics should be taught in schools.
Just like i dont think Religion should be taught in schools.

If you have a democrat teacher (basically 99% of the teachers union) then don't you think there gunna wanna sway the beliefs of kids towards one party?

Thats how the whole 'Hate Bush' trend got started. Kids.
1 kid tells another kid a lie and it escalates untill the point where is actually Uncool to say you support Bush, just because everyone else hates Bush.

Sick world.
15 more years! 15 more years!
Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Pug wrote:

Politics should not be taught in school, period.  Here's why and what happened to me in Middle School:

I was an American in Canada and argued with a history teacher about Pearl Harbor.  I ended up in the Principal's office.  The teacher yelled at me.  The Principal yelled at me.  I did not do anything but calmly disagree, ask for proof, and explain a different point of view.

Is your grade affected by having differemt politics?  Absolutely.  Is that a fair way to educate people? No.
I agree. Keep people ignorant because they might have a jerk for a teacher who yells at them. No one should also learn about history, sociology, public speaking, music, art or anything else somewhat debatable because your teacher might yell at you. Only teach math and hard science since it works in absolutes.
The point is: nothing about school is unbiased, so are you really encouraging the students to think for themselves?
Don't teach anything then.
Politics shouldn't be taught in schools, because 99% of teachers are Liberal.

I don't actually see how one could teach politics.
I am all that is MOD!

FEOS wrote:

Politics shouldn't be taught in school.

Civics, on the other hand, is taught at various points in school here in the US. The difference between the two being: politics is opinion, civics is the facts about how the government works.
I agree.  Learning about various historical governmental institutions should be pressed upon kids.  Kids shouldn't be taught what to think (which is essentially what 'politics' is).  Kids should be taught how to think.  The obvious idea though is that regardless of the medium, there will always be some sort of bias.  Perhaps we should focus our efforts on the educational system in general to alleviate the inherent bias in school curriculum, although it is much more common in History than anything else.

I think by the age of 15-16 there should be classes available for the critical analysis of governments and cultures.  Two classes I took in high school were the reason I pursued a degree in Political Science, and I would hope that could be the case for many other students as well.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-12-13 12:35:09)

I am all that is MOD!

sergeriver wrote:

Pug wrote:

chittydog wrote:

I agree. Keep people ignorant because they might have a jerk for a teacher who yells at them. No one should also learn about history, sociology, public speaking, music, art or anything else somewhat debatable because your teacher might yell at you. Only teach math and hard science since it works in absolutes.
The point is: nothing about school is unbiased, so are you really encouraging the students to think for themselves?
Don't teach anything then.
The key is to teach kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
16 more years
+877|6699|South Florida


sergeriver wrote:

Pug wrote:

The point is: nothing about school is unbiased, so are you really encouraging the students to think for themselves?
Don't teach anything then.
The key is to teach kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
15 more years! 15 more years!
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6715|Texas - Bigger than France

sergeriver wrote:

Don't teach anything then.
I'm not quite sure why you are arguing absolutism here.

Like someone said earlier - Civics yes, politics no.  We already cover both in school anyway.  But civics is the only one that is required.

Imagine you are the teacher.  Topic: History Israel.  Your goal: be unbiased.

Do you think that Israel schools and Islamic schools give an unbiased version of the above?

Fundamentally is that a good education for our kids?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
At age none. Teachers should worry about teaching youth how to think, not what to think.  Instruct them how to be mythodiacal and to calculate circumstances based on tangible evidence and then allow them to formulate their own agenda.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Oops, sorry KEN JENNINGS, didnt even read the other posts so I didnt meant to copy you.
Malloy must go

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