
What's your Body Mass Index?

< 132%2% - 3
13.1 - 16.04%4% - 5
16.1 - 20.029%29% - 33
20.1 - 2326%26% - 30
23.1 - 2618%18% - 21
26.1 - 3011%11% - 13
30.1 +6%6% - 7
Total: 112
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6394|Man Diego

Cougar wrote:

The BMI is bullshit.  That is why most of the USAF has abandoned it for their own version.

I am 6'9 and 310 lbs.  I have a gut I will admit, but I am by no means obese.  According to the BMI I am supposed to weigh 200lbs to be normal weight. 

Now you tell me what a 6'9 tall guy who weighs 200lbs will look like.  It would not look healthy.  When I graduated from basic training 5 years ago I was an inch shorter and weighed 240 and I looked like a goddamned holocaust survivor.  Now this stupid chart says I have to lose 110lbs or else I'm obese? 

Yeah, no.
Yeah, I hear you Cougar.  I am 6'7 and 255.  I am by no means fat.  This thing says I need to way 221 to be at the top end of the "normal" weight range.  I don't think I have weighed 221 since I was in high school.

On another note:  Damnit Cougar, I guess I am not the BMOF (Big Man on Forums). LOL.  Is anyone else taller?
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Bang on 20.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6680|Milkystania, yurop
25 but since i hit puberty i have always been "overweight" in those diagrams , but i got muscles and shiat so its all good and now i weigh 85 kg and go out jogging just 4 teh lulz
I'm 18 or something
The calculation is inaccurate.  It's a measure of your body's total displacement versus your total weight.  You can't get that without jumping in the water.

I score as "obese", yet my fat percentage is very low...

18.1, yes I'm a skinny fuck but, it's also wrong.
+127|6498|Twyford, UK
6'2", 115lb.
Fucking winter, fucking bloody bout of flu, I'm meant to be about 15lbs heavier than this!
+152|6680|London (At Heart)


As average weight as it gets.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

6'2", 115lb.
Fucking winter, fucking bloody bout of flu, I'm meant to be about 15lbs heavier than this!
I've been ill over the last week and havent eaten anything more than Cuppa soups since friday, I know I have lost weight but I cant be bothered to find out how much I weigh now as it's not really an accurate representation.

Last edited by Shem (2007-12-13 08:31:49)

Dropped on request

I'm such a fatty
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Cougar wrote:

The BMI is bullshit.  That is why most of the USAF has abandoned it for their own version.

I am 6'9 and 310 lbs.  I have a gut I will admit, but I am by no means obese.  According to the BMI I am supposed to weigh 200lbs to be normal weight. 

Now you tell me what a 6'9 tall guy who weighs 200lbs will look like.  It would not look healthy.  When I graduated from basic training 5 years ago I was an inch shorter and weighed 240 and I looked like a goddamned holocaust survivor.  Now this stupid chart says I have to lose 110lbs or else I'm obese? 

Yeah, no.
  • BMI is Bullshit. It was invented by some guy in the 1800s for a different purpose than it is used for today: to assign a health evaluation based solely on one’s weight and height.   
  • Based on the current BMI definitions, Brad Pitt is overweight and George Clooney is obese.https://i18.tinypic.com/8101atc.jpg   
  • Penn and a ripped body builder have the same BMI.   
  • Insurance companies inappropriately use BMI to determine who qualifies for health insurance and how much they must pay.   
  • The use of the word “epidemic” to describe obesity is sensationalist and doesn’t really mean anything.   
  • Fat guys can be better athletes than skinny guys. In the “fat guy” olympics, the skinny guy came in third after two obese men.   
  • The diet industry and “obesity watchdogs” are in bed together. An obesity conference they visited was mostly skinny people trying to sell the newest food and supplement magic-bullets for weight loss.   
  • We are genetically predisposed to eat and f*&%. That’s why we are here after all, our ancestors knew how to do those two things very well. Dieting goes against evolution. Science has invented a way to f@#$ without the consequences of unwanted pregnancies, but they haven’t found a way to eat without unwanted pounds. Yet.   

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6816|Groningen, The Netherlands
21 last time I checked, although as stated in this thread, it's all bullshit.
+605|6261|Birmingham, UK
I don't know so i put the one thats normal, mind, i am eating a big packet of bon bons and having pizza for dinner...

No idea, but it's probably gone up some since being at uni...
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Bf2-GeneralArnott wrote:

I don't know so i put the one thats normal, mind, i am eating a big packet of bon bons and having pizza for dinner...

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